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收入差距消除与城市化及产业结构选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文认为消除收入差距主要表现为东西部收入差距和城乡收入差距方面 ,因此 ,缩小收入差距重点应以这两个方面为重点 ,通过西部地区向东部的要素转移与加速城市化 ,实现增长与收入差距缩小双重目标 ,进一步又提出产业结构调整的基本方向  相似文献   

吕有吉  景鹏  郑伟 《金融研究》2021,487(1):51-70
本文构建一个包含财政支出和公共债务的世代交叠模型,以养老保险基金缺口弥补为核心内容,考察人口老龄化对经济增长的影响,并探讨采用何种基金缺口弥补方式更有利于促进经济增长。研究发现,若采用财政补贴方式弥补基金缺口,生存概率上升和生育率下降均提高经济增速;若采用发行公债方式或两者兼用方式弥补基金缺口,当人力资本产出弹性较小时相应结论不变,反之则经济增速随生存概率上升呈倒U型变化趋势,随生育率下降而提高。基金缺口弥补方式是影响经济增长的重要制度因素,人力资本产出弹性较小时发行公债方式下的经济增速最高,反之则为财政补贴方式。结合我国现实,本文认为政府应探索包括发行公债在内的多种基金缺口弥补方式以更好地应对人口老龄化,实现经济长期较快增长。  相似文献   

Can fintech close the gender gap in access to financial services? Using novel survey data for 28 countries, this paper finds a large and ubiquitous ‘fintech gender gap’: while 29% of men use fintech products, only 21% of women do. This difference exceeds the gender gap in bank account ownership at traditional financial institutions. While country characteristics and individual-level controls explain about a third of the fintech gender gap, the residual gap declines by 60% when accounting for gender differences in the willingness to use new financial technology, the suitability of fintech products, and the willingness to use fintech entrants if they offer cheaper products. The paper concludes by discussing drivers of differences in attitudes and implications for policy to foster financial inclusion with new technology.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the output gap leads portfolio stock returns. The paper conducts in-sample and out-of-sample forecasting of US stock portfolios formed on the basis of size and value. First, the paper finds cross-sectional portfolios are predictable in-sample by the output gap. Out-of-sample evidence is weaker but still generally supports the finding that the historical average benchmark can be beaten. Secondly and most importantly, we find mixed evidence that the Fama–French factor mimicking portfolios can be forecasted by the output gap. In particular, there is some out-of-sample predictability of the size effect (SMB) suggesting this lags the output gap. However, the output gap, a key business cycle indicator, cannot predict the value effect (HML) either in-sample or out-of-sample. Our results add to the prior literature which finds that the factor mimicking returns are related contemporaneously (Petkova and Zhang, 2005) or lead (Liew and Vassalou, 2000) economic indicators.  相似文献   

相对业绩差距评估对基金经理风险承担的激励研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基金经理在选择投资组合风险时,不仅会考虑基金的业绩排名,同时会考虑基金业绩之间的差距,由此提出了业绩差距排名,并提出了新的实证方法,即线性回归的方法来研究业绩差距排名对基金经理风险承担的影响,同时验证了BHS结论在中国基金市场中的适用性。结果表明BHS结论在中国基金市场中是不成立的,同时表明在中国基金市场中基金经理具有相对业绩排名目标,但此相对业绩排名是本文中所提出的业绩差距排名,此结论可以为监管部门规范基金投资行为以及为投资者选择基金提供参考。  相似文献   

从城乡投资差异视角看我国城乡收入差距形成的原因   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放以来,城乡收入差距总体上经历了缩小到扩大的过程。本文选取了1981—2008年的数据,从城乡投资差异的角度对城乡收入差距进行了实证分析。在控制相关变量的基础上。实证分析得出城乡投资差异是影响城乡收入差距的主要因素之一。其他影响城乡收入差距的因素还包括开放水平、就业的所有制结构、财政支农比例和城市化水平等。本文最后在实证分析的基础上,提出了相关缩小城乡收入差距的对策建议。  相似文献   

