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本文利用2009年10月23日中国创业板市场开板以来至2010年12月31日的153只IPO样本数据,研究了IPO发行成本与中介机构声誉之间的关系。实证结果表明:中介机构声誉对IPO直接成本有显著正影响,存在着明显的声誉溢价效应;中介机构声誉对IPO间接成本有显著负影响,承销商声誉越高,间接成本越低;由于间接成本占比较大,声誉的负向影响要大过正向影响,整体来看,中介机构声誉对IPO发行总成本有显著负影响。因此,从股票发行者成本控制的角度出发,本文结论支持发行者选择高声誉的中介机构。  相似文献   

本文根据2000-2008年间中国A股市场的IPO数据,考察直接成本(发行费用)受规模经济以及不同定价机制的影响。研究发现,在中国A股IPO市场上平均发行成本占总发行收益的5.84%,平均承销费用占总收益的3.73%。并且企业发行费用随企业发行总收益增加而减小,呈现出边际成本递减的趋势。对于不同的发行定价机制,固定价格定价方式下企业发行成本最小,低于累计投标发行和2005年以后施行的询价发行制度。  相似文献   

选取2009年6月到2012年11月在中小企业板发行的428只新股为研究样本,运用因子分析和逐步回归法对IPO定价影响因素进行实证研究。研究发现,公司的盈利因子F2、发行市盈率、发行费用、发行数量、新股发行改革政策、预计募集资金、成长因子F3、中签率、营运因子F4对新股发行价格有重要影响,而其他因素的影响均不显著。继而构建中小板IPO定价模型,可为拟发行新股的公司提供定价指导,并建议继续深化新股发行市场化改革,以提高定价效率。  相似文献   

本文对2000年至2012年期间上海证券交易所新股IPO首日的超额收益率进行了总体分析,发现沪市新股IPO首日超额收益率均值水平高达109.7%。明显高于纽约、香港和新加坡证券市场。基于沪市的高超额收益率水平及属性结构特征,本文从公司自身因素、市场因素和制度因素三个层面构建了IPO首日超额收益率影响因素指标体系,并采用因子分析和多元回归分析相结合的方法对IPO首日超额收益率的影响因素进行了分析。分析发现,规模因子、上市市场成熟度因子和收益性因子对新股首日收盘收益率起负向影响作用,而上市公司成长能力因子则起正向影响作用;保荐制审核方式比通道制方式下的新股首日超额收益率小,网下询价、网上定价发行方式则比其他发行方式首日收盘收益率大。  相似文献   

针对新股二级市场高溢价现象,从一级发行市场和二级市场两个方向选择了若干解释变量,并通过主成分分析法从一级发行市场变量中提取了4个因子,结合二级市场解释变量对近3年上海证券交易所IPO的158家公司上市后的超常收益进行了实证分析。发现机构申购报价、每股净资产、发行比以及次新股板块收益率4个因素是导致新股高溢价的主要原因,即机构在申购时的行为和普通投资者的非理性行为加剧了新股高溢价现象。  相似文献   

采用双步骤法 (主成分分析法逐步回归法 )建立并检验我国新股上网定价发行模型。首先 ,应用主成分分析法 ,研究影响新股定价的指标体系并将九项指标转化为互不相关的、包含原有指标大部分信息(85 %以上 )的三个综合指标 (主成分 )。经过 Matrix因子旋转后 ,对三个公因子建立发行价的逐步回归模型并进行统计检验 ,最后对模型的经济意义进行了解释  相似文献   

