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跨境外汇资金异常流动的主要渠道包括预收货款、预付货款、个人收付汇等形式。加强异常外汇资金流动的监管,要建立、完善非现场监测系统,开发外汇管理各业务信息系统的监测指标预警模块,并严格外资企业外方利润汇出管理。  相似文献   

现行外汇管理政策对外商投资企业利润汇出不予限制,且监管较为宽松.外商投资企业利润积聚和集中汇出变动,对经常项目外汇收支和跨境资金产生了潜在影响,使得外汇管理政策配合宏观调控的力度难以准确把握,本文对如何完善外商投资企业利润汇出给出了政策建议.  相似文献   

调查显示影响近期外商投资企业利润汇出的因素日趋多样化,外方"资金池"收益调节功能日趋明显。本文基于山东省外商投资企业利润汇出调研情况,对影响其利润处置方式的因素和应关注的问题进行了分析,在此基础上提出了全方位管理和疏导外商投资企业利润的思路和政策建议。  相似文献   

安睿 《河北金融》2013,(3):53-54,66
随着我国经济的发展,外商投资企业日益壮大,利润规模不断增加.但其利润汇出管理仍存在诸多问题:主要是利润汇出的规模远远小于利润规模,形成大量隐性负债;部分企业的审计报告未发挥应有的监督作用,造成企业虚增利润;同时现行的利润汇出外汇政策存在一定漏洞,利润汇出管理缺乏部门间互动,存在监管盲区.这些问题带来一定资金集中流动风险,进一步完善外商直接投资利润管理政策,有效管理此类资金流动,有助于实现跨境资金有序、合理流动的外汇管理目标.  相似文献   

货物贸易外汇管理制度改革的核心思想是由逐笔核销转向总量核查,同时对监测指标异常企业实施现场核含和分类管理。在这种监管模式下,现场核查成为货物贸易外汇竹理的重要手段和关键环节。为提升现场核查效率,外汇局汀苏省分局对利用科技手段实现货物流与资金流自动匹配进行了积极探索。  相似文献   

2008年以来,受国际金融危机影响,国内外经济金融形势发生了较大变化,外商投资企业利润汇出增长较快,引起了社会的关注,本文通过对生产型外商投资企业投资收益性利润大额汇出案例进行剖析,查找监管漏洞,提出合理化建议。  相似文献   

在我国自1993年7月1日起开始实行按照"权责发生制"原则确定企业经营成果的会计制度中,外商投资企业利润汇出中的"利润"指的是会计利润,即账面利润.而实际利润与账面利润存在数量上、意义上的偏差.一般情况下,即账面利润>=实际利润.但在实际工作中,银行经办人员对外商投资企业利润汇出中"利润"的界定存在一定程度的模糊,他们误把账面"利润"当作企业现金流量表上实现的现金流入,即企业的实际利润,以为只要纳完税,利润就应该汇出.对外商投资企业利润汇出中"利润"的界定不清晰容易导致企业逃汇等一系列危害,我们必须予以关注,并出台相关政策加以规避.  相似文献   

目前,我国外商投资企业外方利润以三种形式存在:购汇汇出、转增资或再投资、滞留境内。在盈利的外商投资企业中,有的既没有将外方利润购汇汇出,也没有将外方利润转增注册资本或从事再投资,而是滞留境内。长期以来,外方利润境内滞留行为成为外汇监管的真空地带。不仅如此,人民币升值预期背景下外方利润长期滞留境内易对国际收支平衡造成冲击。在减顺差促平衡的外汇管理新形势下,  相似文献   

近年来,随着个人外汇业务规模扩大以及银行个人外汇业务的办理渠道和方式的不断创新,境内个人通过分拆方式购汇并汇出境外逃避外汇监管的违规行为呈现增多趋势。"个人分拆购付汇"不仅扰乱了我国外汇市场秩序,使个人项下的资金成为异常资金跨境乃至"热钱"流出的的重要渠道。本文针对个人分拆购付汇行为的新现象,对遏制和防范个人在分拆购付汇上存在的缺陷与不足进行剖析,并在此基础上提出相应的对策建议。  相似文献   

