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中注协印发《会计师事务所特殊普通合伙协议范本》 为促进会计师事务所做强做大,帮助大型会计师事务所向特殊普通合伙转制,指导转制事务所加强和规范内部治理,中国注册会计师协会于日前印发了《会计师事务所特殊普通合伙协议范本》。范本重点对合伙事务所关注的合伙人条件、入伙与退伙、合伙人权利与义务、责任承担与追偿、合伙组织架构及职权...  相似文献   

为深入贯彻落实国办56号文件精神,促进会计师事务所做强做大,帮助大型会计师事务所向特殊普通合伙转制,指导转制事务所加强和规范内部治理,中注协于2011年11月11日印发《会计师事务所特殊普通合伙协议范本》(以下简称范本)。范本重点对合伙事务所关注的合伙人条件、入伙与退伙、合伙人权利与义务、责任承  相似文献   

于惠 《中国外资》2012,(15):163-164
本文针对特殊普通合伙会计师事务所在转制过程中可能会遇到的问题进行了深入分析,在此基础上提出了科学界定合伙人的有限责任范围、完善职业保险和风险基金制度、完善对于特殊普通合伙的监管等政策建议。  相似文献   

一、引言 特殊普通合伙制,是普通合伙制的特殊形式,其“特殊性”在于:一个合伙人或者数个合伙人在执业活动中因故意或者重大过失造成合伙企业债务的,应当承担无限责任或者无限连带责任,其他合伙人以其在合伙企业中的财产份额为限承担责任.合伙人在执业活动中非因故意或者重大过失造成的合伙企业债务以及合伙企业的其他债务,由全体合伙人承担无限连带责任.我国会计师事务所正在积极进行组织形式的改制,特殊普通合伙组织形式也正被大家所接受.根据财政会计行业管理信息系统的统计数据,截至2013年3月,我国共有会计师事务所7653家(不含分所),其中特殊普通合伙制会计师事务所45家,仅占0.59%.但是,在改革过程中难免存在一些问题,需要我们去探讨.  相似文献   

特殊的普通合伙会计师事务所是我国注册会计师行业发展的必然趋势。注册会计师行业人力资本高度集中,人力资本具有区别于非人力资本的独特产权特征。特殊普通合伙制下的有限责任以及人力资本的"专属性"特征使得会计师事务所债权人的利益保护处于边缘化的状态。完善的人力资本责任承担制度是对会计师事务所债权人利益的重要保障,也是特殊普通合伙会计师事务所做大做强的必要条件。  相似文献   

我国会计师事务所已全部与挂靠单位脱钩,改制成以注册会计师为投资主体的合伙会计师事务所和有限责任会计师事务所。这两种形式事务所有哪些区别?各有什么特点?笔者谈谈自己的看法。一、体制、责任的比较合伙会计师事务所是在合伙人之间互相信任基础上设立的企业。它的特点是靠人之间的合作,而不是资金合作。心不合难以成为合伙人,即使成了合伙人也难以维持。合伙所要天长日久就必须以心合为纽带,通过合利、合责来巩固合心,达到事务所的发展。合伙所的财产不为合伙所独立拥有,而属全体合伙人共同所有,合伙人是合伙财产的直接所有者…  相似文献   

实行特殊普通合伙制给会计师事务所管理带来本质的变化.从法律责任承担方式上看,有限公司制是公司承担法律责任,特殊普通合伙制是合伙人个人承担法律责任.合伙人胜任能力缺陷导致审计失败所形成的赔偿事实,要全体合伙人无限连带.从风险控制的主体和节点上看,有限公司制的风险控制是通过总分所架构,并设置相应部门和建立相应岗位责任实现风险控制,特殊普通合伙制则要求合伙人个人依赖自己的专业技能和合伙人之间的相互合作来控制,合伙人职责通过合伙协议相互承诺和约定,不得转移和委托.因此,规范合伙人行为对于特殊普通合伙会计师事务所的规范运行尤为重要.  相似文献   

特殊普通合伙会计师事务所在我国作为一个新生事物,其法律责任的确认、承担与举证等方面存在诸多不确定问题。本文通过分析特殊普通合伙法律责任中涉及的重要概念,确定注册会计师合伙人法律责任承担的评判标准、顺序、举证责任及有限与无限责任的范围。  相似文献   

一、明确目标,逐步建立科学的责任分担机制 特殊普通合伙是国际通行的适应会计师事务所特点的一种组织形式.与我国现行的有限责任和普通合伙两种组织形式相比,特殊普通合伙具有明显优势,尤其有助于会计师事务所做大做强.  相似文献   

