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在社会使命和市场经济的双重驱动下,社会企业通过创新商业模式来解决社会问题。社会创投作为一种新型投资模式,解决社会企业发展难题。由于二者在国内起步较晚,学者们对社会创投如何影响社会企业发展的研究较少。借鉴风险投资和传统商业企业绩效评价体系,实证分析社会创投对社会企业绩效的影响,结果表明:社会企业在接受社会创投后绩效实现提高,并且资源获取在社会创投与社会企业绩效之间具有中介作用。这为社会企业绩效提升以及社会创投与社会企业的发展提供了理论参考和依据。  相似文献   

企业财务战略管理:一个企业能力理论视角   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业能力理论已成为研究企业理论与战略管理理论一个热门领域。企业的本质是知识与能力的集合体。财务战略管理作为企业战略管理的职能管理战略应该立足于企业能力现状,即从企业能力现状出发,进行具体的财务战略谋划;另一方面,财务战略管理应服务于企业能力尤其是竞争优势的培养这一企业能力目标。  相似文献   

The author makes the case that business generally, not just government, should assume responsibility for social and environmental problems. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) formally recognize the role of the private sector in addressing some of the world's most pressing environmental and social challenges. What started as a corporate social responsibility movement now a focuses on integrating positive social impact into the core mission of the organization. Encouragingly, studies document that improving firm performance on business‐relevant ESG issues has a positive association with future financial performance. Investors can enable better societal outcomes by exercising ‘voice’ and voting rights in corporate governance. He acknowledges that competitive businesses face a “commons” or “free‐rider” problem where a defector avoids the full cost of his actions. Overcoming this problem requires legally sanctioned collaboration between business enterprises and large institutional shareholders, particularly pension funds. He also acknowledges that the corporate level free‐rider problem has a counterpart that at the investor level. Investor engagement with companies involves resources, money and time. It is no simple matter to justify increased costs in the context of asset managers that compete on the basis of low management fees, such as index funds. Collaboration between companies can mitigate some of these free riding problems. Large institutional investors with long time horizons and significant common ownership across different companies may have the best opportunities for collaboration. But, smaller activist funds and retail investors also have an important role in pushing large institutional investors to engage. While it is unlikely that investors will be able to solve all of the pressing societal problems, progress can be made.  相似文献   

循环经济下的企业战略经营业绩评价问题研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
张蕊 《会计研究》2007,(10):62-66
随着循环经济发展模式的导入,企业的战略经营目标应定位于:以"3R"为原则,以生态化创新为内核,以竞争优势和核心竞争力的形成与保持为关键要素,谋求持续的企业价值最大化。适应于这一战略经营目标的企业管理应树立新的价值观、利益观和治理观;应在综合考虑影响企业循环战略经营业绩因素的基础上,突出强调生态化创新活动的管理,全局利益的把握。在建立与循环战略经营目标与管理特征相适应的评价指标体系进行循环战略经营业绩评价时,应围绕企业生态化创新展开,以财务业绩为根本充分体现资源利用率、治理效率和企业财务业绩的评价,注重评价体系的综合运用。  相似文献   

顾雷雷  郭建鸾  王鸿宇 《金融研究》2020,476(2):109-127
企业承担社会责任能够通过与利益相关者进行资源交换获得战略资源,但是战略资源对企业绩效的影响取决于企业的投资方向。在实体企业金融化愈演愈烈的经济环境下,本文利用2010—2017年中国A股非金融上市公司数据重点探讨了企业社会责任对企业金融化的影响及其作用机制。研究结果表明:(1)企业社会责任提高了企业的金融资产配置水平,存在“金融化效应”;(2)融资约束在企业社会责任对企业金融化的影响中具有部分中介作用,企业社会责任通过缓解融资约束加剧了企业金融化;(3)企业社会责任的“金融化效应”仅在外部监管力度较弱的非国有企业、内部治理水平较低的低股权集中度企业中存在,行政外部监督和企业内部监督能够在“融资约束—企业金融化”过程中对管理层的机会主义行为发挥治理作用;(4)识别机制检验证实了中国企业金融化主要出于利润最大化的“投资替代”动机。以上结论为政策制定者规范企业社会责任报告披露方式、引导金融回归实体经济具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

依据湖南省229家初创小微企业的调研数据,考量社会资本、政策支持对初创小微企业资金管理绩效的影响。实证表明:社会资本显著影响初创小微企业资金管理绩效;政策支持在社会资本与资金管理绩效中起调节作用,拥有良好政策支持的初创小微企业资金筹集管理绩效与运营管理绩效显著优于缺少政策支持的企业。初创小微型企业应不断丰富自身社会资本,积极利用政府提供的有利环境,提高资金管理绩效。  相似文献   

