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中国农村金融市场中非价格信贷配给的理论和实证分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文建立农村金融市场中非价格信贷配给的理论分析框架,基于特殊设计的直接诱导式询问方法,对农户面临的非价格信贷配给机制进行调查和识别,并实证分析影响非价格信贷配给机制的因素。研究发现,农村利率市场化改革以来,农村金融机构并没有将灵活的利率差异化管理作为弥补潜在贷款损失的手段。当前农村金融市场中多种类型的非价格信贷配给机制并存,农村金融机构的信贷合约特征和放贷行为偏好使得一部分农户被配给出信贷市场,一部分农户主动退出信贷市场。农村金融机构倾向于与农村地区少数生产规模较大、具有稳定收入和身份特征的农户建立稳定的、以重复放贷为基础的信贷供给机制,不具备这些特征的农户将面临配给,这与利率管制时期的放贷行为并无本质差异。未来须调整仅仅以增加农村金融供给解决融资难题的改革思路,深入到市场结构、信贷合约和产品创新以及包括公司治理、风险甄别和内部管理机制在内的农村金融机构治理机制等微观层面的改革。  相似文献   

以利率市场化金融环境为背景,描绘了利率浮动、金融机构差别定价与农村信贷配给程度的趋势变动图,进而推测两者之间的相互作用关系,并应用相关课题组的实地调研数据对推测结果进行实证检验。研究结果显示,利率定价的提高首先会适当缓解农村的信贷配给程度,随着定价持续上升,反而会逐渐加重农村信贷配给的遭遇程度。  相似文献   

文章使用1586个农户微观数据,基于农户分化视角,就社会网络资本对农户信贷配给的影响及其稳健性做了实证检验,发现传统农户更多受完全数量信贷配给影响,而新型农业经营主体更多受部分数量和交易成本型信贷配给影响;社会网络资本可有效降低农户受到的信贷配给问题,但在新型农业经营主体和传统农户之间存在差异:社会网络资本可有效降低传统农户的供给型和需求型信贷配给,但在降低新型农业经营主体的供给型信贷配给的同时却增加了其需求型信贷配给;因此,建议对辖区农户进行分类管理,发挥社会网络资本的保障功能,避免由此产生"人情贷款",从而降低农户信贷配给。  相似文献   

运用双变量Probit模型,采用四川省2160户农村家庭的调查数据,从实证角度分析我国农户在农村正规信贷市场中受到的借贷约束程度和影响因素;同时,采用供需联立离散选择模型,描述了农户借贷需求和金融机构发放贷款的相互作用。分析研究的结果表明,我国农户面临的信贷约束程度为30.5%,如果考虑数量配给的情形,这一比例上升至57.3%。农户的年龄、土地面积、房屋价值、有无社会关系、所在区域经济发展情况等对其受信贷约束的概率有统计上显著影响。  相似文献   

信贷配给是制约我国农村信贷市场建设的重要因素,也阻碍了农村金融环境优化、影响了农村经济的良性发展。通过引入制度因子,量化信贷配给,构建了信贷配给宏观计量模型,对我国农村信贷配给状况进行实证检验,结果证明,利率和制度因子是造成我国农村信贷配给的两大因子。应合理调控利率、推进深化改革、加大三农扶持力度,实现农村经济社会的和谐发展。  相似文献   

信贷配给理论研究不对称信息条件下自由竞争信贷市场运行机制,为货币政策变动影响实际经济的可能途径提供了比传统理论更为丰富的论证。信贷配给的客观存在限制了利率作为中介目标发挥的传导作用。中国经历着从非均衡信贷配给到均衡信贷配给的过程,信贷对货币政策的有效性会产生重要影响。因此,中国应采取组合的方式选择货币政策中介目标,以更有效地传导货币政策意图,更好地实现货币政策最终目标。  相似文献   

信贷配给的效率分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
导致信贷配给现象的原因有利率上限管制,信贷市场上的逆向选择和道德风险。利率上限条件下的信贷配给会导致信贷市场低效率,而信息不对称条件下的信贷配给则是帕累托改进。通过信贷配给的效率分析可得到我国利率市场化的相关启示。  相似文献   