保证外商人民币利润自由汇出,是我国维护外商投资合法权益的基本政策。近几年,在国内经济稳定快速增长、人民币汇率升值预期和本外币正利差等多重因素影响下,外商看好我国经济发展前景,获得利润滞留境内的越来越多。但利润汇出时机及汇出总量的不确定性给我国国际收支平衡和外汇市场带来一定影响。  相似文献   

The perception that banks are exploiting customers through their fee-charging practices in a bid to maximize profits, has fuelled widespread public interest in identifying the banks that profit most heavily from fees. Using hierarchical cross-country regression analyses, this paper seeks to answer the question – what types of banks profit most from fees charged? It also highlights the country level factors that influence banks’ ability to profit from fees charged. The factors at the country level distinguish between those that relate specifically to the financial services industry and broader macroeconomic indicators. The paper also identifies three channels through which national culture impacts banks’ ability to make high profits from fees. This paper uses the most comprehensive set of explanatory variables in studies of this nature. It has also extended the spatial scope of previous studies on bank fees by including data on banks from 46 developed and developing countries. In light of swelling public pressure on governments to do ‘something’ about bank fees, ill-advised measures are highlighted.  相似文献   

We use institutional trading data to examine whether skilled institutions exploit positive abnormal ex‐dividend returns. Results show that institutions concentrate trading around certain ex‐dates, and earn higher profits around these events. Dividend capture trades represent 6% of all institutional buy trades but contribute 15% of overall abnormal returns. Institutional dividend capture trading is persistent. Institutional ex‐day profitability is also strongly cross‐sectionally related to trade execution skill. The relation between execution skill and profits disappears around placebo non‐ex‐days. Results suggest that skilled institutions target certain opportunities rather than benefiting uniformly over time. Furthermore, only skilled institutions can profit from dividend capture.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, an increasing percentage of the profits reported by U.S. corporations were earned by their foreign subsidiaries and retained outside the United States resulting in the deferral of income taxes. The American Jobs Creation Act of 2004 provided a temporary federal tax incentive to remit such earnings, which resulted in the repatriation of $140 billion by the 30 firms comprising the Dow Jones Industrial Average. An analysis of the financial reporting disclosures made by these firms reveals that a tax expense was not fully recognized on a substantial portion of the earnings until repatriation because of an exception for foreign reinvestments deemed to be essentially permanent in duration. The implications of the currently acceptable accounting for undistributed foreign earnings are discussed as well as recommendations to improve the relevancy and reliability of the disclosures required for this exception to comprehensive recognition of deferred taxes.  相似文献   

本文通过对中国证券市场发展过程中,投资理念逐步转变为价值投资,随着中国证券市场的逐步成熟和法律监管体系的进一步完善,越来越关注企业的内在价值以赚取分红送股。本文分析了国内外上市公司投资价值的背景和重要性,从宏观背景、产业、市场和区域因素和公司情况等方面对上市公司投资价值分析的方法进行了阐述。并重点对公司情况的基本面、财务、投资收益水平、偿债能力和获利及发展水平进行了具体的投资价值的分析,以及各指标公式的使用方法。旨在帮助投资者理性分析选择,挖掘上市公司的内在价值,并能获得较理想的收益。  相似文献   

本文在探讨金融生态的复杂性适应特征基础上,运用复杂性适应系统理论从微观和宏观两个层面分析金融生态平衡的内涵及其调节机理。分析表明,金融生态平衡意味着单个金融组织利润最大化目标的实现、金融体系内部合理的结构秩序以及金融系统与环境的协调和适应,金融生态平衡的调节应主要是以市场原则为基础和方向的金融生态自调节,其调节机制是价格机制,且适度的监管是必要的。  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of the choice of full costing, as a basis for stock valuation (SSAP 9), on the reported profitability of UK manufacturing companies from 1988–2002. It does so by assessing the sensitivity of these companies' profits to the adoption of the variable costing alternative and so explores the potential for this accounting method choice to influence this important performance measure. Tests are undertaken to identify the accounting significance of the stock asset and the stock adjustment, the longer term effects of the choice on the time series of companies' profits and the shorter term effects as reflected in variation in the annual profit signal (particularly, profit vs loss and profit growth vs profit decline). The results indicate that stock remains a substantial variable in profit measurement and that there are likely to be a minority of companies whose reported profitability during the period changes significantly depending upon the basis of stock valuation used. Given the absence of any definitive case for full costing over variable costing, these findings suggest that further research and some consideration of the modification of the existing standard to permit financial statement users to ascertain variable costing based profits are merited.  相似文献   