社会企业是社会创业的重要载体,是致力于解决社会问题的兼具社会和经济属性的创新组织,在服务于欠缺支付能力的弱势群体方面发挥着重要作用。通过与商业企业的比较,以区别于商业企业定价目标的社会使命收益最大化为出发点,借鉴三级价格歧视理论,研究社会企业的交叉补贴定价策略及福利效应,并以印度 Aravind 眼科医院为例分析,发现社会企业采取的交叉补贴定价是可行的,且在某种程度上实现了帕累托改进。  相似文献   

加强现代财务管理的必要性的原因是:新型的企业财务制度的初步形成;企业规模的扩大;企业财务管理是对企业产权的管理。加强企业财务管理的建议:树立金融意识;全面提升财务管理的层次和水平;加强成本管理;加强资金管理;加强资产管理;加强利润管理;加强风险管理;大力培养高素质的财务人员。自主管理、经营性主动管理、参与企业经营管理、优化资本结构是现代财务管理的几个要点。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the audit committee members of a board improve financial reporting quality if they are also on their organisation's compensation committee. Audit committees are responsible for overseeing the financial reporting process of organisations and have been urged to broaden their understanding of business risk and of the incentives provided by their firms’ executive compensation structures. Acknowledging the interrelationships among executive compensation, risk‐taking and financial reporting quality, members of audit and compensation committees have been advocating more information sharing between the two committees. Using archival data from a sample of Australian Stock Exchange listed companies, and discretionary accruals as a proxy for financial reporting quality, this study finds that firms with overlapping committees have better quality financial reporting than those without such an overlap. Our evidence for this is stronger in cases where managers tend to manage earnings upwards in order to meet or beat earnings benchmarks. We also find that the beneficial effect of the existence of overlapping committees is adversely affected by the equity holdings of directors with overlapping memberships.  相似文献   

The authors discuss the benefits of considering material environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors when investing in emerging and frontier markets. Companies that operate in these markets face a myriad of operating challenges, and management teams that respond to such challenges effectively can achieve superior financial performance over time. They are able to grow faster, achieve higher profitability, reduce their cost of capital, and manage exogenous risks better than their peers. For investment managers, integrating sustainability into the analysis process provides a differentiated lens to identify companies that possess strong competitive advantages that can drive value creation over time. At the same time, it can help investment managers avoid companies that have embedded risks in their business model or operations that may not be entirely visible to the market. Finally, given the early‐stage nature of many of these markets and the sometimes uneven understanding of sustainability issues at a company level, the authors argue that active ownership can be an important driver of alpha generation by fund managers. Engaging constructively with board members and management teams to improve a company's ESG profile can help drive operational improvements, strengthen the risk management function, and upgrade investors’ perception of the quality of the management team.  相似文献   

邵伟 《海南金融》2011,(3):14-17,23
十七届五中全会和中央经济工作会议明确了低碳经济发展战略.我国金融业正围绕社会责任和赤道原则为主线,从组织架构、客户结构和经营模式等方面转型布局.本文从责任管理体系建设、赤道原则的指导原则出发,结合我国金融业公司治理机制现状,论述了我国金融机构在治理机制和业务发展上,必须贯彻低碳发展思路,企业市场责任必须与环境、社会责任...  相似文献   

We examine the role of the board of directors, the audit committee, and the executive committee in preventing earnings management. Supporting an SEC Panel Report's conclusion that audit committee members need financial sophistication, we show that the composition of a board in general and of an audit committee more specifically, is related to the likelihood that a firm will engage in earnings management. Board and audit committee members with corporate or financial backgrounds are associated with firms that have smaller discretionary current accruals. Board and audit committee meeting frequency is also associated with reduced levels of discretionary current accruals. We conclude that board and audit committee activity and their members' financial sophistication may be important factors in constraining the propensity of managers to engage in earnings management.  相似文献   

韩珣  李建军 《金融研究》2021,495(9):131-150
基于2006-2017年非金融类A股上市公司数据,本文考察了非金融企业影子银行化对社会责任承担的影响,并进一步研究了政策连续性对非金融企业影子银行化与社会责任承担之间关系的影响。研究发现,非金融企业影子银行化会抑制社会责任承担行为,且这种效应在市场套利动机强、公司治理水平较低、外部融资能力弱的企业中更为明显。政策连续性程度提高会减弱非金融企业影子银行化与社会责任承担之间的负向关系。因此,本文提出抑制经济“脱实向虚”,增强政策稳定性和连续性,促进实体经济平稳发展的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国是一个讲究关系的社会,其”关系”内涵丰富且复杂,不同于西方一般意义上的涵义。本文梳理了”关系”及其相关理论以及这些理论在企业研究中的应用现状,发现”关系”在企业的研究主要体现在企业与其外部的关系上,如政治关联和社会资本,而企业内部的”关系”主要从人口特征变量的相似与否来研究,集中在组织行为学领域。绝大部分学者都认同关系、基于关系的信任、由关系构成的社会网络和社会资本对企业发展是必不可少的要件,并得出了一些一致的结论。最后本文还提出了”关系”在企业研究中可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

