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探讨在医院的成本核算中采用作业成本法,对医疗项目进和精细成本核算方式.文章介绍了作业成本法,作业成本法的运用,时间驱动作业成本法及运用.通过实例的方式说明了,作业成本法在医疗项目测算中的运用,建立资源库,确定作业中心,明确作业动因,分摊作业成本,测算出医疗项目成本,分析了降低成本的方向.  相似文献   

作业成本法是一种比较新的成本核算方法,跟传统的成本核算方法不一样。在企业进行一项项目的研究时肯定需要对其成本进行初步的估算。作业成本法的计算方法是根据动因追溯和直接追溯的方法将资源成本分散到作业上,再将作业成本分配到产品上。作业成本法的的成本效益相对来说比较精准。但是目前来说作业成本法的应用并不是很广泛,因为作业成本法在运用的过程中会出现实施成本,而且作业成本法在应用中带来的效益很难有效的衡量出来,本文通过对作业成本法应用成本效益的分析,给企业提供参考数据,以便企业选择是否使用作业成本法。  相似文献   

作业成本法是指以企业作业量作为成本动因进行计算,作为间接费用分配基础来进行成本核算的方法.作业成本法在我国已经得到了一定的应用,但是还未得到广泛和深入的应用.文章分析了企业采用作业成本法进行成本核算的意义,并提出了加强作业成本法的建议.  相似文献   

我国很多行业企业在进行成本核算时采取传统成本核算方法,传统成本核算方法存在一定的弊端,企业在对间接费用进行分摊过程中如果简单按照单一工时、作业量标准难以对费用情况进行真实、准确、全面地反映,进而造成成本虚高.为了解决这一问题,部分企业逐步引入了作业成本法,采取更加合理的多维度成本动因进行间接费用分配,这样一方面能够提高间接费用分配的准确性,另一方面还能够为企业做出正确决策提供有效依据.本文就作业成本法在贸易企业中的应用进行了讨论,首先论述了贸易企业成本管理上存在的几点问题,然后引出了作业成本法的相关概念,之后文章讨论了作业成本法应用于贸易企业的必要性和可行性,最后提出了几点建议,以期作业成本法能够被贸易企业更好地应用,使贸易企业成本管理更加科学、规范.  相似文献   

在新的经济环境下,传统成本法已经落伍,急需解决成本会计核算信息失真的问题,为了更好地解决这个问题,一些先进企业对成本核算和作业管理展开了积极有益的探索,以适应新的经济环境的需要.作业成本法的概念因此被提了出来,作业成本法的提出是企业成本核算和成本管理的一次突破,它以作业为基础,先分析每个作业中心消耗的所有资源,再对每个中心的成本按其动因进行分配计算,并把作业的成本相对应地分配到产品或者服务中去,能很好的解决传统成本法所存在的各种问题,能够提供更准确及时的成本核算信息,为企业成本管理提供很好的基础和保证.  相似文献   

刘服启  蒙圻  唐勇 《会计师》2021,(7):111-113
为探析如何应用作业成本法对公立医院职工食堂进行成本核算,进而提高会计核算准确性的问题,本文对比传统会计核算方法与作业成本法的应用,核算公立医院职工食堂收入、成本、收益,剖析公立医院职工食堂经济活动的实质.公立医院职工食堂应用作业成本法能够对同质作业有关的成本进行归集,利用作业动因进行间接成本分配,有效提高了成本核算精度,能够真实反映公立医院职工食堂业务活动实质,提高职工食堂会计核算的准确性及精细化财务管理水平.  相似文献   

计算机的普及和网络的广泛应用,特别是ERP系统的应用为作业成本法ABC应用创造了良好的环境。在ERP快速、高效信息系统环境下运用作业成本法,完善成本核算方法、预算管理、生产管理、产品定价、库存管理及顾客盈利能力分析进而实现作业成本管理具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

作业成本法是以作业为基础的成本管理方法,运用作业成本法进行的全成本核算更利于券商就各业务线成本比对、管控和贡献毛益的测算,从而对券商的产品或服务定价、考核激励、业务模式转型等产生指导.  相似文献   

李志国 《会计师》2013,(10):65-66
作业成本法作为一种先进的成本核算方法,对于控制成本、提高经济效益起到了积极的作用。本文对军队医院成本核算的现状进行了分析,论述了成本作业法在军队医院成本核算中应用的必要性和可行性,最后提出了基于作业成本法的军队医院成本核算流程。  相似文献   

