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企业应先确保操作的合规性,并通过VaR等工具确定套保比例。在此基础上尝试多市场、多产品的灵活切换,适时实施分层对冲策略。  相似文献   

极端值模型是准确估计"厚尾"分布金融资产回报市场风险的有力工具,本文研究了基于GPD分布的极值理论中的POT模型,并通过比较分析各种方法选取的阈值,得出最优的阈值u,最后通过POT模型计算VaR和CVaR值。  相似文献   

利率的市场化导致商业银行利率风险凸现,本文分析了目前商业银行采用的四种利率风险管理方法:缺口管理,久期管理,VaR方法和利用金融衍生工具法,认为我国金融市场发展现状下,衍生工具大量缺失,银行的利率风险管理应该由主要采用缺口管理改为主要运用久期管理,并在信息技术支持下,研究和使用VaR方法,对利率风险进行动态、全面的监管,同时对衍生工具进行研究,在人才和技术等方面进行准备,最终实现利用衍生工具这一方便、灵活又成本低廉的工具对利率风险进行有效管理的目标。  相似文献   

韩世勇 《会计师》2010,(4):76-77
<正>金融衍生工具具有对冲和套期保值的特有功能,但也天生具有高杠杆性和高风险性,如果使用不当会给企业带来巨大的损失。从金融衍生工具发展历程来看,灾难性的金融衍生工具事件接二连三地在发生,如巴林银行倒闭、美国橘郡投资公司破产等。我国近年来也发生了国航、东航、中信泰富等套保损失案。本文试图从企业内部控制角度寻求套保损失的原因,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

我国燃料油期货套期保值功能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周璇 《时代金融》2008,(1):30-32
国际成品油现货市场的剧烈波动给我国燃料油期货市场功能发挥提出了新的挑战。本文采用了最新的交易数据对我国燃料油期货市场和现货市场进行了实证分析,研究我国燃料油期货市场的套期保值功能。通过比较基差风险和现货价格风险,检验期货价格和现货价格的相关性,讨论期货市场套期保值的效率问题,认为目前我国燃料油期货市场本身并不比现货市场风险小,但在一定程度上发挥了套期保值的功能。通过分析价格走势和基差波动特征,得出我国市场适合使用HKM模型来计算套保比,最后基于HKM模型本文给出了单个合约的最优套保比序列。  相似文献   

本文以满足一致性风险度量准则的CVaR为套保目标函数,采取从期货到期权的两步法估计期权动态最优套保比率,建立了基于尾部风险管理的期权动态套保模型,并以沪深300指数系列衍生品为样本开展了实证分析和稳健性检验。研究表明:(1)通过两步法建立的期权套保模型估计出的期权最优套保比率,既充分反映了衍生品市场与现货市场的动态相依关系,又有效克服了期权价格在不同到期阶段受标的资产价格之外因素的影响;(2)实证结果显示,不管沪深300ETF价格处于上涨周期还是下跌周期,期权动态套保效果均优于期货动态套保,充分体现了期权非线性特点在尾部风险管理中的优势;(3)策略选择上,在市场大幅波动背景下,多行权价期权组合套保效果优于单一行权价期权套保;(4)较宽的调仓阈值设置在市场涨跌幅较大时套保效果更显著。  相似文献   

王金娥 《时代金融》2014,(11):151+157
用期货合约进行套期保值对降低投资组合风险非常重要。本文采用ECM-GARCH模型对我国铜、铝期货市场的最优套期保值比率和套期保值绩效进行了实证研究。结果表明:对铜期货,用时变的套保比率进行套保效果要弱于用不变的套保比率;但对铝期货来说,动态模型在套保效果上要优于静态模型。  相似文献   

王珏 《时代金融》2008,(10):28-30
目前,金融资产市场风险的通用度量工具为VaR(Value at Risk)模型("风险估值"模型),在几个巴塞尔协议形成后,用VaR度量金融风险更是受到普遍关注。文章试以外汇市场的风险度量为研究对象,收集近三年来的外汇交易收盘价,使用VaR模型,论证利用VaR技术计算外汇风险的可行性。  相似文献   

