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相较于其他事业单位,医院的日常费用较多,财务审核报销的效率和效果对医院高效行使职责具有重要意义。基于此,本文通过调查财务审核报销的重要性,研究财务审核报销中的问题,重点分析解决财务审核报销问题的有效措施,以期提升医院财务审核报销的质量和效率。  相似文献   

以信息技术和网络存储为载体,滁州烟草远程报账系统实现了报销单据的网络化审核,企业与银行的互联互通,记账凭证的自动生成,从根本上解决了报销审核时间长,现金支付存在财务风险,出纳人员工作强度大,财务业务一体化等现实问题,提高了财务管理水平和工作效率。  相似文献   

王保玲 《财会学习》2020,(13):69-70
在我国教育改革的不断深入和教学形式的变化之下丰富了学习形式,高等院校的招生范围、教学规模、办学能力和水平都发生着显著的变化。同时,2019年国家出台了《政府会计制度》,高等院校的财务工作量增加,业务审办效率低下,导致教职工在报销过程中排队时间长,财务审核压力较大等问题。为适应不断增加的报销需求,提升相应的财务服务,本文对当前我国高校财务报销现状进行分析,以此为基础,分析网上报销系统的具体功能需求,为后期网上财务报销系统的实现与优化提供借鉴。  相似文献   

财务报销审核是单位财务管理的重要组成部分,提高报销审核的速度、效率与审核质量对单位财务管理高效运转,保障单位职能正常行使有着重要作用。就医院而言,随着社会进步,医疗卫生事业发展迅速,医疗改革不断深化,医院财务报销工作也不断探索创新,谋求转型。提高报销审核工作的效率与质量,保障财务报销的真实性、高效性是推动医院财务管理工作有效落实服务与监督管理双重职能,提升财务管理水平,有效规避风险,杜绝财务违纪的重中之重。本文基于当下医院财务工作的转变,针对医院报销审核管理工作进行简要分析,并就改进完善单位财务报销审核管理工作提出相应建议。  相似文献   

多校区管理模式使得高校各种管理运营成本上升,所带来的资金管理难度必然加大,在财务管理环节也容易产生疏漏.而其中比较突出的一个问题就是财务报销.多校区管理会使得报销经常不及时,并且在财务审核过程中往往由于各个校区分散的特点而使得效率低下,造成一些常规的报销行为因为这样或那样的问题而难以及时的正常报销.因此,必须要充分利用现代科学网络等技术,改变旧有的传统财务报销模式,不断完善财务报销机制,凝练财务报销流程程并实行全程监督和反馈,以提高财务报销效率、优化财务管理,最终实现我国高校财务管理上的可持续发展之路.  相似文献   

传统的高校财务报销流程重复性工作多、审批手续繁琐、效率低下,与高校日益增长的财务结算量不相匹配。本文充分利用云财务平台及新兴的信息技术,对高校传统报销流程进行再造,基于大财务的理念提升高校财务报销过程中涉及的各部门的行政效率,从根本上解决高校报销难问题。  相似文献   

正S医院为一家省级三甲医院,目前的财务报销仍保留传统手工报销模式,员工每天埋头于审核、付款、叠凭证附件和贴银行回单的重复性工作中,效率低,易出错,职工报销满意度低。随着智慧医院建设的不断推进,S医院的财务信息化水平面临着严峻的挑战。一、传统财务报销模式暴露出的问题(一)报销人员多且杂,工作效率低S医院有50多个科室,行政后勤部门接近30个,  相似文献   

为促进事业单位严肃财经纪律,规范财务报销,防范违规违纪行为的发生,本文从发票信息失真、财务报销制度不健全、财务人员整体水平不高、财务报销审核形同虚设四个方面分析了事业单位财务报销存在的问题,并从加强资金使用真实情况的监管、完善财务报销管理制度、提升财务人员的能力、健全财务报销审核责任机制、严格监督检查和处理五个方面提出了规范财务报销行为的对策.  相似文献   