谭毅  袁缘 《吉林金融研究》2013,(11):26-34,60
现有研究普遍认为农村金融的发展能显著的促进经济发展和缩小城乡收入差距,政策性农业保险也是农村金融的重要组成部分。基于动态面板模型的系统GMM方法和2007—2011年中国农业保险数据,本文对农业保险与城乡收入差距进行了实证研究。实证研究结果表明:首先,农业保险发展能显著的缩小城乡收入差距。其次,农业保险发展与农村居民收入显著正相关,但与城镇居民收入不存在显著的相关关系。最后,农业保险发展与经济发展没有相关关系。研究结果还表明,城市化能显著地缩小收入差距,但教育、对外开放程度等可能会扩大收入差距。因此,加快农业保险发展是缩小城乡收入差距的可选路径。  相似文献   

本文以城市化、对外开放与城乡收入差距的作用机制为理论基础,运用基于VAR模型的动态计量分析方法,对我国1978—2011年城镇化、对外开放与城乡收入差距的关系进行了实证分析。结果表明:城镇化在短期有利于缩小城乡收入差距,而在长期则会对城乡收入差距的扩大产生微弱的作用,对外开放对城乡收入差距只具有短期的正向作用;控制变量金融发展水平有利于扩大城乡收入差距,财政农业支出有利于缩小城乡收入差距。在此基础上根据我国的发展现状,文章对实证结论进行了解释并提出了政策启示。  相似文献   

本文基于1994Q1-2008Q4的数据并分别利用三次趋势和HP滤波两种模型方法估计了我国的实时、准实时和最终产出缺口,分析表明,这一时期我国的产出缺口遭受了较大而且高度持续的修正,说明我国的实时产出缺口和基于事后修正数据估计的产出缺口有很大不同。由于产出缺口是货币政策决策的重要依据,而货币政策决策总发生在实时,不能等待后来产出缺口等数据信息的修正,因此,区分实时数据和事后修正数据对政策分析和评价而言可能就十分重要。  相似文献   

本文利用1990-2004年中国29个省市的面板数据,运用系统GMM估计方法,实证分析了金融资源不平衡、金融效率与地区收入差距之间的关系。得出结论是:金融资源分配的不平衡和金融效率水平的差异是导致我国城乡收入差距拉大的主要原因。因此,解决我国城乡收入差距,实现整个国家的和谐发展和共同繁荣,应当改变目前金融资源分配不平衡的现状,统筹城乡金融均衡发展。  相似文献   

本文在中国当前使用的流动性缺口管理方法的基础上,结合巴塞尔委员会《流动性风险计量、标准和监测的国际框架(征求意见稿)》(2009),给出关于流动性风险计量的改进方法。改进方法使用了高质量流动资产、净流动性缺口和净流动性缺口占总资产的比率三个指标,克服了传统流动性缺口管理没有充分考虑资产质量和资产流动性特征等缺点,更好地反映商业银行的流动性风险。通过实证分析先对国内3家银行2006~2009年年报数据进行比较,然后对国内10家银行2009年年报数据进行比较,进一步验证了改进方法的优越性。  相似文献   

本文主要研究了当存在劳动力异质性时城乡收入差距的动态特征,通过建立无限生命周期(Ramsey)模型,讨论了个人劳动能力随机性差异经济中收入差距的动态演化问题,并基于我国部分地区省级面板数据,构建计量模型实证考察了存在劳动力异质性时,财政支出结构对城乡收入差距的影响。研究表明,当存在劳动力异质性时,不同的财政支出政策会导致城乡收入差距的差异性变化,社会收入流动性下降,经济中存在一个稳定均衡的持续性不平等状态。  相似文献   

This paper examines the existence and nature of the expectation gap in Australia and whether recent changes to the wording of audit reports have affected that gap. A mail questionnaire was completed by auditors, accountants, directors, creditors, shareholders and undergraduate students. There was a gap between auditors and the various user groups under the old report wording prior to the issuance of the revised AUP 3. The modified wording in the revised AUP 3 had a significant impact on beliefs about the nature of an audit and the relative responsibilities of auditors and management. The modified wording eliminated some of the differences, but also created some new differences in beliefs about the messages communicated through audit reports. The auditing profession's fears about an expectation gap appear to be justified.  相似文献   