作业成本法改变了企业长期以来将"产量-成本"间的依存关系,促使企业将成本核算中心逐步转向完整的作业链条,同时在此前提下构建基于作业成本的本量利分析计算模型。与传统的成本决策方法相比,作业成本法更具科学性、实用性,并能够为企业产品作业一体化运行提供高效服务。本文作者结合自身所学经济学知识以及高级会计师专业实务知识运用到所属企业经营决策中,通过作业成本法下本量利分析对企业生产经营的影响研究,为决策者提供科学、合理、客观、可靠的依据。  相似文献   

In this article, I study the interaction between cost accounting systems and pricing decisions in a setting where a monopolist sells a base product and related support services to customers whose preference for support services is known only to them. I consider two pricing mechanisms—activity‐based pricing (ABP) and traditional pricing—and two cost‐accounting systems—activity‐based costing (ABC) and traditional costing, for support services. Under traditional pricing, only the base product is priced, whereas support services are provided free because detailed cost‐driver volume information on the consumption of support services by each customer is unavailable. Under ABP, customers pay based on the quantities consumed of both the base product and the support services because detailed cost‐driver volume information is available for each customer. Likewise, under traditional costing for support services the firm makes pricing decisions on cost signals that are noisier than they are under ABC. I compare the equilibrium quantities of the base product and support services sold, the information rent paid to the customers, and the expected profits of the monopolist under all four combinations of cost‐driver volume and cost‐driver rate information. I show that ABP helps reduce control problems, such as moral hazard and adverse selection problems, for the supplier and increases the supplier's ability to engage in price discrimination. I show that firms are more likely to adopt ABP when their customer base is more diverse, their customer support costs are more uncertain, their costing system has lower measurement error, and the variable costs of providing customer support are higher. Firms adopt ABC when their cost‐driver rates for support services under traditional costing are noisier measures of actual costs relative to their cost‐driver rates under ABC and when the actual costs of support services are inherently uncertain. I also show that cost‐driver rate information and cost‐driver volume information for support services are complements. Although the prior literature views ABC and activity‐based management (ABM) as facilitating better decision making, I show that ABC and ABP (a form of ABM) are useful tools for addressing control problems in supply chains.  相似文献   

A significant portion of the current managerial accounting literature contrasts the benefits and importance of activity based costing (ABC) systems with the more traditional cost accounting systems. This paper questions this tendency of making such a stark contrast, by placing ABC systems within a wider cost accounting framework. Initially, the framework is developed by providing an overview of the product costing, control and decision making process. Also outlined are the various costing systems in terms of their objectives, advantages and deficiencies. A schema for integrating the costing process with decision making and performance evaluation criteria is then conceptualized. The role of ABC is recognized and integrated within this framework. The link between ‘traditional’ and ABC systems is also studied via an analysis of the conventional wisdom in some of the leading texts in managerial accounting. The analysis demonstrates that there is still much ambiguity in both the contrasting and the linking of ABC with the more traditional costing systems.  相似文献   

This paper examines the associations between product diversity, usage of advanced manufacturing technologies (AMT) and activity-based costing (ABC) adoption. Theory strongly suggests that product diversity is a major determinant of the demand for ABC systems. To date, the results of empirical research on the relationship between product diversity and ABC adoption have generally been inconclusive, however, suggesting that there either may be no strong relationship, or that methodological issues may have prevented researchers from consistently finding it. Using a dataset of survey responses from 191 Dutch, medium-sized manufacturing firms, this paper re-examines the relationship between product diversity and ABC adoption. Improving upon the measurement of product diversity and distinguishing between ABC adoption and use, it examines whether the relationship is curvilinear (inverted U-shaped) and/or moderated by usage of AMT. The paper contributes to the literature by showing that, consistent with the underlying theory, product diversity, on average, is positively related to both ABC adoption and ABC use, but also that these relationships are indeed inverted U-shaped and that the relationship with ABC use is negatively moderated by usage of AMT.  相似文献   

Transfusion services in England provide a joint platelet product and a more costly, but better quality, non-joint alternative. Unfortunately, management is unsure of the optimal manufacturing balance between the two because, for reasons of accounting expediency, all joint costs are allocated to red cells and none to platelets. Purchasers and users may be unaware of this problem because of supplementary costs, incurred beyond the split-off point, that create a finite transfer price. In response, this study introduces a consensus clinical view of joint blood product manufacture, as an alternative basis for allocating joint costs, and presents pilot data. When this model is examined in the context of the accounting literature a number of parallels emerge. Furthermore, the history of transfusion points strongly to the clinical outcome value of products as the overriding driver of short-term manufacturing as well as its long-term development, lending support to the use of clinical consensus in the derivation of allocations. This contrasts with the use of quantitative red cell demand as the main cost driver in the current transfusion service model.  相似文献   