高校财务报销时一般要求使用发票作为报销依据,然而实际工作确实存在报销人无法取得发票导致无法报销的情况。《企业所得税税前扣除凭证管理办法》首次对税前扣除凭证类型进行了界定,规定在特定情况下,分割单及收款凭据(收据)也可作为税前扣除的依据,由此引发了企事业单位报销是否必须使用发票为依据的探讨。本文主要围绕发票的使用与管理,结合从所得税法对税前扣除凭证的新要求中获得的启发,来探讨高校财务报销时使用收据代替发票的合理性及可行性,提出在高校财务报销中可部分使用收据代替发票报销的建议,同时补齐其他相关资料,并采用信息化系统对发票和收据进行综合管理,以期优化高校财务审核报销工作。  相似文献   

贺金风 《财会学习》2020,(14):55-56
鉴于传统报销流程存在的弊端,笔者结合自身工作实践,提出在财务共享系统引入信用体系,重点介绍了财务共享系统中信用体系的设计及方案,以提高报销效率,让员工自觉规范报销行为,从而控制企业营运成本。  相似文献   

岳崴  张强 《审计研究》2020,(2):29-35
当前,我国普惠金融政策尚存在政策执行不到位、政策绩效不高等问题,需要进一步加强审计监督。普惠金融政策跟踪审计承载着落实普惠金融主体责任、纠正普惠金融政策偏差、防范化解普惠金融风险三大目标。本文针对普惠金融政策跟踪审计存在的问题,基于普惠金融政策跟踪审计的特点和目标,从普惠金融政策传导机制出发,构建了从普惠金融政策制定、执行到政策效果全过程的审计运行机制和配套措施。为进一步提高普惠金融政策跟踪审计的效率和质量,需要加强审计协同,构建纵向联动、横向协调互补的审计协同机制;建立普惠金融大数据审计信息平台加强大数据技术在普惠金融政策跟踪审计中的运用;构建普惠金融政策跟踪审计"定责"与"追责"相结合的普惠金融治理问责体系。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to highlight the financial characteristics of failed firms in Japan, and to construct corporate bankruptcy prediction models with greater prediction accuracy. Our principal component analysis indicated that failed firms in Japan could be classified into two groups: a group having negative financial structures and a group having a declining flow of funds. Additionally, they can be classified into two other different categories of groups: one whose financial position during three years before shows a ‘V’ shape and another group that shows a ‘XXX’ shape.Our discriminant analysis indicated that improved prediction accuracy could be obtained by using, as predictor variables, both ratios and absolute amounts based on cash base financial statement data three years before failure. This data was adjusted to properly reflect the exceptions, reservations, and qualifications appearing in the audit reports and those based on accrual base financial statement data.  相似文献   

构建“大财政审计”监督框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对我国财政审计发展历程的回顾,指出财政审计工作在特定的历史阶段,要适应当时的社会经济环境和政策需要不断进行调整完善。本文认为,随着我国财税体制改革逐步深化,客观上要求审计机关树立大财政审计观念,构建大财政审计监督框架,进一步强化对大财政审计工作的领导,积极探索科学的审计方式,努力适应新形势对财政审计工作提出的新要求。  相似文献   

The audit of financial statements is a complex and highly specialized process. Digitalization and the increasing automation of transaction processing create new challenges for auditors who carry out those audits. New data analysis techniques offer the opportunity to improve the auditing of financial statements and to overcome the limitations of traditional audit procedures when faced with increasingly large amounts of financially relevant transactions that are processed automatically or semi-automatically by computer systems. This study discusses process mining as a novel data analysis technique which has been receiving increased attention in the audit practice. Process mining makes it possible to analyse business processes in an automated manner. This study investigates how process mining can be integrated into contemporary audits by reviewing the relevant audit standards and incorporating the results from a field study. It demonstrates the feasibility of embodying process mining within financial statement audits in accordance with contemporary audit standards and generally accepted audit practices. Implementation of process mining increases the reliability of the audit conclusions and improves the robustness of audit evidence by replacing manual audit procedures. Process mining as novel data mining technique provides auditors the means to keep pace with current technological developments and challenges.  相似文献   