IPO价值信息传递与投资银行金融认证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文遵循金融认证理论的研究路径,构建了IPO价值信息的传递与投资银行金融认证的理论模型,实证结果表明:(1)首发市盈率与投资银行的综合竞争力正相关,即综合竞争能力越强的投资银行,其承销的IPO发行市盈率越高.另外,综合竞争能力越强的投资银行,其承销IPO募集资金用途发生变更的企业比例、上市后违规企业的比例以及曾被ST的公司比例均相对较低.(2)新股抑价程度与投资银行的认证成本负相关,但缺乏统计显著性.(3)新股抑价与中签率负相关,与IPO风险测度正相关;新股抑价与投资银行类型的负相关缺乏显著性.(4)IPO中签率与投行认证信息因子、发行价格信息因子的关系缺乏统计显著性;中签率与投资银行的声誉信息因子显著正相关.本文最后提出了相关建议.  相似文献   

本文试以万福生科为例,对比IPO造假的成本与收益,分析发行企业上市造假的动机,并从加大处罚力度、完善发行、退市制度等角度,为降低企业IPO造假概率提出建议。  相似文献   

成本是工程项目的生命线,成本高低直接决定项目的效益与质量。一般情况下,企业只是重视料、工、费等显性成本,而忽视了由于决策者素质不高、信息不足、观念错误以及非市场因素等原因造成的决策错误或失误而直接或间接带来的项目总成本的增加,即隐性成本。本文对此予以探讨。  相似文献   

IPO定价与抑价发行治理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创业板开闸以来出现高市盈率、高发行价、高超募和高抑价率并存现象,对新股发行制度改革尤其是IPO定价效率提出了新的要求。本文通过IPO定价与股票估值之间固有区别的比较,提出了一个更为实用的估价函数,根据平价发行条件得出一个以发行前每股净值、发行比例、EPS和EPS增长率为因子的平价定价模型。必然抑价点的存在,证明特殊市场条件下以行政指导定价和市场自由化定价对抑价发行治理完全无效。进而指出治理IPO抑价是一个需要恰当制度安排、通过市场机制作用对投资情绪进行纠正、引导和培育的长期过程,并给出IPO定价市场化和合理化的几点建议。  相似文献   

Even though empirical evidence on IPO underpricing documents substantial variations across nations, existing literature primarily neglects the simultaneous direct and indirect influences of formal institutional quality. Here, we examine if the perceived differences in IPO underpricing in the global IPO market are due to: direct effect of inter-temporal changes in transparency across countries; indirect effect of inter-temporal changes in country-level transparency on IPO underpricing; or due to both. We employ 10,212 IPO-issuing firms over 22 years covering 12 advanced and 10 emerging countries with heterogeneous formal intuitional backgrounds. The findings demonstrate that differences in country-level characteristics account for 22%, 5%, and 25% of the deviations in IPO underpricing between all G20, developed and developing countries, respectively. By employing time-variant transparency proxies, we explain up to 34% of the variability in IPO underpricing across G20 countries. We observe conclusive evidence showing that country-level transparency indirectly influences underpricing variation by moderating the relationships between the incentive of IPO issuers, underwriter reputation, and the link between ex-ante uncertainty and underpricing. Both direct and indirect effects of formal institutional quality are important in explaining underpricing differences within developing equity markets compared to developed ones. We outline several policy-oriented contributions.  相似文献   

IPO volume fluctuates substantially over time. This paper compares the extent to which the aggregate capital demands of private firms, the adverse-selection costs of issuing equity, and the level of investor optimism can explain these fluctuations. Empirical tests include both aggregate and industry-level time-series regressions using proxies for the above factors and an analysis of the relation between post-IPO stock returns and IPO volume. Results indicate that firms’ demands for capital and investor sentiment are important determinants of IPO volume, in both statistical and economic terms. Adverse-selection costs are also statistically significant, but their economic effect appears small.  相似文献   

We examine the diversification of pre-IPO ownership of foreign-listed firms and how the presence of pre-IPO shareholders from the host country affects foreign issuer’s subsequent IPO and post-IPO activities. Using a sample of foreign-listed Chinese firms, we find that the presence of pre-IPO shareholders from the host country is associated with a significant reduction in direct and indirect IPO costs, especially for issuers without international sales and for firms operating at a loss. Benefits of such pre-IPO affiliation persist into the post-IPO period as manifested in greater analyst coverage and better acquisition performance in the host country. Our paper provides new insight on the value of pre-IPO ownership diversification and identifies one strategy that firms can use to overcome the liability of foreignness.  相似文献   

