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平川区是一个工矿资源型县级区,主要依赖煤炭等资源支持县域经济的发展.近年来在经济较快发展过程中信贷资源配置的结构性问题日益突出,这种情况促使民间借贷在平川地区发展较快.规范和引导民间借贷是当前解决欠发达地区县域经济融资问题的现实选择.  相似文献   

一、金融抑制背景下民间借贷成为农村金融的重要补充 1、农村金融抑制状况为民间借贷提供了一定发展空间。当前,经济欠发达地区农村金融抑制现象主要表现为信贷支农功能弱化,金融支农能力下降,同时也反映了农村正规金融存有缺陷:民间借贷的活跃,则是借贷主体在正规金融资金供给不足和金融服务缺位情况下的产物与选择.可以说,农村金融抑制为民间借贷提供了一定发展空间。  相似文献   

一、安庆市民间借贷现状作为经济欠发达的中部地区,自1999年11月城乡居民储蓄开征利息税以来,安庆市民间借贷出现了一些新的变化。在过去监测的基础上,我们先后在安庆市辖范围内开展了典型调查。  相似文献   

欠发达地区民间借贷的特点、风险及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了民间借贷存在的合理性以及在欠发达地区的活动特点,指出民间借贷在缺乏有效监管和规范之下尚存在着一定风险,并就如何规范和引导民间借贷提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

民间借贷利率的价格形成机制及受哪些因素的影响和制约,历来是政府和金融监管部门十分关注的问题,尤其在欠发达地区从银行融资的困难较大,这更显得民间融资对于发展地方经济的重要性。  相似文献   

自2003年以来,国家逐步放开了民间小额信贷的限制,并制定了一系列扶持政策,民间信贷产业得以快速发展。本文将以海南州为例,探讨欠发达民族地区民间借贷利率定价的形成因素,并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

活跃的民间借贷急需规范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上饶市地处闽浙赣皖四省交界处,由于城镇化水平低、经济欠发达,许多乡镇尚无金融机构涉足或已退出市场,加上部分乡镇的金融机构在贷款上控制较严,所以民间借贷比较活跃。据本次调查情况显示,上饶市的民间借贷基本上每个县市、乡镇、农场均存在,但主要分布在城镇及城乡结合部等经济活动较为活跃的地区。其特点主要是:借贷规模较小,且时有时无;服务对象复杂,但以个体工商户、私营业主为主;借贷用途以生产经营性为主;借贷手续简便、以信用方式为主;期限较短、利率较高。  相似文献   

刘德伟 《时代金融》2007,(12):46-47
最近,中国人民银行禄劝县支行对云南省禄劝县辖内民间借贷情况进行了调查。从调查结果来看,在禄劝县“三农”经济活动中,已经沿袭多年的以金融机构信贷为主的借贷格局产生了较大的变化,最突出的就是:民间借贷规模在不断扩大,已成为欠发达地区禄劝县“三农”在发展经济时获得急需流动资金和建设资金的重要渠道。这样的格局,仅从经济行为方面来说,虽然起到了有效缓解农村资金供求矛盾的作用,但从其发展的现实情况和风险防范上来看,影响“三农”经济活动的不利因素还是值得高度关注的。  相似文献   

作为经济欠发达地区如何激活民间资本,疏通和扩大民间投资渠道,是当前区域经济和社会发展的迫切需要。本文以中部内陆城市随州市民间投资情况为例,从中分析欠发达地区民间资本投资现状及存在问题,探讨经济发展相对落后地区如何规范民间投资,拓展经济多元化融资之路径。  相似文献   

从欠发达地区农村金融市场现状看,金融抑制现象较为突出,正规金融支农功能有所弱化,民间借贷得以较快发展。本文通过对民间借贷与正规金融发展现状的比较分析,农村金融机构应以增强金融服务功能为目标,切实开展金融服务创新,积极构建健康高效的农村金融市场。  相似文献   

We study the impact of female production workers on firms' access to trade credits across the world. Using two sources of plausibly exogenous variations in gender bias and a difference-in-differences framework, we document that firms with more female production workers have less access to trade credits in countries with stronger gender beliefs that favor males. This relationship is largely driven by firms in industries with unexpected credit shortages and industries dominated by males. Since female firms rely more on informal finance, this study is relevant for policies that direct female firms towards formal credit markets in highly gender-biased places.  相似文献   

We evaluate price subsidies and tax credits for childcare. We focus on partnered women's labour supply, household income and welfare, demand for childcare and government expenditure. Using Australian data, we estimate a joint, discrete structural model of labour supply and childcare demand. We introduce two methodological innovations – a more flexible quantity constraint that total formal and informal childcare hours are at least as large as the mother's labour supply and the explicit inclusion of maternal childcare in the utility function as a proxy for child development. We find that tax credits are more effective than subsidies in terms of increasing average hours worked and household income. However, tax credits disproportionately benefit wealthier and more educated women. Price subsidies, while less efficient, have positive redistributional effects.  相似文献   

