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央行绩效审计探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,人民银行各级内审部门针对绩效审计开展了深入研究并进行了大量实践,收到一定成效,积累了许多经验。当务之急,需要建立一套完整适用的绩效审计模式和评价指标体系,本文就如何建立适合人民银行内部操作的绩效审计模式,做了一些粗浅的探讨。  相似文献   

人民银行内部审计由传统型转向现代管理型符合内部审计的发展潮流。济南分行营业管理部为适应这一潮流,组织开展了对济南市征信管理工作的绩效审计工作。作者通过对审计实践的观察发现了人民银行绩效审计发展所取得的进步和存在的问题。本文在总结经验、分析发现的问题基础上,对可供选择的三种方案进行评价,提出了人民银行系统中心支行以上内审部门发展绩效审计的建议。  相似文献   

周翔 《上海会计》2007,(2):53-55
1998年内审部门设立之初,人民银行总行党委就明确提出了“由易到难,逐步提高,先抓财务资金内审,逐步加强行政执法内审,在此基础上审查运行效率”的内审工作总体思路。2005年3月,项俊波副行长在人民银行内审工作会议上提出“加强绩效审计,促进人民银行提高工作效率”。短短八年,人民银行内审部门经历了从财务审计到全面审计、离任审计,再到专项审计、履职审计,现在终于提出开展绩效审计。这不是一个简单的概念更新,而是对新时期央行内审工作提出了新的要求。绩效审计代表了现代内部审计的发展方向,目前美国、瑞典、荷兰、芬兰和英国的绩效审计已分别达到其审计资源的85%、80%、70%、60%和50%,审计署《2003至2007年审计工作发展规划》也明确提出到2007年绩效审计的比重要达到50%。因此,加强对人民银行绩效审计理论与实务的研究,无疑具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

绩效审计,作为一种更高层次的审计形式,人民银行基层行对其目前仍处于认知和探索阶段。某种意义上可以说目前人民银行内审部门仅发挥了守土有责,并未真正做到保驾护航。护航能力不足思想认识不够清晰。首先,相当数量的基层行内审工作人员受审计理念及思维定势因素局限,认为绩效审计对于进行成本核算的企业公司很有必要,而对于人民银行这  相似文献   

人民银行开展内部绩效审计初探   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
林绥 《福建金融》2006,(5):37-40
本文阐述了绩效审计的含义与作用、程序与方法。分析了在人民银行开展绩效审计的意义,指出当前开展绩效审计的难点,并针对制约绩效审计工作的问题提出了建立完善的规章制度和内部审计绩效审计准则,提高领导层及各部门对绩效审计的认识,提高内审人员的业务水平与技能,培养高素质的审计人员,妥善选择试点项目,推进绩效审计的探索工作等建议。  相似文献   

康曦 《投资与合作》2014,(1):119-120
作为人民银行内审转型规划中的重要内容,绩效审计作为一种常态理念已经越来越多的运用到人民银行各类审计项目中。将绩效审计引入工会经费审计领域,是人民银行工会发展的必然趋势,也是内审转型的内在要求。本文从基层央行工会经费绩效审计的概念和目标入手,对开展工会经费绩效审计思路及切入点进行探讨,分析了当前工会经费绩效审计的难点并提出相关建议。  相似文献   

庞晓飞 《金融博览》2011,(13):48-48
绩效审计,作为一种更高层次的审计形式.人民银行基层行对其目前仍处于认知和探索阶段。某种意义上可以说目前人民银行内审部门仅发挥了“守土有责”.并未真正做到“保驾护航”。  相似文献   

绩效审计是我国央行内审转型与发展的总体趋势和关键突破口,为了积极有效地开展好此项工作,本文从分析人民银行绩效审计开展现状、困难和问题入手,提出了人民银行绩效审计推进的对策建议。  相似文献   

绩效审计:央行内审转型的突破口   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展绩效审计一直是我国审计机关倡导和鼓励的探索性审计内容,也是实现央行内审工作转型的突破口。本文从人民银行开展绩效审计的必要性和现状进行分析,并重点结合人民银行实际,对人民银行绩效审计的各要素进行了分析探索,进而对人民银行绩效审计评价指标进行了探讨。  相似文献   

2009年末,郭庆平行长助理在听取内审司工作汇报后对下一步内审工作提出了五点要求,其二是要内审部门积极探索资产负债表审计。本文从人民银行资产负债表的基本框架,审计目的和审计的主要内容三个方面对人民银行内审部门开展资产负债表审计进行了初步探索。  相似文献   

F. DeZoort 《Abacus》1997,33(2):208-227
Audit committee performance has come under close scrutiny in recent years from a variety of policy-makers, interest groups and researchers. In particular, the adequacy of audit committee oversight has been challenged. At the same time, audit committees are under pressure to increase the scope of their oversight work. This study examines audit committee oversight from the internal perspective of active U.S. audit committee members. A two-part survey used Wolnizer's (1995) list of seventeen prescribed audit committee objectives related to accounting and reporting, auditors and auditing, and corporate governance in general as a basis to assess audit committee members' abilities to recognize their assigned objectives and explore their perceptions of the key tasks and issues currently addressed by audit committees. The results indicate that audit committee members appreciate the importance of all audit committee members having sufficient expertise in oversight areas related to accounting, auditing and the law. However, some respondents agreed they lacked sufficient expertise in many or all of these areas. In addition, the findings indicate that audit committee members tend not to recognize their assigned responsibilities, but agree with the proposed expansion of committee responsibilities. Using a multimethod approach, internal control evaluation was consistently listed and ranked as the most important oversight responsibility. These findings provide insight into the priority perceived by audit committee members as to their oversight responsibilities, and the adequacy of U.S. reporting disclosures as signals of audit committee work.  相似文献   