住房公积金制度产生之初就备受争议,专家、学者以及百姓对之批评之声不断.具体而言,住房公积金制度的问题主要集中在制度设计的不规范和立法条文的不合理上.住房公积金制度的基本功能是满足居民的基本住房保障需求,它既不是投资者用于获益的工具,也不是政府调控房价的杠杆,更不是部分人谋取不正当利益的手段.本文的主要目的在于对住房公积金制度做出了剖析,使大众对住房公积金制度能够有正确的认知,对其弊端能有理性解析,从而对住房公积金制改革提出合理建议.  相似文献   

Gadiesh O  Gilbert JL 《Harvard business review》1998,76(3):149-52, 154, 156 passim
Many managers chart strategy without a full understanding of the sources and distribution of profits in their industry. Sometimes they focus their sights on revenues instead of profits, mistakenly assuming that revenue growth will eventually translate into profit growth. In other cases, they simply lack the data or the analytical tools required to isolate and measure variations in profitability. In this Manager's Tool Kit, the authors present a way to think clearly about where the money's being made in any industry. They describe a framework for analyzing how profits are distributed among the activities that form an industry's value chain. Such an analysis can provide a company's managers with a rich understanding of their industry's profit structure--what the authors call its profit pool--enabling them to identify which activities are generating disproportionately large or small shares of profits. Even more important, a profit-pool map opens a window onto the underlying structure of the industry, helping managers see the various forces that are determining the distribution of profits. As such, a profit-pool map provides a solid basis for strategic thinking. Mapping a profit pool involves four steps: defining the boundaries of the pool, estimating the pool's overall size, estimating the size of each value-chain activity in the pool, and checking and reconciling the calculations. The authors briefly describe each step and then apply the process by providing a detailed example of a hypothetical retail bank. They conclude by looking at ways of organizing the data in chart form as a first step toward plotting a profit-pool strategy.  相似文献   

汇丰全球化的经验及对中资银行推进全球化战略的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
受美国次贷危机的沉重打击,2008年众多欧美国际大型银行出现大幅亏损,而汇丰却实现了微弱的盈利。能够盈利是由于汇丰长期以来秉承了全球化的发展战略,而利润大幅下滑则是因为2008年汇丰在美国市场出现巨额亏损。汇丰能够在短短的几十年内成功推进全球化战略,使得其资产、利润来源分布于全球,主要得益于两大重要支柱:一是全球并购,二是全球上市。汇丰的全球化经验对中资银行推进全球化战略的重要启示有三:一是全球化战略要与银行的整体战略协调一致;二是要综合运用不同的方式拓展海外业务;三是要重点着眼于海外并购后的整合。  相似文献   

A Temporal Analysis of Earnings Surprises: Profits versus Losses   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
I show that median earnings surprise has shifted rightward from small negative (miss analyst estimates by a small amount) to zero (meet analyst estimates exactly) to small positive (beat analyst estimates by a small amount) during the 16 years, 1984 to 1999. I show that a rightward temporal shift in median surprise from negative to positive describes earnings, but neither profits nor losses. Median profit surprise shifts within the positive quadrant, from zero to one cent per share. Median loss surprise shifts within the negative quadrant from extreme negative (about -33 cents per share) to zero. I show that the median surprise for profits exceeds that for losses in every year. I document significant positive temporal trends in both meet and beat analyst estimates for both profits and losses, but I find a greater frequency of profits that either meet or beat analyst estimates in every year. I find a significant positive temporal trend in positive profits that are "a little bit of good news," and a significant negative temporal trend in managers who report losses that are an "extreme amount of bad news." My results are robust to the four internal validity threats I consider—namely temporal changes in: (1) analyst forecast accuracy, (2) the mix of earnings of one sign preceded by earnings of another sign four quarters ago, (3) the timeliness of the most recent analyst forecast, and (4) the I/B/E/S definition of actual earnings. I find that managers of growth firms are relatively more likely than managers of value firms to report good news profits. I show that when they do report positive profit surprises, managers of growth firms are more likely to report "a little bit of good news" in every year.  相似文献   

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