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税收收入,GDP及我国宏观税负分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济是税收之根本,税收的增长离不开经济的增长,税收反作用于经济,这是经济与税收之间的一般规律,本分析了税收收入与GDP的各个构成要素之间的关系,并通过世界各国宏观税负的分析,结合我国的实际情况,提出了我国宏观税负的合理区间,论证了我国目前小口径宏观税负偏低,而大口径的宏观税负已处于一个较高的水平,进而得出了解决目前财政困难的措施是调整目前的政府收入结构,规范政府收入形式,而不宜走简单增税的路子。  相似文献   

中国宏观税负、非税负担与经济增长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国最优宏观税负问题一直是财税学界研究的重点。中国财税体制的特殊性给最优宏观税负的研究增加了许多困难,也引起了不少争议。本文将宏观税负的最优目标设定为使经济增长最大化,并按照国际口径对税收收入进行调整,将预算外收入引入经济增长分析框架,利用数据包络(DEA)方法求得制度外收入等不可观测变量的估计值。在此基础上,运用计量经济学方法测算使经济增长最大化的最优宏观税负水平、税负结构,并分析非税负担对经济增长的影响。  相似文献   

随着各地房地产业的快速发展,其对地方税收的贡献率逐年提高,但地方政府片面追求GDP和税收收入则影响房地产业的可持续发展。通过对江苏省房地产业税收快速增长情况的分析,可以看出地方过度依赖房地产业税收可能产生诸多问题。而明确房地产业的发展定位、加快政府职能转变、加强房地产税收管理、完善分税制、增强地方财力才是促进房地产税收可持续增长的关键。  相似文献   

A widespread objection to the introduction of consumption tax systems claims that this would lead to high tax revenue losses. This paper investigates the revenue effects of a consumption tax reform in Germany. Our results suggest that the revenue losses would be surprisingly low. We find a maximum revenue loss of 1.6 per cent of annual GDP. In some years, we even find tax revenue gains. This implies that the current tax system collects little revenue from taxing the normal return to capital. Based on these results, we calculate a macroeconomic measure of the effective tax rate on capital income.  相似文献   

本文针对开征环境税的主要难点问题进行了分析,认为我国环境税应定位于直接污染税(或排污税);环境税与排污费相比,在法律、征管、收入使用、税费负担设计等层面都具有优势,其中,法律层面和征管层面的优势是排污费改税的主要推动力;自行申报、环保核定、税务征收的环境税征收模式相对具有可行性。  相似文献   

通过使用PVAR模型和脉冲—响应函数对1994~2008年间我国省级税制结构、税负水平与经济增长的动态关系进行了研究,结果表明,目前我国的经济增长显著地促进了税制结构和税负水平的提高,但税制结构和税收水平的提高没有显著阻碍经济的增长。所以,增加直接税的比重和整体税负水平,不但可以调节贫富差距,促进社会和谐,还可以增加政府支出水平和提高消费率进而促进经济增长。  相似文献   

This paper uses a dynamic general equilibrium model to study the economic effects of bank account debits (BAD) taxation. Australia and various Latin American countries have levied or levy BAD taxes. Aspects such as financial disintermediation, market illiquidity, and impacts on dividend and interest rates are considered. Part of the BAD tax revenue may be fictitious, due to increased interest payments on government debt. The Brazilian BAD tax (CPMF) experience is evaluated. The empirical analysis confirms some theoretical predictions. Incidence base over GDP appears to be sensitive to the tax rate, possibly engendering a Laffer curve. The tax may also cause real interest rates to increase. Furthermore, the deadweight losses are relatively large, even if revenues are small. The theoretical and empirical results suggest that the BAD tax is not adequate for revenue collection. JEL Code E62 · H20  相似文献   

牛欢  严成樑 《金融研究》2021,493(7):40-57
本文构建了一个包含环境税、污染存量和预期寿命的世代交替模型,研究环境税对环境红利和经济发展红利的影响。基于新古典增长模型的研究表明,环境税能够实现双重红利(环境红利和经济发展红利),这契合“绿水青山就是金山银山”的绿色发展理念。从传导机制看,环境税通过负收入效应使得资本积累下降,同时,环境税通过健康效应使得预期寿命延长,这又使得资本积累增加。环境税通过影响资本积累,进而影响环境质量和经济发展。此外,环境税率上升使得用于环境治理的政府支出增加,这使得经济更容易产生环境红利。基于内生增长框架的分析表明,环境税有助于摆脱“环境贫困陷阱”,这为解释国家之间的收入差距提供了一个参考机制。数值模拟结果显示,在新古典增长框架和内生增长框架下,均存在最优的环境税率可以极大化人均产出和经济增长率。本文认为,合理的环境税率有助于推进减污降碳协同治理。  相似文献   

This paper studies the effect of corporate taxes on investment. Since firms with a foreign parent have more cross-country profit shifting opportunities than domestically owned firms do, their effective tax rate and, consequently, their tax-induced costs to investment are lower. We therefore expect capital investment responses to a corporate tax cut to be heterogeneous across firms. Using firm-level data on German corporations, we exploit the 2008 tax reform, which substantially cut corporate taxes as an exogenous policy shock and expect domestically owned firms' investments to be more responsive to the reform. We show exactly this in a difference-in-differences setting. We find that the reduction in corporate tax payments led to a one-to-one increase in the real investments of domestic firms. The effect is stronger for domestic firms relying more on internal funds. Correspondingly, labor investment increased more for domestic firms, ensuring a constant mix of input factors. In addition, we show that domestic firms' sales grew faster after the tax cut than the sales of foreign-owned firms. Our results imply that corporate tax changes can increase corporate investment but that domestic firms benefit more than foreign-owned firms from a tax cut through higher investment responses resulting in greater sales growth.  相似文献   

This paper compares ad valorem and specific taxes in asymmetric homogenous Cournot oligopolies with constant marginal costs. We show that for any given level of industry output, ad valorem taxes are superior to specific taxes in terms of revenue raised. If the tax rates are sufficiently high, for any given specific tax one can find an ad valorem tax that leads to greater tax revenue, consumer surplus, and industry profits.  相似文献   

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