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高职会计教育培育的目标是:应用型、技术型人才,是培养具备职业能力的实用人才基地。因此,高职会计专业实践教学除教授基本专业技能之外,还应培养其解决问题的其他能力,以适应未来岗位的需求。文章以基于职业能力培养的高职会计专业实践教学研究为出发点,探讨了当前高职会计职业能力的要求、会计实践教学与职业能力培养中存在问题,并提出将协同合作学习法应用于高职会计专业实践教学中,希冀以此提高学生的职业能力培养效率。  相似文献   

廖云兰 《会计师》2014,(4):73-74
高职会计教育培育的目标是:应用型、技术型人才,是培养具备职业能力的实用人才基地.因此,高职会计专业实践教学除教授基本专业技能之外,还应培养其解决问题的其他能力,以适应未来岗位的需求.文章以基于职业能力培养的高职会计专业实践教学研究为出发点,探讨了当前高职会计职业能力的要求、会计实践教学与职业能力培养中存在问题,并提出将协同合作学习法应用于高职会计专业实践教学中,希冀以此提高学生的职业能力培养效率.  相似文献   

吴英 《中国证券期货》2011,(12):238-239
会计具有实践性强的特点,案例教学有利于学生通过相互沟通与合作,更好地掌握会计专业知识,促使学生培养和形成直观的认识和创造性思维,提高学生分析实际问题和解决现实问题的能力。因此,目前在我国的会计专业教学中引入案例教学具有现实意义,如何在课堂上有效地运用会计案例来进行会计专业教学成为有效设计组织课堂教学的关键,成为了广大师生和专家学者研究和关注的焦点。  相似文献   

优化非会计专业的会计教学内容体系,创新非会计专业的教学模式,实施与非会计专业特点相适应的差异化教学,强化非会计专业的会计实践教学,运用灵活多样的教学方法提高教学质量,并建立起有效的会计教学效果考核体系,旨在提升非会计专业学生综合能力,达到培养高素质应用型人才的会计教学改革目标,本文以闽江学院经管院为例进行探讨。  相似文献   

《基础会计学》在独立学院的会计专业中是一门非常重要的基础学科,课程授课质量的好坏直接影响到学生后期的专业课程学习。但传统的会计教学已对学生产生吸引力。所以,本文以云南大学滇池学院为例,提出该门课程教学模式的改进方法,先动手后反思,变被动接受为主动学习,以培养学生的观察能力、思维能力、动手能力和解决问题能力,在现实会计教学中有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

高职院校会计专业的培养目标是适应生产、建设、管理、服务需要的会计高等技术应用型专门人才。对应用型人才的培养决定了高职会计教学既要注重理论教学更要加强实践教学。实践教学模式对职业教育的质量有着决定性的作用,探索建立符合高职会计专业目标特色的、以就业为导向、以能力为本位、以会计专业所需知识和技能为核心的实践教学模式已经成为了高职会计专业教学改革的制高点。  相似文献   

作为一名管理专业,日后有很大可能成为一名会计专业的学生,研究如何提高学生的实际会计能力,从而促进学生顺利就业具有重要意义。本文以大学生的思维方法特点作为研究对象,设计出更好的会计教学方法。科学有效的,生动的教学方法是课堂教学技能技巧的重要组成部分。本文作者凭借多年的教学经验,根据大学生的思维特点,采用兴趣诱导,搭建支架和体验实验教学方法等会计课堂教学实验方法。这些教学方法的在课堂的应用可以有效的提升会计教学的课堂效果,提升学生自身的专业理论水平和实际操作能力。  相似文献   

我们知道,中职非会计专业《会计基础》课程面向的是非会计专业的学生,他们也需要理解会计学的相关知识,运用相关数据和信息,学会制作财会报告。因此,在教学中,非会计专业《会计基础》的课程教学目标应该更加清晰化,定位要更加科学化,着重围绕学生的基础知识和基础应用方面进行教学和指导,提升学生的知识运用能力。教学方法和教学模式也要符合学生的发展规律和知识基础,提升教学的引导性。基于非会计专业《会计基础》课程教学的实际状况,本文以中职院校的非会计专业《会计基础》课程教学的实践为出发点,探讨科学有效的教学方法。  相似文献   

信息化时代,我国各中职学校已经逐步开始运用先进的信息化技术发展各个学科的教育建设,中职会计专业不仅仅局限于让学生掌握基本的会计知识,而要将学生培养成真正的会计专业人才.中职会计教学更重视的是会计的职业能力,因此在中职会计专业教学中教师应该更关注学生的自我学习能力和社会实践能力.本文将针对如何在信息网络时代下提升中职会计专业的建设,从而培养出真正适应信息化时代发展的会计人才.  相似文献   

会计综合实训课程内容涉及会计专业多个课程内容以及完整的账务处理流程,是对会计专业学生专业课程知识的综合性实践与运用,对学生的综合分析能力要求很高,教师在课程教学过程中,结合学科思维导图,依据学生对本专业知识的掌握程度及对专业知识的理解能力安排教学内容.将学科思维导图用于会计综合课程教学,能让教师有更清晰的教学思路安排好教学内容,以便学生在实践中更好地运用所学知识解决实际工作的需要.学生也可以通过思维导图巩固以前所学知识内容,理顺各门课程知识点之间的思维脉络.  相似文献   