会计师事务所组织形式的立法回顾(一)合伙制1993年10月全国人大常委会通过的《注册会计师法》规定“会计师事务所可以由注册会计师合伙设立”,并被列为第一种事务所组织形式。按照《民法通则》的规定,这种合伙属于普通合伙。合伙设立的事务所的债务,由合伙人按照出资比例或者协议的约定,以各自动财产承担责任,且合伙人对会计师事务所的债务承担连带责任。根据《合伙企业法》第五章的有关规定,“合伙企业对其债务,应先以其全部财产进行清偿。合伙企业财产不足清偿到期债务的,各合伙人应当承担无限连带清偿责任”,“其不足的部分,由各合伙人按…  相似文献   

This paper examines the ‘modernising government’ initiative in the UK, and the ‘flexibilities’ – lead commissioning, integrated provision, and pooled budgets – introduced in the Health Act 1999. This policy reform, and the associated tools to operationalise it, placed ideas of cooperation and partnership at the heart of inter-organizational relations in the domain of public administration, and gave prominence to the roles of management control practices in facilitating cooperation. We consider how the ideals of cooperation and partnership were discursively articulated, how professional and administrative boundaries were given visibility in particular legal cases, and what happened when local practitioners sought to make these ideals operable. We demonstrate how cooperation initially emerged as a ‘local’ phenomenon, both prior to and subsequent to the Health Act 1999. We then examine how those delivering services sought to mediate pragmatically between legal and policy injunctions to engage in formal cooperation, and the imperative to provide services across organizational and professional boundaries. Finally, we consider the limits of cooperation across organizational boundaries in settings with strongly developed professional enclosures. The paper draws on both archival material and fieldwork to examine what are termed ‘regulatory hybrids’ – those inter-organizational processes, practices and expertises that are formed from two or more elements that previously existed separately, and that emerge in part out of regulatory or judicial interventions rather than simply the imperatives of voluntary coordination. The paper seeks to build on suggestions for developing the links between the accounting and public administration literatures, and it draws on ‘governmentality’ studies to analyse the phenomenon. This argues for the importance of considering three distinct and interrelated layers or levels of analysis: the programmatic or discursive, the practices and processes to which such discourses are intrinsically linked, and the professional ‘enclosures’ that can emerge in some domains. While drawing on governmentality studies, we also suggest extending them by paying greater attention than is customary in such writings to localised processes and practices. In particular, we propose the concept of ‘mediating instruments’ to explain how management control practices link the larger political culture with the ‘everyday doings of practitioners’.  相似文献   

The use of journal entries to teach partnership taxation concepts provides students with a visual tool that liberates them from the memorization of formulas that has long been a staple in partnership tax education. Employing journal entries as our pedagogy, we present a case designed to be a comprehensive project for a stand-alone graduate partnership taxation course. We also provide guidance for how individual components within the case can be assigned, which could be particularly useful to instructors of business entity tax courses. Our case provides a resource that will assist instructors in teaching and students in understanding (1) the book accounting requirements, and (2) the interrelationship between the tax and book reporting requirements. Graduate tax students who completed this case in its entirety agree that the case meets its stated learning objectives, and that journal entries are an effective tool for analyzing partnership tax transactions and make learning partnership taxation easier.  相似文献   

中国产业投资基金组织形式探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
产业投资基金(也称私募股权基金或股权投资企业)已经成为全球资本市场的重要参与者,但在我国尚处于起步阶段.在我国现行法律制度下,产业投资基金可能采取的组织形式分别为公司制、有限合伙制及信托制.本文针对投资者权利、税收地位、激励机制、资金筹集、资本退出、承诺出资制度及监督机制等方而对三种产业投资基金进行了分析比较,认为公司制和有限合伙制提供了较为完备的制度规范和税收优势,应成为未来我国产业投资基金的主要组织形式.  相似文献   

我国《合伙企业法》的颁行对民族地区的合伙企业发展具有重要意义.在其积极影响下,我国民族地区的合伙企业在本世纪初期呈现出宏观上的递进发展态势.为更好地发挥法律制度对经济发展的调控作用,现行《合伙企业法》虽已是修订产物,亦应检视自身不足并作出进一步的改进.囿于地方立法在规制合伙企业上成效不够明显,我国民族地区对进一步完善《合伙企业法》有着迫切诉求.我国《合伙企业法》可在当场登记制度、不执行合伙事务合伙人权利制度、合伙人基本义务制度、合伙人变动制度等方面作出进一步完善.  相似文献   

印尼是东南亚地区人口最多的发展中国家,也是东盟内部最具地缘战略价值的经济体。中国与印尼在确立战略伙伴关系之后,双边的经贸关系无论是从横向上还是从纵向上都达到了有史以来最为密切的合作阶段,在当代的现实国际环境下继续深化拓展两国经贸合作关系已成为未来值得关注的新焦点。从地缘战略的视角来看,目前两国经贸合作关系仍以传统的商品贸易往来为主,对于财经领域内其他更深层次的战略性合作,在未来仍有很大的拓展空间。基于印尼语文献开展研究,可以为中国和印尼在战略伙伴关系框架下全方位拓展双边经贸合作关系提供新思路和新对策。  相似文献   

