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信用卡消费积分营销机制的分析与创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、建立健全信用卡消费积分营销机制的积极意义 近年来,随着电子货币结算和电子商务产业的快速发展,我国商业银行的信用卡业务迅速扩张,信用卡已成为我国居民普遍使用的支付工具,刷卡消费已逐渐成为居民的日常消费常态,信用卡市场的竞争日趋激励.为了有效扩大市场份额,提高市场占比,在激烈的信用卡市场竞争中分得一杯羹,各商业银行纷纷建立信用卡消费积分营销机制,制定信用卡消费积分规则,设计信用卡消费促销方案和活动,推出各具特色的信用卡消费积分回馈等优惠服务,使信用卡市场的竞争趋于白热化.  相似文献   

一.建立健全信用卡消费积分营销机制的积极意义 近年来,随着电子货币结算和电子商务产业的快速发展,我国商业银行的信用卡业务迅速扩张,信用卡已成为我国居民普遍使用的支付工具,刷卡消费已逐渐成为居民的日常消费常态,信用卡市场的竞争日趋激励。  相似文献   

魏冬 《理财》2012,(4):52-53
信用卡究竟是设消费密码安全还是不设消费密码安全?支持的人说,上把锁的门肯定比不上锁的安全;但反对的人也有自己的理由,信用卡设定消费密码被盗窃损失需要自己承担,不设定的话则由发卡银行来承担责任。但记者通过调查发现,信用卡不设定消费密码银行也是不会轻易埋单的,更为重要的是就算你设定了消费密码也不一定是有效的。  相似文献   

随着我国社会的发展和经济水平的不断提高,我国人民的生活节奏和生活态度发生了巨大的改变。信用卡具有方面、灵活等特点,在人民生活水平提高的今天得到了快速的发展,在社会经济中逐渐发挥着重要的作用,正逐渐成为我国社会经济生活发展的必要组成部分。但与发达国家相比,我国信用卡消费现状不甚乐观,信用卡消费率尚有很大的提升空间。本文试通过我国信用卡消费现状入手,分析影响我国信用卡消费现状的因素及存在的问题,从而提出促进我国信用卡消费的解决对策。  相似文献   

信用卡作为一种信用凭证和支付工具,以其无法比拟的便捷和高效,给人们的生活带来了极大的便利。然而,在信用体系逐渐成熟的今天,信用卡消费者权益屡受侵犯的现象随处可见,而关于保护信用卡消费权益的法律法规却滞后于产业的快速发展。因此,研究信用卡消费权益保护具有重要的现实意义。文章通过对我国信用卡消费权益保护现状、问题的总结与分析,为当前我国探索建立信用卡消费权益保护路径,以及如何在法律、制度、监管等方面,从"行业本位"转向"客户本位",真正维护信用卡持卡人的基本权益,提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

2006年8月1日~11月30日,大众理财顾问杂志社研究部针对读者开展了"2006中国信用卡消费倾向调查",调查对象主要为对信用卡感兴趣者,包括已经使用和尚未使用但希望了解的消费者.截至2006年11月30日,杂志社共收到反馈问卷6212份,其中有效问卷5120份,广大肖费者对信用卡话题始终保持着较高的关注度.  相似文献   

我国信用卡市场处于快速发展的高峰期,多数商业银行采取信用卡大量营销的模式,由此形成同质化的片面追求发卡量模式,引发了信用卡市场循环透支消费与消费习惯、盈利预期与战略持续的深层次结构问题。面对信用卡市场存在的风险隐患,商业银行要通过市场细分、目标市场选择和市场定位的策略改进,进而在过度信息市场环境下,有效实施信用卡品牌战略。  相似文献   

信用卡透支是指持卡人凭信用卡支付款项超过其帐户存款金额时,向发卡机构短期融资的信用行为。方便消费、超前消费应是准信用卡(贷记卡)发行的题中之义。对于消费者而言准信用卡是其随时获得信用贷款的最好方式。但从调查结果来看,城镇居民对信用卡透支消费热情不足,信用卡透支消费存在诸多难点,但信用卡透支消费前景广阔。  相似文献   

刘植灿  文娟秀 《时代金融》2014,(5X):208-209
随着社会经济的发展,"先消费,后付款"已逐渐成为了大学生的消费观念,大学生这一特殊群体正成为未来信用消费领域的"主力军"。本文通过对大学生信用卡使用现状的分析及风险问题的研究,提出一套如何规避信用卡风险和提高大学生信用消费的对策。  相似文献   

随着社会经济的发展,"先消费,后付款"已逐渐成为了大学生的消费观念,大学生这一特殊群体正成为未来信用消费领域的"主力军"。本文通过对大学生信用卡使用现状的分析及风险问题的研究,提出一套如何规避信用卡风险和提高大学生信用消费的对策。  相似文献   

This research develops and tests two models using a range of psychological and sociological antecedents of credit card acquisition, spending practices and debt accumulation by college students. Six psycho-social dimensions were investigated: parental involvement, locus of control, compulsivity, impulsivity, debt anxiety and social status. Multivariate regression analysis using two dependent variables was conducted: the number of credit cards and total credit card debt. Although the multivariate model was highly significant, considerable variation emerged that best explained the number of credit cards students owned and the total credit card debt carried. The results offer insights in future research needs and consumer protection issues.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is twofold. First, it develops a prediction system to help the credit card issuer model the credit card delinquency risk. Second, it seeks to explore the potential of deep learning (also called a deep neural network), an emerging artificial intelligence technology, in the credit risk domain. With real-life credit card data linked to 711,397 credit card holders from a large bank in Brazil, this study develops a deep neural network to evaluate the risk of credit card delinquency based on the client's personal characteristics and the spending behaviours. Compared with machine-learning algorithms of logistic regression, naive Bayes, traditional artificial neural networks, and decision trees, deep neural networks have a better overall predictive performance with the highest F scores and area under the receiver operating characteristic curve. The successful application of deep learning implies that artificial intelligence has great potential to support and automate credit risk assessment for financial institutions and credit bureaus.  相似文献   

