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股权激励对公司业绩的影响,即股权激励是否会给公司的业绩和带来明显改变。本文将试图通过回归来验证股权激励(股票期权)规模与公司业绩存在正相关的关系和实施股权激励(股票期权)与公司短期股价波动存在正相关的关系这两个假设。  相似文献   

故事开篇 期股"探路者":战略意义与现实激励 作为国有控股上市公司群体中的重量级公司,宝钢股份(600019)率先于2006年12月19日公布其股权激励计划草案.这是国资委和财政部出台<国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法>(以下简称.试行办法")后,首家走向台前的实施股权激励的国有控股上市公司.  相似文献   

一、国有上市公司股权激励的相关政策为指导国有控股上市公司(境内)规范实施股权激励制度,2006年9月30日国务院国资委、财政部联合发布《国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法》(国资发分配[2006]175号,简称[2006]175号文);为进一步规范实施股权激励,2008年10月21日国务院国资委、财政部联合发布《关于规范国有控股上市公司实施股权激励制度有关问题的通知》(国资发分配[2008]171号,简称[2008]171号文,与[2006]175号文统称国资委版办法)。  相似文献   

正随着2006年《上市公司股权激励管理办法(试行)》、《国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法》和《企业会计准则第11号——股份支付》的出台,股权激励在具体实施过程中可能遇到的障碍得到了消除,在政策、治理和运行实施上得到了支持。经过多年的发展,股权激励制度越来越为上市公司所采用,截止至2012年,共有396家上市公司推行了483项股权激励计划。尽管其被广泛应用,但还是不可避免地存在业绩异常、股价波动大、管理层辞职套现的现象。在这样一个背景下,本文以苏州金螳螂建筑装饰股份有限公司(以下简称"金螳螂")作为案例,通  相似文献   

本文探讨了我国上市公司实施股权激励的环境条件,分析了股权激励对管理层、股东影响的内在机制,分析了实施股权激励对上市公司价值和业绩的影响。对股权激励类上市公司上涨因素的定量化分析显示,其上涨与公司现有的各项财务指标没有必然联系,而与公司的市场地位、行业发展趋势和关联交易之间存在明显的关系。本文认为,我国上市公司已基本具备实施股权激励的环境条件,实施股权激励有利于解决管理层和股东利益一致性问题,通过价值转移和价值创造,持续、有效地促进上市公司价值和业绩的提高,从而有效推动上市公司股价的上升,给投资者以强有力的信心和巨大的投资机会。  相似文献   

陈林华 《会计师》2010,(11):32-33
<正>股权激励是指上市公司以本公司股票为标准的,对其董事、监事、高级管理人员及其他员工进行的长期性激励。实践证明,股权激励的实施有利于公司治理结构的改善,降低代理成本,从而实现股东利益最大化。为此,我国政府相关部门近年来先后发布实施了《上市公司股权激励管理办法(试行)》(以下简称《管理办法》)、《国有控股上市公司(境外)实施股权激励试行办法》、《国有控股上市公司(境内)实施股权激励试行办法》。这些法规的出台,在规范的同时也为我国企业股权激励的实施创造了条件。根据《管理办法》的规定,上市公  相似文献   

童驯 《银行家》2003,(3):72-73
资产重组是证券市场的永恒话题,资产重组公告前后的股价会如何反应,不同类型的重组公告的市场反应是否有所差异,重组事项首次披露后是否蕴含着投资机会,这些问题广大投资者或许比较关心.通常情况下,人们将重组事项分为股权转让、资产剥离、资产置换、收购兼并等类型.本文试图以2001年10月~2002年9月期间发布股权转让公告的A股上市公司为样本,研究股权转让公告前后的股价反应,考察投资者能否获取异常收益.  相似文献   

焦点国有上市公司股权激励办法出台国务院国资委出台的《国有控股上市公司股权激励试行办法》是和财政部共同会签的,同时适合国有控股金融类上市公司。在适用范围方面,股权激励制度适用于股票在上海、深圳证券交易所上市的国有控股上市公司。实施股权激励的前提条件是股权分置改革已经完成,具体的股权激励计划应包括股权激励方式、激励对象、激励条件、授予数量、授予价格及其确定的方式、行权时间限制或解锁期限等主要内容。在股权激励的方式上,将采取包括股票期权、限制性股票以及法律、行政法规允许的其他方式。股权激励对象原则上限于上…  相似文献   

