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一、财务报告信息披露的局限性分析财务报告是指会计主体对外提供、反映状况和经营成果等信息的报告,是在一定基本假设前提及会计准则要求下对于企业经济状况的反映。人们常常认为财务信息报告可以作为企业经营状况的客观载体,但是在实际生产过程中,财务信息报告的披露过程存在一定局限性。本文将对财务报告信息披露的局限性进行分析。  相似文献   

政府财务报告是政府会计的"产品",担负着向使用者提供有助于分析和评价政府受托业绩及受托责任履行情况的财务信息。报告的使用者可以据此作出相关决策。为了满足政府财务报告的这一目标,需要研究政府财务报告的构成及主要内容。  相似文献   

贺倩文 《会计师》2016,(4):25-26
随着经济的发展和金融衍生工具的出现,财务会计环境已经发生了重大变化,传统的财务业绩报告正暴露出越来越多的缺陷。传统利润表的历史成本计量原则、配比原则、谨慎性原则等因素使其无法准确、及时的提供财务报告使用者所需要的信息。由此,世界各国纷纷进行财务业绩报告的改进,并且取得了一定效果,我国财务业绩报告改进的步伐也刻不容缓。本文通过对已有研究成果的梳理,运用规范性的研究方法,首先分析了财务业绩报告改进的相关理论基础,指出改进的必要性,继而分析了我国目前的财务业绩报告的缺陷并提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

论改进我国政府会计与财务报告   总被引:57,自引:0,他引:57  
政府会计与财务报告关系到政府向社会公众及其他各方提供的财务信息是否具有真实性、完整性和可靠性的问题。本文认为 ,政府会计作为反映政府财务活动的信息系统 ,应当根据我国政府的职能及政府财务活动的内容 ,全面、完整地反映政府财务活动情况及结果。随着我国预算管理体制改革、政府职能转换 ,政府会计与财务报告应当借鉴国际公共部门会计与财务报告的通常做法 ,吸收我国企业会计与财务报告改革的成功经验 ,进行改进和完善 ,并着重从政府会计名称、政府会计对象 (内容 )、政府会计模式、政府会计基础及政府财务报告等方面进行改革 ,真正建立具有中国特色、与国际公共部门会计可比的、科学规范的政府会计与财务报告体系 ,保证政府向社会公众提供的财务信息的真实性和完整性  相似文献   

基于会计相关性的企业内部报告地位与价值   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文从会计相关性对内部报告的需求出发,首先探讨了企业内部报告的内涵,明确了企业内部报告与外部报告的关系,以及企业内部报告的主导地位。在此基础上,分别从企业内部报告与管理会计创新,企业内部报告与财务报告变革,企业内部报告与内部控制实施,企业内部报告与财务分析发展,企业内部报告与公司理财完善五个方面,论述了企业内部报告的理论价值与应用价值。随着企业内部报告体系的建立,管理会计将从基于会计的管理转向基于管理的会计;财务报告的变革将以内部报告创新为基础;内部控制实施的信息将更加系统;财务分析将从基于投资者的财务分析发展到基于管理者经营的财务分析;公司理财将更加注重资本经营、资产经营、商品经营和产品经营的协调统一。  相似文献   

会计信息是会计环境的产物,高校会计作为信息系统,通过最终产品——财务报告,向社会提供有助于分析和评价高校受托业绩及受托责任履行情况的财务信息。随着会计环境的演变,会计信息也必须进行相应的改进,以适应新环境下新的需求。近年来,由于高等教育体制改革和财政管理体制改革的深化,高校的会计环境发生了很大的变化,对高校财务报告产生了深远的影响。现行传统单一的预算收支财务报告所披露的会计信息巳不能满足使用者日益增长的需求,更无法适应不断变化的经济环境。面临着进一步改革和完善的需要。  相似文献   

政府财务报告是为满足信息使用者需求而编制的以财务信息为主要内容、以财务报表为主要形式,全面系统地反映政府财务受托责任的综合报告。该综合报告是信息使用者进行经济和社会决策的依据,也是政府解除财务受托责任的有效凭证。改革政府财务报告是当前国际社会共同关注的会计问题之一。20世纪70年代末以来,美国、新西兰等国家都积极对政府财务报告进行了一系列改革,其经验做法,值的我们学习、借鉴。  相似文献   

