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吴名 《金卡工程》2008,12(5):64-65
4月1日,中国移动首次面向公众发放157号段的3G USIM卡,我国公众将有机会享受到由运营商提供的3G服务,这对于整个通信界来说是一件大事,标志着3G这一概念性的产业,渐渐揭开了它的神秘面纱,终于将进入实质性的商用阶段.  相似文献   

近日,中国银行开放平台正式投产上线,在国内同业中率先实现向用户提供互联网业界通用的标准化API接口及应用商店服务。目前,开放平台应用商店中已上架7个应用程序,主要功能覆盖外汇牌价查询、IC卡、理财产品、公积金、移动支付、信用卡服务等。  相似文献   

任文杰 《证券导刊》2012,(47):24-24
据11月27日媒体消息称,中国联通联合招商银行发布了NFC—USIM卡做为手机近场支付的解决方案,联通用户可将招行信用卡账户内置在手机USIM卡中,即可在POS机上刷手机进行各种消费。业内人士认为,这将标志着NFC手机支付元年的到来。  相似文献   

密码学,顾名思义,就是为数据加密,以提高数据在网络传输中的安全性,其经过不断地发展,延伸出多种功能不同的加密算法,例如:MD5数字指纹算法,对称密钥加密算法,公钥加密算法等等.在现代社会中,密码学被应用到各行各业中,本文仅针对电子银行安全服务中的密码学部分进行探讨,分析其客户端的加密过程、服务器端的解密过程,以及数字证书的发布和验证方法.……  相似文献   

11月26日消息,中国联通和招商银行今日对外正式推出“联通招行手机钱包”产品。联通用户可将招行信用卡账户内置在手机USIM卡中,就此实现银行卡功能与手机功能“合二为一”,刷手机即可直接进行各种消费。产品将在下月率先在上海商用,这标志着中国市场正式进入了NFC手机近场支付产品大规模商用的阶段。  相似文献   

林羽 《福建金融》2014,(7):61-63
2011年以来,我国金融IC卡应用取得了明显成效,但仍然存在一些问题,主要表现为金融IC卡芯片使用率不高,复合卡降级交易普遍存在、电子现金功能未广泛应用等,制约了金融IC卡安全、便捷优势的有效发挥。本文针对国内金融IC卡使用率低的现状,分析其原因并提出对策建议。  相似文献   

本文通过针对银行卡的现状对安全性需求进行了分析,确定了银行卡数据加密算法。从密钥体系及与密钥相关的主机软件、前置机软件、自助设备端软件等方面进行了设计,保证了银行卡系统的可靠性、有效性及安全性。  相似文献   

Sun Microsystems 公司近日宣布,现可提供 Java 3D(TM)API(应用编程接口),将 Java(TM)编程语言的所有优势带给3D 商业与技术应用。Java 3D(TM)API 是最近在纽约举行的Java Business Expo(SM)活动中,Sun 公司将之作为 Java 2平台  相似文献   

安全性是银行对交易媒介的基本要求,它包括两个方面:系统的安全性、金融交易数据的安全性。银行要求在金融交易发生和处理的整个过程中保障关键和重要数据的安全。IC 卡作为新涌现出的一种金融卡,除了要满足金融卡的基本安全要求外,还有一些具有卡的脱机交易以及卡上数据保护的安全要求。为了保证 IC 卡在金融业的应用向广度和深度方向发展,确保 IC 卡各种交易的安全性与可靠性,维护银行的信誉,有必要在 IC 卡应用中制定一套完整的、全面的安全体系。本文参照人行的 IC 卡规范并结合建设银行在 IC 卡应用与安全上的具体要求,提  相似文献   

柜面业务安全认证系统是以安全认证为载体,确保支付交易信息传输的保密性、数据交换的完整性、支付信息发送的不可否认性和交易身份的确定性、实现身份证、密押编制与核对和信息管理功能的应用系统,是ABIS业务风险控制的重要组成部分。柜员启用安全认证卡一年多来,柜面业务安全认证系统运行良好,但由于存在以下几个方面的不足,柜员安全认证卡管理还有待进一步加强、完善。  相似文献   

华晓鸣 《金卡工程》2007,11(9):45-48
本文介绍了在数字校园一卡通系统(DCCS)中的信息安全和网络安全,分析了DCCS安全体系的设计目标、设计要求和设计原则,提出了设计具有自适应可控性和自适应稳定性的DCCS安全体系的新方法,并指出了DCCS安全体系设计中需进一步研究的若干问题.  相似文献   

