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鉴于监管压力是我国银行被动调整资本充足率的原因,本文认为,我国商业银行资本充足率高并不一定代表资本充足的真实和有效。通过计量实证和统计方法对14家银行财务数据进行的研究,本文对提高资本充足率的两种方法——资本管理和监管资本套利进行了分析。结果表明,银行没有通过贷款损失准备进行资本管理,但是通过相互持有次级债弥补资本不足。在监管资本套利方面,我国资产规模较大的银行很可能进行了监管资本套利。在金融不断深化的背景下重新审视资本监管,重视资本充足的真实有效是未来银行监管面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

资本是商业银行经营的基础,资本充足率也是监管当局重视的指标之一。随着巴塞尔协议的公布,许多国家相继对商业银行实行了资本充足性管制,其后,各国商业银行的资本充足率逐步提高。同时,资本充足性管制对宏观经济产生的影响也引起了人们的广泛关注。本文首先通过构造一个简单的模型,考察资本充足性管制对商业银行信贷资产所带来的紧缩效应;然后,对发展中国家进行了实证分析;最后,对我国商业银行补充资本金问题进行了研究,指出我国入世后,为了消除加强资本充足性管制的紧缩效应对宏观经济带来的不利影响,应做好补充国有商业银行资本金、发展资本市和吸引外资银行进入等方面的工作。  相似文献   

中国商业银行资本监管有效性实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了检验资本充足性管制对中国商业银行的资本充足率和风险水平的影响,本文在国外学者研究的基础上,构建了一个联立方程模型。根据这个模型,采用两阶段最小二乘法进行实证分析,分析结果表明:不管是资本充足情况较好的银行,还是资本充足情况较差的银行在资本充足性管制的压力下都提高了资本充足率;资本充足性管制促进了商业银行风险的降低。不过,由于多数银行已超过资本充足性管制中的最低标准,该标准产生的管制效应正在减弱。  相似文献   

邱靖平 《征信》2016,(12):71-75
选取我国14家上市商业银行2009-2014年财务数据为样本,运用格兰杰因果关系检验,发现我国商业银行主要通过留存收益、降低高风险资产比例和提高低风险资产比例来提升资本充足水平.在建立动态面板数据模型的基础上,运用系统广义矩估计方法,实证研究了资本约束对我国商业银行经营转型的影响.研究结果表明,资本约束对我国商业银行经营转型、调整经营业务结构、增加非利息业务比重、改变高度依赖利差的传统经营模式具有一定的促进作用.  相似文献   

我国银行业资本充足监管效应分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吉琴田 《时代金融》2011,(17):26-27,42
2008年金融危机爆发,国外众多金融机构破产,使得资本充足率的监管再次成为关注的焦点。探讨资本充足率监管政策效应具有很大的理论价值和现实意义。本文在引言中讲述了研究背景、内容及其意义,并对我国商业银行资本充足率监管的现状进行了简单的介绍。接下来对国内外学者关于资本充足性监管对商业银行绩效影响的文献进行综述,发现国内外学者对于这个问题没有一致的看法。进而结合我国资本充足性监管对商业银行绩效影响的现实状况,选取2006-2010年五年间我国10家相对具有代表性的上市银行的数据样本,对《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》实施一段时间后,资本充足性监管对我国商业银行绩效产生何种影响进行实证分析。计量结果显示,资本充足率监管对银行绩效影响显著。  相似文献   

吉琴田 《云南金融》2011,(6Z):26-27
2008年金融危机爆发,国外众多金融机构破产,使得资本充足率的监管再次成为关注的焦点。探讨资本充足率监管政策效应具有很大的理论价值和现实意义。本文在引言中讲述了研究背景、内容及其意义,并对我国商业银行资本充足率监管的现状进行了简单的介绍。接下来对国内外学者关于资本充足性监管对商业银行绩效影响的文献进行综述,发现国内外学者对于这个问题没有一致的看法。进而结合我国资本充足性监管对商业银行绩效影响的现实状况,选取2006-2010年五年间我国10家相对具有代表性的上市银行的数据样本,对《商业银行资本充足率管理办法》实施一段时间后,资本充足性监管对我国商业银行绩效产生何种影响进行实证分析。计量结果显示,资本充足率监管对银行绩效影响显著。  相似文献   

