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保险公司实施审计程序时很大程度上需要依赖其内部控制系统.本文首先分析了保险业务及财务报表的审计程序,进而分析了保险公司实施审计程序时应考虑的特殊因素.  相似文献   

保险公司的资本状况改善众多中国的保险公司正考虑通过上市来改善企业的资本情况。其实除了上市之外,还有不少方法可供选择。为了抓住稍纵即逝的市场机遇,建立自己的市场地位,保险公司需要利用一切手段、千方百计增强自己的资金实力。上市似乎是一条途径,然而。在上市的漫长过程中所要花费的大量精力,往往令企业的高级管理层望而生畏。尽管政府鼓励国外战略投资者进入中国保险行业,但事实上,大部分战略投资者的目的只是通过在中国的投资获取经验,便于未来及时地建立自己的全资公司,不愿意将商业模式的细节传授给未来的竞争对手。当然,再保险也是缓解资金压力的传统方法之一。在中国,保单持有人是尚未被充分发掘的资本途径。保险公司可以向保单持有人提供贷款,并以保单作为贷款抵押。这种做法在中国是被允许的,而且这种投资通常被视为保险公司的优质资产,保险公司也可以利用保单贷款改善资本情况。  相似文献   

随着现代化经济的发展,人们对保险业的不断增大,使我国出现了许多保险公司.虽然我国保险公司在逐渐的壮大,但保险公司的管理水平却还落后于国外同业.保险总公司对分公司的过度控制资金,其重要原因是保险公司的财务管理制度并不完善.面对保险业的激烈竞争,我国保险公司需要由原来的保费规模增长型转向管理效益增长型.财务管理作为保险公司重要的一项管理工作,对保险公司的未来综合竞争能力及可持续发展有很大的影响.本文从中国保险公司的实际情况出发,对目前保险公司财务管理中所出现的问题进行研究与分析,从而提出相应的改进策略.  相似文献   

按照行驶里程计费的车险创新:国外的理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统车险定价和计费方式及其存在的问题 截至目前,除了对一些营运车辆,保险公司在车险费率厘定的过程中较少考虑车辆行驶里程的因素,保险公司根据其他因素确定费率之后,在承保年度初一次性收取全年的车险保费。  相似文献   

制定农村金融中长期发展的战略措施,不能不预测未来的金融发展形势,预测未来的金融发展形势,又不能不考虑未来金融激烈竞争局面的出现。我们现在研究制定的战略措施,必须适应未来的竞争环境,不但适应“七五”期间农金发展的需要,而且还要适应“八五”期间及至2000年的需要。  相似文献   

我国保险公司税收制度的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国保险公司税制存在诸多弊端 ,如 :中外资保险公司所得税待遇不同 ,营业税负担过重等 ,阻碍了保险业的发展。笔者建议在考虑政策目标 ,税收原则 ,最终纳税人等相关因素的前提下 ,改革现行保险公司税制。如 :统一中外资保险公司所得税税率 ,降低营业税率并实行差别税率等。  相似文献   

"盈利问题"已经成为后金融危机时代我国保险公司需要解决的首要问题。本文通过分析总结我国30年来保险公司盈利模式的不断发展演化,指出了在"规模模式"的作用递减和"范围模式"存在偏离风险的情况下,我国保险公司需要从"自发"到"自觉",寻找保险公司本源的盈利模式,并通过保险产品和保险公司业务结构的重新定位提出了组合盈利模式的未来选择。  相似文献   

周泉 《财会学习》2015,(12):118-119
保险公司是具有金融高风险特征的企业,自我国保险公司成立以来,发展迅速,并迅速在全国各省市、自治区分别成立了分支机构.为了进一步强化保险公司总分公司的管理职能、实现保险公司的整体战略发展目标,在保险公司内部实施财务集中核算管理是一种最佳选择.本文将对保险公司会计集中核算的方法与具体措施进行简单探讨.  相似文献   