依据1990-2014年劳动力供给数量、质量、成本及制造业国际竞争力相关数据,构建 VAR 模型,考量劳动力供给变化对中国制造业国际竞争力影响.结果表明:劳动力供给数量减少不利于制造业国际竞争力提升;劳动力供给质量上升有利于提高制造业国际竞争力,但其作用具有明显的滞后效应;劳动力成本上升有利于增强制造业国际竞争力,这与成本上升倒逼低端制造业转型升级等相关.鉴此,既要通过全面放开计生政策甚至鼓励生育以缓解劳动力供给数量快速下降对制造业国际竞争力带来的负向冲击;又要基于市场导向,培养产业所需的各层各类人才;同时合理运用劳动力成本上升的倒逼机制促进低端制造业转型升级,提高中国制造业国际竞争力.  相似文献   

This study examines the association between activity-based costing and manufacturing performance. Results using a cross-sectional sample of manufacturing plants indicates that extensive ABC use is associated with higher quality levels and greater improvements in cycle time and quality, and is indirectly associated with manufacturing cost reductions through quality and cycle time improvements. However, on average, extensive ABC use has no significant association with return on assets. Instead, we find weak evidence that the association between ABC and accounting profitability is contingent on the plant's operational characteristics.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the findings of a postal questionnaire that examines the extent to which potential contextual factors influence the characteristics of product costing systems. Prior research has mostly used the adoption or non-adoption of ABC systems to capture the characteristics of product costing systems. This research has generally been inconclusive and has been unable to establish strong links between ABC adoption and those contextual factors that have been identified in the literature that are conducive to the adoption of ABC systems. Instead of using only the adoption or non-adoption of ABC systems as a measure of product cost system design this research uses four different proxy measures of cost system sophistication to capture the characteristics of the product costing systems. This allows for a more robust test of the relations among the predictor variables and cost system sophistication. Results indicate that higher levels of cost system sophistication are positively associated with the importance of cost information, extent of use of other innovative management accounting techniques, intensity of the competitive environment, size, extent of the use of JIT/lean production techniques and the type of business sector. No association was found between the level of cost system sophistication and cost structure, product diversity and quality of information technology.  相似文献   

This paper explores interorganizational cost management (IOCM) practices in the exchange process. IOCM can be defined as buyers’ and suppliers’ coordinated efforts to reduce costs. Past research has primarily argued that such practices depend on component characteristics, relationship characteristics, and characteristics of the transaction. Based on a study of three buyer–supplier relationships, this article also finds variations in IOCM practices between six main activities in the exchange process. In this process, the supplier's management accounting is found to be more important than recognized by prior research. The deepest collaboration around IOCM issues and the greatest joint use of suppliers’ management accounting in the three cases typically occurs in earlier activities in the exchange process, including supplier selection, joint product design and joint manufacturing process development. In later activities in the process, during full-speed production as well as in product and manufacturing process redesign, suppliers’ managerial accounting plays a lesser role in our study.  相似文献   

This pisper explores the potential application of ABC in a situation of rapid change - the introduction of markets for health care in the UK. This changing environment places pressures on hospital units to refine their costing methods for product costing, budget construction and the pursuit of efficiency. These are areas of management accounting for which activity-based costing (ABC) has been proposed as a refinement to traditional costings. The merits of the ABC approach were examined by conducting four case studies of acute hospitatls. The results cast doubt on the benefits to be gained from ABC in product costing, but revealed potential applications in its wider roles of cost reduction and budget construction.  相似文献   

Having regained independence in 1991, Estonia has undergone fundamental political and structural changes over the last decade, which have also affected the operation of its companies. This paper examines the management accounting practices of Estonian manufacturing companies, exploring the main impacts on them within a contingency theory framework. The methodology comprises an analysis of 62 responses to a postal questionnaire survey carried out among the largest Estonian manufacturing companies. It is comparatively infrequently that Estonian manufacturing companies have made improvements in their cost accounting methods, although the majority of respondents appear to acknowledge the importance of these practices in finding and lowering real product costs and modernizing the cost accounting systems. The effectiveness of an accounting systems’ design depends on its ability to adapt to changes both in external circumstances and internal factors. We have found some evidence that changes in cost and management accounting practices are associated with shifts in the business and accounting environment as external contingencies, and with those in technology and organizational aspects as internal contingencies. This research aims on the one hand to confirm earlier findings related to the ‘contingent factors’ that influence management accounting and on the other, to identify possible new factors, such as, for example, the legal accounting environment and shortage of properly qualified accountants.  相似文献   

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