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李微 《科学投资》2007,(10):40-41
作为零售业的花店,应该发掘自身的优势,如地理位置优势、服务优势以及舒适的购物环境,较高的花艺水平,以创出自己的品牌。  相似文献   

零售业的发展对国家的经济结构、经济增长、人民生活水平和消费习惯有着重要的影响。近年来,国际零售业发展呈现出一些新的趋势和特点,这对我国未来零售业的发展可能会产生重要的影响。虽然金融危机制约了我国零售业的发展,但从我国的国际国内环境、以及国际批发零售业的发展经验看,金融危机对零售业的影响远小于其他行业。国际经验表明,我国零售业将会迎来高速发展期,国内零售业企业借助危机实现新的跨越,而金融危机为我国零售业发展提供了难得的契机。  相似文献   

第七届中国(上海)零售业博览会将于今年8月28-31日在上海世贸商城隆重举行。该博览会是国内最具规模和影响力的零售业展览会,举办至今已有七年的历史,也是国内最早创办的零售业博览会。本届展会是由中国商业联合会和上海荷雅企龙展览服务有限公司联合举办。展览面积将达2万平方米,共两个层面外加室外场地,规模达到历年来最大。 今年的零售业展除了秉承群商云集、行业  相似文献   

近年来,为实现“国际领先、国内一流”零售银行战略目标,建设银行全面推进零售网点的转型,突破传统服务理念和服务模式,打造了标准化的营业网点,切实提高了服务能力和客户满意度,构建了全新的服务体系,进而提升了零售业的核心竞争力。本文就此结合建设银行唐山分行网点转型的实际谈一些粗浅的认识。  相似文献   

连短短几年时间,就从一个名不见经传的小公司脱胎换骨为国内知名的读卡器制造商,从白手起家发展成为集科研开发、生产制造于一体的高新技术企业,从单一地代理国外品牌到获得多项国家专利、拥有自有知识产权——“CRT”品牌系列产品……,凭借创自人“以人为本,以质量求生存,以技术求发展,以服务求信誉”的经营理念  相似文献   

多年来,农行广西区分行一直把加强网点建设,树立良好的业务品牌,提高网点服务质量,作为促进业务发展的重要工作来抓,取得了良好的效果;今年广西分行决定在全辖范围内开展“创精品网点、创业务品牌、创服务明星”的“三创”活动,加强服务质量管理,树立窗口形象,打造农行服务品牌,提高综合竞争力,促进各项业务发展。一、采取有效措施,努力推动“三创”活动的开展(一)坚持“三结合”,大力推进“三创”活动。“三创”活动方案下发后,各支行、各网点、部门马上行动起来,认真对照,逐一逐项自评打分,找出差距,积极采取措施,坚持“三个结合”,积极开…  相似文献   

国内的“银行超市”普遍以理财产品的收益率来拉拢客户,从而形成金融服务。但对国外的大银行来说,他们的超市里不仅有更多的产品,其提供的服务更是一种财务管理的过程。当年,沃尔玛、家乐福这些知名超市进入国内时,国内零售业高呼“狼来了”,而未来,国内的“银行超市”也将不可避免的面临国外“银行超市”的冲击,那么,要想在竞争中占有自己的一席之地,只能师夷长技以制夷。  相似文献   

纳税服务工作是税收征管的基础性工作。税务部门要做到“情为民所系,权为民所用,利为民所谋”,落实到实际行动上,就是要做好对纳税人的服务工作。近年来,宁乡县地税局大力做好服务章,以优质的服务来创品牌、树形象,通过构建和谐的征纳关系,较好地促进了税收环境的优化。  相似文献   

零售业的发展对国家的经济结构、经济增长、人民生活水平和消费习惯有着重要的影响.近年来,国际零售业发展呈现出一些新的趋势和特点,这对我国未来零售业的发展可能会产生重要的影响.虽然金融危机制约了我国零售业的发展,但从我国的国际国内环境、以及国际批发零售业的发展经验看,金融危机对零售业的影响远小于其他行业.国际经验表明,我国零售业将会迎来高速发展期,国内零售业企业可以借助危机实现新的跨越,而金融危机为我国零售业发辰提供了难得的契机.  相似文献   