财务会计的本质、特点及其边界   总被引:69,自引:7,他引:69  
为了指明财务会计的本质特点 ,我认为财务报表是财务报告的中心部分 ,而报表附注、其他财务报告等传送财务信息方法仅是次要的手段。在财务报表上确认的任何项目 ,都必须符合可定义性、可计量性、相关性与可靠性的特征。会计程序包括计量、记录和报告都必须以确认为基础。因此 ,财务报表的信息可以按真实和公允的要求来描述财务业绩和现金流量。财务会计的基本职能既不试图提供可能的未来的信息 ,又不产生非财务信息。财务会计的主要目的是通过它的报表反映一个企业经济活动及其结果的真实图像。结论 :财务会计作为一门学科是历史科学 ;作为一项实务是一个信息系统 ,它的任务是为企业提供历史的财务信息。  相似文献   

企业价值报告:现代财务报告演进的必然趋势   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从传统财务报告体系缺乏直接的企业价值信息披露这一制度安排的分析出发,探讨了企业价值报告的演进及其对财务会计、管理会计和投资会计三大会计领域信息报告的影响,根据现代财务理论的价值发掘,提出了相应的企业价值报告整体设计。  相似文献   

中国证监会和美国证监会分别在1999年和1995年要求上市公司在网上披露财务报告信息,这标志着网络技术引发的全球信息化、数据化、知识化革命对我国现行财务信息披露系统的挑战.实时财务报告系统也许在不远的将来就可因电脑技术的发展成为会计工作的现实报告系统.文章探讨了建立实地财务报告系统的三个步骤,并导入了"事项会计思想"和"会计频道"概念,最后小结了通过建立实时财务报告系统人们将获取财务会计信息的良好效果.  相似文献   

新公共治理、政府绩效评价与我国政府财务报告的改进   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
新公共治理是近年来全球范围内政府治理模式变革的最新发展趋势,体现了契约政府的本质。政府绩效评价作为新公共治理得以实施的先进管理机制和战略工具,需要政府财务报告作为信息平台和制度基础,而现行的政府财务报告无力承担这一重任,所以探索绩效评价取向的政府财务报告改进问题具有迫切的现实意义。本文提出了绩效评价取向的政府财务报告目标、报告主体和报表编制基础的改进思路,在借鉴西方国家政府财务报告建设经验的基础上设计了包括绩效报告在内的多层次、复合型的政府财务报告体系。  相似文献   

Audit reporting is a complex process, requiring knowledge of various reporting issues and corresponding report formats. To address the difficulty of presenting audit reporting concepts to students, the authors constructed and used an audit reporting system, named AUDPORT, in their first-level auditing classes at two major state universities. This paper reports the use of AUDPORT as a teaching aid and its impact on students' performance.  相似文献   

Recent accounting scandals and a greater focus on sustainable development have highlighted the insufficiency of traditional financial statements in providing information about company value and performance. This study argues for the importance of reporting both IC information and non-economic performance. Based on an Extended Performance Reporting Framework, content analysis was conducted to examine the voluntary reporting practices within the annual reports of selected Australian mining companies. Results show that the sample companies tended to place greater emphases on IC information than non-economic performance information. The study provides a research opportunity, examining why the samples chose to report or not report various reporting elements.  相似文献   

程雪军 《征信》2021,39(3):1-8
近年来,我国征信市场伴随着互联网、大数据等金融科技浪潮迅速壮大,并以此促进了互联网消费金融行业的发展。然而,互联网消费金融行业的征信问题必须引起高度重视,如征信体系尚不健全、信息有效性不足、信息供求失衡、信息资源共享机制尚未形成等。通过考察域外国家不同法律体系的互联网消费金融征信建设情况,提出我国互联网消费金融征信体系建设的路径选择建议。  相似文献   