In a wide variety of international macroeconomic models monetary policy cooperation is optimal, non-cooperative policies are inefficient, but optimal policies can be attained non-cooperatively by optimal design of domestic institutions/contracts. We show that given endogenous institutional design, inefficiencies of non-cooperation cannot and will not be eliminated. We model the delegation stage explicitly and show that subgame perfect, credible contracts (chosen by governments based on individual rationality) are non-zero, but are different from optimal contracts and hence lead to inefficient equilibria. Optimal contracts require cooperation at the delegation stage, which is inconsistent with the advocated non-cooperative nature of the solution. A general solution method for credible contracts and an example from international monetary policy cooperation are considered. Our results feature delegation as an equilibrium phenomenon, explain inefficiencies of existing delegation schemes and hint to a potentially stronger role for supranational authorities in international policy coordination.  相似文献   

This paper analyses accounting education in Sri Lanka with particular reference to the university-profession partnership. In terms of the establishment of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Sri Lanka (ICASL) in 1959, the availability of accounting degree programmes in the university, and the on-going British influence in accounting, one might expect to find a vigorous accountancy profession in place, actively seeking to produce highly competent accounting professionals in adequate numbers suitable for its country's economic needs. However, such a situation would be misplaced. Over the past four decades ICASL has produced only 1800 qualified accountants in a country of 18 million population. Drawing upon a theoretical framework of professional accounting education, this paper explains the lack of a proper partnership between the university and the professional body over the last four decades in Sri Lanka, and speculates as to whether ICASL purposely exerts control over the supply of accountants by limiting the membership only to those who complete its own examinations.  相似文献   

When managers from Wendy's International and Tyson Foods got together in 2003 to craft a supply chain partnership, each side had misgivings. There were those in the Wendy's camp who remembered past disagreements with Tyson and those on the Tyson side who were wary of Wendy's. But the companies had a tool, called the "partnership model,'to help get things started on the right foot. Drawing on the experiences of member companies of the Global Supply Chain Forum at Ohio State University, the model offers a process for aligning expectations and determining the most productive level of partnering. It rapidly establishes the mutual understanding and commitment required for success and provides a structure for measuring outcomes. This article puts the tool in the reader's hands. Partnerships are justified only if they stand to yield substantially better results than the firms could achieve on their own. And even if they are warranted, they can fail if the partners enter them with mismatched expectations. Over the course of a day and a half, the partnership model elucidates the drivers behind each company's desire for partnership, allows managers to examine the conditions that facilitate or hamper cooperation, and specifies which activities managers must perform to implement the relationship. This tool has proved effective at Wendy's and elsewhere in determining what type of partnership is most appropriate. Colgate-Palmolive, for example, used it to help achieve stretch financial goals with suppliers of innovative products. But the model is just as effective in revealing that some companies' visions of partnership are not justified. In matters of the heart, it may be better to have loved and lost, but in business relationships, it's better to have headed off the resource sink and lingering resentments a failed partnership can cause.  相似文献   


This Teaching Resource outlines and reflects upon the use of an innovative corporate associate partnership scheme as part of the delivery of an Auditing course to final year undergraduate Accounting students at a university in the UK. It outlines the motivations behind a practitioner's involvement in teaching delivery, along with the formulation, design, and implementation of the scheme. The authors provide insights from their experiences so that others, at different institutions, may replicate or adapt such a scheme. This could be extended into subject areas other than Auditing, with the delivery pattern being altered as appropriate to suit the needs of other institutions and associated practitioners. The Teaching Resource provides reflections on the partnership from the students, the module tutor, and the associate involved in its delivery.  相似文献   

When it comes to social responsibility, most companies are content to write out checks--often in large numbers--and let it go at that. General Mills is one company that likes to establish operating ventures that involve corporate officers and champion a cause. Such a venture is Altcare, a nonprofit organization designed to find more effective and less expensive ways of caring for elderly people who are getting frail but do not require acute care. In 1983, when the company chose this area as its next project, it realized it needed help from an organization with vast experience in the geriatric field. So it enlisted a nearby organization, the Wilder Foundation, and went into partnership as Altcare. The partnership has launched a service network for victims of Alzheimer's disease, a program with three other institutions to meet the myriad needs of chronically impaired people, and an unusual residence for physically impaired people, among other ventures. Altcare looks for advances and ideas that can be replicated, and the partnership often lends money to entrepreneurs who want to launch pioneering efforts or replicate Altcare initiatives. The cost to General Mills: about $80,000 a year after taxes, plus its share of any losses in project investments incurred by Altcare.  相似文献   

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