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本文运用三区制马尔科夫转移的向量自回归模型,研究我国货币政策非对称效应。研究表明,我国货币政策具有显著的非对称效应,主要体现为紧缩货币政策的影响要大于扩张货币政策、不同经济周期阶段下货币政策具有差异性、货币政策的价格效应大于产出效应、货币政策的利率传导机制要强于货币供给量传导机制,制定货币政策需要考虑货币政策非对称效应。  相似文献   

随着经济全球化与经济"新常态"趋势的加深,研究开放经济下考虑到不同经济周期阶段影响的我国货币政策的非对称性问题尤为重要。本文建立了包含汇率等七变量的MS-VAR模型,在区分不同经济增长区制的前提下,利用广义脉冲分析,探讨了开放经济下不同经济周期阶段我国货币政策的非对称性。研究结果表明,非线性模型能够很好地拟合我国的经济周期波动,且货币政策效应在方向、目标变量以及经济周期存在明显的非对称性。  相似文献   

本文主要以1996年1月-2016年6月的通胀缺口、产出缺口、利率和货币供应量等数据为基础,运用LT-TVP-VAR模型分析了货币当局的时变反应特征和调控模式。从中得出结论是:我国货币政策与通胀缺口和产出间的依存关系具有门限效应,央行存在非对称偏好,"价格型"货币政策有规避产出收缩偏好,"数量型"货币政策有微弱规避通货紧缩偏好。就效果而言,"价格型"政策治理通货紧缩效果较好,而"数量型"政策控制通货膨胀、刺激产出增长和抑制经济过热的效果较好。由此提出"新常态"时期的三方面政策建议:一是理性看待并适应经济增速放缓和物价水平下滑,配合宏观经济结构性调整制定有针对性的货币政策;二是以扩张性利率政策来诱导适度通胀,并以"数量型"货币政策为主为经济增长托底;三是加快完善利率的市场传导机制,为提升"价格型"货币政策的有效性创造良好环境。  相似文献   

随着近年来利率市场化进程的推进,利率在货币政策的执行和传导过程中的作用越来越大。本文使用1996年至2013年的月度数据,采用LSTVAR模型分析了利率市场化背景下利率和货币供应量对产出和通货膨胀的影响效果和差异以及货币政策传导中的非对称效应。研究结果表明,在不同的经济增长状态下我国货币政策的实施效果具有非对称性。在经济增速较高的状态下,货币供应量调控的短期效果较为明显,而利率调控则具有长期的调控效果;对于产出和通货膨胀而言,相同的货币政策在不同的经济增速状态下存在明显的非对称性;相比在经济高增速状态下,利率冲击的通货膨胀效应在经济增速放缓状态下的效应相对较弱,而货币供应量的负向冲击能够在更短的时间内对通货膨胀产生影响。因此在经济"新常态"的背景下,利用利率手段对通货膨胀进行调控,效果将更好。  相似文献   

央行的货币政策实施受货币政策环境制约,特别是实施价格型货币政策时,在不同的利率环境下央行可能选择不同的利率调控模式。为此,通过构建门限回归模型对货币政策调控模式与利率区制的相依性进行实证检验,结果发现:在不同的利率区制内中央银行的政策偏好和利率调控模式存在显著差异。在高利率区制,中央银行存在针对产出缺口调整名义利率的政策偏好;在低利率区制,中央银行则不存在这种政策偏好,低利率环境下货币政策效应弱化甚至失效是导致此区制中央银行不针对产出缺口调整利率的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文基于DSGE模型对次贷危机前后我国货币政策的非对称效应进行分析,结果显示:在后危机时期,货币冲击对我国实体经济的影响时滞明显缩短,其对实际产出的调控效应在减弱、对物价水平的影响程度在增强;与此同时,利率调整对我国实际产出的影响程度明显提高。  相似文献   

本文利用我国货币供给的月度数据,分别采用估计货币供给回归方程以及H-P滤波的方法,对非预期货币供给冲击进行了识别。并进一步采用Cover(1992)检验货币政策非对称性的方法对我国正向货币冲击与反向货币冲击对实际产出的作用效果进行了检验。结果发现,利用H-P滤波方法得到的货币冲击对实际产出的作用效果存在明显的非对称性,反向货币冲击的实际效应明显大于正向货币冲击的实际效应,说明我国货币政策存在明显的传统凯恩斯非对称性。而利用估计货币供给回归方程得到的两组货币冲击对实际产出的非对称效应并不十分明显。  相似文献   

