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李琴 《新疆金融》2008,(2):45-47
证券市场监管需要采取有效的激励约束机制,是实现良性监管的必然要求,同时促使被监管者自觉履行义务。委托代理理论最早是描述企业激励和监督的管理理论。但本文用它来分析证券市场的监管中的被监管者激励。首先阐明了在证券市场上监管者与被监管者所形成的委托代理关系,在此关系的基础上从被监管者的风险一收益结构以及监管信号和授权的角度,深入分析了被监管者的激励问题。  相似文献   

许权胜 《中国金融家》2014,(11):139-139
沪港通是沪、港两地市场发展的重大机遇,也对市场监管提出了挑战。在新的市场条件下的两地监管合作,要求厘清内地与香港监管体制的区别,辨析证券监管的国际化发展趋势。香港证券监管法律体系的框架,主要包括三个方面:立法会的立法、证监会制定的规则与交易所等自律组织的自律规则。  相似文献   

欧盟各主要证券交易所之间竞争加剧的同时,合作与联合的趋势正在加强。在今后一段时期内,很可能会形成以巴黎为中心和以伦敦——法兰克福为中心的两大欧盟交易所阵营之间竞争,同时在各阵营内部又是紧密合作或高度一体化的格局。  相似文献   

<正>国际监管组织1.国际证监会组织发布关于众筹监管的声明2015年12月,国际证监会组织发布了有关众筹监管的声明。该组织认为,对监管者和政策制定者而言,在将发展众筹作为一种对小型企业或初创企业的投资方式时,平衡好经济增长与恢复和投资者保护两者之间的关系是很重要的。根据发布的2015年众筹调查结果报告,国  相似文献   

黄嵩 《金融博览》2013,(9):9-10
中国的资产证券化有两种类型:信贷资产证券化和企业资产证券化,二者受不同部门监管,在不同市场上流通。前者由人民银行和银监会监管,在银行间债券市场交易。后者由证监会监管,在交易所市场交易。这种安排是由中国债券市场被分割为银行间债券市场和交易所市场的具体情况所决定的。  相似文献   

为探究独立审计鉴证与证券交易所自律监管这两种公司外部治理机制的关系,本文以2017-2020年我国A股上市公司为样本,分析发现,关键审计事项的披露数量越多,年报被实施问询的概率越高。这两种公司外部治理机制的互补关系主要体现在非常规关键审计事项对交易所问询内容的影响上。进一步分析发现,在具有行业专长的审计师组和正向异常审计费用组,审计师披露的非常规关键审计事项更能为交易所监管提供风险提示线索;当被监管企业盈余管理程度较高时,非常规关键审计事项为交易所监管部门提供监管线索的作用更加明显。研究验证了审计师与交易所监管部门之间在信息披露监管上存在互补关系,两者在提高上市公司信息披露质量方面存在更大的协作空间。  相似文献   

刘李胜 《中国金融》2012,(15):53-54
中国企业境外上市的全球背景企业境外上市是境内外资本市场竞争的结果经济全球化的深入发展,网络技术在证券市场的广泛使用,进一步加剧了全球各个证券交易所之间的竞争和合作,全球几个主要的跨国证券交易所集团正在通过并购重组形成。例如,德意志交易所与纽约泛欧交易所合并,伦敦交易所与多伦多交易所合并等。同时,全球范围内的证券交易所日益从互助的俱乐部转变为商业性组织,许多证券交  相似文献   

高娅 《金卡工程》2009,13(10):111-112
一、我国证券监管制度的困境 证券交易所作为证券市场的枢纽,是证券集中交易制度下的重要自律管理主体.交易所自律监管与证券行政监管的力量相辅相成,构成多层次的有效监管体制.然而目前我国交易所自律监管与行政监管的关系现状及其监管效果却不尽如人意.  相似文献   

银行监管博弈行为分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
时永顺 《金融与市场》2005,1(2):53-55,60
银行业监管体系涉及政府、监管者与被监管者三方利益.监管者与被监管者具有经济人品性,追求自身净收益最大化.监管双方的行为处于博弈状态,任何一方都会根据对方行为策略来选择成本最低的应对策略,以保证自己净收益的最大化.为提高监管成效,政府采取调控措施,调整监管方和被监管方的净收益参数,以利益为导向,形成监管者与被监管者之间的最佳搏弈均衡,实现政府、监管者、被监管者三方净收益最大化,在此过程中,政府面临着预算约束.  相似文献   

一、监管者与监管对象之间应具备良性的供给需求关系“供需关系”是监管与被监管双方沟通的桥梁,也是实现监管价值的途径。目前,监管层次和水平依然需要极力提高,监管职责的履行仍停留在对机构(业务)准入和高管人员任职资格的审核以及日常的“报表翻版式”非现场监管、“拉网摸  相似文献   

One dimension of competition among stock exchanges is the quality of products they have to offer. In order to attract listings and trading volume, exchanges can affect the quality of their listed firms by altering their standards for firm disclosure and governance. We identify a competition with respect to delisting standards between Korea's two stock exchanges and show that it complies with the three components of a regulatory race to the top: external trigger, mobility among diverse regimes and meaningful changes that converge to similar rules. The race between the two Korean exchanges ended with stricter rules and better protected minority shareholders. The race also ended, however, with neither exchange gaining market share with respect to trading volume or new listings. Korea's experience, therefore, suggests a reason why these races are rare. In the absence of an external trigger, exchanges will be reluctant to enter a race if they think it will result in rule convergence and no winner.  相似文献   