国务院国资委和财政部联合下发的《国有控股上市公司(境外)实施股权激励试行办法》生效实施。  相似文献   

李灵慧 《财会学习》2018,(17):223-224
本文介绍了国有控股上市公司在股权激励中现存的一些问题,并在此基础上提出相应的改进措施,国有控股上市公司通过合理的股权激励,为实现国有企业的深入改革铺平道路.  相似文献   

We examine 136 M&A deals from 1997 to 2007 initiated by Chinese companies listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen Stock Exchanges, where the acquirer gains complete control of the target. Our data shows that the Chinese M&A market is dominated by domestic deals with unlisted targets that are either stand-alone private firms or wholly owned subsidiaries. Acquirers experience significant positive abnormal stock returns around the announcement date and over the three years after the acquisition. These results are largely driven by state-owned firms, cash acquirers and firms that acquire related targets. Cross-sectional tests show that announcement period returns are related to the acquirer's ownership status, industry relatedness of the acquirer and target, capital structure changes of the acquirer and the nature of the unlisted target. We find no change in operating performance from the pre to the post acquisition period for the acquirers.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the role of dividends in explaining the size effect. The previous literature concludes that before the firm's earnings announcement, small firm stock prices impound less information than large firm stock prices. This size effect is evidenced by the greater market reaction to small firm earnings announcements than to large firm earnings announcements. We find that if the dividend announcement precedes the earnings announcement, no size effect exists. The implication is that the information conveyed by dividend announcements includes the information conveyed to investors in large firms by other information sources. However, if the firm does not pay dividends or if the firm's earnings announcement precedes its dividend announcement, the size effect exists. The implication is that dividends do not completely explain the size effect. That is, there are information sources other than dividends that are exclusively available to investors in large firms, and the information provided by these sources is reflected in the stock price of large firms before the earnings announcement.  相似文献   

Using the data of retail investors' stock holdings, this study examined the effect of corporate misconduct on investor behavior. Our results showed that the number of retail investors investing in fraudulent firms tends to increase throughout the misconduct and during the public announcement. We also found that the increased volatility of stock returns heightens the interest of retail investors in the fraudulent stocks before and during the announcement of corporate misconduct. However, there was no significant change in their number after the announcement. Retail investors did not sell fraudulent stocks that have already lost significant value after the public announcement of corporate misconduct.  相似文献   

过度自信程度不同的投资者因消息确认精度差异引起意见分歧,产生异质后验信念,导致投资者对股价高估或者低估。在此基础上,以盈余公告信息作为利好或利空消息,研究不同环境下异质后验信念对我国股票价格的影响。实证结果表明:不管在牛市还是在熊市环境下,异质后验信念均会对股价产生影响,当盈余公告为利好消息时,异质后验信念程度越高,当期股价被高估的程度越显著;当盈余公告为利空消息时,异质后验信念程度越高,当期股价被低估的程度越显著。此外,在盈余公告前投资者就对盈余消息作出了反映,但对好消息与坏消息的反映程度不同。  相似文献   

How the market incorporates information into stock price is a core issue in finance. This study focuses on the impact of economic policy uncertainty (EPU) on the stock prices information efficiency of China's A-share market and underlying role of investors' attention allocation mechanism. This study analyzes the information efficiency of stock prices using the sensitivity of stock cumulative abnormal return to earnings information across different windows following earnings announcement. Based on the earnings announcement events of listed companies in China's A-share market, this study presents an empirical study of the aforementioned issues using event study and regression analysis methods. The following results are seen: (1) EPU aggravates the underreaction of stock price earnings information and the post-earnings announcement drift in the A-share market. (2) Under highly uncertain economic policies, investors show a limited attention allocation pattern of devoting increasing attention to macroeconomic policies and decreasing attention to earnings information, which leads to a decrease in the information efficiency of stock price. This study also analyzes the heterogeneity of the influence of EPU on stock price information efficiency using the institutional shareholding ratio. The results show that increasing institutional shareholding does not reduce the adverse effects of EPU on the information efficiency of stock prices. This study not only provides empirical evidence for Brunnermeier, Sockin, and Xiong (2022) and rational inattention theory, but also reveals that institutional investors show similar behavioral characteristics to retail investors in China's stock market. The results of this study have policy significance for improving the information efficiency of stock market.  相似文献   

