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融资渠道是影响企业R&D投资的关键因素。本文选取2007-2009在沪深交易所上市的并披露R&D费用的高新技术企业作为样本,检验这些企业是否存在融资约束问题以及对R&D投资的影响,并研究R&D投资和现金持有量之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)中国的高新技术上市公司存在一定程度的融资约束,从而限制了R&D投资;(2)目前中国的高新技术上市公司在缺少债务融资的支持下,研发资金主要来源于内部现金流和股票融资;(3)R&D投资强度和现金持有量之间呈显著正相关,充足的资金具有一定的缓解融资约束的对冲效应。  相似文献   

已有研究发现,公司债务风险越高,审计师收取的审计费用越高;然而,审计费用提高的原因可能是审计投入的增加,也可能是审计师收取客户公司的债务风险溢价。由于缺少审计投入的数据,已有研究无法回答审计师是否收取客户公司债务风险溢价的问题。本文以我国A股上市公司为研究样本,运用我国独到的审计工时数据,就此展开相关问题研究。研究发现,在控制了审计投入之后,客户债务风险与审计费用显著正相关,表明审计师收取了客户公司的债务风险溢价。进一步研究表明,审计师对财务状况较差和治理较差的公司以及非国有企业收取更高的债务风险溢价,规模较小的会计师事务所收取的债务风险溢价高于规模较大的会计师事务所。  相似文献   

政治联系对中国上市公司的R&D投资具有“挤出”效应吗?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文揭示了政治联系这一非正式的制度安排对中国上市公司R&D投资行为的影响。手工搜集了2004-2009年R&D与关键高管政治联系的经验数据,本文实证研究了政治联系是否对R&D具有"挤出"效应。结果表明,政治联系的公司投资于R&D的概率显著更小、R&D投资强度显著更低,即政治联系对R&D投资具有显著的挤出效应。进一步研究发现,相对于非国有上市公司与非高科技企业,政治联系对国有上市公司与高科技上市公司的R&D投资产生了显著的挤出效应。  相似文献   

本文以深圳中小企业板上市公司的面板数据为基础,对中小企业板上市公司的研发(R&D)投入与绩效的相关关系进行了实证检验.研究结果表明,R&D人员投入指标与EPS指标呈现显著的正向相关关系,R&D资金投入指标与ROE以及EPS等绩效指标都不相关.并且,没有检验到R&D投入对于绩效产生滞后作用.说明我国中小企业R&D活动以人力密集型投入为主要特点,而且对企业后续绩效没有产生积极作用.  相似文献   

本文基于2011~2017年中国沪深A股上市公司的面板数据,实证检验了商业信用再配置对企业研发(R&D)投入的影响机制,并探讨了投资者情绪在商业信用再配置与企业R&D投入之间的调节效应。研究结果表明:企业的R&D投入与其在商业信用再配置中获得的商业信用显著正相关,投资者情绪在商业信用再配置与企业R&D投入的正向关系中具有负向调节效应,即高涨投资者情绪会弱化商业信用再配置对企业R&D投入的正向效果。研究结论有助于从非理性视角理解商业信用再配置对企业R&D投入的影响效应,对上市公司、政府监管部门进行科学决策具有重要的借鉴价值。  相似文献   

我们利用湖北省40家高新技术上市公司20092012年的面板数据,结合2008年高新技术企业认定管理办法,实证检验了政府科技补助和企业特征对企业R&D投入强度的影响。研究发现政府直接资助对高新技术上市公司R&D投入强度的促进作用比税收减免更明显,而销售增长率与R&D投入强度呈现显著负相关。大专以上R&D人员占比与民营高新技术上市公司R&D投入强度显著正相关,与国有高新技术上市公司R&D投入强度不显著。最后结合实证研究结果提出了促进湖北省高新技术企业发展的相关建议。  相似文献   

文章是关于R&D投入和企业绩效关系研究的文献综述,文章从国外和国内两个角度总结和分析了R&D投入和企业绩效关系研究现状。结论发现:国外的文献综述得出了比较一致的结论就是R&D投入同企业的经济绩效总体是正相关的关系;而国内相关文献的研究由于国内上市公司R&D信息披露的不规范造成样本的选择和企业所属行业和规模等影响因素的选择存在很大的不确定性,使得具体行业的R&D投入对经营绩效的影响并没有取得一致的结论,并分析了主要存在的三种不同的观点。  相似文献   

