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在融资类银信合作理财产品监管趋严并受到限制的背景下,投资银行间市场的理财产品快速发展是2011年理财市场的一个重要特点。本文的研究表明:一是在现有经济金融环境下投资者对较高收益率资产的需求与银行之间的存款竞争等多个因素共同促进了银行间市场理财产品的快速发展;二是银行间市场理财产品的发行不会对银行在市场中的地位产生影响,总体上对银行体系的稳定影响有限;三是银行间市场理财产品的发行对银行体系流动性总体有利,但会产生时点上的不利影响,并给中小机构的流动性管理带来压力;四是银行间市场理财产品的发行是一种金融创新.有利于金融机构的长远发展。本文建议:适当提高存款基准利率水平,稳步推进利率市场化;对现有银行间市场理财产品进一步加强监测与规范;在加强监管的前提下,继续鼓励银行金融创新.  相似文献   

2013年,我国利率市场化进程加快推进,金融创新层出不穷,金融监管力度加大。文章按同业拆借利率、质押式回购利率、交易所回购利率、Shibor分别回顾了货币市场主要利率品种走势,指出受境内外、宏微观多重因素影响,2013年我国货币市场利率中枢抬升,波动加大;交易所市场活跃度提高,利率走势与银行间市场呈现差异;境外货币市场利率走势相对独立,与境内市场利差有所扩大。  相似文献   

本文以银行同业业务和金融市场流动性为研究对象,试图厘清银行同业业务对市场流动性产生影响的作用机制,研究发现银行同业业务与流动性管理二者之间存在天然的“悖论”,体现在对资产负债期限错配的不同偏好上:期限错配是同业业务盈利的重要来源,而流动性管理的目标则是严格约束期限错配。本文还在系统构建金融市场流动性测度指标的基础上,借助面板数据,实证检验了不同规模银行、不同类型同业业务对金融市场流动性的影响大小,最后给出政策建议。  相似文献   

文章从我国银行间市场结构特征出发,分析了近年来银行间市场利率和流动性大 幅波动的内在机理与原因。研究认为,塔形市场交易结构下,银行间市场存在流动性风险易聚 集不易分散的缺陷,且难以依靠“有形之手”得到弥补。文章结合塔形市场结构的特点建立矩 阵分析法,对40家金融机构资产负债表进行实证分析。结论印证了理论分析,即塔形市场交易 结构下风险冲击影响时间更长,且央行流动性救助效果降低,但流动性救助机制能降低风险对 中小型地方法人金融机构的冲击。因此,有必要建立流动性风险救助机制,弥补银行间市场客 观存在的缺陷,增强中小型地方法人金融机构抵御银行间市场流动性风险冲击的能力。  相似文献   

This paper develops a network model of interbank lending in which unsecured claims, repo activity and shocks to the haircuts applied to collateral assume centre stage. We show how systemic liquidity crises of the kind associated with the interbank market collapse of 2007–2008 can arise within such a framework, with funding contagion spreading widely through the web of interlinkages. Our model illustrates how greater complexity and concentration in the financial network may amplify this fragility. The analysis suggests how a range of policy measures – including tougher liquidity regulation, macro-prudential policy, and surcharges for systemically important financial institutions – could make the financial system more resilient.  相似文献   

A core goal of regulators and financial authorities is to understand how market prices convey information on the financial health of its participants. From this viewpoint we build an Early-Warning Indicators System (EWIS) that allows for identifying those financial institutions perceived as risky counterparts by the participants of the interbank market. We use micro-level data from bilateral overnight unsecured loans performed in the interbank market between January 2011 and December 2014. The EWIS identifies those participants that systematically pay high prices for liquidity in this market. We employ coverage tests to estimate EWIS’ robustness and consistency. We find that financial institutions with an elevated frequency of signals tend to exhibit a net borrower liquidity position in the interbank market, hence suggesting they are facing recurrent liquidity needs. Those institutions also exhibit higher probability of insolvency measured by the Z-score indicator. Thus, our results support the existence of market discipline based on peer-monitoring. Overall, the EWIS may assist financial authorities in focusing their attention and resources on those financial institutions perceived by the market as those closer to distress.  相似文献   