保险业在进入转型和升级发展的新阶段中,出现了由于保险业长期发展积累的深层次问题和矛盾逐渐显现的问题.针对这一问题,保险业需要从管理模式和风险控制两个方面进行管理会计的战略调整.管理会计是为高层决策者提供财务决策依据而进行的经济管理活动,管理会计的最终目的是改善企业是生产经营状况并且提高企业的经济效益.管理会计着重改善经营管理,以提高经济效益为主要目标,管理会计主要履行预测、决策、规划、控制和考核的职能,所以说管理会计是高层决策的一个重要依据.保险公司的经济活动要通过管理会计的信息进行一系列的安排.调整保险公司的管理会计战略,了解当前管理会计的发展现状和发展趋势,提高保险公司的竞争力和经济效益.  相似文献   

中国第二代偿付能力监管规则(以下简称“偿二代”)要求保险公司应当结合业务发展战略和实际风险状况制定风险偏好。风险偏好体系由上至下包括风险偏好、风险容忍度及风险限额3个部分。建立风险偏好体系需要考虑风险偏好形成、风险偏好陈述、风险偏好传导及风险偏好跟踪调整机制4个步骤流程。保险公司风险偏好一般包括资本、盈利、战略、流动性等主要维度。在风险偏好体系框架基础上,可通过风险限额分解,使风险管理责任得到层层落实,其中经济资本分解和传导,最具典型性和代表性。保险公司风险偏好高阶指标,以及一些更为细化的指标,共同构成“关键风险指标”,即KRI。通过KRI日常监控和限额管理,保证风险偏好落地实施,最终为保险公司创造价值。  相似文献   

中国商业银行再造影响因素的识别与评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文从战略、技术、人员、管理、结构、资源和环境7个方面分析了中国商业银行再造的影响因素,并通过实证研究识别出6个影响显著的因子,即客户导向战略、信息技术能力、领导因素、培训和激励、组织协调和市场竞争压力.同时指出在中国商业银行治理结构尚未完善、人员素质普遍较低和传统文化影响下,组织结构正式化、组织结构集权化、员工的支持及参与和组织资源等方面对我国商业银行再造的影响与国外文献的研究结论大相径庭.本结论使银行管理者能够对重要影响因素给予适当的重视和投入,以获得实施再造的理想效果;同时,也揭示了国内一些商业银行再造没有实现预期目标的原因.  相似文献   

Strategy and Financial Policy in UK Small Firms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
There is growing evidence that capital structure and firm strategy are linked but most studies to date have focused on large, publicly quoted firms, with little attention given to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). A major proposition of the study is that both strategic and financial factors are necessary to explain chosen debt levels. The empirical question adopted for this work, given the best financial model of capital structure, is – does strategy provide any additional explanatory power? Hence strategy and financial variables are seen as complementary rather than competing determinants of capital structure. There appears to be strong evidence supporting the proposition that competitive strategy affects the capital structure of SMEs, but there is little evidence of any impact from corporate strategic factors. The study also supports the notion that there is a 'pecking order' in SME financing and that variability in profits results in 'distress' borrowing. This study provides important empirical evidence to support work on the capital structure puzzle and the funding problems of SMEs.  相似文献   

This paper studies the extent of feedback trading at the factor level by hedge fund managers. We show that fund managers continuously adjust their exposure to different risk factors conditional on the recent performance of these factors. The majority of managers apply a positive feedback strategy, whereas the remaining managers use a negative feedback strategy. In addition, we find some evidence for factor timing ability, although managers appear to be more backward looking than forward looking. We show that positive feedback trading can be beneficial to fund performance in our setup. If managers applied the positive feedback strategy more aggressively, however, they could benefit more from it. As such, the “smart switching benchmark” can be used to assess the risk-adjusted performance of hedge funds.  相似文献   