国有商业银行资本充足监管有效性及其前提条件   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
资本充足问题一直是各国商业银行外部监管和内部控制共同关心的问题.<巴塞尔协议>出台以来,我国国有商业银行内部激励缺乏,而外部监管又流于形式,资本充足率持续下降.本文从国有悖论、监管宽容和实证推算三个方面重点对国有商业银行资本充足监管的有效性进行分析,认为当前对国有商业银行资本充足监管是无效或低效的.但在我国已经加入WTO的宏观背景下,对国有商业银行进行资本充足监管又是必要和必须的,而前提是对不良贷款进行二次剥离和彻底改制,以建立起现代商业银行制度,从而为国有商业银行资本充足有效监管奠定制度基础.  相似文献   

资本充足问题一直是各国商业银行外部监管和内部控制共同关心的问题。《巴塞尔协议》出台以来,我国国有商业银行内部激励缺乏,而外部监管又流于形式,资本充足率持续下降。本文从国有悖论、监管宽容和实证推算三个方面重点对国有商业银行资本充足监管的有效性进行分析,认为当前对国有商业银  相似文献   

本文基于2002-2013年我国上市银行的面板模型,构建我国上市商业银行的资本缓冲调整模型和信贷行为影响模型,探讨我国商业银行资本缓冲的周期性及其对信贷的影响。实证结果表明:我国上市商业银行的资本缓冲具有显著的逆周期性特征;资本缓冲调整对银行信贷扩张具有显著的负向作用,并且在一定程度上强化了货币政策对银行信贷的影响程度。根据这一研究结果,为了应对我国商业银行信贷投放的顺周期性,应进一步完善银行体系的逆周期资本缓冲机制,充分发挥资本缓冲机制对商业银行信贷行为的调节作用。  相似文献   

本文在现有资本结构理论基础上,结合我国企业资本结构研究的实际情况,运用面板数据回归的方法对影响我国上市公司资本结构的宏观经济因素进行了实证研究。实证结果表明,宏观经济因素对上市公司资本结构存在显著影响,但不同的宏观经济因素在对上市公司资本结构影响的滞后性上存在差异。  相似文献   

本文采用多元回归方法,分析我国商业银行净利润与资本结构的关系,选取2007年以来我国4家国有商业银行和7家股份制商业银行的半年度数据为样本,实证研究我国商业银行资本结构对经营绩效的影响。研究结果表明,净利润与资产规模、前五大股东持股比例有显著的正相关,同时与资本充足率、第一大股东持股比例有显著的负相关,商业银行的资本结构对其净利润有显著的影响。  相似文献   

This study attempts to reconcile the conflicting theoretical predictions regarding how government ownership affects bank capital behaviour. Using a unique Chinese bank dataset over 2006–2015 we find that government-owned banks have higher target capital ratios and adjust these ratios faster compared to private banks, supporting the ‘development/political’ view of the government’s role in banking. This effect is stronger for local government-owned and state enterprise-owned banks than for central government-owned banks. We also find that undercapitalized government-owned banks increase equity while undercapitalized foreign banks contract assets and liabilities as their respective main strategy to adjust their capital ratios.  相似文献   

We document in this paper that large banks use Loan Loss Provisions (LLP) more than small banks to manage reported earnings, but we find no significant difference in the use of LLP to manage capital ratios between large and small banks. Additionally, we document that banks with high risk asset portfolios use more LLP to manage reported earnings as well as capital ratios compared to the banks with low risk asset portfolios. Our findings also show that SFAS 114 has a moderating effect on the use of LLP to manage reported earnings, especially by large banks, but there is no conclusive evidence on the impact of SFAS 114 to manage capital ratios. Furthermore, the findings show that there has been significantly more earnings management during the 2007–2008 financial crisis compared to earlier periods.  相似文献   