本文利用我国货币供给的月度数据,分别采用估计货币供给回归方程以及H-P滤波的方法,对非预期货币供给冲击进行了识别。并进一步采用Cover(1992)检验货币政策非对称性的方法对我国正向货币冲击与反向货币冲击对实际产出的作用效果进行了检验。结果发现,利用H-P滤波方法得到的货币冲击对实际产出的作用效果存在明显的非对称性,反向货币冲击的实际效应明显大于正向货币冲击的实际效应,说明我国货币政策存在明显的传统凯恩斯非对称性。而利用估计货币供给回归方程得到的两组货币冲击对实际产出的非对称效应并不十分明显。  相似文献   

从国际收支均衡BP曲线斜率及国内货币均衡LM曲线斜率的比较,对资本流动性进行界定,将资本的流动性分为资本完全不流动、低资本流动、高资本流动与资本完全流动四种类型。以货币扩张为例,考察浮动汇率下资本流动性不同对货币政策效应的影响,认为浮动汇率下贷币扩张效应不是一步实现的,在浮动汇率下货币政策发挥效用的过程中,资本流动性越高,对这种扩张效应削弱的可能性与程度越高,因而,资本的流动性与货币扩张效应总体上成反比关系。  相似文献   

利用16个“一带一路”沿线国家的面板数据构建了PVAR模型,对我国货币政策的溢出效应进行了实证研究,得出以下结论:我国货币政策对“一带一路”沿线国家整体存在溢出效应,当我国使用数量型货币政策工具扩张货币时,短期会促进沿线各国经济增长,长期这种影响由正转负;而当采用价格型工具降低政策利率时会持续给沿线国家的产出带来促进作用,并且价格型工具的影响力度更大。进一步进行分区域研究发现,我国货币政策对亚洲国家的溢出效应最为显著,并且我国货币政策溢出效应与各国对华经济往来密切程度正相关。  相似文献   

彭洋  张龙  吴莉昀 《金融研究》2019,469(7):19-37
本文将传统泰勒规则发展为具有时变转换概率的马尔科夫区制转换泰勒规则,基于Kim(2004)以两步MLE方法估计了该货币政策规则,并证明了其稳定器作用。研究发现:(1)货币政策中规则性成分的稳定器作用存在非对称性,在区制一内,规则性成分不存在稳定器作用,在区制二内,规则性成分有较强稳定器作用;(2)货币政策中相机抉择成分可以影响各区制的自我演化概率,在进行相机抉择逆周期调控的同时,又可以引导经济系统转向规则性成分有稳定器作用的区制。文章最后根据该货币政策规则的稳定器作用机制给出货币政策操作模式,在经济增长放缓时期,中央银行应该以增大基础货币增长和宽松型窗口指导为直接操作工具,以短期名义利率为中间目标;在经济高涨时期,中央银行应该以提高直接标价法的中美汇率水平和上调存款准备金率为直接操作工具,以短期名义利率为中间目标。  相似文献   

We contribute to the empirical literature on the risk-management approach to monetary policy by estimating regime switching models where the strength of the response of monetary policy to macroeconomic conditions depends on the level of risk associated with the inflation outlook and risk in financial markets. Using quarterly data for the Greenspan period we find that: (i) risk in the inflation outlook and in financial markets are a more powerful driver of monetary policy regime changes than variables typically suggested in the literature, such as the level of inflation and the output gap; (ii) estimation of regime switching models shows that the response of the US Fed to the inflation outlook is invariant across policy regimes; (iii) however, in periods of high economic risk monetary policy tends to respond more aggressively to the output gap and the degree of inertia tends to be lower than in normal circumstances; and (iv) the US Fed is estimated to have responded aggressively to the output gap in the late 1980s and beginning of the 1990s, and in the late 1990s and early 2000s. These results are consistent with Mishkin (2008)’s view that in periods of high economic risk monetary authorities should respond aggressively to changes in macroeconomic conditions while the degree of inertia should be lower than in normal circumstances.  相似文献   

We study the implications of internal consumption habit for New Keynesian dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (NKDSGE) models. Bayesian Monte Carlo methods are employed to evaluate NKDSGE model fit. Simulation experiments show that internal consumption habit often improves the ability of NKDSGE models to match the spectra of output and consumption growth. Nonetheless, the fit of NKDSGE models with internal consumption habit is susceptible to the sources of nominal rigidity, to spectra identified by permanent productivity shocks, to the choice of monetary policy rule, and to the frequencies used for evaluation. These vulnerabilities indicate that the specification of NKDSGE models is fragile.  相似文献   