工行上海市分行命名了6家以本行优秀理财师姓名为品牌的理财工作室,在国内第一次出现了金融理财的服务品牌。以后,上海市银行业、保险业、证券业等金融界出现了众多品牌的个人理财工作室,而且数量规模、提供的金融服务品种也日趋增多。  相似文献   

Creating the living brand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bendapudi N  Bendapudi V 《Harvard business review》2005,83(5):124-6, 128-32, 154
It's easy to conclude from the literature and the lore that top-notch customer service is the province of a few luxury companies and that any retailer outside that rarefied atmosphere is condemned to offer mediocre service at best. But even companies that position themselves for the mass market can provide outstanding customer-employee interactions and profit from them, if they train employees to reflect the brand's core values. The authors studied the convenience store industry in depth and focused on two that have developed a devoted following: QuikTrip (QT) and Wawa. Turnover rates at QT and Wawa are 14% and 22% respectively, much lower than the typical rate in retail. The authors found six principles that both firms embrace to create a strong culture of customer service. Know what you're looking for: A focus on candidates' intrinsic traits allows the companies to hire people who will naturally bring the right qualities to the job. Make the most of talent: In mass-market retail, talent is generally viewed as a commodity, but that outlook becomes a self-fulfilling prophesy. Create pride in the brand: Service quality depends directly on employees' attachment to the brand. Build community: Wawa and QT have made concerted efforts to build customer loyalty through a sense of community. Share the business context: Employees need a clear understanding of how their company operates and how it defines success. Satisfy the soul: To win an employee's passionate engagement, a company must meet his or her needs for security, esteem, and justice.  相似文献   

借鉴国外成功经验制定工商银行个人金融发展战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
惠平 《金融论坛》2004,(2):28-33
在现代商业银行发展中,无论是目前公认的全球最大的花旗银行还是以零售业务为主的英国劳埃德银行,其主要业务收入来源均为个人金融业务.随着我国个人收入的迅猛增长、金融意识的增强及金融资产总量的增加与结构的变化,既对我国商业银行个人金融业务提出了新的需求,也为其提供了广阔的发展空间.工商银行应在突出大行特征、全面服务优良大客户的同时,充分发挥自己具有"社区"小银行功能的优势,通过建立"大个金"的全新理念、建设个人客户系统平台、健全营销机制、加大创新力度、加大流程化管理及调整客户战略等途径,不断做大做强个人金融业务,进而确立中国最佳零售银行的地位.  相似文献   

城市化进程的加快与日趋激烈的县域金融同业竞争使得银行零售业务成为提升商业银行核心竞争力的重要渠道。文章以工行昆山支行为例,通过问卷调查对工行昆山支行的零售业务竞争力进行了分析,并运用SWOT分析法对其开展零售业务的优势、劣势、机遇与挑战进行了深度剖析。研究认为工行县域支行的零售业务尽管具有一定的竞争优势,但其发展不平衡、认识不足、服务缺位等问题仍比较突出。文章提出要立足县域特点,明确发展大方向;坚持业务多样化,提升产品竞争力;深化存贷款业务,提升服务竞争力;打造高素质团队,提升人才竞争力;承担社会责任,展现大行风范,提升文化竞争力等建议和对策。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to study the impact of the antecedents—brand experience, service quality, and perceived value on word of mouth (WOM) recommendations by retail banking customers in an emerging market. The paper also investigates the mediating effect of loyalty on WOM with respect to the abovementioned antecedents. A survey of 412 retail customers of various banks in India was undertaken using a structured questionnaire developed using existing constructs. The results show that brand experience, service quality, and perceived value have a significant impact on WOM recommendations of customers of retail banks. Further, the relationships between the abovementioned antecedents and WOM are mediated by loyalty. This study makes several contributions to the academic literature. First, it establishes the importance of brand experience, service quality, and perceived value as antecedents of WOM in the context of retail banks in an emerging market. Second, it also establishes that loyalty plays a mediating role for the abovementioned antecedents for WOM recommendations by retail customers of banks in an emerging market.  相似文献   