随着企业R&D投入的不断增长,R&D支出会计选择的经济后果变得重要。我国新会计准则由R&D费用化政策转为可选择的有条件资本化政策,面对会计政策的变迁,研究上市公司管理层R&D资本化选择的动机与影响因素成为首要问题。选取2007~2010年高新技术行业公司为样本,研究发现,大规模企业、国有控股公司、机构投资者持股比例越高的公司管理层倾向于选择资本化R&D政策,"四大"审计并未抑制R&D资本化,而债务融资约束不能解释R&D资本化选择动机。我国上市公司管理层选择资本化R&D会计政策既有提高和平滑利润的盈余管理动机,亦有向市场传递研发信号的动机。  相似文献   

本文以新会计准则实施后我国A股上市公司2007-2011年的平衡面板数据为样本构建双向固定效应模型检验R&D投入对债务期限结构的影响。研究发现R&D投入进行资本化处理会改变企业的资产结构,有助于债权人了解企业未来收益现金流的状况,降低债权人利用短期债务对企业进行监督的必要性,最终增加长期债务在债务总额中所占的比重,并且这种现象在非国有控股的企业中表现得尤其明显。  相似文献   

以2009~2012年连续四年披露研发投入的中国上市公司为样本,实证检验政治联系、债务融资对企业研发投入行为的影响。结果表明,企业的研发投入面临债务融资约束,债务融资比例(银行借款)与研发投入强度之间呈现负相关关系,长期借款对研发投入强度的债务制约作用比短期借款更大,政治联系对企业的研发投入产生了"挤占"效应,抑制了RD投资,虽然给企业带来了一定的长期债务资源,但并未能如预期产生显著的"资源效应",扭转企业债务融资困境。  相似文献   

选取2003—2010年沪深A股上市公司R&D数据,研究R&D投入与上市公司债务融资的相关性和R&D投入与上市公司市场价值关联性。实证研究发现:企业的负债率越高,其研发投入越少,非国有控股上市公司所面临的债务融资约束更大;企业的研发投入对公司价值具有正向影响,并且这种影响会因企业负债水平的高低而不同。在模型中进一步加入RDI*D负债水平交叉项后发现,相对于负债水平较低的企业,负债水平较高企业的研发投入对公司价值的正向影响是减弱的,对于非国有控股上市公司,这种减弱效应更为显著。  相似文献   

This study examines the relative importance of various forms of capital in financing investments by Korean firms. Our results from the seemingly unrelated regression (SUR) method indicate that, unlike U.S. firms, Korean firms rely substantially on cash holdings to finance investments. These results also suggest that Korean firms use long‐term debt more actively than equity issuance to finance investments. Subgroup analyses show that large firms and Chaebol‐affiliated firms use more long‐term debt but less equity issuance than comparison firms do, suggesting that debt capacity allows firms to reduce the use of equity issuance. However, there is little evidence that financing decisions are driven by information asymmetry. The results from the quantile regression (QR) method suggest that Korean firms tend to use debt capital more than they do equity capital at low and medium levels of investments, while their reliance on equity capital increases at high levels of investments.  相似文献   

Debt maturity influences debt overhang, the reduced incentive for highly levered borrowers to make real investments because some value accrues to debt. Reducing maturity can increase or decrease overhang even when shorter term debt's value depends less on firm value. Future overhang is more volatile for shorter term debt, making future investment incentives volatile and influencing immediate investment incentives. With immediate investment, shorter term debt typically imposes lower overhang; longer term debt can impose less if asset volatility is higher in bad times. For future investments, reduced correlation between assets‐in‐place and investment opportunities increases the shorter term debt overhang.  相似文献   