Exploiting debit card and credit card transactions of a large, representative sample of consumers from a leading bank in Singapore, we examine the consumption response to an anticipated, transitory price shock generated by the nation-wide annual sale event. Consumers significantly increase their spending during the sale event. More importantly, we find inter-temporal substitution where consumers spend less immediately before the event, and cross-categorical substitution behavior where consumers decrease spending in items unaffected by the sale event. However, consumers exhibit little substitution behavior when they use credit cards or when they are liquidity constrained, highlighting the importance of heterogeneity in assessing the aggregate impact of such stimulus programs.  相似文献   

随着我国信用卡产业的迅速发展,信用卡在使用过程中也凸显诸多问题,信用卡套现便是其中之一。然而,对于信用卡套现的法律性质,学术界一直存有争论。从信用卡套现的概念和原理出发,层层分析揭露信用卡套现的深层原因,并以此窥视我国现行信用卡相关立法的不足,并在借鉴美国信用卡立法模式的基础上,对我国信用卡立法提出了建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines how competition among suppliers affects their willingness to provide trade credit financing. Trade credit extended by a supplier to a cash constrained retailer allows the latter to increase cash purchases from its other suppliers, leading to a free rider problem. A supplier that represents a smaller share of the retailer’s purchases internalizes a smaller part of the benefit from increased spending by the retailer and, as a result, extends less trade credit relative to its sales. In consequence, retailers with dispersed suppliers obtain less trade credit than those whose suppliers are more concentrated. The free rider problem is especially detrimental to a trade creditor when the free-riding suppliers are its product market competitors, leading to a negative relation between product substitutability among suppliers to a given retailer and trade credit that the former provide to the latter. We test the model using both simulated and real data. The estimated relations are consistent with the model’s predictions and are statistically and economically significant.  相似文献   

More knowledge and understanding is needed regarding the mechanisms influencing college student attitudes toward credit card companies and the behavior that students exhibit using credit cards. Prior literature in the area has been sparse. The current article is an attempt to fill the gap in existing literature. Using survey data, we try to find the determinants of college student attitude toward credit card companies and the responsible use of credit cards. Our findings indicate that a strong positive link exists between student attitude toward credit card companies and responsible credit behavior. Two distinct groups of students are identified – one with a positive attitude toward credit card companies and positive credit use behaviors; the other with the opposing attitude and behavior. Reward cards, payment behavior, number of credit cards, modes of acquisition, awareness about credit card policies, purpose for using credit cards, impulsiveness and certain student characteristics are all indicated as variables that help discriminate between the two different student groups. Our findings have implications for both higher education institutions and credit card firms.  相似文献   

本研究以农村居民参加新型农村社会养老保险(以下简称“新农保”)意愿影响因素为出发点,通过对山东省新农保试点地区农村居民进行问卷调查,运用二元Logistic模型对问卷数据进行计量分析,结果显示:子女个数、希望的养老方式、为家庭考虑是否参保、是否参加商业养老保险以及对新农保的总体评价等因素对农民参保意愿具有较强影响。  相似文献   

This study examines how college students comprehend the disclosures in a credit card advertisement through two main perspectives: socialization and processing. The results reveal that socialization and processing influence college students’ comprehension of the disclosures differently. In general, message involvement with the disclosures may enhance comprehension of the disclosures positively. However, college students’ experiences in using a credit card, enhanced by information search and number of credit cards owned, may have an inverse and negative effect on comprehension of the disclosures. While female students tend to exhibit more experiences in using a credit card, male and female students comprehend the disclosures to the same degree. This also suggests that female students may be more susceptible to ignore the disclosures, whereas an attended and informed card user provides the best defense against costly mistakes in neglecting important disclosures in credit card solicitations.  相似文献   

This study analyzes consumer rationality/irrationality and financial literacy in the credit card market. Through literature review, it reveals that consumers, as a whole, make a rational decision when they borrow using a credit card and bear the high interest rate. However, consumers make various mistakes in their individual financial decisions and credit card behavior. Financial literacy, affected by cognitive ability, financial knowledge and financial education can improve consumers’ behavior. This article presents new insights on the implications for consumers, credit card issuers, policymakers and researchers. It has both practical and academic contribution to the credit card market.  相似文献   

This article aims to identify various credit card selection factors in the context of an Asian emerging economy – India. Considering the recent emergence of the three-tier banking system in India, the study proposes to investigate whether there exists an association between credit card selection factors and the type of credit card issuing bank (public, private national or private foreign). The article also seeks to find out whether the income level of the individual determines the type of credit card bank category selection, as prior literature suggests that demographic factors are closely related to credit card selection and usage patterns. The analysis was carried out using a mixed method research design involving thematic analysis of focus group data, factor analysis, PERMAP analysis and multiple correspondence analysis in different phases. Five primary credit card selection factors were identified. A strong correspondence between credit card selection factors, personal income levels and choice of credit card issuing bank was found. Accordingly, credit card selection factors and personal income level were together identified as factors affecting the type of bank selected. The phenomenon of bank category-based stereotyping of brands is emphasized based on the analysis. The implications of this phenomenon with respect to brand identity conception, target segmentation, brand positioning and marketing communication are discussed.  相似文献   

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