Employers and professional bodies call for higher education accounting courses to emphasise the importance of critical thinking skills. This study provides an in-depth assessment of how critical thinking is currently taught and assessed across an entire accounting degree. Our study contributes to our understanding of how teaching and assessment can support students in developing their critical thinking. Using a case study approach, we identify resource restraints and disruptions to traditional forms of engagement as key challenges to developing critical thinking skills in accounting education. We conclude with suggestions for teaching practice, such as formative scaffolds and teacher-led discussions.  相似文献   

The purpose of this action research study is to learn directly from undergraduate students, through focus groups, about their experiences in their first accounting class, especially about the students’ knowledge and practice of critical thinking and about which classroom experiences engaged their attention and enhanced learning. The findings show that students want to understand how the first accounting course connects to the business world and to their other classes. Participants were unsure about when and how they practiced critical thinking; for improved learning outcomes, instructors need to keep critical thinking front and center. Students also need instruction in how to study accounting and how to utilize effectively the resources provided in their textbooks and as supplemental tools (e.g. integrated accounting software). Accounting professors must adapt their teaching methods to help students to meet professional demands, such as critical thinking skills and ability to handle a complex global business environment.  相似文献   

在学生小组授课、分组备课实践基础上,结合问卷调查中学生们对于社会价值体系在语言中反映的意见,借鉴人本主义思潮的特点及消极影响,用课堂实例说明应该引导学生们思考西方文学中的人本主义现象,促使高级英语课程的学生授课过程从对词汇、句意的简单分析中解放出来,培养学生们有意识应用文学批评理论,形成良好的文化意识的思辨能力。  相似文献   

This article describes issues associated with implementing an integrated approach to critical thinking and communication skills within accounting courses. The article builds on the work of Hirsch and Collins (1988) and discusses the following issues: (a) the collaboration of accounting and English faculty, (b) types of assignments, (c) assignment design, (d) the feedback process, (e) revisions in courses to accommodate a communication skills program, and (f) resources and motivation. The examples offered are from management/cost accounting courses, but our experience suggests that such an integrated approach to teaching critical thinking and both oral and written communication skills works well within most accounting and other business courses. However, individual programs will need to be tailored in order to address the issues defined here in ways that best fit their mission, goals, and resources.  相似文献   

Calls for improving the critical thinking ability of accounting students have been clear and repeated in both the accounting education and professional accounting literature. Although numerous ideas for developing critical thinking skills have been generated, there remains a significant lack of empirical evidence, in both the accounting education and higher education literature, that any specific instructional method can enhance the critical thinking skills of students. Given the lack of empirical support for success in the development of critical thinking skills, the value of further efforts to develop students' critical thinking skills must be questioned. The premise of this paper is that accounting programs and faculty wanting to address the issue of developing critical thinking skills in their curricula should be able to empirically examine whether their efforts are achieving the desired effects. This article first presents a brief review of prior research on critical thinking skills development and then offers suggestions to improve the design of future research on this topic. The authors attempt to provide guidance on the design of more powerful empirical tests of promising curricular strategies so that accounting faculty can determine if their attempts to enhance student critical thinking skills are meeting expectations.  相似文献   

The public accounting profession has called for enhanced critical thinking skills in accounting graduates. However, critical thinking is a term which does not enjoy a universally-accepted definition. This study attempts to identify the critical thinking competencies essential to success in public accounting, and articulates those competencies to facilitate future research aimed at curricular change to meet the needs of the profession. The findings reveal that the profession uses the term critical thinking to refer to a broad set of competencies which includes both cognitive and non-cognitive attributes, attitudes, and behaviors. These competencies are presented as an operational definition of critical thinking useful to accounting education researchers.  相似文献   

《管理文秘》是一门应用性极强的课程,为了更好地培养学生的动手动脑能力,帮助学生掌握各项基本技能,教师采用多种教学方法是提高教学水平的根本途径。专业秘书的要求是:理论基础及动手写作能力;表达能力;沟通协调能力;信息运用能力;现代化办公设备的使用能力。教师应当运用的方法有:精讲多练法;案例分析法;情景演练法;音像视频法;角色互换法。采用多样化教学方法的几点体会是:要使传统讲授和现代教学方法相结合;要依据教学内容选择教学方法;应适时修改考核形式。  相似文献   

Meta programmes are a way of indicating unconscious thinking preferences that influence how a person perceives the world, and how that person behaves and communicates with others. Meta programmes provide an easily understood language that can facilitate an understanding on the part of accounting students and faculty, of metacognitive processes, an important pre-requisite to developing the skill of learning to learn. This paper reports the results of an interview-based study which identifies 11 meta programmes important to the specific context of students’ educational experience. Meta programmes are found to affect the ability/inability of certain students to manage the educational process, a result that improves our understanding of why some students are better at coping with the demands of higher education than others. Since meta programmes are considered to operate at an unconscious or metacognitive level, raising awareness of their thinking and learning styles offers students the opportunity to influence, or change, their own cognitive processes involved in learning and therefore to enhance that learning. An increased understanding on the part of accounting faculty of their own and their students’ meta programmes offers potential for improving communication with students and designing more effective teaching and feedback strategies.  相似文献   

改进和优化师范钢琴教学的几点思索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应师范院校钢琴教育的要求,我们应着力培养既懂理论,又有技能,能学会教并具有组织能力的音乐师资,钢琴教师的目标取向必须理性回归.在改进和优化师范钢琴教学过程中,应加强钢琴弹奏基本知识和技能的训练,强化钢琴即兴伴奏课的教学,培养多元化的音乐知识结构.  相似文献   

通过在体育舞蹈教学中运用"音乐-表象-练习"教学法的实验研究,论证了采用此方法对于学习体育舞蹈的动作技术,提高其教学质量的可行性和实效性。  相似文献   

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