The substantial growth of R&D expenditures over the last two decades, together with the continuous substitution of knowledge (intangible) capital for physical (tangible) capital in corporate production functions, has elevated the importance of R&D in the performance of business enterprises. At the same time, however, the evaluation of corporate R&D activities by investors is seriously hampered by antiquated accounting rules and insufficient disclosure by corporations. Despite the fact that the expected benefits of R&D stretch over extended periods of time, corporate investments in R&D are immediately written off in financial reports, leaving no trace of R&D capital on balance sheets and causing material distortions of reported profitability. After a brief review of statistics documenting the growth and economic importance of corporate R&D in the U.S., the article presents a comparison of R&D disclosure regulations among industrialized nations that shows U.S. rules to be the least flexible in allowing management discretion in how they measure and report R&D. Next the author surveys the large and growing body of empirical research on R&D, which provides strong testimony to the substantial contribution of R&D to corporate productivity and shareholder value. Moreover, despite widespread allegations of stock market “short termism” throughout the 1980s and early '90s, the research indicates “unequivocally” that capital markets consider investments in R&D as a significant value-increasing activity. But if investors clearly demonstrate a willingness to take the long view of R&D, there is also evidence of undervaluation of some R&D-intensive companies—particularly those with low profitability—as well as other potential costs to corporations and investors stemming from inadequate public information about R&D. To help correct the reporting biases and distortions of R&D, the author offers some suggestions for investors and analysts that follow R&D-intensive companies. In particular, he proposes (1) adjustment of reported data to reflect the capitalization and amortization of (instead of expensing) corporate R&D and (2) the use of various quantitative measures for gauging research capabilities and output, including citations of the firm's patents and measures indicating the share of current revenues coming from products developed within recent years.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that differential access to debt markets significantly affects capital structure. In this paper, we examine the effect of access to debt markets on investment decisions by using debt ratings to indicate bond market access. We find that rated firms are more likely to undertake acquisitions than nonrated firms. This finding remains even after accounting for firm characteristics, for the probability of being rated, and in matched sample analysis as well as in subsamples based on leverage, firm size, age and information opacity. Rated firms also pay higher premiums for their targets and receive less favorable market reaction to their acquisition announcements relative to non-rated firms. However, the average announcement returns to rated acquirers are non-negative. Collectively, these findings suggest that the lack of debt market access has a real effect on the ability to make investments as well as on the quality of these investments by creating underinvestment, instead of simply constraining overinvestment.  相似文献   

Abstract:   This paper analyses the relevance of two different reasons for banks to acquire firms' stock: the increase of agency costs in the lending relationship (the agency costs hypothesis), and participation in the expected profits of undervalued firms (the information asymmetry hypothesis). Results indicate not only that banks make equity investments for both reasons but also that the market exploits their lending decisions to learn which of the two motivations was in play. Bank equity investments concurrent with reductions in bank debt are consistent with the agency costs hypothesis, whereas bank equity investments concurrent with increases in bank debt are consistent with the information asymmetry hypothesis.  相似文献   

Home mortgage debt financing of nonhousing investments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Home mortgage debt is decomposed into a component that represents debt demand, derived from housing demand and a residual excess demand. This excess demand derives principally from the demand for nonhousing assets. An empirical model of the determinants of the demand for excess debt is specified and estimated using databases from the 1983 and 1986 Surveys of Consumer Finance. The estimations focus on evidence of linkages between debt demand and household preferences for illiquid risky assets, and on the substitutability of personal debt for mortgage debt. Positive linkages are found between household choices of investments in vacation homes, investment real estate, and closely held business and the demand for excess debt. However, personal debt and mortgage debt appear to have largely separate financing roles.  相似文献   

Building on capital structure and product market interactions, and the role of debt enforcement in leveraged firms' investments, we examine whether cross-country debt enforcement can produce different associations between financial leverage and product failures. Results show that different debt enforcement systems can generate opposite leverage effects. In countries with weak/nearly ineffective debt enforcement, financial leverage shows an incentive investment effect due to low default costs, and thus highly leveraged firms tend to invest more and are less likely to have product failures. Conversely, in countries with strict/effective debt enforcement, distressed companies tend to have an underinvestment effect and more product failures.  相似文献   

Many previous studies document a positive relation between research and development (R&D) and equity value. Though R&D can increase equity value by increasing firm value, it can also increase equity value at the expense of bondholder wealth through an increase in firm risk because equity is analogous to a call option on the underlying firm value. Shi [2003] tests this hypothesis by examining the relation between a firm's R&D intensity and its bond ratings and risk premiums at issuance. His results show that the net effect of R&D is negative for bondholders. We reexamine Shi's [2003] findings and in so doing make three contributions to the literature. First, we find that Shi's [2003] results are sensitive to the method of measuring R&D intensity. When we use what we argue is a better measure of R&D intensity, we find that the net effect of R&D is positive for bondholders. Second, when we use tests that Shi [2003] recognizes are even better than the ones that he uses, we find even stronger evidence of the positive effect of R&D on bondholders. Third, we examine cross‐sectional differences in the effect of R&D on debtholders. Consistent with our main finding, we document a negative relation between R&D increases and default risk. The default risk reduction is also more pronounced for firms with higher initial default scores (where the debtholders have more to gain from an R&D increase) and for firms with more bank debt (where the debtholders have greater covenant protection from the possible detriments associated with R&D increases).  相似文献   

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