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陈琴 《财会学习》2016,(18):22-23
廉洁行政是现代大学治理的应有之义,也是高校履行受托责任的基本要求。但近年高校腐败案件增多,对高校造成恶劣影响,防治腐败已成为高校治理的重中之重。本文试从会计角度分析大学财务管理对高校廉洁行政的效应,并解析目前高校财务管理在发挥防治腐败作用中存在的不足,从高校经费监管、内部控制及信息披露方面提出改进建议。  相似文献   

国际银行业信息披露制度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张兴胜  胡婕 《金融论坛》2005,10(8):21-27
信息披露制度的兴起和完善伴随着商业银行治理结构的变革及风险管理技术的提升,是推动银行业公司治理改革的重要动力。《有效银行监管的核心原则》、《提高银行透明度》、《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》等报告和协议为国际银行业信息披露标准提供了借鉴,折射了国际银行业信息披露制度的变革方向。美国银行业信息披露制度对我国有着明显的借鉴意义,其改进信息披露的举措主要包括提高信息披露效能、加强信用风险披露和按业务线披露经营信息等。以《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》的要求为基础,借鉴发达国家的信息披露制度,细化《商业银行信息披露暂行办法》的相关规定,推进信息披露的规范化,是我国商业银行提升信息披露水平的可选思路。  相似文献   

上市公司自愿性信息披露是对强制性信息披露的补充和扩展.近年来我国上市公司的自愿性信息披露已经起步,但仍存在着披露项目较少、披露质量不高等一系列问题.而公司治理各因素与自愿性信息披露之间存在着密切的联系,要从根本上推进上市公司自愿性信息披露工作,改善公司治理环境是一条有效路径,尤其是要尽快建立和完善审计委员会制度,监督上市公司按承诺时间完成有限售条件股份的上市,并不遗余力地进一步完善独立董事制度.  相似文献   

美国上市公司信息披露制度的变迁及启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
美国证券市场信息披露制度在不同阶段有不同的特点,其变迁包括披露内容和披露手段两个方面,变迁方向是市场的高透明度.我国的信息披露制度体系中首次发行信息披露制度和持续性信息披露制度已经基本形成,应从以下三方面完善法律责任及有关救济制度:一是加大信息披露违规的处罚力度,提高违法违规的预期处罚成本;二是完善证券民事赔偿法律体系,降低预期违规收益;三是完善公司治理制度建设,建立股东代表诉讼制度.  相似文献   

信息披露是商业银行公司治理游的一个关键环节,随着经济金融形势的不断发展,巴塞尔资本协议和我国的新会计准则都从制度和规范层面对商业银行信息披露提出了更高的要求,但是,从我国目前状况来看,商业银行信息披露还存在着制度法规不完善、披露的会计信息不充分、不真实等问题,亟需进行完善和改进.  相似文献   

信息是现代社会发展的动力,是指导人们行为的指挥棒.独立董事和监事会对公司的监督必须建立在对公司治理的充分了解的基础之上.畅通的信息渠道是对公司治理进行监督的保障.公司治理监督方面的信息制度包括两个方面:对内的信息制度和对外的信息制度.对内的信息制度主要指提供给公司高级管理人员的公司管理信息.对外则主要指信息披露制度.本文只研究内部信息制度.  相似文献   

信息披露制度的兴起和完善伴随着商业银行治理结构的变革及风险管理技术的提升,是推动银行业公司治理改革的重要动力。《有效银行监管的核心原则》、《提高银行透明度》、《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》等报告和协议为国际银行业信息披露标准提供了借鉴,折射了国际银行业信息披露制度的变革方向。美国银行业信息披露制度对我国有着明显的借鉴意义,其改进信息披露的举措主要包括提高信息披露效能、加强信用风险披露和按业务线披露经营信息等。以《巴塞尔资本协议Ⅱ》的要求为基础,借鉴发达国家的信息披露制度,细化《商业银行信息披露暂行办法》的相关规定,推进信息披露的规范化,是我国商业银行提升信息披露水平的可选思路。  相似文献   

证券信息动态披露制度的建立,有其重要的现实意义。由于证券信息动态披露制度具有强制性、单向性和程式性等法律特征,因此借鉴美国证券信息披露制度,建立我国证券信息动态披露制度既要完善企业法人治理结构、健全证券信息动态披露的有关法规制度和完善证券信息动态披露的监管体制,还应该借助网路技术建立上市公司动态信息披露系统,只有这样,才能推进我国多层次资本市场体系的最终建立。  相似文献   

