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金融期货市场与现货市场具有高度关联性,对金融期货与现货实施跨市场监管,成为金融期货与现货跨市场监管的法律问题。完善跨市场监管的法律制度,必须在分析我国金融期货跨市场监管现状的基础上,进行跨市场监管主体和具体机制建构,并完善相关的法律责任制度。  相似文献   

去年年底在香港举行的世界会计师大会上,时任中国证监会主席周小川曾指出要加快金融创新的力度,特别是要积极稳妥地推出金融创新产品。事实上,我国公众证券市场持续一年半的长久低迷后,人们也已经开始寻找新的证券交易品种——诸如股票指数金融期货利率汇率等金融创新工具,这是金融工程技术层面上的问题,应该与法治比较完善的国家相适应的;在法治并不完善的我国,金融创新更多的应该是法律层面上的问题,金融创新重在制度创新。就制度经济学而言,要实现经济的增长,必须注重对制度的建设。新制度经济学家诺斯说,只有完善的制度才是经济增长的原因。金融制度创新是金融创新的有  相似文献   

区域经济合作与一体化是当今经济增长的有效模式与方式,武陵地区要摆脱经济社会发展的滞后性,必须突破以行政区界为依据的制度性障碍,推进区域资源的优化与整合,金融服务业必须跟进并先行。本文对该地区农行如何面向"三农"推进区域金融合作进行了分析研究,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

金融企业会计制度若干问题思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国商业银行从2005年起已全面采用2001年版的《金融企业会计制度》。该制度在会计要素定义、确认和计量、财务报告体系等方面基本实现了与国际会计准则的趋同,但仍有待完善。《金融企业会计制度若干问题思考》一文对该制度存在的若干问题进行了详细的剖析,并对如何解决上述问题进行了有益的探讨。  相似文献   

经验证明,企业融资制度与公司治理结构具有内在的逻辑联系,通过比较发达国家的融资制度发现,企业融资制度要对公司治理结构发挥积极作用,其关键在该融资制度能内生出既有监控企业的主体。而转轨经济国家如中国的政府主导型融资或国家融资制度的根本缺陷在于合格监控主体的缺位,塑造合格的 主体是改善中国企业治理结构的核心问题,而要达到这一步又必须从根本上改革中国的企业融资制度和金融制度。  相似文献   

王娜  刘艳 《海南金融》2007,(6):72-74
为了金融控股公司的安全性,必须设立适当的"防火墙",对不规范的关联交易进行防范和控制.在防火墙制度的建立过程中,必须坚持一定的原则,即平衡关联交易带来的协同效应和风险,平衡防火墙制度为金融控股公司带来的收益与成本,平衡防火墙制度的制度刚性和适应弹性.防火墙制度建立的具体措施可分为两方面,一方面是设立金融控股公司各法人实体之间的防火墙;另一方面是设立金融控股公司内部各项金融业务之间的防火墙.  相似文献   

金融制度的安排,从源头上决定了县域金融的效率。县域经济的质量与规模,取决于金融支持的规模及结构。分析评价县域金融制度,必须剖析县域经济运行中金融支持的作用,掌握政府导控下金融需求的主要构成(部类)。研究两者之间存在的统一与矛盾、协调与冲突,掌握其需求的内涵与层次,从而才能探索县域金融制度缺陷的原因,评析制度优化的可  相似文献   

金融科技在助推金融创新与监管创新方面产生重大作用,但金融产业与现代信息技术结合产生的系统性风险与监管挑战也成为目前亟待解决的难题。在此背景下,为寻求鼓励金融创新与防范金融风险之间的平衡,英国率先推出“监管沙盒”机制。本文从该制度所蕴含的价值理念出发,梳理国际上监管沙盒适用的各种模式与产生的问题,并对中国目前该制度的试点情况进行分析讨论,针对当前中国该制度运行存在的问题提出相应建议,对监管科技的发展提出优化建议,以促进金融效率与安全的动态平衡,协调各方主体利益。  相似文献   

在互联网金融制度下产生的P2P网络小贷对于打破传统金融制度的束缚,解决小微企业、社会弱势群体融资困境具有十分重要的意义。我国目前P2P网络信贷也面临一系列问题,其健康发展,必须尽快健全行业自律机制、制定网贷的技术标准与技术规范,健全相关以及法律法规制度,充分发挥公关政策的政策引导作用并加强互联网金融知识的普及与教育。  相似文献   

关于几个金融理论与实践问题的分析于海有关现代市场金融制度,如何运用金融手段建立社会保障制度,正确处理好储蓄与投资的关系等问题,是理论界和实业界较为关注的问题,对此我个人谈一些看法。一、关于现代市场金融制度的基础问题对于这一问题理论界一般是有争议的。对...  相似文献   

独立性是独立董事制度的灵魂,没有独立性,独立董事作为监督者的作用将不复存在。独立性包括形式上的独立和实质上的独立两个方面。形式上,除担任董事外,独立董事与公司不能有其他形式的联系。只有形式独立是不够的,还必须保证实质独立,独立董事应以第三者立场发表意见,不受重要股东,公司经理层及其他利益相关者的影响,客观公正的行使职责。我国上市公司引入独立董事制度虽然有十多个年头,但是独立董事独立性的缺失使得这一制度实施的实际效果并不是很理想。  相似文献   