在当前产业资本和金融资本结合越来越紧密的时代背景下,金融市场衍生工具成为生产型企业规避风险、稳定经营、资产保值增值的重要手段.本文通过对套保理论的总结与研究,对江苏大屯铝业有限公司铝锭套保业务的实践,提出在当前经济金融环境下可行性套期保值策略与有效性评价.  相似文献   

李雯 《时代金融》2014,(5):186+192
股指期货的上市使中国进入了金融期货时代,弥补了资本市场做空机制的空白,并为投资者提供了一种管理资产系统性风险的重要金融工具。投资者运用股指期货进行套期保值时,最关键的是如何确定最优套期保值比率。本文以ETF180指数基金为现货资产,通过沪深300股指期货上市以来真实交易数据对其进行回归分析,运用ECM回归模型计算发现最优套保率的数值结果较大,并对ETF180进行套保前后的市值对比,研究表明目前我国股指期货市场的套期保值效果良好,在实际操作中能够很好地对冲系统性风险,对投资者尤其是机构投资者来说是一种有效的风险管理工具。  相似文献   

套期保值、价格发现、资产配置是期货市场的三大基本职能。而在这三种职能中,最为重要的是套期保值,它是期货市场得以生存和发展的关键动因。在国内外套期保值研究中,最优套期保值比率的估计是套期保值研究最为核心的问题。而运用期货套期保值理论进行实践更是随着套期保值比率估计模型的不断优化、完善而向前发展的,本文通过对国内外套期保值研究相关文献进行分类,整理,综述,梳理出最优套期保值比率估计的研究思路和相关实证技术路线,概括出国内外最优套保比率的研究框架,以此来向国内相关研究学者指出未来的进一步研究方向,同时对国内期货交易主体进行套期保值操作提供了估计模型的选择建议。  相似文献   

Hedging and liquidity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
This article develops a model for evaluating alternative hedgingstrategies for financially constrained firms. A key advantageof the model is the ability to capture the intertemporal effectsof hedging on the firm's financial situation. We characterizethe optimal hedge. A wide range of alternative hedging strategiescan be specified and the model allows us to determine in eachcase if the hedging strategy raises or lowers firms value andby how much. We show that hedging firm value, hedging cash flowfrom operations and hedging sales revenue are not optimal. Thearticle highlights the fact that every hedging strategy comespackaged with a borrowing strategy which requires careful consideration.  相似文献   

We analyze the optimal hedging policy of a firm that has flexibility in the timing of investment. Conventional wisdom suggests that hedging adds value by alleviating the under-investment problem associated with capital market frictions. However, our model shows that hedging also adds value by allowing investment to be delayed in circumstances where the same frictions would cause it to commence prematurely. Thus, hedging can have the paradoxical effect of reducing investment. We also show that greater timing flexibility increases the optimal quantity of hedging, but has a non-monotonic effect on the additional value created by hedging. These results may help explain the empirical findings that investment rates do not differ between hedgers and non-hedgers, and that hedging propensities do not depend on standard measures of growth opportunities.  相似文献   

The current derivatives pricing technology enables users to hedge derivatives with the underlying asset or any other traded derivative. In theory, there is no reason to prefer one hedging instrument to another. However, given model errors, this is not true. Imposing some simple assumptions on the structure of model errors, this paper shows that to maximize hedging accuracy, there is an ordering to the hedging instruments utilized. Holding constant market illiquidities, one should always hedge first with ‘like’ derivatives, next with derivatives one layer down the hierarchy of derivatives, and lastly using the underlying.  相似文献   

本文以沪铜期货的多头套期保值为研究对象,分别利用OLS模型、ECM模型和GARCH模型对一月期铜和三月期铜的套期保值比例及保值效果进行了分析,发现OLS模型对一月期铜的套期保值效果要优于其他模型的保值效果,而ECM模型和GARCH模型在三月期铜的套期保值方面显示的效果更好。这说明在一般情况下,具有动态特征的计量模型适合于较长的期货合约,其套期保值效果更好。  相似文献   