环境信息披露制度、公司治理和环境信息披露   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
毕茜  彭珏  左永彦 《会计研究》2012,(7):39-47,96
企业环境信息披露体现了上市公司对环境信息披露制度的遵守和执行,同时增加了公众对上市公司行为的了解;反过来,这将促使上市公司改变他们的一些行为。本文在给出企业环境信息披露制度定义的基础上,采用我国重污染行业上市公司2006—2010年年报和独立报告中披露的环境信息进行实证研究,研究证明制度对企业环境信息披露有显著的正向关系,即环境信息披露法律法规的颁布及实施提高了企业环境信息披露水平;同时研究验证了公司治理具有增强制度对企业环境信息披露的促进作用。研究结果为《上市公司环境信息披露指南》的出台提供了证据支持、为完善企业环境信息披露制度的设计提供了经验证据。  相似文献   

叶扬 《海南金融》2013,(3):32-36
本文对我国上市公司信息披露制度进行简要回顾,从苏宁电器和双汇发展进行正反两方面案例分析,发现信息披露与内部控制制度对上市公司发展的重要性。针对目前国内仍有相当一部分上市公司对信息披露与合规的重视程度不够,存在重形式轻内容、披露格式化等问题,建议证监会和证券交易所在加强监管的同时,应致力于引导上市公司转变和完善公司治理理念、建立健全内部控制制度,并完善上市公司信息披露工作"奖优罚劣"机制。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the extent of corporate governance voluntary disclosure and the impact of a comprehensive set of corporate governance (CG) attributes (board composition, board size, CEO duality, director ownership, blockholder ownership and the existence of audit committee) on the extent of corporate governance voluntary disclosure in Egypt. The measurement of disclosure is based on published data created from a checklist developed by the United Nations, which was gathered from a manual review of financial statements and websites of a sample of Egyptian companies listed on Egyptian Stock Exchange (EGX). Although the levels of CG disclosure are found to be minimal, disclosure is high for items that are mandatory under the Egyptian Accounting Standards (EASs). The failure of companies to disclose such information clearly shows some ineffectiveness and inadequacy in the regulatory framework in Egypt. Moreover, the phenomenon of non-compliance may also be attributed to socio-economic factors in Egypt. Therefore, it is expected that Egyptian firms will take a long time to appraise the payback of increased CG disclosure. The findings indicate that that—ceteris paribus—the extent of CG disclosure is (1) lower for companies with duality in position and higher ownership concentration as measured by blockholder ownership; and (2) increases with the proportion of independent directors on the board and firm size. The results of the study support theoretical arguments that companies disclose corporate governance information in order to reduce information asymmetry and agency costs and to improve investor confidence in the reported accounting information. The empirical evidence from this study enhances the understanding of the corporate governance disclosure environment in Egypt as one of the emerging markets in the Middle East.  相似文献   

以2010~2011年A股重污染行业上市公司作为研究对象,从产品市场竞争、公司治理角度考察了企业环境信息披露的影响因素。结果显示:公司治理结构的合理安排能够对提升企业环境信息披露质量产生一定的积极作用,但是产品市场竞争与公司治理机制之间的关系尚不明确。本文的研究结论意味着,在我国当前的制度背景下,要提高企业环境信息披露水平,保护利益相关者利益,有必要继续完善上市公司治理结构;同时,本研究也说明产品市场竞争并不能解释重污染行业企业环境信息披露的动机。  相似文献   

This study examines the association between corporate governance mechanisms and disclosure transparency measured by the level of Internet financial reporting (IFR) behavior. We measure corporate governance by shareholder rights, ownership structure, board composition, and audit committee characteristics. We develop a disclosure index to measure the extent of each sample firm’s IFR by presentation format, information content, and corporate governance disclosures. Results indicate that firms with weak shareholder rights, a lower percentage of blockholder ownership, a higher percentage of independent directors, a more diligent audit committee, and a higher percentage of audit committee members that are considered financial experts are more likely to engage in IFR. The findings suggest that corporate governance mechanisms influence a firm’s Internet disclosure behavior, presumably in response to the information asymmetry between management and investors and the resulting agency costs. Additional exploratory analysis indicates that the association between corporate governance and IFR varies with firm size. Our results suggest that new regulatory guidance in corporate governance leads to improved disclosure transparency via IFR.  相似文献   