The network pattern of financial linkages is important in many areas of banking and finance. Yet, bilateral linkages are often unobserved, and maximum entropy serves as the leading method for estimating counterparty exposures. This paper proposes an efficient alternative that combines information-theoretic arguments with economic incentives to produce more realistic interbank networks that preserve important characteristics of the original interbank market. The method loads the most probable links with the largest exposures consistent with the total lending and borrowing of each bank, yielding networks with minimum density. When used in a stress-testing context, the minimum-density solution overestimates contagion, whereas maximum entropy underestimates it. Using the two benchmarks side-by-side defines a useful range that bounds the cost of contagion in the true interbank network when counterparty exposures are unknown.  相似文献   

运用复杂网络的系统科学方法,选用2007~2009年金融危机期间我国同业拆借市场相关数据,构建相应的同业拆借网络对我国同业拆借市场进行实证研究。结果表明:我国同业拆借市场具有典型的小世界和无标度特性,同时,在应对金融危机过程中,同业拆借利率表现出基准利率所具有的市场性和稳定性特点。  相似文献   

We argue that there is a connection between the interbank market for liquidity and the broader financial markets, which has its basis in demand for liquidity by banks. Tightness in the market for liquidity leads banks to engage in what we term “liquidity pull-back,” which involves selling financial assets either by banks directly or by levered investors. Empirical tests on the stock market are supportive. Tighter interbank markets are associated with relatively more volume in more liquid stocks; selling pressure, especially in more liquid stocks; and transitory negative returns. We control for market-wide uncertainty and in the process also contribute to the literature on portfolio rebalancing. Our general point is that money matters in financial markets.  相似文献   

This paper uses an agent-based model to construct an interbank network for the Chinese interbank market using a sample of 299 commercial banks from 2014 to 2019. We analyze the importance and vulnerability of banks using the DebtRank algorithm. Our results show that the Chinese interbank market bears a certain level of systemic risk, especially among lower-tiered banks. The results also show a bank is more vulnerable if it has a higher interbank lending ratio and greater financial connectivity. Meanwhile, a bank is more influential if it has a larger net worth and greater financial connectivity.  相似文献   

Interbank contagion has become a buzzword in the aftermath of the financial crisis that led to a series of shocks to the interbank market and to periods of pronounced market disruptions. However, little is known about how interbank networks are formed and about their sensitivity to changes in key bank parameters (for example, induced by common exogenous shocks or by regulatory initiatives). This paper aims to shed light on these issues by modelling endogenously the formation of interbank networks, which in turn allows for checking the sensitivity of interbank network structures and hence, their underlying contagion risk to changes in market-driven parameters as well as to changes in regulatory measures such as large exposures limits. The sequential network formation mechanism presented in the paper is based on a portfolio optimization model, whereby banks allocate their interbank exposures while balancing the return and risk of counterparty default risk and the placements are accepted taking into account funding diversification benefits. The model offers some interesting insights into how key parameters may affect interbank network structures and can be a valuable tool for analysing the impact of various regulatory policy measures relating to banks’ incentives to operate in the interbank market.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of ample liquidity provision by the European Central Bank on the functioning of the overnight unsecured interbank market from 2008 to 2014. We use novel data on interbank transactions derived from TARGET2, the main euro area payment system. To identify exogenous shocks to central bank liquidity, we exploit the timing of ECB liquidity operations and use a simple structural vector auto-regression framework. We argue that the ECB acted as a de facto lender-of-last-resort to the euro area banking system and identify two main effects of central bank liquidity provision on interbank markets. First, central bank liquidity replaces the demand for liquidity in the interbank market, especially during the financial crisis (2008–2010). Second, it increases the supply of liquidity in the interbank market in stressed countries (Greece, Italy and Spain) during the sovereign debt crisis (2011–2013).  相似文献   

利率市场化是我国深化金融体制改革的必由之路,是继商业银行股份制改革后的"二次革命"。作为金融改革的配套创新制度,银行间市场取得了长足发展,成为我国目前最大的资金投融资市场,并已成为央行投放和回收基础货币、调剂社会流动性余缺的重要载体。本文重点分析我国地方中小银行在利率市场化条件下面临的冲击和加入银行间市场必要性,提出"参照银行间市场基础利率,建立和完善利率定价机制"等建议。  相似文献   

