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胥爱欢 《上海金融》2013,(3):72-77,118
机构资产定价理论与股价脆弱性的研究非常重要,它不仅有利于我们进一步认清金融机构与代理人摩擦因素在资产定价过程中的作用,从而为金融市场异象提供新的解释途径,而且也为政府进一步完善对金融系统性风险的监管提供一定的理论基础.在本文中,我们主要从相关性交易需求与系统流动性变动、高波动流动性冲击与资产被迫拍卖行为以及机构持股结构与相关性交易行为三个方面总结了国外研究者关于机构资产定价理论与股价脆弱性研究的最新进展.  相似文献   

本文采用递归形式的消费资产定价模型,使用广义矩估计(GMM)方法对我国股票市场1991-2011年间股市收益率完整样本期进行了实证研究,检验我国股票市场股权溢价现状,结果显示我国不存在"股权溢价之谜"的现象,且基于递归效用形式的消费资产定价模型参数估计结果更具合理的意义解释。  相似文献   

本文采用递归形式的消费资产定价模型,使用广义矩估计(GMM)方法对我国股票市场1991-2011年间股市收益率完整样本期进行了实证研究,检验我国股票市场股权溢价现状,结果显示我国不存在“股权溢价之谜”的现象,且基于递归效用形式的消费资产定价模型参数估计结果更具合理的意义解释.  相似文献   

本文基于2005年1月至2007年12月的月度数据,利用面板数据模型对我国股票市场的财富效应进行了实证分析,结果发现我国股票市场对居民总体消费量存在着财富效应,但这种影响却是极其微弱的;同时股票市场对我国东部、中部与西部的影响也是不同的,仅有东部地区存在着股票市场的财富效应,中部与西部均不存在这种效应,最后本文对其作出了一定的解释并根据我国的现状提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

本文基于2005年1月至2007年12月的月度数据,利用面板数据模型对我国股票市场的财富效应进行了实证分析.结果发现我国股票市场对居民总体消费量存在着财富效应,但这种影响却是极其微弱的;同时股票市场对我国东部、中部与西部的影响也是不同的,仅有东部地区存在着股票市场的财富效应,中部与西部均不存在这种效应.最后本文对其作出了一定的解释并根据我国的现状提出了相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

本文构建了基于投资者异质性的资产价格调整模型,通过对短期国际资本流动规模、股票市场收益率、房地产市场收益率和人民币汇率建立TVTP-MS-VAR模型,研究了短期资本流动与资产价格的关系。研究发现,短期国际资本在股票市场和外汇市场存在显著的区制差异,而在房地产市场仅具有基本面投资特征。以基本面投资为主的短期资本流入将抑制股票市场的上涨或下跌,发挥着金融"缓冲器"作用,而以技术投资为主的短期资本流入将加剧股票市场的上涨或下跌,发挥着金融"加速器"作用。无论短期国际资本是基本面投资资本还,是技术投资资本,股票价格对房地产价格均具有较强的财富效应;短期国际资本性质差异导致房地产价格对股票价格的影响具有区制差异。短期国际资本在基本面投资和技术投资之间的转换极其频繁,且基本面投资的持续时间长于技术投资。以技术投资为主的短期国际资本流动规模与资产价格对冲击的响应时间滞后于以基本面投资为主的短期国际资本流动规模与资产价格对冲击的响应时间。  相似文献   

本文基于我国六大城市1170户家庭的调查数据,采用Probit和Tobit模型对城镇居民家庭股票市场参与和投资组合的影响因素进行了分析,主要有以下实证发现:首先,我国家庭资产结构仍是一种低层次和粗放的结构,资产结构内部仍存在着较严重的失衡现象;第二,家庭的资产选择行为并不是完全理性的,而是呈现出有限理性的特征,认知偏差和投资者情绪都对其产生重要的正向影响;第三,房产投资显著影响了家庭股票市场参与和投资组合,"替代"或者"挤出"效应明显;第四,家庭极少利用股票市场对其未来现金流所承担的风险进行对冲,且其"生命周期效应"不明显.  相似文献   

李成  王焱 《金融论坛》2007,12(7):26-32
从资产需求理论出发的理论分析、对我国现实情况进行的剖析,以及利用2001~2007年3月的最新数据对居民储蓄与股票市场之间联动关系进行的实证分析显示:随着经济的发展和资本市场的深化,我国居民的储蓄偏好和证券投资倾向正逐步发生变化;我国股市交易与居民储蓄存在联动效应,居民主动投资股票市场的积极性在增强,但两者之间的影响幅度还相对较小,这与我国居民储蓄存款的低利率弹性、股票市场的高风险特征以及股票市场的风险溢价波幅较大等有关.  相似文献   

