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面对经济运行态势的复杂多变,中央银行的首要任务是要根据经济形势的变化,及时适度调整货币政策操作,实现货币政策的动态调整与优化.本文从理论上探讨了货币政策的动态调控机制,并对中国货币政策的动态调控模式进行了实证分析,最后提出相应的政策建议.  相似文献   

差别准备金动态调整政策是2011年央行实施货币政策、调控信贷总量的数量型政策工具,重在引导并鼓励金融机构自我保持稳健和调整信贷投放。本文通过分析探讨差别准备金率测算公式的内涵及指标关系,阐释了差别准备金动态调整政策对金融机构经营活动产生约束作用的过程和机制原理,并对其中发现的问题提出对策及建议。  相似文献   

徐小青  尚元 《西南金融》2014,(12):38-40
货币政策传导机制,实际上是一个动态的过程,通过使用各种货币工具来调整货币政策中间目标,最终对宏观经济情况进行调控,使得就业水平、物价水平等整体保持良好的运行状态。货币政策目标完成效果,或者说政策有效性的关键因素是货币政策传导机制的顺畅与否。本文利用经济模型及我国当前发展数据分析目前信贷渠道不通畅的原因,进而为提高信道传导机制的有效性有针对性地提出了合理建议。  相似文献   

我国货币政策主要通过信贷渠道进行传导,商业银行的信贷行为是货币政策传导的微观基础。本文通过分析山东省的稳健货币政策调控效应,认为商业银行通过信贷行为调整传导了调控政策,同时也引致了对冲调控策略行为。为分析不同货币政策工具调控约束力的量级差异,本文以银行信贷期限配置行为和房贷行为为例,将利率和存款准备金政策工具纳入向量自回归模型,利用脉冲响应分析不同货币政策调控工具对银行信贷行为的影响。  相似文献   

王勇 《金融博览》2011,(6):24-27
2011年年初的央行年度工作会议上,中国人民银行正式确定“将实施差别准备金动态调整措施,引导货币信贷平稳适度增长”。这是央行针对屡屡失控的商业银行信贷高增长,祭出的货币政策调控新工具。  相似文献   

货币供给内生性与央行宏观调控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
钟平 《南方金融》2003,(12):24-26
我国货币供应与中央银行货币政策调控预期目标之间的非相关性再次实证了货币供给内生性命题。这不仅使货币供应量更加难以控制,进一步加剧宏观经济金融运行的波动.更为根本的是它冲击到中央银行的货币政策框架,影响了货币政策调控的有效性。因此迫切需要重新审视我国中央银行当前的货币政策调控体系,调整货币政策操作的目标变量,降低内生性对宏观经济造成的不利影响。  相似文献   

石淇玮 《银行家》2014,(1):39-41,6
1996年以来,我国货币政策开始由直接调控向间接调控方式转变。中国货币政策范式取得了很大成绩,但同时仍存在过度依靠数量调控、过分钉住名义变量等问题,导致我国实际利率长期过低,金融资源配置失衡。要保障中国经济的可持续发展,亟需对当前货币政策范式进行调整。  相似文献   

货币政策是一国中央银行进行宏观经济调控的主要工具之一,股票市场的出现在一定程度上影响了货币政策的作用机制,给传统的货币政策调控带来了新的挑战.股票市场是一国资本市场上最重要的组成部分,也是许多金融衍生工具和产品的构成基础,股票市场的稳定和发展对资本市场的稳定和发展具有决定性的作用,同时也影响到货币政策调控的运行环境,使得货币政策必须进行相应的调整,进而使得实体经济的运行受到影响.  相似文献   

对区域经济发展不平衡的中国而言,原有货币政策操作范式存在较为明显的货币政策区域效应;而在对金融机构的各项贷款征收法定准备金的货币政策调控新范式下,通过对不同地区发放的贷款中央银行分别征收不同的贷款准备金率,就具有调整区域经济结构的功效,纾解甚至消除了货币政策的区域效应差异。并且,在存款准备金政策软化的国际背景下,这种货币政策调控新范式可以重塑准备金政策,强化货币政策的效果。  相似文献   

本文首先系统梳理了结构性货币政策工具的动态变迁与多元化发展进程,并在学术镜鉴与政策应用总结的基础上,重点展望中国结构性货币政策工具的未来实践方式。研究发现:第一,“大缓和”时期,货币政策更多关注“总量”问题,常规货币政策工具基本能够满足宏观经济调控需求,“新共识”框架成为主流货币政策调控框架。第二,2008年国际金融危机爆发之后,各国经济发展中的“结构”问题相继暴露,货币政策的“定向”调控需求日渐明显,结构性货币政策工具陆续步入政策前台。第三,新形势下,货币政策当局应该在互补机制、使用频率和操作风险等方面探索中国结构性货币政策工具的创新机制。  相似文献   

Corporate sectors in emerging markets have noticeably increased their reliance on foreign financing, presumably reflecting low global interest rates. The evidence also shows a rebalancing from bank loans towards bonds. To study these developments, we develop a dynamic open economy model where these modes of finance are determined endogenously. The model replicates the stylized facts following a drop in world interest rates; in particular, rebalancing towards bonds occurs because bank credit becomes relatively more expensive, reflecting the scarcity of bank equity. More generally, the model is suitable for studying interactions between modes of finance and the macroeconomy.  相似文献   