We study the implications for optimal monetary policy of introducing habit formation in consumption into a general equilibrium model with sticky prices. Habit formation affects the model's endogenous dynamics through its effects on both aggregate demand and households’ supply of output. We show that the objective of monetary policy consistent with welfare maximization includes output stabilization, as well as inflation and output gap stabilization. We find that the variance of output increases under optimal policy, even though it acquires a higher implicit weight in the welfare function. We also find that a simple interest rate rule nearly achieves the welfare-optimal allocation, regardless of the degree of habit formation. In this rule, the optimal responses to inflation and the lagged interest rate are both declining in the size of the habit, although super-inertial policies remain optimal.  相似文献   

货币政策效力的非对称性主要包括经济周期上的非对称性和政策方向上的非对称性。在考虑了主要相关变量后,本文分别对两种非对称性进行了检验。结果表明:我国货币政策对实际产出存在经济周期上的非对称性,即经济扩张时效应要大于紧缩时期的效应;货币政策对实际产出存在政策方向上的非对称性,即紧缩性货币政策的效力要大于扩张性货币政策的效力,同时前者的持续时间更长。  相似文献   

We show that unconventional monetary policy in the United States appears to influence capital inflows to Brazil and, through this channel, its overall economic outlook and financial stability. In particular, quantitative easing leads to capital inflows, exchange rate appreciation, stock market price increases, credit growth and expansion of domestic activity related to consumption. Such effects are significant when considering both parameter uncertainty and a new significance test for abnormal behavior. According to a new channel identification method proposed in the paper, capital inflow is the only domestic propagation channel that systematically accounts for the estimated effects across variables and samples. Results are robust across a wide range of policy counterfactuals, regime break assumptions, testing procedures and model specifications.  相似文献   

Multiple BGPs in a Growth Model with Habit Persistence   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
This paper establishes multiple balanced growth paths in an otherwise standard, competitive growth model without externality or distortions and with households' preference dependent upon how his/her consumption compares to a habit stock formed by his/her own past consumption. The key feature in our model is that consumption forms habits in combination with existing habits. This model establishes multiple equilibria because habit persistence induces an internal, intertemporal complementarity effect among consumption flows, with current consumption reinforcing future consumption. As a result, there exist two balanced-growth paths, with one path exhibiting low consumption and habits and high economic growth, and the other path exhibiting high consumption and habits and low growth that is not necessarily a development trap. Both steady states are saddles, but global indeterminacy arises where a high balanced growth path co-exists with a low balanced growth path where the two equilibrium paths cannot be pareto ranked and history need not matter for the selection of the equilibrium path.  相似文献   

This paper examines the real effects of financial stress in the Euro-zone, using two identification strategies based on a Bayesian Structural VAR and a Sign-Restriction VAR. As expansionary monetary policy has been blamed to have fuelled asset price bubble, it is important to assess the macroeconomic impact of both a financial stress shock and a monetary policy shock. We find that unexpected variation in financial stress conditions plays an important role in explaining output fluctuations and, therefore, demands an aggressive response by the monetary authority to stabilize output. This, in turn, indicates a preference shift from inflation targeting. We also show that a monetary policy contraction strongly deteriorates financial stress conditions. As a result, rapid credit growth due to a long period of low interest rates possibly contributed to an increase in asset prices and encouraged unsustainable demand growth as observed in the recent financial crisis.  相似文献   

This article investigates the effects of monetary and fiscal policies on output growth during sudden-stop balance of payments crisis in emerging markets and developing countries. Sudden stops in capital flows, and subsequent deep recessions, are a frequent occurrence in these countries but there is no professional consensus, and little systematic empirical evidence, shedding light on the macroeconomic policy mix most likely to limit output losses during these episodes. To address this issue, we investigate 83 sudden-stop crisis in 66 countries using a baseline empirical model to control for the various determinants of output losses during sudden stops. We measure the marginal effects of policy on output losses, and find strong evidence that monetary tightening (rise in the discount rate or unsterilized rise in international reserves) and discretionary fiscal contraction are significantly correlated with larger output losses following a sudden stop. Fiscal expansion is associated with smaller output losses following a sudden stop, but monetary expansion has no discernable effect. The macroeconomic policy mix associated with the least output loss during a sudden-stop financial crisis is a discretionary fiscal expansion combined with a neutral monetary policy.  相似文献   

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