本文在安徽省1995—2012年城乡居民收入差距现状进行分析的基础上,运用灰色关联分析方法,分析了就业结构、二元对比系数、城乡全社会固定资产投资差距、以人均国内生产总值为代表的经济发展阶段和外贸依存度对城乡居民收入差距的影响,得出结论:二元对比系数、城乡全社会固定资产投资差距对城乡居民收入差距影响最大,就业结构、外贸依存度对城乡居民收入差距影响较低,并根据分析结果提出缩小安徽省城乡居民收入差距的相关政策建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of information and regulatory interventions in mitigating the executive gender pay gap. We find female executives receive about 34% less compared to equivalent males from the same cohort, which falls by half over tenure within the company, but remains systematically significant throughout. The gender pay gap is the highest for young female executives and in the financial sector. Both demand-side (board gender quotas) and supply-side (family policies) regulatory interventions are associated with a lower gender gap in executive pay. Board gender quotas are associated with lower gender pay gap for experienced female executives in the highest age bracket. In contrast, supply-side interventions are associated with lower gender pay gap for the youngest female executives. Our results have important implications for the relative effectiveness of public policies that aim to reduce gender imbalance in corporate leadership and pay.  相似文献   

改革开放30年来西部地区经济金融发展与全国的对比分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对改革开放30年来西部地区的经济金融发展情况进行了分析,通过纵向、横向比较发现,西部大开发以来我国区域发展差距拉大的趋势得到了一定缓解,但绝对差距仍不容忽视,西部地区与东部、中部地区相比发展仍相对滞后。并指出:阻碍西部地区发展的因素除了产业结构不合理、工业化程度较低、金融资源总量较小等客观条件制约外,更深层次的原因是西部地区自身保守落后的思想观念和陈旧的体制机制约束。因此,在新的历史时期,要深入推进西部大开发、实现西部地区经济又好又快发展,就必须解放思想、开拓创新,在增强自主发展能力的基础上,借助外部政策支持,推动西部经济腾飞。  相似文献   

This paper presents the findings of an empirical study on the audit expectations gap concerning the role of the auditor in corporate fraud cases. The purpose of the study is to assess the significance of a reasonableness gap, a deficient performance gap and a deficient standards gap in the specific context of corporate fraud. In order to distinguish all three elements of the expectations gap, respondents need a certain level of expertise on fraud. Therefore, in this research the audit expectations gap is studied primarily from the perspective of three groups of business managers, based on the fact that they typically have a special responsibility in fraud cases. Bankers are used as a control group to assess the potential differences between the views of business managers and ‘society in general’. This study provides clear evidence of a substantial audit expectations gap in the context of fraud, both with respect to the auditor's performance as well as the auditor's formal obligations as laid down in existing standards. However, compared to bankers, business managers are less inclined to judge auditors’ performance of existing duties as inadequate, and see fewer points where auditing standards should be amended.  相似文献   

Due to the dramatic ageing of the population, the German welfare state expects enormous challenges in the decades until 2060: either the contribution rates have to be increased by a full 20 percentage points, or the benefits must be cut by one-third – relative to their present growth path. Moreover, even in the otherwise copious German welfare state, the system of publicly financed long-term care benefits is characterized by a considerable coverage gap. In this paper, we analyze past and current reforms of the German financing system for LTC expenditures, and we argue that the coverage gap should be reduced by supplementing the welfare state with an element of mandatory funding. The financial crisis should not induce policy makers to default on this necessary financing reform.  相似文献   

This paper examines how stock market liquidity and commonality in liquidity are impacted by real-time output gap and inflation, as these macroeconomic variables have been shown to be the main drivers of monetary policy according to the Taylor rule. We show that an increase in the output gap and inflation lowers stock liquidity and increases commonality in liquidity, since it points to a contractionary monetary policy and is likely to lead to a decline in the liquidity providers' funding liquidity. This effect is larger for stocks with low market capitalization and low liquidity.  相似文献   

Using the Bayesian multivariate Beveridge-Nelson decomposition method, this paper estimates China's output gap based on a multivariate dynamic model featuring distinct interactions among real output, inflation, money, and the exchange rate in China during the period 1980-2010. The authors compare the statistical nature and potential forecasting effects of the resulting multivariate gap measure on monetary policy with those of the output gap measures based on univariate models. The empirical results show that only the measure based on the multivariate system significantly predicts monetary policy, which indicates that the output gap estimated by the multivariate system contains more information than the traditional measures for macroeconomic policy adjustments do.  相似文献   

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