双重信贷配给,指我国信贷市场对国有企业的信贷偏向(非均衡信贷配给,McKinnon,1973)和基于信息不对称原因造成的信贷配给(均衡信贷配给,Stiglitz和Weiss,1981)。本文采用深市A股上市公司2001—2009年的数据,检验了国有商业银行改革对双重信贷配给的影响,结果发现,随着利率市场化和国有银行改革的深入,民营上市公司遭遇非均衡信贷配给的程度减轻,而与信息透明度有关的均衡信贷配给的现象增强。  相似文献   

基于信息不对称的信贷配给均衡模型研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文建立了竞争和信息不对称条件下,信贷市场的信贷配给均衡模型,模型表明在为不同的借款人提供由贷款利率和贷款额度组成的相同贷款合同的情况下,信贷市场存在稳定的单合同均衡,信贷市场的均衡在信贷配给点达到,因而从信息不对称和均衡的角度解释了信贷配给现象。  相似文献   

中国区域信贷配给现状及区域差异分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球经济金融危机影响下,信贷成为推动我国经济发展的原动力,但目前我国区域信贷配给差异化现象相当严重,出现经济发达区域信贷配给弱化,经济落后区域信贷配给强化的空间差异状况,这在一定程度上影响和阻碍了区域经济发展。文章认为区域经济发展差异、宏观调控货币政策传导机制的区域差异、信贷政策的一刀切、存款准备金率的区域一致性和利率实质上的区域差异性、信贷管理体制的变革和信用环境差异等是造成信贷配给区域差异化的原因,正确认识上述原因,是有效消除信贷配给区域性和促进区域经济协调发展的根本前提和重要保证。  相似文献   

This paper develops the implications of heterogeneous bank loans for borrower and lender behaviour in a competitive bank loan market by considering the own funds-loan ratio as the ‘non-price’ loan term. It is shown that in equilibrium each bank will ration its loan to borrowers by providing them with the smaller loan and requiring the higher own funds-loan ration than they would desire at the equilibrium loan rate. Moreover, restrictive monetary policy that raises the opportunity cost of granting loans decreases the loan size and increases the own funds-loan ratio, but its effect on the loan rate and credit rationing remains ambiguous. Thus credit rationing may decrease as a result of restrictive monetary policy.  相似文献   

How did deposit interest rate ceilings, an important feature of the U.S. regulatory regime until the mid-1980s, affect individual banks’ lending and the transmission of monetary policy to credit? I estimate the effect of deposit rate ceilings inscribed in Regulation Q on commercial banks’ credit growth using a historical bank level data set starting in 1959. Banks’ credit growth contracted sharply when legally fixed deposit rate ceilings were binding. Interaction terms with monetary policy suggest that the policy impact on bank level credit growth was non-linear and significantly larger when rate ceilings were in place. Bank size and capitalization mitigate these effects. At the bank level, short-term interest rates exceeding the legally fixed deposit rate ceilings identify policy induced credit supply shifts that disappeared with deposit rate deregulation and thus weakened the bank lending channel substantially since the early 1980s.  相似文献   

Central banking is understood in terms of the fiscal features of monetary, credit, and interest on reserves policies. Monetary policy - expanding reserves by buying Treasuries - transfers all revenue from money creation directly to the fiscal authorities. Credit policy - selling Treasuries to fund loans or acquire non-Treasury securities - is debt-financed fiscal policy. Interest on reserves frees monetary policy to fund credit policy independently of interest rate policy. An ambiguous boundary of responsibilities between the Fed and the fiscal authorities contributed to economic collapse in fall 2008. “Accord” principles are proposed to clarify Fed credit policy powers and secure its independence on monetary and interest rate policy. The Fed needs more surplus capital from the fiscal authorities to be fully flexible against both inflation and deflation at the zero interest bound.  相似文献   

We provide a microfounded framework for the welfare analysis of macroprudential policy within a model of rational bubbles. For this, we posit an overlapping generation model where productivity and credit supply are subject to random shocks. We find that when real interest rates are lower than the rate of growth, credit financed bubbles may be welfare improving because of their role as a buffer in channeling excessive credit supply and inefficient investment at the firms’ level, but their sudden price decrease may cause a systemic crisis. Therefore, a well designed macroprudential policy plays a key role in improving efficiency while preserving financial stability. Our theoretical framework allows us to compare the efficiency of alternative macroprudential policies. Contrarily to conventional wisdom, we show that macroprudential policy (i) may be efficient even in the absence of systemic risk, (ii) has to be contingent on productivity shocks and (iii) must be contingent upon the level of real interest rates.  相似文献   