Recent work has documented roughness in the time series of stock market volatility and investigated its implications for option pricing. We study a strategy for trading stocks based on measures of their implied and realized roughness. A strategy that goes long the roughest-volatility stocks and short the smoothest-volatility stocks earns statistically significant excess annual returns of 6% or more, depending on the time period and strategy details. The profitability of the strategy is not explained by standard factors. We compare alternative measures of roughness in volatility and find that the profitability of the strategy is greater when we sort stocks based on implied rather than realized roughness. We interpret the profitability of the strategy as compensation for near-term idiosyncratic event risk.  相似文献   

Pursuing risk‐based allocation across a universe of commodity assets, we find diversified risk parity (DRP) strategies to provide convincing results. DRP strives for maximum diversification along uncorrelated risk sources. A straightforward way to derive uncorrelated risk sources relies on principal components analysis (PCA). While the ensuing statistical factors can be associated with commodity sector bets, the corresponding DRP strategy entails excessive turnover because of the instability of the PCA factors. We suggest an alternative design of the DRP strategy relative to common commodity risk factors that implicitly allows for a uniform exposure to commodity risk premia.  相似文献   

The e-business market has experienced a speeding development at emerging market. This research aims to identify the corporate-level factors that influence decisions of pursuing an internationalization strategy at e-business companies from emerging market, based on the study of Chinese e-business companies. The Probit model and General Estimation Equation (GEE) estimation are performed to analyze the effect of corporate-level factors on the decisions of internationalization strategy, and the Heckman selection model is further performed to analyze the sample selection of Chinese e-business companies in their strategic decisions. This research will be helpful to managers and administrators of e-business companies from emerging market.  相似文献   

王丽珍  李静 《保险研究》2011,(5):96-102
本文针对当前典型的保险基金投资策略模型的不足,结合当前金融风险管理和金融监管的主流方法,建立了同时考虑保费收取与赔付支出、破产概率、VaR限额的RAROC最大化模型,得到了最优的投资策略.在此基础上进行案例分析,讨论了索赔强度、保费收取率、个体赔付额度等因素的变化对该策略的影响.研究发现,保险公司必须根据承保状况及时调...  相似文献   

The growth in commodity-related investments has sparked interest in the performance of momentum strategies in these markets. This paper introduces a behavioral proxy of the 52-week high and low momentum that explains a significant proportion of the variation of conventional momentum returns after controlling for commodity specific risk factors. Our findings show that the 52-week high strategy generates significant profits after accounting for transaction costs. We report that the 52-week high strategy is a better predictor of returns than conventional momentum. Our findings suggest that term structure and hedging pressure risk factors provide only a partial explanation of the results.  相似文献   

The time series momentum strategy, previously known as trend following, has been shown to deliver consistent profitability over a long time horizon in futures markets. Funds pursuing this strategy are now a component of many institutional portfolios, due to the expectation of positive returns in equity bear markets. However, the return drivers of the strategy and its performance in other economic conditions are less well understood. We find evidence that the returns to the strategy are connected to the business cycle. Returns are positive in both recessions and expansions, but profitability is higher in expansions. Decomposing asset prices into factor related and idiosyncratic components, we associate a significant portion of returns with exposure to time varying economic factors, consistent with rational asset pricing theories having a role in explaining the profitability of the strategy.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of investor attention on the dynamics of the value premium. We find superior return differences to value-growth strategy conditioned as low degree of investor attention. In contrast, return differences to the value-growth strategy conditioned as high investor attention are indifferent from zero. We show that return differences to low degree of investor attention across value and growth firms are attributed to mispricing explanation using common risk factors, mispricing factors, sentiment analysis, multivariate analysis, and market expectation errors approach. The findings suggest that investor attention contributes to generating superior return differences to standard value-growth strategy. Our finding concludes that long-short investment strategy in value stocks and growth stocks conditioned as low investor attention generate superior value premium.  相似文献   

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