The concept of accountability seems inextricably linked with the view that accounting should provide information to satisfy the information needs of users. The user-needs model is now well established as a useful basis for a conceptual framework for charity reporting, and annual reports are recognised as key documents in the discharge of accountability to external users. It has been suggested that both financial information and also performance information should be disclosed to aid the discharge of accountability. However, previous empirical work conducted in Britain found that while audited financial information was most frequently disclosed by charities, users viewed wider performance information as being of greater importance. No comparable work has been conducted in Ireland. This paper focuses on information outside the financial statements and seeks to identify the type and extent of the reporting of performance information by charities in both Britain and Ireland. The main findings of the research are: performance reporting by British charities, although limited, is considerably better than that of their Irish counterparts; performance reporting by British charities has increased over time; and large charities (both in Britain and Ireland) provide more extensive performance information than small charities. These findings are discussed in both the context of accountability and in terms of conceivable economic incentives for disclosure. In addition, possible reasons for lower disclosure rates by Irish charities are explored.  相似文献   

This paper examines performance information and reporting issues through a survey of the views of public sector managers in Australia regarding the importance of selected performance information in achieving the objectives of an organization, the extent of information development, usefulness for reporting in annual reports, and actual reporting. The results reveal the existence of a gap between information considered important, the extent of development, and information considered useful for annual reporting. Most non‐financial performance information is still being developed and less frequently reported, particularly output quality information.  相似文献   

We examine the internal and external benefits associated with the remediation, or correction, of material weaknesses in internal controls over financial reporting. We document that firms that remediate material weaknesses exhibit higher performance and reporting quality than firms that never reported any weaknesses. These results suggest that the remediation of material weaknesses, an indication of an improved internal control system, is associated with internal benefits. Moreover, we find that remediating firms experience significantly lower audit fees and betas (i.e. external costs) than non-material weakness firms. However, these lower external costs are contingent on a firm's level of performance and information quality. These results suggest that remediation offers firms a chance to re-examine and correct their internal controls and this leads to better performance and information quality. Furthermore, external stakeholders are not necessarily swayed by remediation alone but need to observe tangible evidence of the corrected internal control system before reassessing a firm's risk downward.  相似文献   

We examine uniform and discretionary regimes for reporting information about firm performance from the perspective of a standard setter, in a setting where the precision of reported information is difficult to verify and the reported information can help coordinate decisions by users of the information. The standard setter's task is to choose a reporting regime to maximize the expected decision value of reported information for all users at all firms. The uniform regime requires all firms to report using the same set of reporting methods regardless of the precision of their information, and the discretionary regime allows firms to freely condition their sets of reporting methods on the precision of their information. We show that when unverifiable information precision varies across firms and users' decisions based on reported information have strong strategic complementarities, a uniform regime can have a beneficial social effect as compared to a discretionary reporting regime. Our analysis generates both normative and positive implications for evaluating the necessity and effectiveness of reporting under standards.  相似文献   

Interest in integrated reporting continues to grow as its proponents cite a number of significant benefits to both companies and investors. But given the still‐early stages of development of this new management practice and the relative paucity of data, establishing empirical confirmation of these claims is difficult. Using RobecomSAM's proprietary database of over 2,000 companies surveyed during its annual Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), the authors discuss the extent and recent growth of integrated reporting, and its likely effects on important indicators of both ESG quality of management and financial performance. The authors begin by reporting that although only 12% of the companies in the survey dataset practiced some form of integrated reporting in 2012, that number represented a 50% increase from 2011. The authors also report a strong relationship between integrated reporting and ESG quality of management, which some studies suggest has become a useful indicator of the overall effectiveness of management in creating value over the long term. This relationship is particularly strong in certain sectors, notably healthcare. At the same time, the authors find a relationship between integrated reporting and financial performance for two sectors—healthcare and information technology—though not for the population as a whole. The authors suggest that this apparent lack of effect may be attributable to a time lag between integrated reporting's contribution to better ESG quality of management, and the eventual reflection of such management in financial performance.  相似文献   

In the context of changes mandated by the Chinese Ministry of Finance in January 2009 regarding the location in which other comprehensive income (OCI) is reported, this paper finds that reporting OCI on the performance statement significantly improves its value relevance. The improvement is driven by two OCI items: unrealised holding gains/losses on available‐for‐sale securities and the share of other comprehensive income of investees under the equity method. Our results show that the OCI reporting location matters, which supports the psychological perspective that investors pay more attention to salient information. Our findings lend strong support to the approach of standard setters in reporting OCI on the performance statement.  相似文献   

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