工商银行私人银行业务研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
私人银行业务以财富管理为核心,是个人金融业务的高级形式,也是商业银行资源综合运用能力的体现.该业务正是外资银行进入中国后将重点开展的业务,也将是内外资银行竞争的焦点.面对竞争激烈的私人银行业务市场,工商银行必须在打造中国第一零售银行的基础上,不断增强竞争实力,争抢个人高端客户,在私人银行业务上做大做强.本课题即在私人银行业务研究的基础上,结合目前中国私人银行市场现状及工商银行财富管理业务开展情况,对国内商业银行发展私人银行业务策略进行粗浅探讨,以期提供一些参考与借鉴.  相似文献   

经营环境和行业竞争状况的变化迫使我国券商要走品牌经营的道路,培育品牌成为券商的当务之急.目前我国券商在品牌培育上存在以下问题:长期忽视品牌建设,对品牌及品牌培育缺乏长期发展战略等.为此,我们必须对品牌重新认识,采取积极的对策,走品牌经营之路.  相似文献   

This paper explores and investigates the role of branding within financial services. Specifically, the study aims to assess the importance of branding and its associated elements including brand image and brand experience in the relationships that exist between consumers and their financial brands. It aims to achieve this through research, which identifies gaps between the managerial and consumer perspectives on branding in relationships in retail financial services. It is well established that the characteristics of services are different from those of manufactured goods and that service personnel play a central role in the services experience. Moreover, the concept of relationship marketing within services proclaims the importance of one-to-one relationships between businesses and customers as well as relationships between consumers and their brands. Drawing from the fields of brand management, relationship marketing and services marketing, this research aims to investigate the perceptional differences between consumers and suppliers in relation to the importance of branding in financial service relationships. The research findings indicate that brand experience appears to be far more salient than brand image in shaping and building meaningful and lasting brand perceptions and promoting customer retention.  相似文献   

The present paper examines the fundamental relationship between the country-level infrastructure of the retail payment market and overall bank performance. Using data from across 27 European markets over the period 2000–07, the results confirm that the performance of banks in countries with more developed retail payment service markets is better. This relationship is stronger in countries with a relatively high adoption of retail payment transaction technologies. Retail payment transaction technology itself can also improve bank performance, and evidence shows that heterogeneity in retail payment instruments is associated with enhanced bank performance. Similarly, higher usage of electronic retail payment instruments seems to stimulate banking business. We also show that retail payment services have a more significant impact on savings and cooperative bank performance, although they have a positive influence on the performance of commercial banks as well. Additionally, the findings reveal that the impact of retail services on bank performance is more pronounced through fee income, although their impact through interest income is also positive. Finally, an effective payment service market is found to be associated with higher bank stability. Our findings are robust to different regression specifications.  相似文献   

At the heart of business today lies a dilemma: Our economy is increasingly dependent on services, yet our innovation processes remain oriented toward products. Indeed, we have well-tested, scientific methods for developing and refining manufactured goods, but many of them don't seem applicable to the world of services. In this article, Harvard Business School professor Stefan Thomke points out the challenges of applying the discipline of formal R&D processes to services: Because a service often exists only in the moment of its delivery to a customer, it is difficult to isolate in a traditional laboratory. And since many services are tailored to individual buyers at the point of purchase, they can't be tested through large samples. As a result, experiments with new services are most useful when they are conducted live--with real customers engaged in real transactions. But live tests magnify the cost of failure; an experiment that doesn't work may harm customer relationships and even the brand. Given such challenges, it's no surprise that most service companies have not established rigorous, ongoing R&D processes, Thomke says. Here the author provides an in-depth look at a five-step process that Bank of America has used to create new service concepts for retail banking. The company has turned a set of its branches into, in effect, a laboratory where a corporate research team conducts service experiments with actual customers during regular business hours, compares results with those of control branches, and pinpoints attractive innovations for broader rollout. The author describes the program's workings, its successes, and the obstacles the bank faced. The effort reveals what a true R&D operation might look like inside a service business, he concludes.  相似文献   

We analyze a number of unstudied aspects of retail electricity competition. We first explore the implications of load profiling of consumers whose traditional meters do not permit the measurement of their real‐time consumption. The combination of retail competition and load profiling does not yield the second‐best prices given the non‐price‐responsiveness of retail consumers. We then examine the incentives that electricity retailers have to install each of two types of advanced metering equipment. Finally, we consider the implications of physical limitations on the ability of system operators to cut off individual consumers relying instead on “zonal” rationing of large groups of individual consumers  相似文献   

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