资金侵占是控股股东利用控制权获取私人利益的重要表现形式,也是其解决资金缺乏的重要途径,普遍存在于信息不对称严重的公司。而有效的信息披露制度则会提高公司透明度,减轻信息不对称程度,保护中小投资者免受控股股东的掠夺。作为外部治理机制的审计是公司信息披露质量的重要保证,也能够缓解代理问题,对中小投资者起到保护作用。因此,本文选取深圳A股上市公司作为样本,研究信息披露质量、控股股东资金占用以及审计师选择之间的关系。实证结果发现,信息披露质量越高的公司会减少控股股东的资金占用并且倾向于选择高质量的审计师,高质量审计师也能够起到降低控股股东的资金占用的效果。这一研究结果对加强信息披露监管以及审计的治理效应有着重要的启示。  相似文献   

We report on the comprehensiveness of voluntary corporate governance disclosures in the annual reports and management information circulars of Toronto Stock Exchange (TSE) firms. We focus on disclosure of the corporate governance practices implemented by our sample of TSE 300 firms vis‐à‐vis the 14 guidelines set out in the TSE's report on corporate governance Where Were the Directors? Our analysis indicates that only a very few firms disclose that they have fully implemented the TSE guidelines, and that the extent of disclosure of corporate governance practices implemented varies widely among the firms. We then test factors associated with the comprehensiveness of such disclosures and the choice of disclosure medium using simultaneous equations multivariate analysis. We also assess the influence of publicized corporate governance failures on disclosure. Overall, our results suggest that the choices of disclosure medium and the extent of disclosure are made concurrently, and are influenced by the strategic considerations of management.  相似文献   

比较视野中的商业银行公司治理模式及其借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
霍翠凤  杨萌 《金融论坛》2005,10(4):44-48
建立良好的公司治理结构是一个国家及其企业树立市场信心、吸引更多投资的重要手段。现代商业银行作为资金运营的企业特别是投融资的中介,其公司治理科学与否、运行是否有效,是商业银行构造合理的内部制衡机制和有效的内控制度,进而强化外部监管和信息披露,建立完善的产权制度的关键。本文在借鉴国外具有代表性的商业银行公司治理模式的基础上,提出了所有权分散化、推行问责制、完善信息披露制度、完善激励机制、加强风险防范及通过上市完善公司治理等进一步优化我国商业银行公司治理的对策和建议。  相似文献   

依据2011-2017年中国35个重点城市面板数据,考量公众参与、监管信息公开对城市环境治理的影响.结果表明:公众参与度提高能形成对政府环境规制和企业污染排放的监督,降低城市污染物的排放强度;监管信息公开能缓解政府、企业和公众之间的信息不对称,提高公众环境认知能力,强化对公众参与城市环境治理的行为激励.畅通公众环境利益诉求的反馈渠道,构建基于环境监管信息公开沟通平台,有助于提高公众和政府共同推进城市环境治理的积极性和有效性.  相似文献   

Our study investigates the quality of firms’ continuous disclosure compliance during mandatory continuous disclosure reform, and whether the compliance quality is impacted by corporate governance, using the New Zealand market as the setting. We use a novel coding of different categories of disclosures (non‐routine, non‐procedural and internal), which represents the extent of proprietary insider information inherent in disclosures, to evaluate firms’ compliance quality. Our findings provide evidence that firms’ compliance quality improved after the reform, and this improvement is inconsistently impacted by corporate governance. Our findings provide important implications for regulators in their quest for a superior disclosure regime.  相似文献   

We investigate the social and environment‐related governance disclosure practices of a sample of textile and garment companies operating within Bangladesh. Using content analysis we find that the disclosure of governance information lags behind general corporate social responsibility disclosures, and the textile and garment companies of Bangladesh disclose information about their governance practices in order to secure/maintain legitimacy and/or to meet community expectations. However, the governance disclosures still fall short of what would appear to be expected by the international community, and despite ongoing international concerns about workplace conditions and associated safety, the results suggest limited accountability and transparency in relation to social and environment‐related governance practices within a developing country context.  相似文献   

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