This study examines whether the existence of an audit committee, audit committee characteristics and the use of internal audit are associated with higher external audit fees. Higher audit fees imply increased audit testing and higher audit quality. We find that the existence of an audit committee, more frequent committee meetings and increased use of internal audit are related to higher audit fees. The expertise of audit committee members is associated with higher audit fees when meeting frequency and independence are low. These findings are consistent with an increased demand for higher quality auditing by audit committees, and by firms that make greater use of internal audit.  相似文献   

《党政主要领导干部和国有企业领导人员经济责任审计规定》明确地指出内部审计机构对本部门和单位的内部管理领导干部经济责任进行审计。如何更好地开展内部经济责任审计是内部审计机构和内部审计人员面临的一项重要课题,笔者结合审计工作实际,通过对内部经济责任审计面临的难点问题的分析,进而提出了消解内部经济责任审计操作疑惑的对策。  相似文献   

审计“免疫系统”论的提出,对推动审计理论发展具有划时代意义。内部审计如何践行审计“免疫系统”功能,已成为一个现实而又迫切的问题。本文认为,践行“免疫系统”功能可以从四个方面着手:准确把握科学内涵,做好理论准备;提升人员综合素质,做好人才支撑;拓展审计业务,推动理论认识转变为审计存在;保持独立性,防范冒进思潮。  相似文献   

我国审计体系依据审计主体的不同,划分包括国家审计、内部审计和注册会计师审计三种审计力量。三大审计主体之间既有区别也有联系。三者之间的区别即工作目标、工作依据不同。三者之间的联系主要体现在国家审计对内部审计、注册会计师审计具有领导作用;内部审计以及注册会计师审计应接受国家审计机关的监督和指导,以便促进三种审计力量的有效相互配合,更好的服务于国家治理。为推动我国国家治理现代化的实现,进一步加强三大审计主体之间的协调与贯通是很有必要的。  相似文献   

This paper offers an insight into the types of ‘audit expectations gap’ that exist within a cultural context. Specifically, it investigates if the business and social environment affect the perceptions of audit performance of users and auditors. Using a combination of mail questionnaires and semi-structured interviews, the study reveals the existence of a ‘performance gap’ with respect to the roles specified in the statutory pronouncements and those that can reasonably be expected of auditors in Saudi Arabia. The results further indicate the ‘performance gap’ arises from four factors in the environment within which auditing is practiced: licensing policy, recruitment process, the political and legal structure, and dominant societal values. Interview results reveal the influence of institutional and cultural settings on the audit expectations gap and indicate that the inclusion of Islamic principles in auditing standards and the code of ethics would help reduce the expectations gap that exists in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Business world is complex and fast changing. This paper brings strategy paradigms to the auditing domain in an attempt to advance existing understanding on the audit risk reduction and firms’ economic performance. Grounded in existing literatures, we establish some crucial convergence points between the external auditors’ audit processes and the firms’ strategic management agendas. A theoretical framework that embeds some proposed strategic organizational conditions, which align organizational internal and external effects for performance, and the theories of the firm is then presented. The literature review suggests that the integration of the audit processes and the organizational conditions is inherently beneficial to both auditors and firms. The routine from such integration can be a tacit knowledge asset or capability hard to be emulated. It shall reduce audit risks and sustain earnings performance. Hence, the practices and leveragabilities of such routine merit further managerial and research attention. We highlight at the end how our works can be tested in future research.  相似文献   

This short interactive case introduces several auditing concepts in the context of a familiar activity: verifying the accuracy of a restaurant bill. You will work in student teams to first determine whether the bill is accurate, and then to decide whether you are willing to pay it. During the exercise, you will keep track of the various steps and procedures you used in making your decisions. After you complete the exercise, your instructor will relate the activity to various auditing topics in the auditing process such as audit evidence, internal control, materiality, professional responsibilities and the concept of “fairly stated.” Hundreds of students have completed this exercise and report that it has helped them grasp many essential features of the auditing process, while providing a useful frame of reference for more complex aspects of the audit process.  相似文献   

Over the past decade or more Australia amongst other jurisdictions has experienced substantial reforms to auditing regulation in an effort to boost public confidence in the auditing profession. This paper aims to examine whether these changes in the Australian regulatory environment for audits have (a) provided enhanced confidence in reported financial data, (b) impacted audit costs and (c) not limited competition in the market for audit services. Using qualitative interview data, this study reports on the perceptions of auditors, auditing standard setters and regulators in relation to the CLERP 9 reforms to the Australian auditing regime in the later part of the 2000s. A theoretical framework is developed to evaluate whether these reforms are substantive enough in nature to effect public confidence in reported financial data and market competition in audits.  相似文献   

审计署2008至2012年审计工作发展规划提出要全面推进绩效审计,提高财政资金和公共资源配置、使用、利用的经济性、效率性和效果性。到2012年,每年所有的审计项目都开展绩效审计。可见,公共财政绩效审计是在财政财务收支审计发展到一定阶段推出的又一新的审计领域。本文着力探讨了在公共财政绩效审计中引入风险导向审计模式的理论可行性,以及在实践中运用风险导向审计模式的基本思路。  相似文献   

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