文章以2001至2005年为样本区间,考察了我国公众的资产替代行为是否构成了股票市场交易影响货币流通速度稳定性的内在机制。研究表明,当股票市场交易规模扩大时。公众出于交易的需要,会将企业存款、储蓄存款和现金替代为股票交易客户保证金,并导致M1流通速度增加,这就说明公众的资产替代行为确实影响到货币流通速度的稳定性。这就意味着,人民银行在考察股票市场交易对货币流通速度稳定性的影响效应时,其切入点应集中于对资产替代行为的分析。  相似文献   

本文以我国上市公司2007年1月1日开始执行新的会计准则为契机,具体考察了在各地区政府干预和金融发展水平呈现地区性差异的情况下,信息透明度对股东资产替代行为的影响。研究结果表明,我国上市公司信息透明程度与股东资产替代行为呈显著的负相关关系;当上市公司为国有控股公司时,信息透明度减弱股东资产替代行为的作用降低;在金融发展水平比较低的地区,信息透明度对股东资产替代行为的影响有所减弱。  相似文献   

Mutual funds experiencing large outflows (inflows) tend to decrease (expand) their positions, creating downward (upward) price pressure in the stocks held in common by them ( Coval and Stafford [2007] ). This study shows that corporate insiders exploit the resulting mispricing by buying (selling) their company's stock if it is subject to such fire sales (purchases) by funds. We also show that the likelihood of option grants is greater for stocks that are subject to mutual fund fire sales. Finally, we show that both the insider trading and the option granting activities help speed up the correction of the flow‐driven mispricing. Overall, this study illustrates that insiders enhance personal benefits by trading on their personal account and influencing the timing of option grants in response to mispricing due to flow‐driven fund trading. Moreover, these activities help improve the informational efficiency of stock price.  相似文献   

As stock index adjustments comprise a basic system of capital market, their potential influence on analysts’ earnings forecasts is worthy of research. Based on a research sample of 23 adjustments to the CSI 300 Index from June 2007 to June 2018 and the backup stocks announced during the same period, this study examines the impact of additions to stock index on analysts’ forecast optimism using a staggered difference-in-differences model. The research results show that after stocks are added to the stock index, analysts’ earnings forecast optimism about these stocks increases significantly. Cross-sectional analysis indicates that this increase is more significant when the market is bullish, institutional ownership is low, the ratio of listed brokerage firms is low, star analyst coverage is low, firms show seasoned equity offering activity, the ratio of analysts from the top five brokerage firms ranked by commission income is high, and the analysts’ brokerage firms are shareholders. However, analyst-level tests find that analysts’ ability helps to reduce the impact of additions to stock index on earnings forecast optimism. Furthermore, additions to stock index significantly increase analyst coverage and forecast divergence. Economic consequences tests find additions to stock index significantly increases stock price synchronization, which is partly mediated by analysts’ earnings forecast optimism. This study enriches the literature on the impact of basic capital market systems and analyst behavior. The findings suggest that investors should rationally evaluate analysts’ earnings forecasts for stocks added to the stock index and obtain further information from various channels to improve asset allocation efficiency.  相似文献   

本文在已有文献的基础上,选择短期国际资本流动及套利、套汇和套价三类因素共六个变量,采集2002年1月至2011年6月的中国月度数据构建VAR模型,分析三类因素对中国短期国际资本流动的驱动因素影响。结果表明,中国短期国际资本流动在较大程度上由其自身变化解释;在三大因素的可解释部分中,套汇因素的影响最大,且主要表现为预期汇率驱动,套价因素的影响次之,其表现为股价和房价驱动,套利因素的影响极弱。这一结论与中国外汇市场和货币市场的现状密切相关,同时对短期国际资本流入的监测管理和人民币汇率制度改革具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   

陆婷 《金融研究》2012,(3):139-151
行为金融学的研究表明,投资者情绪引起的定价偏误在各支股票之间具有相关性,从而构成市场上的系统性定价偏误。基于2003年6月至2009年6月中国A股月度交易数据,本文考察了系统性定价偏误与盈余公告后漂移(PEAD)之间的关系。研究结果显示,中国股票市场上的PEAD现象可能由系统性定价偏误引致,因此,将捕捉系统性定价偏误的偏误定价因子引入定价模型能够提升模型对于PEAD的解释力。经过对定价模型调整,季度盈余公告后6个月买人持有异常收益在经济及统计意义上不显著。这一方面表明中国股票市场上存在由投资者情绪造成的系统性定价偏误,另一方面也为盈余公告后漂移的产生原因提供了新的解释。  相似文献   