Recent research suggests that the relation between money and the macroeconomy has sharply weakened in the U.S. after 1980. We reexamine this alleged breakdown by testing for cointegration between the macroeconomy and simple-sum and Divisia monetary aggregates. We check the robustness of our results by modeling multiple key breakpoints around the early 1980s. Unlike the case of simple-sum monetary aggregates, the evidence is overwhelming in its support for cointegration between Divisia money and macroeconomic variables, which persists despite several policy shifts and dramatic financial innovations in the post-1980 period. These results support Divisia money over simple-sum monetary aggregates as a guide in the implementation of monetary policy.  相似文献   

This paper studies the relation between changes in financial investment opportunities and changes in the macroeconomy. States variables such as the lagged production growth rate, the default premium, the term premium, the short-term interest rate and the market dividend-price ratio are shown to be indicators of recent and future economic growth. Further, the market excess return is negatively correlated with recent economic growth and positively correlated with expected future economic growth. These results offer straightforward interpretations of recent evidence on the forecasts of the market excess return by state variable via their forecasts on the macroeconomy.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the effects of several macro-prudential policy measures on the banking sector and its linkages to the macroeconomy. We employ a dynamic general equilibrium model with sticky prices, in which banks trade excess funds in the interbank lending market. We find that an increase in the liquidity requirement effectively reduces the impact of an interbank shock on the real and financial sector, while an increased capital requirement propagates only through nominal variables as inflation and interest rates. We conclude that stricter liquidity measures which limit inside money creation, dampen the severity of a breakdown in interbank lending. Targeting interbank financing directly through liquidity measures along with a moderate capital requirement generates lower welfare losses. We thereby provide a comprehensive rationale in favor of the regulatory measures in Basel III.  相似文献   

In this study, we examine the dynamic interdependencies among the housing market, stock market, policy uncertainty and the macroeconomy in the United Kingdom, over the period 1997 M1–2015 M02. The findings of this study suggest the following empirical regularities. First, the transmission of various types of shocks contributes significantly to economic fluctuations in the United Kingdom. Second, spillovers show large variations over time. Third, in the wake of the global financial crisis, spillovers have reached unprecedented levels. Specifically, we find large spillovers of shocks from the housing market, stock market and economic policy uncertainty to inflation, economic growth and monetary policy stance. These results illustrate the contagion from the housing and financial crisis to the real economy and the policy reaction to stabilize the economy.  相似文献   

寿险公司销售人力的资源配置是涉及多个阶段的决策行为。而动态规划是解决多阶段决策问题较为有效的数学方法,它可以将某个系统的运行过程分为若干个阶段,利用最优化原理建立基本方程,使目标函数达到最优,并求出最优解。利用动态规划相关理论建立模型,可以解决寿险公司销售人力分配中的最优化问题。  相似文献   

We construct an empirical heterogeneous agent model which optimally combines forecasts from fundamentalist and chartist agents and evaluates its out-of-sample forecast performance using daily data covering an overall period from January 1999 to June 2014 for six of the most widely traded currencies. We use daily financial data such as level, slope and curvature yield curve factors, equity prices, as well as risk aversion and global trade activity measures in the fundamentalist agent's predictor set to obtain a proxy for the market's view on the state of the macroeconomy. Chartist agents rely upon standard momentum, moving average and relative strength index technical indicators in their predictor set. Individual agent specific forecasts are constructed using a flexible dynamic model averaging framework and are then aggregated into a model combined forecast using a forecast combination regression. We show that our empirical heterogeneous agent model produces statistically significant and economically sizeable forecast improvements over a random walk benchmark.  相似文献   

房地产的投资、消费双重属性和资金密集等特点,使得房地产业与居民消费、投资、金融等诸多方面都密切关联,进而对宏观经济产生重要影响.本文分别从消费投资渠道、银行信贷渠道、产业关联渠道、市场调控渠道和微观主体行为等各个角度,研究了房地产业对宏观经济的直接、间接影响,并总结了多渠道综合的影响机制.  相似文献   

Three themes connecting housing and the macroeconomy are discussed. First, evidence is presented for the property market as one of the drivers of U.S. consumer price inflation. Second, key drivers of house prices are explained to account for the remarkable diversity of international experience. Finally, three potential links between housing, credit, and the financial accelerator are discussed. These are the consumption channel, the investment channel, and feedback between bad loans and risk‐spreads via the financial system—and how institutional differences between countries can explain the presence, absence and magnitudes of these linkages.  相似文献   

Little is known about the joint dynamics of volume across the various contingent claims on the equity market. We study the time-series of trading activity in the cash S&P 500 index and its derivatives (options, the legacy and E-mini futures contracts, and the ETF), and consider their dynamic relation with the macroeconomy, over more than 3000 trading days during 1997–2009. Legacy futures volume has trended downward while other series have trended upward. Total futures volume has increased, suggesting that the trading in the legacy contract has been at least partially supplanted by trading in the E-mini contract. All series are highly cross-correlated and jointly dependent. Signed and absolute trading activity in contingent claims (most prominently, options) predicts shifts in aggregate state variables such as the short interest rate, and the term and credit spreads, as well as signed and absolute returns around major macroeconomic announcements. Overall, consistent with the informational role of options, their volume innovations have the strongest forecasting ability for fluctuations in the macroeconomic environment.  相似文献   

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