我国银行问债券市场进一步创新的路径探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来我国银行间债券市场发展成效显著,其中,在防范风险前提下对创新的鼓励为市场发展提供了重要动力。该文从宏观和微观两个层面归纳了我国银行间债券市场的创新原则,并从基础产品创新、金融衍生品创新、做市商及其配套制度创新、发行与结算方式创新等多个角度提出银行间债券市场进一步创新的潜在方向。  相似文献   

This paper empirically investigates the role of banks’ network centrality in the interbank market on their funding rates. Specifically we analyze transaction data from the e-MID market, the only electronic interbank market in the Euro Area and US, over the period 2006–2009 that encompasses the global financial crisis. We show that interbank spreads are significantly affected by both local and global measures of connectedness. The effects of network centrality increased as the financial crisis evolved. Local measures show that having more links increases borrowing costs for borrowers and reduces premia for lenders. For global network centrality, borrowers receive a significant discount if they increase their intermediation activity and become more central, while lenders pay in general a premium (i.e. receive lower rates) for centrality. This provides evidence of the ‘too-interconnected-to-fail’ hypothesis.  相似文献   

本次金融危机凸显了加强宏观审慎监管的必要性.目前,国际社会对宏观审慎监管的重要性展开了广泛探讨,各国监管当局也在实践中逐步推进宏观审慎监管.本文剖析了宏观审慎监管框架的三个重要核心部分,即宏观审慎政策目标、政策治理范围和操作工具,进而探讨宏观审慎政策与货币政策的关系及其对中央银行履职带来的挑战.研究发现,宏观审慎政策与货币政策之间的相互作用,决定了两者必须协调使用,因此中央银行应该在宏观审慎监管中发挥主要作用,确保货币政策和宏观审慎政策的一致性,避免监管摩擦和监管真空.在我国加强宏观审慎监管的实践中,由于人民银行承担着防范和化解系统性金融风险,维护金融稳定的职责,同时具备牵头建立金融监管协调机制的法定职能和监管银行间市场、外汇市场和支付体系的法定职权,从而决定了人民银行在宏观审慎监管中必然发挥主要作用.  相似文献   

一个国家或地区的回购市场健全成熟与否对于防范流动性危机至关重要。通过分析本次金融危机对国际回购市场的影响以及各国的应对措施,结合我国银行间回购市场的实际情况研究认为,有必要在我国银行间回购市场引入CCP清算和回购第三方服务,它们在危机时刻能够有效降低回购市场的整体信用风险,维持市场流动性。同时,还应该妥当协调抵押品变现问题,提高抵押品的利用率,以及建立应对金融危机的回购市场监管应急预案。  相似文献   

自全球金融危机以来,国际场外衍生品市场监管逐渐趋于严格和透明,标准化和电子化已成为衍生品市场发展的重要趋势。文章回顾了场外衍生品电子化交易确认业务的产生背景、发展进程与发展经验,介绍了国内银行间衍生品市场应用电子化交易确认业务的实践,及其对于提高市场标准化程度、降低市场风险以及完善衍生品市场基础设施的重要意义。  相似文献   

梳理银行间市场资金面的影响因素,对于分析市场资金面的供求关系,央行评估货币政策执行效果,以及金融机构进行资产组合配置都有积极作用。文章从货币政策、商业银行存贷款增量、央行外汇占款、税收因素等多个角度,梳理了影响我国银行间市场资金面的八项因素,并在此基础上分析了今年5月份以来银行间市场资金面快速趋紧的成因。三季度,受CPI冲高回落、重申人民币汇改以及大型商业银行流动性状况好转等因素影响,银行间市场资金面紧张的格局将逐步改善。  相似文献   

同业拆借市场是货币市场最重要的子市场之一,市场化的同业拆借利率能及时灵敏地反映货币市场资金的供求状况,是市场上其他利率波动的重要参照与金融资产定价的重要基础。本文收集了1998-2003年、2005-2010年的相关数据,利用ADF单位根检验和格兰杰因果关系检验,对同业拆借利率的市场化情况进行实证分析,再对我国同业拆借市场的发展现状和存在问题进行分析,最后针对同业拆借利率市场化发展提出建议。  相似文献   

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