We consider the desirability of modifying a standard Taylor rule for interest rate policy to incorporate adjustments for measures of financial conditions. We consider the consequences of such adjustments for the way policy would respond to a variety of disturbances, using the dynamic stochastic general equilibrium model with credit frictions developed in Cúrdia and Woodford (2009a) . According to our model, an adjustment for variations in credit spreads can improve upon the standard Taylor rule, but the optimal size of adjustment depends on the source of the variation in credit spreads. A response to the quantity of credit is less likely to be helpful.  相似文献   

以上市公司披露的银行信贷数据为样本,实证分析产业政策指导对企业贷款利率的影响。结果表明:产业政策指导中的重点支持类企业和一般支持类企业往往获得了银行贷款的利率优惠,商业银行较好地落实了国家的产业政策;相比于民营企业,与政府有密切关系的国有企业获得了较低的贷款利率,商业银行的信贷决策表现出一定程度的所有权金融歧视。  相似文献   

Many emerging markets have undertaken significant financial sector reforms, especially in their banking sectors, that are critical for both financial development and real economic activity. In this paper, we investigate the success of banking reforms in India where significant banking reforms were implemented during the 1990s. Using the argument that well-functioning credit markets would reflect a credit channel for monetary policy at work, we test whether a change in monetary policy has a predictable impact on borrowing behaviour of several types of firms, including business group affiliated, unaffiliated private firms, state-owned firms and foreign firms. The empirical results suggest that unaffiliated private firms have the most vulnerable to monetary policy stance during tight policy regimes. We also find that during tight monetary policy regimes, bank credit of smaller firms is more sensitive to changes in the interest rate than that of large firms. In an easy money regime, monetary policy and the associated change in interest rate does not affect change in bank credit, change in total debt and the proportion of bank credit in total debt for any of the firms. We discuss the policy implications of the findings.  相似文献   

赵秋蓉 《济南金融》2013,(10):11-15
本文运用1996—2012年月度数据建立VECM模型,分析了货币政策对投资和消费的影响,结果显示:(1)货币政策对投资及消费的刺激作用存在非对称性,货币政策对投资的刺激作用比对消费的拉动作用强很多。(2)货币和信贷都可以对消费发挥积极作用,信贷的作用稍强,货币对投资的刺激作用几乎为零,而信贷对投资的拉动作用很明显。(3)利率对投资和消费都有一定影响,但不显著。分析表明,我国货币政策主要通过信贷渠道拉动投资来促进经济增长。通过进一步分析投资与消费的关系,发现当前应着力于扩大消费需求,而且目前财政政策对消费的刺激作用比货币政策有效。  相似文献   

We investigate empirically whether a central bank can promote financial stability by stabilizing inflation and output, and whether additional stabilization of asset prices and credit growth would enhance financial stability in particular. We employ an econometric model of the Norwegian economy to investigate the performance of simple interest rate rules that allow a response to asset prices and credit growth, in addition to inflation and output. We find that output stabilization tends to improve financial stability. Additional stabilization of house prices, equity prices and/or credit growth enhances stability in both inflation and output, but has mixed effects on financial stability. In general, financial stability as measured by e.g., asset price volatility improves, while financial stability measured by indicators that depend directly on interest rates deteriorates, mainly because of higher interest rate volatility owing to a more active monetary policy.  相似文献   

本文通过引入一个含有资本品生产不对称信息和消费品生产流动性约束的干中学世代交叠模型,证实了在干中学发展阶段和金融欠发达共同作用下,中国需要实行国家隐性担保和利率管制相配合的金融体制,并实行适应性货币政策,激励银行信用扩张,加速企业投资和经济增长。运用该模型能够较好地解释中国转轨时期正的货币非超中性和通货膨胀并存格局,并在此基础上剖析相应的兼顾经济增长和通货膨胀控制的货币政策双重目标体制根源。  相似文献   

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