Walter Goldstein 《Futures》1980,12(5):386-393
Refined forecasting techniques are rendered practically useless in the face of the current instabilities in the international system—and the repercussions these could have on domestic economies. Currently, there is no convincing forecast of the probable medium-term course of stagflation. Nor is there likely to be while the money markets are faced with the problems of recycling OPEC surpluses and funding the debts of less developed countries. This heavily interdependent and fragile system could easily be shaken by unpredicted shocks. Domestic economies will continue, through their links with it, to be subject to the vagaries of a system beyond their control or forecasting abilities.  相似文献   

我国农村土地制度的产权经济分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来我国农村发生了土地制度的深刻变革,变革的核心是土地产权制度的变迁。这种制度变迁在某种程度上具有帕累托改进的性质,但在某些方面还有待于发展和完善。我国农村土地产权制度建设的思路:以现行产权制度为基础,通过修订和完善,不断发挥现行产权制度的积极作用。  相似文献   

If there are serious constraints on investors' abilities to process information, as well as to syndicate and share information, a uniform accounting system may convey substantial benefits to investors. After describing the potential benefits of a uniform accounting equilibrium, this article examines, using core theory, whether an unconstrained competitive environment with unrestricted coalition-formation possibilities amongst firms is likely to yield a uniform accounting equilibrium, or whether an accounting rulemaker is necessary for obtaining uniformity. It shows that an unconstrained competitive system may not yield a uniform accounting equilibrium even though it may be in every firm's (and security holder's) interest to have a uniform system. First, the core of the negotiations game among firms to set up a uniform system may be empty. That is, there may be no allocation of gains among firms resulting from an overall uniform accounting system which satisfies both individual and group rationality. Second, a uniform accounting system may have public goods characteristics which make a competitive uniform accounting equilibrium less likely. Both reasons serve to rationalize the accounting rulemaker.  相似文献   

CPI作为衡量通货膨胀水平的重要指标,是货币当局制定和执行货币政策的重要参考指标。然而,我国CPI编制方法的缺陷与不足使其在相当程度上影响了货币政策的有效实施。本文认为,我国货币当局应当从货币供应量、信贷、财政赤字、投资需求、进出口贸易等方面选取居民消费价格指数的先行指标,构建CPI先行指标体系并将其作为货币政策操作的辅助参考指标,从而提高货币政策制定的科学性与准确性。在此基础上,本文提出了进一步提高我国货币政策有效性的政策建议。  相似文献   

We study the governance implications of firms being privately informed of their potential productivity before contracting with an agent to supply unobservable effort. We show that it can be optimal for high potential firms to have “loose monitoring” in the sense that the monitoring system is less perfect than what is implied by a standard agency model a la Holmstrom (The Bell J Econ 10:74–91, 1979). Loose monitoring is used to achieve separation among different types of firms such that firms with low potential do not have incentives to imitate contracts offered by high potential firms. Our findings imply that although loose monitoring may be a symptom of firms squandering scarce resources provided by investors, it can also arise as an optimal contracting arrangement.  相似文献   

On the Value of Transparency in Agencies with Renegotiation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
In this paper we study when it is advantageous to improve corporate transparency by allowing shareholders direct access to corporate information and when it is preferable to rely on a reporting system in which shareholders only gain access to information that management chooses to disclose. We show that in an agency model that allows for contract renegotiation, the desirability of a fully transparent reporting regime hinges on the stewardship properties of the information in question. Specifically, information that is mainly useful for predicting future events and of little use for evaluating past actions should only be made available to the public through management's self‐interested disclosures. Only if the information is useful for making inference about managerial actions can it be optimal to have full corporate transparency, so that outsiders have independent access to the same information as management.  相似文献   

近年来,我国慈善捐赠事业不断发展,但与之相关的慈善捐赠税收政策较为分散,尚未形成完整的政策体系。梳理我国慈善捐赠相关税收政策法规发现,我国慈善捐赠税收政策体系目前存在较多问题亟待解决。进一步完善我国现行慈善捐赠税收政策体系,需要借鉴国际经验,从全局考虑,统筹规划各税种的税收优惠政策,使各税种的优惠政策和税收征管共同作用,充分保障捐赠者和受赠者权益,从而更好促进我国慈善捐赠事业发展。  相似文献   

Shane Moriarity 《Abacus》2005,41(1):40-54
The value of an accurate accounting system is compared to one that introduces a cross-subsidy. In a two-product experimental market the accurate system is shown to provide value when a competitor has a system that introduces a cross-subsidy. The value appears to arise from better product-mix decisions. But it is likely that this value is transitory, explaining in part why observational studies of practice have found it difficult to document sustained value from improved information systems.  相似文献   

This paper explores the characteristics of the performance measurement system atTNT (UK) Ltd.which facilitate the translation of strategy into action.TNTis a successful and growing service organization and a market leader in the overnight distribution of parcels within the U.K. The performance measurement system and how it is used atTNTare described in detail. The authors then draw on the management accounting literature to provide an analysis framework which answers three central questions for performance measurement systems: whatdimensionsof performance to measure, how to setstandardsfor those measures and whatrewardsare to be associated with the achievement of those standards. The performance measurement system atTNTis appraised against this framework. AtTNTthere are five properties of the performance measurement system which have facilitated the translating of strategy into action. Three of these relate to the framework above; the company measures the right things in that dimensions are consistent with corporate strategy, it provides standards for performance through internal benchmarking, and adopts a mixture of financial and non-financial based rewards. In addition, however, there are two further properties of the system; the use of league tables to report the relative performance of the depots, and the presence of a strong corporate champion who drives the message and importance of the performance measurement system from the centre to the depots.  相似文献   

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