In 2001, the Chinese government announced that it would reduce its ownership position in companies on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets. As state-owned shares had previously not been permitted to be traded, this announcement was a significant market event in China. The announcement stated that the shares would be sold at a market-determined price, rather than at the much lower “net assets” price that investors had naively anticipated. The difference between these prices was considerable for virtually all listed companies. We examine how accounting information was used discursively to frame the situation, constructing the “problem” of how to reduce state ownership and simultaneously restricting the set of permissible solutions. We distinguish the ex ante and ex post uses of accounting calculations and vocabularies in the public discourse during this event, and examine how the discursive function of accounting in China is conditioned by bureaucracy and ideology in Chinese society.  相似文献   

盈余管理在西方被称为“市场参与者的游戏”,近年来日益受到我国会计学界的关注。证券市场的迅速发展要求上市公司提供高质量的会计信息,由于盈余管理与会计信息质量关系密切,使得对上市公司盈余管理问题的研究成为投资者、债权人、政府主管部门以及会计准则制定机构关注的重点。另一方面,证券市场经验数据证明,股价的波动也同盈余管理密切相关,而利益相关者很可能利用盈余管理手段来影响股价从而获取利益。因此,加强我国上市公司盈余管理和股价相关性的研究,对提高上市公司会计信息质量和改善证券市场资源优化配置功能有着重要意义。本文运用实证分析方法,选取了竞争性强的家电行业和竞争性弱的石油行业的上市公司,从盈余管理度量着手,研究竞争性不同行业的上市公司盈余管理对股价的影响大小,并对投资者的行为提出相关建议。  相似文献   

Perpetual securities are classified as equity under the International Financial Reporting Standards, but various contract terms embedded in the securities create additional debt- and equity-like characteristics. This study examines whether stock market investors differentiate between diverse contract attributes. Using quarterly data on listed non-financial firms in the Korea Exchange that issued perpetual securities during 2012–2020, we document the following findings. First, perpetual securities are positively associated with stock prices. Second, the positive association is driven by perpetual securities convertible to stocks rather than non-convertible ones. Third, when further decomposing convertible perpetual securities based on whether the conversion price is fixed or floating, only fixed-priced convertibles show a positive association with stock prices. Overall, our findings suggest that equity investors consider the detailed contract attributes important for financial instruments.  相似文献   

A rich literature argues that stock repurchases often serve as positive economic signals beneficial to investors. Yet due to their inherent flexibility, open-market repurchase programs have long been criticized as weak signals lacking commitment. We evaluate whether some managers potentially use buyback announcements to mislead investors. We focus on cases where managers were seemingly under heavy pressure to boost stock prices and might have announced a repurchase only to convey a false signal. For suspect cases, the immediate market reaction to a buyback announcement does not differ from that generally observed. However over longer horizons, suspect firms do not enjoy the improvement in economic performance otherwise observed. Suspect firms repurchase less stock. Further, managers in suspect firms have comparatively higher exposure to stock options, a potentially endogenous result suggesting greater sensitivity to both stock valuation and to future equity dilution. Overall, the results suggest only a limited number of managers may have used buybacks in a misleading way as “cheap talk.” Yet as theory also suggests, we find no long-run economic benefit to this behavior.  相似文献   

We examine stock trading activities in days before Chinese listed firms made public announcement to start share-structure reform. There is significant evidence that, relative to a benchmark period, institutional investors bought more event firms’ shares in the last two trading days prior to announcement. Randomization tests show significant differences in institutional trading activities between event firms and matched control firms, which suggests that some institutions had inside information. Moreover, large trades account for a significant proportion of daily stock price changes in the last 2 days. The evidence is consistent with the prediction by Holden and Subrahmanyam (1992) that, when multiple informed investors acquire the same piece of information, they will trade aggressively. We also find that over the reform period, the median share value change of event firms is 6% higher than that of control firms. Our findings have important implications for enforcement of insider trading regulations in China.  相似文献   

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