社会责任信息披露是企业与利益相关者进行沟通的重要渠道,亦是履行企业社会责任的重要手段,外部利益相关者可借此了解企业的经营策略。以2012年沪深两市上市公司为截面样本,通过实证研究发现:企业社会责任信息披露与资本结构之间呈现“U”型结构,且该结构在市场竞争激烈时显著,在市场竞争度低时不显著,说明市场竞争强化了企业社会责任信息披露与资本结构之间的关系。  相似文献   

The stock exchange industry has experienced strong competition in recent years. The commercial realities of the day have compelled some exchanges to change their ownership and governance structure from mutual to public ownership and have listed their shares on their own exchanges. This paper examines the value effects of self-listing and the attendant change in business strategy on the performance of listed exchanges. The results provide considerable support for the proposition that exchanges whose traditional sources of revenue have come under severe pressure, and those that have experienced a slow growth in net profit margin but high growth in market activities, are likely to change their ownership structure from mutual to public ownership. A comparison of the operating performance of the listed exchanges to that of a control group of non-listed exchanges shows that the self-listed exchanges have performed better than their non-listed counterparts. The self-listed exchanges also outperformed the stock market indexes and a control group of non-exchange firms that went public in the same year as the listed exchanges. I submit that better monitoring of managerial performance, the potential threat of takeover from the market for corporate control that accompanies self-listing and the reduction in agency costs associated with the mutual form of exchange contribute to unlock growth opportunities and value for the publicly traded stock exchanges.  相似文献   

In this article, researcher-created accounting disclosure index of 23 stock exchanges for the year 1992 and its relationship with variables including foreign exchange turnover, economic and financial indicators were investigated. The accounting disclosure index of global stock exchanges crafted by Adhikari and Tondkar (1992) was regressed on foreign market turnover which was utilized as a proxy for foreign exchange market activity. The OLS results supported that along with the activity of foreign exchange market; GNI per capita, market capitalization, energy and electric consumption, number of listed companies were significantly related with the accounting disclosure index. The foreign market turnover was found to be positively influencing the accounting disclosure index. The models explained about 73% of the variation in the index with an F-ratio of 26.56 indicating the overall significance of the model.  相似文献   

The economic theory of network externalities and a simple-game theoretical framework are used to explore the issue of competition among stock exchanges and the possibility of consolidation in the European stock-exchange industry. The paper shows the existence of equilibria where exchanges may decide, even unilaterally, to achieve full compatibility through implicit mergers and remote access, specialising only in trading or listing services. Thus the consolidation of European exchanges into one may occur with a welfare-efficient outcome or with a lock-in to a Pareto-inferior equilibrium, due to the network externalities and the different starting points of the various exchanges. 'Implicit mergers' among exchanges together with remote access are always weakly (in half of the cases, strictly) more efficient than the actual competition. This finding also sheds light on the existence and efficacy, of ATS and rating agencies, which can be viewed respectfully as exchanges specialising in trading and listing services.  相似文献   

Agencies can reduce problems by adopting a governance structure of multiple large shareholders. However, multiple large shareholders may collude, thereby reducing the behavior that can create long-term value for the company. This paper uses a sample of companies listed on the Shenzhen and Shanghai stock exchanges between 2008 and 2017 to investigate the relationship between multiple large shareholders and corporate environmental protection investment (CEPI). We find that multiple large shareholders will significantly reduce CEPI. Specifically, external supervision and a company’s ownership structure affect the relationship between multiple large shareholders and CEPI. In addition, after participating in SOEs, non-state-owned shareholders will significantly improve CEPI of SOEs.  相似文献   

证券交易所竞争上市公司资源研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文把证券交易所上市资源竞争看成是证券交易所、企业和投资者三方间的博弈,并从证券交易所间竞争的途径与方法、企业的上市选择、投资者选择证券交易所以及证券交易所竞争产生的影响等方面归纳总结国内外学者的研究成果,希望能给国内学者进一步深入研究提供参考,同时给我国证券交易所应对上市资源竞争和企业上市选择提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前,我国证券市场对证券投资者保护的法规尚不健全,法律的执行力不够;证券市场监管机制也不完善,上市公司特殊的股权结构,以及投资者自我维权意识的不足,使得投资者的权益容易受到侵害。本文认为,要有效保护证券投资者权益,应进一步加大证券市场投资者保护法规建设力度,加强外部行政、司法干预及行业监管,建立行业自律和投资者赔偿机制,从多层面改善证券投资者保护现状。  相似文献   

We investigate earnings announcement lags (period from the end of the reporting period until the announcement date) for the good and the bad quarterly earnings news across different market sentiment periods as well as market reactions thereto. Companies listed on Baltic stock exchanges exhibit clear signs of strategic timing of earnings announcements. Earnings announcement lags for the bad news tend to be longer than those for the good news. This difference is more pronounced during low market sentiment periods. If the release of the bad news is postponed, abnormal return responses remain lower, as expected.  相似文献   

本文为了研究中国上市公司信息不对称、公司治理和现金持有价值之间的关系,以沪深上市公司2004-2009年数据为基础,利用知情交易概率作为管理者和投资者之间的信息不对称代理变量,以高管持股比例作为公司治理代理变量,利用公司各种财务指标作为控制变量,发现信息不对称与中国上市公司现金持有价值呈显著负相关,高管持股比例和现金持有价值显著正相关,支持自由现金流理论和委托代理理论,信息不对称程度越高,管理者越可能滥用现金,导致现金持有价值下降,而提高公司治理,加强投资者保护可以提高现金持有价值。  相似文献   

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