采用部分调整模型和傅里叶单位根检验对中国14家上市商业银行的最优资本水平进行研究,并估计出存在最优资本水平银行的最优资本比率值和资本调整速度。研究发现,大部分上市银行均存在最优资本水平,但不同类型和资产规模的银行在最优资本比率的目标变量选择方面有所差异。平均而言,大型商业银行最优资本水平较高,股份制银行最优资本水平较低。资本调整速度在银行间差异很大,自有资金比率调整速度最快,核心资本充足率和资本充足率调整速度较慢。  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the effectiveness of risk‐based capital (RBC) regulation and challenges some evidence from the well‐known study by Haldane and Madouros (2012). We reconsider the evidence on the relationship between RBC ratios and failures of US banks from Haldane and Madouros (2012) and find their results are not robust to changes in the sample period or regression model. Using data on US commercial banks from 2000 through 2015 and an improved regression model, we compare banks’ RBC ratios and simple capital ratios as predictors of bank risk. We find simple capital ratios to be significantly better than complex RBC ratios as predictors of bank risk.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of Sukuk market development on Islamic banks’ capital ratios using a sample comprising 230 Islamic banks spanning the period 2005–2014. We characterize Islamic bank capital along multiple dimensions, namely: capital adequacy ratio, Tier 1 capital ratio, and capital-to-total assets ratio. We employ both the Prais-Winston technique and the system GMM estimator to tackle potential omitted variable bias, endogeneity, and simultaneity issues. The evidence shows that Sukuk market development has had a negative effect on capital ratios of Islamic banks. We argue that the development of Sukuk markets may have stimulated the competition between Islamic Banks, inducing them to hold lower capital ratios. Our results also show that trade openness and bank liquidity are positively and significantly related to capital ratios, while bank size and loan loss reserve ratio are negatively and significantly related to capital ratios, as expected.  相似文献   

经济资本管理:理论分析及我国实践   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,经济资本管理作为优化资源配置、提高风险调整收益的核心工具,在国际先进银行中得到广泛应用。通过经济资本可以量化各类业务敞口的风险水平,计算抵御风险所需的资本金额,银行决策层可据此调整风险偏好与发展战略,制定更为科学、合理、清晰的政策组合,确保银行价值最大化目标的实现。本文阐述了经济资本管理的基本理论、国内外实践情况,分析了我国银行业实践中存在的问题,提出了相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

This study examines whether and to what extent Australian banks use loan loss provisions (LLPs) for capital, earnings management and signalling. We examine if there were changes in the use of LLPs as a result of the implementation of banking regulations consistent with the Basel Accord of 1988, which made loan loss reserves no longer part of Tier I capital in the numerator of the capital adequacy ratio. We find some evidence to indicate that Australian banks use LLPs for capital management, but we find no evidence of a change in this behaviour after the implementation of the Basel Accord. Our results indicate that banks in Australia use LLPs to manage earnings. Furthermore, listed commercial banks engage more aggressively in earnings management using LLPs than unlisted commercial banks. We also find that earnings management behaviour is more pronounced in the post‐Basel period. Overall, we find a significant understating of LLPs in the post‐Basel period relative to the pre‐Basel period. This indicates that reported earnings might not reflect the true economic reality underlying those numbers. Finally, Australian banks do not appear to use LLPs for signalling future intentions of higher earnings to investors.  相似文献   

混合型资本工具与商业银行资本结构优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
资本管理是银行风险管理的核心内容,银行通过资本结构的合理安排,不仅能有效覆盖风险,满足资本监管要求,还能同时提高财务效率。本文结合混合型资本工具的特点及各国监管规定,分析了商业银行的最佳资本结构选择,并提出了我国商业银行的应对策略。  相似文献   

Basel regulators have received widespread criticism for failing to prevent two credit crises that hit the U.S. over the last two decades. Nonetheless, banks were considerably overcapitalized prior to the onset of the 2007–2009 subprime crisis compared to those which had undergone the 1990–1991 recession. Therefore, if capital requirements were achieved prior to the subprime crisis, how could the Basel framework be blamed again for having accelerated if not caused another credit crunch? We find that the answer to this question lies in the relationship between the capital ratio and the leverage ratio which is governed by risk-weights categories determined by the Basel regulation. We show that changes to risk-weight categories which affect the correlation pattern between both ratios are not reflected in the subprime crisis. This minimizes the implication of the Basel II regulation in the crunch that succeeded its announcement, in contrast to Basel I. We demonstrate that these dynamics are governed by a formula linking the two ratios together which derives from the sensitivity of the risk-based capital ratio to a change in its risk-weight(s). One implication of our work regarding the Basel III regulation consists in validating the newly established capital increments in a mathematical rather than heuristical approach.  相似文献   

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