一丁 《中国外资》2000,(12):36-40
不久前,在无锡新区国际咨询顾问委员会召开的第三届年会上,不少委员(这些委员大都是已在无锡新区投资的跨国公司亚太区或中国区的高级行政管理人员和长期以来始终关注无锡新区发展的国外跨国公司和投资咨询机构的高级管理人员等)就中国加入WTO与无锡新区跨世纪发展等重大问题进行了广泛、深入地讨论与论证。这些意见可供有关部门参考。本刊择其部分发言摘要刊发于后,以飨读者。  相似文献   

Matthew Haigh   《Accounting Forum》2006,30(3):267-283
The paper claims theoretical, empirical and normative contributions to the fledgling research on social accountabilities in financial services. Managers of managed (mutual) funds with public social mandates are obligated to pursue clients’ economic interests and exercise claimed moral considerations. Theoreticians working in post-modern accounting are invited to examine alignment difficulties. Guidance is offered in the form of Foucault's resigned response to Nietzsche's moral cynicism. Theoretical antagonisms are empirically illustrated in interviews with managers of social investment portfolios, comparisons of the portfolios of selected Australian social funds with conventional counterparts, and comparisons of selected investment decisions with claimed investment criteria in a sample of Australian social funds. Research has suggested that a recognisably distinct management bias in Australian socially screened investment products may have diffused into the investment styles adopted by managers of conventional unscreened products. The paper suggests that performance convergence might also be attributable to similar stock holdings. The requirement to sustain competitive economic performance renders the use of moral considerations in managed funds as camouflage play. A number of investment policy innovations are suggested that might serve to increase net fund inflows and so bring closer the objective of social investment to transform capital.  相似文献   

Financial transformation is a major organizational change that enterprises face today. Under the influence of information technologies, financial shared service mode has become a better option for enterprise financial transformation. Financial shared service mode has a positive or negative influence on the competitive advantage of enterprises under the promotion of internal and external factors. At the same time, the ever-changing complex environment makes the influence of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises more uncertain.Based on organizational complexity theory, this paper uses both a multi-case study approach and a force field analysis to explore the influence mechanism of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises and constructs the force field model of the influence mechanism. Under the premise of being influenced by the driving forces and restraining forces in the force field model, this paper focuses on the moderating forces associated with organizational complexity on the relationship between financial shared service mode and competitive advantage.The research shows, it is evident that the driving forces and restraining forces in the force field model exert dominant and restrictive effects on competitive advantage respectively through the financial shared service mode. It is vital to find that organizational complexity factors in the force filed model have moderating effect on the influence relationship between competitive advantage and financial shared service mode. Enterprises need to seek solutions to deal with organizational complexity factors under the joint influence of driving forces and restraining forces to maximize the positive influence of financial shared service mode on the competitive advantage of enterprises.  相似文献   

在知识经济时代,智力资本成为企业价值创造和可持续发展的关键性、稀缺性资源。从企业资源配置的角度而言,企业如何从一般性的竞争力转化为持续的核心竞争力,关键是对智力资本如何进行有效的开发,以及确立以智力资本为核心的价值管理体系。本文选取深、沪交易所A股市场中制造业、信息技术业和房地产业上市公司作为研究对象,对智力资本能否驱动企业的绩效进行实证研究,探索现阶段不同行业有效的智力资本驱动因素的差异,为我国不同行业的企业在配置和管理其智力资本,提升企业绩效方面提供借鉴。  相似文献   

刘汉进 《金融论坛》2006,11(11):53-57
金融集团实施共享服务战略,可以为金融企业带来一系列竞争优势,使其实现规模经济、范围经济、业务多元化、风险分散和金融创新等集团化优势。在金融集团共享服务战略的实施中,应当在职能定位、组织结构设计以及信息管理体系设计等方面充分考虑金融行业监管的特点;同时,通过集团治理结构的优化、科学的管理体系的建立、决策权的合理配置以及服务交易的标准化等措施,有效地控制集团服务共享所产生的内部交易,避免集团内部风险的传递和“内部人控制”下的内部交易弊端。为了提高集团的战略灵活性,在共享服务战略实施初期,就应为其设计相应的退出通道。  相似文献   

金融集团实施共享服务战略,可以为金融企业带来一系列竞争优势,使其实现规模经济、范围经济、业务多元化、风险分散和金融创新等集团化优势。在金融集团共享服务战略的实施中,应当在职能定位、组织结构设计以及信息管理体系设计等方面充分考虑金融行业监管的特点;同时,通过集团治理结构的优化、科学的管理体系的建立、决策权的合理配置以及服务交易的标准化等措施,有效地控制集团服务共享所产生的内部交易,避免集团内部风险的传递和“内部人控制”下的内部交易弊端。为了提高集团的战略灵活性,在共享服务战略实施初期,就应为其设计相应的退出通道。  相似文献   

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