近年来我国银行业引进境外战略投资者的行为引发了理论界关于外资持股比例对中资银行竞争力提升与国家金融安全影响的争论。本文选取与我国具有相似的银行业改革历程、但改革先于我国的中东欧转轨国家为样本,实证考察这些国家外资持股比例与银行竞争力提升和金融安全之间的关系。得出的基本结论是:外资持股比例与银行竞争力的提升具有一定的联系,但并不十分紧密;从金融与经济关系的视角考察外资持股比例与金融安全的关系,并不能得出外资持股比例越高的银行对金融安全的威胁性越大的结论。  相似文献   

Investors tend to litigate large stock price declines, i.e., file ‘stock-drop lawsuits’. However, it is less clear whether the ex-ante threat of security class actions can deter stock price crashes in the first place. To answer this question, we exploit the 1999 ruling of the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals that discourages security class actions as a quasi-exogenous shock, and find that reducing the threat of security class actions leads to a significant increase in stock price crash risk measured by negative skewness of stock returns. We reveal that the main effect is partially driven by a reduction in the timeliness of bad news disclosure and worsened earnings quality, which is consistent with the view that bad news hoarding serves as the key factor in the formation of a stock price crash. Our overall findings highlight the importance of security class actions in deterring the occurrence of firm-level negative tail events on the financial market.  相似文献   

The paper considers a regression approach to pricing European options in an incomplete market. The algorithm replicates an option by a portfolio consisting of the underlying security and a risk-free bond. We apply linear regression framework and quadratic programming with linear constraints (input = sample paths of underlying security; output = table of option prices as a function of time and price of the underlying security). We populate the model with historical prices of the underlying security (possibly massaged to the present volatility) or with Monte Carlo simulated prices. Risk neutral processes or probabilities are not needed in this framework.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of price formation in a market with asymmetric information and several risky assets. We then extend the multivariate security model of Caballé and Krishnan (1994) to a continuous time framework, and general utility function. Our model enables us to observe some results which are specific to multi security markets such as Giffen effect. An application of the main result will be the non trivial generalizations of the models of Back (1992) and Cho (1997).Mathematics Subject Classification (1991): 49L10, 60G44, 90A15JEL Classification: G11, G12The author would like to thank his supervisor H. Pham, K. Back and an anonymous referee for useful comments and discussions.  相似文献   

全球国际收支失衡正在成为威胁金融安全的一个重要问题.中国作为全球经济增长最快的发展中国家,如何在全球国际收支失衡形势下维护自我金融安全,具有重要的现实意义.本文在总结评价国际金融学界观点的基础上重新定义了金融安全的概念.并根据全球国际收支失衡对中国金融安全的影响提出维护金融安全的对策和建议.  相似文献   

This paper examines the effects of an anticipated foreign military threat on consumption, the home weapons stock, and net foreign asset position in a small open economy. If the utility function is separable between butter and guns, the economy decreases both butter and guns when the news arrives, accumulates foreign assets prior to the foreign threat realization, and increases guns as the foreign threat realizes. If the utility function is nonseparable between butter and guns, the economy may have two dynamic responses. The first is similar to the separable case, except that consumption exhibits a discrete jump when the foreign threat realizes. The second is that the economy increases both butter and guns on impact, decumulates foreign assets prior to the foreign threat implementation, but either increases or decreases guns as the foreign threat realizes.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the portfolio decision of an investor facing the threat of illiquidity. In a continuous-time setting, the efficiency loss due to illiquidity is addressed and quantified. For a logarithmic investor, we solve the portfolio problem explicitly. We show that the efficiency loss for a logarithmic investor with 30 years until the investment horizon is a significant 22.7% of current wealth if the illiquidity part of the model is calibrated to the Japanese data of the aftermath of WWII. For general utility functions, an explicit solution does not seem to be available. However, under a mild growth condition on the utility function, we show that the value function of a model in which only finitely many liquidity breakdowns can occur converges uniformly to the value function of a model with infinitely many breakdowns if the number of possible breakdowns goes to infinity. Furthermore, we show how the optimal security demands of the model with finitely many breakdowns can be used to approximate the solution of the model with infinitely many breakdowns. These results are illustrated for an investor with a power utility function.  相似文献   

随着货币市场、证券市场的不断开放,资本的自由流动将给我国经济、金融宏观调控和金融监管带来许多难题,大量短期资本的流人和流出就会对我国的金融安全构成极大威胁.本文从阐述资本市场开放过程中冲击金融安全的途径和传递方式入手,提出了确保国家金融安全的对策:执行WTO协议,加强基础设施建设;加快金融部门的改革及资本市场工具的发展;加强金融安全法制建设,提高金融监管机构监管水平;严格控制外资投资于资本市场的资金规模.  相似文献   

刘彤  巩丽媛  王逢宝 《金卡工程》2008,12(11):12-13
本文以"城市一卡通"系统性工程的发展前景为切入点,结合现代市场经济的大环境和其他城市发展过程中的经验及教训,探讨了"城市一卡通"系统建设中所涉及到的若干经济性问题.  相似文献   

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