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不久前在杭州召开的“2008中国期货分析师论坛”上,中国期货业协会会长刘志超就期货人才问题一针见血地指出:目前期货行业存在人才数量不足、整体人员素质不高、人才结构不尽合理、人才引进与培养和使用机制不完善等问题。  相似文献   

存在的问题个人银行结算账户备案不及时、备案信息不准确,无效信息占用系统资源等问题凸显。《人民币银行结算账户管理办法》(以下简称《管理办法》)第18条第2款规定,"符合开立一般存款账户、其他专用存款账户和个人银行结算账户条件的,银行应办理开户手续,并于开户之日起5个工作日内向中国人民银行当地分支行备案。"从调查结果看,100%的样本地市存在个人银行结算账户备案不及时、备案信息不准确及无效信息占  相似文献   

近年来,我国农产品期货市场日益规范,交易规模扩大,交易品种增加,但仍然存在交易品种少、体系不完善、法律法规不健全、投资主体结构不合理、合作组织及中介机构发展落后等问题。为推动我国农产品期货市场健康发展,必须不断开发新上市品种,进一步优化市场结构;加强农产品期货市场秩序整顿,加快立法,完善监管;加强对农户的教育和培训,塑造成熟的投资主体;通过建立农户自组型期货合作社、企农联合型期货合作社和信农互动型期货合作社等期货合作模式,帮助农户利用农产品期货市场增加收益。  相似文献   

中国期货经纪公司在内部治理方面存在着股权结构不合理、管理层独立性不强、监督机制不完善、独立董事制度尚未完全建立、相关利益主体对公司监控作用较小等问题;在外部治理方面存在信息披露制度落后和市场竞争不充分造成的经理人市场缺失等问题;期货经纪公司的经营业绩与其第一大股东持股比重、期货经纪公司的董事会和监事会规模、外部债权人质量、营业部数量等因素正相关,而期货经纪公司董事长兼任总经理现象则对公司业绩产生负面影响。  相似文献   

付蓉 《中国外汇》2019,(21):24-27
金融衍生品是现代市场经济的重要组成部分,是价格发现、资源配置和风险防范的重要金融工具。上世纪80年代以来,我国先后推出外汇期货、国债期货、股票指数期货等产品,国内金融衍生品市场进入黄金发展时期。但由于监管体系不完善、配套机制不健全、开放程度较低等原因,金融衍生品市场出现了大肆投机、操纵市场等问题,金融衍生品市场的功能没有得到充分发挥,成为了我国资本项目可兑换程度较低的部分。  相似文献   

开展境外期货套期保值业务,在防范企业现货进出口风险、规避价格波动风险、丰富企业贸易经营手段等方面都发挥着重要的作用。然而,境外期货套期保值外汇管理存在着一些不容忽视的问题,阻碍了业务健康、有序的发展,亟待完善。为此,我们选取吉粮集团进出口有限公司作为样本企业,结合业务操作中存在的问题及难点,深入剖析境外期货套期保值外汇管理现状,进而提出强化管理的对策建议。  相似文献   

股指期货推出以来,交易活跃,运行平稳,总体符合试点预期,但还需在市场制度、产品设计、投资者结构、风险防范体系等方面进一步完善沪深300指数期货自2010年4月16日启动以来,交易活跃,运行平稳,总体符合试点的预期,但还需在市场制度、产品设计、投资者结构、风险防范体系等方面进一步加以完善,以扩大金融期货市场的深度与广度,为资产管理者提供更为有效的途径。  相似文献   

随着股指期货及其他金融期货的陆续推出与完善,期货公司未来业务结构将发展较大改变,金融期货业务收入将远远超越传统的商品期货,且参与期货公司(包括股权、监管等层次)的主体更加多元化。  相似文献   

实施增值税备案减免税政策以来,这一备案类管理方式,在特定时期为部分纳税人享受减免税待遇,减轻税负,发挥了极其重要的作用。但是,近年来在实际操作过程中出现了许多问题,下面笔者就取消减免税审批手续后,备案类管理中存在的问题及加强后续管理提几点建议。一、增值税备案类减免管理中存在的问题事前宣传辅导不到位,备案工作弱化。备案类减免税,是指取消审批手续的减免税项目和不需税务机关审批的  相似文献   

徐伟浩 《金融纵横》2011,(10):31-35
当今,国际资本大量涌入新兴经济体,金融衍生产品发展也十分迅猛。股指期货作为一种管理风险的重要金融工具,在管理风险的同时,也是一把双刃剑,自身拥有极大的风险。我国去年推出了沪深300股指期货交易,在管理股市风险的道路上走出了关键一步。但我国股指期货的发展还处于初级阶段,对股指期货的风险没有形成全面的认识。本文从与香港恒指期货这个成熟市场比较的角度,运用VaR—GARCH模型对我国股指期货的风险进行实证分析,得出沪深300股指期货当前风险管理水平与恒指期货存在一定差距的结论,并建议加强跨市监管,完善我国股指期货的风险管理体系。  相似文献   

城市综合体:商业地产风向标   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据1月19日国家统计局公布的数据,2009年全国房地产市场成交量近9.4亿平方米,均价约4695元/平方米,全年房价涨幅24%。房地产量、价都创出了历史新高,是全年GDP增长8.7%的主要推动力之一。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the performance and regulation of the train operating companies in Britain's privatised railway system. It places regulation in context by examining rail privatisation, with particular scrutiny given to the theory and practice of the franchising process which established these companies. The record of the regulatory authority is assessed up to the announcement in 2004 of its planned abolition. This assessment employs critical financial analysis, and draws on non-financial performance indicators, in order to examine the extent to which it achieved its five main objectives: increasing the number of rail passengers; managing franchises in the interests of passengers; encouraging efficiency and economy in the provision of passenger rail services; encouraging investment in rail services; and securing a progressive improvement in the quality of rail services. The paper concludes that the regulatory authority's performance was “deficient” as it only achieved the first of these objectives. It places this failure in context by highlighting the fundamental problem—the flawed concept of fragmenting and privatising a loss-making rail industry in the interests of British capitalism. The “stronger” regulation envisaged by the Blair Government is revealed as a smoke screen behind which there is a continuing transfer of wealth from taxpayers to the owners and providers of capital.  相似文献   