This study presents empirical evidence on the efficiency and effectiveness of hedging U.S.-based international mutual funds with an Asia-Pacific investment objective. The case for active currency risk management is examined for a passive and a selective hedge, which is constructed with currency futures in the major currencies. Both static and dynamic hedging models are used to estimate the risk-minimizing hedge ratio. The results show that currency hedging improves the performance of internationally diversified mutual funds. Such hedging is beneficial even when based on prior optimal hedge ratios. Further, efficiency gains from hedging, as measured by the percent change in the Sharpe Index, are greatest under a selective portfolio strategy that is implemented with an optimal constant hedge ratio.  相似文献   

This study is based on the analogy between hedging a risky asset and keeping reserves to meet an unknown demand. The optimal hedging level, which depends on individual preferences, is regarded as a measure of risk. We determine the set of optimal levels and investigate the properties of the associated risk measures. This approach provides a new insight into Value at Risk (VaR). We consider it as a solution of a certain optimal inventory problem with linear cost and loss functions. We show that these functions determine the confidence level of VaR. In this way we obtain a simple model that helps us to choose a proper confidence level α and explains why supervisory institutions (such as the Basle Committee) choose a higher α than financial institutions themselves.  相似文献   

Hedging with Chinese metal futures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper evaluates different hedging strategies for aluminum and copper futures contracts traded at Shanghai Futures Exchange. In addition to usual candidates such as the traditional regression hedge ratio and the hedging strategy constructed from bivariate fractionally integrated generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (BFIGARCH) model, two advanced specifications are proposed to account for impacts of the basis on market volatility and co-movements between spot and futures returns. Empirical results suggest that the basis has asymmetric effects and optimal hedging strategy constructed from the asymmetric BFIGARCH model tends to produce the best in-sample and out-of-sample hedging performance.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of hedging and speculative pressures on the transition of the spot-futures relationship in metal and energy markets. We build a Markov regime switching (MRS) model where hedging and speculative pressures affect the transition probabilities between a stronger and weaker spot-futures relationship. It is found that hedging pressure increases the likelihood of transition, i.e. destabilises the existing spot-futures relationship, while speculative pressure reduces it, i.e. stabilises the relationship, in the copper, crude oil and natural gas markets, but this effect is relatively weak in the silver and heating oil markets. We also examine whether these findings generate practical benefits by testing the hedging effectiveness of the minimum variance hedge ratios (MVH) derived from the MRS models with hedging and speculative pressures. A relatively strong reduction of the portfolio variance, hedger's utility and value at risk (VaR) is observed in the energy markets.  相似文献   

张金清  尹亦闻 《金融研究》2022,503(5):170-188
投资者对股指期货与现货有着不同的模糊厌恶,本文首先将此假设条件引入带交易成本的Garleanu and Pederson (2013)投资模型中,并以指数基金对冲策略为例,构建了一个股指期货动态对冲的理论模型。与非对冲策略相比,基于上述模型设计的对冲策略投资绩效更好,动态最优成交额占目标交易额的比例更小,目标成交额对收益率预测因子的敏感性更大。借助上述模型,本文选取2010年4月至2021年6月的中国ETF指数基金和股指期货数据,并以2015年9月股指期货管理措施实施为界进行区间划分,实证研究发现:(1)中国A股市场的ETF投资组合进行股指期货对冲显著提升了投资绩效,但股指期货管理会削弱该作用;(2)投资绩效改善主要来源于交易成本的下降与目标成交额因子敏感性的提升,该机制受到股指期货管理的约束;(3)与Garleanu and Pederson (2013)、Zhang et al. (2017)相比,本文对冲策略保留“抗跌”特点的同时增加了“易涨”特性。本文研究结果表明,在当前大力发展机构投资者的背景下应不断丰富股指期货、股指期权产品谱系,降低股指期货交易成本并完善持仓约束。  相似文献   

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