This paper offers a framework to understand informal financing based on mechanisms to deal with asymmetric information and enforcement. We find that constructive informal financing such as trade credits and family borrowing that relies on information advantages or an altruistic relationship is associated with good firm performance. Underground financing such as money lenders who use violence for enforcement is not. Constructive informal financing is prevalent in regions where access to bank loans is extensive, while its role in supporting firm growth decreases with bank loan availability. International comparisons show that China is not an outlier but rather average in using informal financing.  相似文献   

作为我国传统的老年照料模式,家庭照料在欠发达农村地区正受到“少子化”和人口流动的冲击。与此同时,受制于“欠发达”的经济社会环境,福利照料模式和市场照料模式发育不良。一些地方尝试的“互助养老”“时间银行”等模式往往存在“避重就轻”“避实就虚”或可持续性差的问题。对此,本文提出,在欠发达农村地区发展类市场性质的“互惠养老”模式。该模式的主要参与者包括政府,村民自治组织,提供养老服务的村民,接受养老服务的失能、半失能老人及其家人;参与各方因各有所“图”而结合,各有所“为”而促进机制可持续运行,最终达到各有所“获”的制度目标。  相似文献   

高明  胡聪慧 《金融研究》2022,503(5):189-206
正规金融与非正规金融的定位和关系,不仅是重要的学术问题,也是影响间接金融体系改革方向的关键。本文从机制视角建立学理框架,从信息和履约两个基础维度,讨论正规金融与非正规金融的相对效率及决定因素,并通过系统梳理相关文献,指出现有实证研究的成果与挑战;进而结合中国特征,讨论如何提高正规金融与非正规金融的效率,最后提出未来研究方向。本文认为,正规金融与非正规金融因信息和履约机制不同而各有其独立存在价值,其相对效率取决于不同经济发展阶段的社会网络基础和征信、法律体系,现有实证文献对两者作用的分歧主要源于分类、样本局限和内生性处理。本文从机制视角进行分析,体现了正规金融和非正规金融的金融属性,为探索相关领域学术研究和政策制定提供启示。  相似文献   

赵鹏 《金融论坛》2006,11(12):50-54
从余额、增量、增幅、人均信贷水平等不同维度看,安徽信贷市场规模较小,但是面临巨大的发展空间。拓展和创新欠发达地区信贷市场需要重视四个方面:第一,在国家货币信贷政策上对经济欠发达地区信贷市场的扩展给予促进和推动;第二,大型商业银行的总行在制定区域信贷政策和分配贷款限额时,要对其在经济欠发达地区的分支机构实行倾斜;第三,欠发达地区各级政府要大力加强诚信社会建设,确保投资者和债权人合法权益,增强其投资信心和收益预期;第四,商业银行要建立适应欠发达地区信贷市场快速发展的信贷营销机制和信贷管理机制,确保信贷市场健康持续发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines innovation quality of U.S. research tax credit users (i.e., firms with currently earned research tax credits). Prior literature reports that the research tax credit is effective in increasing research and development (R&D) expenditures and reducing managers’ myopic behavior. However, little is known about the real (or economic) effect of R&D tax credits, as most of these findings have been based on estimated R&D tax credits rather than actual R&D tax credits. Additionally, some researchers and the government still have concerns about the real effect of R&D tax credits by criticizing the ambiguity and complexity of the tax codes (IRC Section 41). Therefore, I use actual R&D tax credits identified in firms’ 10-K and state R&D tax credits as identification tests to reduce endogeneity issues. My results indicate that research generating R&D tax credits contributes to better innovation quality and higher return volatility but lower pre-tax profitability. Overall, these findings imply that enacting the R&D tax credit provisions would trigger better innovation.  相似文献   

The distance between small firms and their lenders is increasing, and they are communicating in more impersonal ways. After documenting these systematic changes, we demonstrate they do not arise from small firms locating differently, consolidation in the banking industry, or biases in the sample. Instead, improvements in lender productivity appear to explain our findings. We also find distant firms no longer have to be the highest quality credits, indicating they have greater access to credit. The evidence indicates there has been substantial development of the financial sector, even in areas such as small business lending.  相似文献   

In a dividend imputation tax system, equity investors have three potential sources of return: dividends, capital gains and franking (tax) credits. However, the standard procedures for estimating the market risk premium (MRP) for use in the capital asset pricing model, ignore the value of franking credits. Officer (1994) notes that if franking credits do affect the corporate cost of capital, their value must be added to the standard estimates of MRP. In the present paper, we explicitly derive the relationship between the value of franking credits (gamma) and the MRP. We show that the standard parameter estimates that have been adopted in practice (especially by Australian regulators) violate this deterministic mathematical relationship. We also show how information on dividend yields and effective tax rates bounds the values that can be reasonably used for gamma and the MRP. We make recommendations for how estimates of the MRP should be adjusted to reflect the value of franking credits in an internally consistent manner.  相似文献   

本文通过CD生产函数模型,对我国保险代理机构的效率进行了实证分析,得出结论:经济较不发达地区的保险代理机构的资本产出弹性高于经济较发达地区,具有更明显的规模经济。因而,加大经济较不发达地区的资本投入是提高保险代理机构效率的有效手段,而经济较发达地区保险代理机构则更需要提高员工素质.这也是保险代理机构长期发展的必然选择。  相似文献   

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