Liability for managed care risks, the enactment of detailed state regulation of utilization management and the process requirements of accreditation agencies and managed care customers all create the need for new approaches to legal auditing. Concepts from industrial quality management theory can be used to define process elements that serve the legal adequacy of the utilization management process. The information systems that record information gathered and judgments made by reviewers and generate basic notices of certification can be designed so as to produce data relevant to compliance and liability management. These key process elements then can be analyzed statistically to develop plans for preventive counseling.  相似文献   

If the bank regulatory structure in developed countries, particularly those in the EU (as well as the US), were not changed, considerable private and social costs could be incurred. We first outline the current EU regulatory framework and describe and analyze recent bank crises and failures. Based on this record and on the (beneficial for consumers) changes in EU banking regulation, on new data on bank capital/asset ratios in ten European countries, and on an analysis of market and technological changes, we conclude that the present regulatory structure is unlikely to achieve banking stability in the future. We then propose and describe a regulatory framework that can deal effectively with this situation and show how it would affect EU banks.  相似文献   

That financial matters did not constrain industrial takeoff in the UK is generally accepted in the historical literature; in contrast, contemporary empirical analyses have found evidence that financial development can be a causal determinant of economic growth. We look to reconcile these findings by concentrating on a particular aspect of industrializing UK where inefficiencies in finance could have had bite: the finance of physical infrastructures. We document the historical record and develop the importance of spatial disaggregation and spillovers in both technological and financial development. We develop a simple model that captures the nature of infrastructure finance within a theory of endogenous growth where financial costs are endogenous. We argue that the conception of the finance‐growth nexus as a largely static, aggregative phenomenon misses out a good deal of complexity and we relate that complexity to a number of implications for regulation of both financial systems and the emergence of infrastructures.  相似文献   

We model corporate voting outcomes when an informed trader, such as a hedge fund, can establish separate positions in a firm's shares and votes (empty voting). The positions are separated by borrowing shares on the record date, hedging economic exposure, or trading between record and voting dates. We find that the trader's presence can improve efficiency overall despite the fact that it sometimes ends up selling to a net short position and then voting to decrease firm value. An efficiency improvement is likely if other shareholders’ votes are not highly correlated with the correct decision or if it is relatively expensive to separate votes from shares on the record date. On the other hand, empty voting will tend to decrease efficiency if it is relatively inexpensive to separate votes from shares and other shareholders are likely to vote the right way.  相似文献   

This paper argues that business school scholarship can be seen as the example par excellence of what we are calling extreme neo-liberalism. By extreme neo-liberalism we mean the coexistence in the same sphere of extreme externalization of costs and extreme regulation of the sources of value. We argue that this condition is most obvious in the research audits conducted in Britain, and spreading globally, audits that record both the extreme externalization in business scholarship of all the sources of the wealth expropriated by business, and at the same time, regulate the very labour that produces this extreme self-regulation. Although this self-regulated labour regards itself as complete, and although it regards its acts of externalization as acts of self-making, we consider the relation between pedagogy and scholarship in order to show how this pervasive form of self-regarding simply does not hold. We conclude by noting that if business scholarship persists in defining itself against all that makes wealth possible, and thus making itself, logically at least, worthless, it also opens the possibility of starting an investigation of wealth, worth and value, from another point of view, one not dependant of completing business, but competing with it.  相似文献   

Environmental decisions in a democracy should be transparent. Transparency allows all those who are interested in a decision to understand what is being decided and why. Transparency is especially critical for decisions that are intended to protect public health and safety, and that have long‐term consequences. Decisions are recorded through publicly available documents (such as Records of Decision), collectively known as the public record. In this paper the transparency of the public record is examined for a specific decision at the US Department of Energy (DOE) Hanford site. To do this, the concept of transparency is unpacked into seven objectives: clarity, accessibility, integration, logic/rationale, truth/accuracy, openness, and accountability; and a framework for measuring decision transparency is developed. Then a Record of Decision is evaluated based on four of the seven objectives. Throughout, the importance of understanding decision processes and expected outcomes, and the broad values underpinning activities and choices are emphasized. It is found that, while many aspects of the process are transparent, it is difficult to discern and connect the values, objectives, subobjectives and criteria used as the basis of the decision. Several information structuring improvements (value trees, decision paths, and simple graphics and tables) that could make the public record more transparent are suggested. Such improvements are necessary for long‐term stewardship because future decision makers are likely to rely on the public record as the primary source of decision information. If information is not transparent, future decisions may be compromised.  相似文献   

目前我国企业走向国际资本市场的步伐进一步加快,随之而来的对海外上市公司的监管也日显重要,但也存在诸如监管缺位、不完善的退市机制以及国际监管合作等问题。因此有必要建立操作性强的监管法律法规,重视综合监管,进一步完善海外上市公司的退市机制,加强国际间监管合作。  相似文献   

China IPO activity reaches $14 billion in Q3 of 2007, doubles from a year earlier. Number of companies listing in Hong Kong and Mainland China in Q3 hits quarterly record.  相似文献   

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