This paper identifies the determinants of market-wide issue cycles for initial public offerings (IPOs) using an autoregressive conditional count model. We consider whether IPO volume is related to business conditions, investor sentiment, and time variation in adverse selection costs caused by asymmetric information between managers and investors. We provide evidence indicating that time variation in business conditions and investor sentiment are important determinants of monthly issue activity. By contrast, time variation in adverse selection costs does not significantly affect IPO volume.  相似文献   

本文以资金占用衡量利益侵占,以家族上市公司为研究对象,通过结合我国证券市场的发展背景,将家族上市公司按照上市方式划分为直接上市和间接上市两种类型,研究家族企业上市方式与家族控股股东利益侵占的关系。实证研究表明,相比通过IPO直接上市的公司,以间接方式上市的家族企业控股股东资金占用程度更高。本文认为,上市方式差异的根源在于其监管政策的不同,导致盈余信息质量的下降,因此,有必要在政策层面加强对间接上市企业的监管,从源头上降低控股股东的资金占用动机。  相似文献   

This paper studies thirty-one highly leveraged transactions (HLTs) that become financially, not economically, distressed. The net effect of the HLT and financial distress (from pretransaction to distress resolution, market- or industry-adjusted) is to increase value slightly. This finding strongly suggests that, overall, the HLTs of the late 1980s created value. We present quantitative and qualitative estimates of the (direct and indirect) costs of financial distress and their determinants. We estimate financial distress costs to be 10 to 20 percent of firm value. For a subset of firms that do not experience an adverse economic shock, financial distress costs are negligible.  相似文献   

This paper examines the cross‐sectional determinants of post‐IPO long‐term stock returns in China. We document that the aftermarket P/E ratio has the most robust negative association with post‐IPO stock returns. The negative relation indicates that the market corrects the aftermarket overvaluation of IPO firms in the long run. Underwriter reputation has a positive effect on post‐IPO stock returns, while board size has a negative impact, consistent with the views that reputable underwriters mitigate the information asymmetry in IPO pricing and over‐sized boards reduce the effectiveness of corporate governance. However, we find little evidence indicating that the equity ownership structure is significantly associated with post‐IPO stock returns.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effect of setup costs on the pricing of investment banking services. The existence of setup costs is predicted to result in lower underwriter spreads in IPOs for firms that are expected to issue again. Consistent with this prediction, I find significantly lower spreads for firms that make subsequent issues. I also find that a firm's likelihood of changing underwriters in a subsequent offer is related to the time between offerings and the underwriter's pricing performance in the IPO. These results suggest that the deviations from optimal IPO pricing carry a penalty for the underwriter.  相似文献   

The impact of sector-specific (direct) and economywide (indirect)policies on agricultural incentives for eighteen developingcountries for the period 1975–84 are estimated. The directeffect is measured by the proportional difference between theproducer price and the border price (adjusting for distribution,storage, transport, and other marketing costs). The indirecteffect has two components. The first is the impact of the unsustainableportion of the current account deficit and of industrial protectionpolicies on the real exchange rate and thus on the price ofagricultural commodities relative to nonagricultural nontradables.The second is the impact of industrial protection policies onthe relative price of agricultural commodities to that of nonagriculturaltradable goods. We find that (1) in almost all cases the directeffect is equivalent to a tax on exportable goods (–11percent on average) and to a subsidy for importables (20 percenton average); (2) the indirect effect also taxes agriculture(–27 percent on average) and dominates the direct effect(whether the direct effect is positive or negative); and (3)the direct policies for both importables and exportables stabilizedomestic producer prices.  相似文献   

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