The financial risk early warning process of enterprises faces problems such as uncertainty and complexity. In the big data environment, scholars and enterprises that continue to use traditional evaluation methods will face large challenges. It is essential for an enterprise's sustainable operation to combine artificial intelligence algorithms, dynamically monitor its financial risks, and carry out financial risk early warning processes accurately and effectively. This study proposes an early warning method for corporate financial risks based on the evidence theory-random forest (DS-RF) model. The classic algorithm of machine learning—random forest was introduced into the framework of evidence theory to construct a random forest model with four dimensions: profitability, asset quality, debt risk, and operating growth. While predicting the risk, the credibility of the evidence was determined, and then the D-S synthesis rule was used for information fusion. An example was analyzed, taking JS Reclamation Group as the study subject. The comparison with the early warning results of the random forest algorithm and the traditional model shows that the DS-RF model proposed in this paper has a higher early warning accuracy and the results are presented more comprehensively and systematically, which effectively improves the efficiency of enterprise financial risk early warning and helps managers to make relevant decisions efficiently and scientifically.  相似文献   

This study analyses audit quality differences between audits by a single big audit firm and joint audits with either one or two big audit firms. We exploit the unique situation in Denmark beginning on 1 January 2005, at which time a long-standing mandatory joint audit system for listed companies was replaced by a voluntary joint audit system. First, we report the results of a survey of Danish CFOs’ views on and their experiences with the choice of single or joint audits and their perceptions of audit quality. Second, based on data from the mandatory joint audit abolition year and the following two years, we test the audit quality differences using abnormal accruals. Most CFOs perceive that audit quality by a single big four audit firm is the same as it is in joint audits with either one or two big four audit firms. The results of our empirical analysis are in line with the perceptions. We find no evidence of audit quality differences between audits made by a single big four firm and those conducted by either of the two combinations of joint audits.  相似文献   

信息技术的快速发展使得国家审计的数据基础和审计方法随之改变。近年来,我国医疗保障改革发展的成就令人瞩目,覆盖城乡居民的医疗保障体系框架基本形成,管理服务体系已完全信息化、数字化。新时代医疗保障审计必须顺应新时代变化步入大数据审计实践。本文基于医疗保障领域审计实践,分析当前医疗保障基金审计面临的大数据环境现状,探究审计分析方式变革、审计方法创新,总结审计专家经验模型,探索关系网络分析方法、数据挖掘方法的审计应用,并从统筹项目组织与实施、加强质量控制、新技术探索、完善大数据审计平台等四个方面提出了进一步深化发展大数据审计的思考建议。  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of large-scale alternative data on predicting consumer delinquency. Using a proprietary double-blinded test from a traditional lender, we find that the big data credit score predicts an individual’s likelihood of defaulting on a loan with 18.4% greater accuracy than the lender’s internal score. Moreover, the impact of the big data credit score is more significant when evaluating borrowers without public credit records. We also provide evidence that big data have the potential to correct financial misreporting.  相似文献   

"网上预约报账"是高校经费科学化精细化管理的重要方面,"网上预约报账"因其"无等候性"、财务核算高效性、资金往来安全性等特点,成为高校财务改革的热点,各地高校普遍推行网上预约报账的财务改革并取得了显著的效果。然而",网上预约报账"仍存在一些待改进的地方,如实施预算管理模块、报账申请单实现物流化管理、经费审批的无纸化、财务软件精细化科学化升级等。  相似文献   

当前财政审计工作存在的主要问题和对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前财政审计工作的范围和内容、目标定位及审计组织方式有效整合中存在的问题,制约了财政审计功能的实现。这些问题的产生有外部体制原因,也有审计计划、队伍建设、考核机制及财政理论等方面的内部原因。本文提出在构建财政审计大格局的前提下,财政审计工作应更加科学合理地制定审计项目计划;围绕财政体制改革不断深化审计内容;打破部门界限,借鉴多中心理论创新审计组织方式,采取多中心协调行动、多兵种协同作战的工作模式;结合未来财政改革的方向进行审计理论研究等政策建议。  相似文献   

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