Whether the implementation of a national industrial policy can maintain stability in the financial market is a question of theoretical and practical significance. Using data from China’s non-financial listed firms from 2007 to 2020, we find that a national industrial policy lowers stock price crash risk. We find that the effect of an industrial policy on lowering stock price crash risk is more pronounced in regions with low levels of regional marketization and if firms have high external uncertainty, low total asset turnover, greater earnings management and receive small increments of long-term loans and fewer government subsidies, suggesting that industrial policies lower stock price crash risk by improving firm fundamentals and reducing external uncertainty, agency costs and information asymmetry.  相似文献   

With China’s adoption of principles-based international accounting standards and its convergence with International Accounting Standard 39 (IAS 39), Chinese companies have discretion under the original Accounting Standards for Enterprises 22 (CAS 22) as to how they account for the initial measurement, sale, and subsequent reclassification of financial assets. We use a Chinese company (‘Company A’) as a case study to illustrate how earnings are managed to exploit this discretion. We document that the company re-classifies its available for sale equity investments as long-term equity investments to decrease the volatility of the company’s apparent profits. We also make some predictions regarding how the company will handle its financial assets under the new standard, which is the same as IFRS 9. Our research contributes to the continuous improvement of China’s accounting standards and has implications for regulators of the capital market.  相似文献   

In this paper, while focusing on the impact that the global financial crisis had on the stock markets of China, Japan, and the United States, the stock-price volatilities and linkage between these three countries are analyzed. In addition, the relationships between macroeconomic variables (real-economy variables and monetary-policy variables) and stock price volatility in each country are investigated. The estimation results of the EGARCH model revealed that although China’s stock price volatility was far greater than those of Japanese and US stock prices, China was less affected by the global financial crisis in 2007 than Japan and the United States. For China, stock price volatility was greater in the early 1990s, shortly after the stock market had been established, than in 2007 when the global financial crisis occurred. Furthermore, it has been revealed that the linkage of Chinese, Japanese, and US stock prices has increased since the global financial crisis. Moreover, Granger causality testing revealed China’s real-economy variables and monetary-policy variables do not affect China’s stock price volatility.  相似文献   

In the theory of financial intermediation, bank debt is often characterized as being more readily renegotiable than public debt. Banks are also conjectured to gain valuable non-public information through closer monitoring. Given these features, bank debt can theoretically be more flexible than public debt and can lead to better investment/liquidation decisions. We investigate this possibility using a sample of firms facing the important decision of whether to reinvest the proceeds from asset sales or whether to distribute the proceeds to debtholders. While higher levels of leverage are associated with an increased probability of distributing proceeds to creditors, this relationship is significantly muted for bank debt as opposed to public debt. This finding is consistent with the conjecture that bank debt provides enhanced flexibility when compared to public debt. Further we find that asset sale announcement period abnormal stock returns are increasing in firms’ use of bank debt, but not public debt. This suggests that market participants believe that banking relationships are leading to better decision making for this particular type of investment/liquidation decision. We find no significantly different effects of bank vs. public debt on the initial decision to undertake an asset sale in the first place. Thus, in the context of asset sales, the main observable difference arises in the use of proceeds decision, rather than the initial asset sale decision.  相似文献   

本文基于不同分布假设,即正态分布、Student-t分布以及EGB2分布,使用2005年1月4日至2011年6月30日上证综指日收益率数据对GARCH模型和GJR GARCH模型估计效果进行实证比较。实证结果显示:(1)基于非对称EGB2分布的GJR GARCH模型更适合中国证券市场;(2)中国股票市场存在波动不对称性,且好消息引发的波动大于坏消息引发的波动,这可能与中国股票市场特有的市场结构和交易制度有关;(3)波动的不对称特性可能部分来自于对分布偏度特性考虑的欠缺,验证了合理的分布假设在波动行为分析过程中的重要性。  相似文献   

本文采用系统性风险度量新指标LASSO-ΔCoVaR,构建全样本时期及各极端时期全球股票市场系统性风险传递网络,考察全球股票市场系统性风险传递水平及结构特征,并着重对极端状态下的风险传递进行分析。研究发现:第一,无论风险输入水平还是风险输出水平,不同股市的动态变化趋势大体一致,但波动幅度迥然不同,且单个股市风险输出水平的波动幅度远大于风险输入水平;第二,成熟经济体经济基本面恶化往往会增强其股市的系统性风险贡献,而新兴经济体则不同;第三,法国、荷兰、中国香港、德国和英国股市的风险溢出水平较高,同其他股市间的风险传递途径较多,是系统性风险传递网络中的核心节点;第四,我国股市与全球股市间的风险关联较弱,但我国股市潜在风险来源面广,同区域股市及金砖国家股市在我国股市与全球股市间的风险传递发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

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