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文章以企业社会责任的履行以及社会责任信息披露报告为研究视角,就企业社会责任信息披露工作现状进行了简要分析,探讨总结社会责任信息披露存在的不足与问题,最后就企业社会责任信息披露中的应对策略进行分析与探讨,望能够引起同行人员的关注与重视.  相似文献   

企业社会责任信息披露问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
企业社会责任要求企业在追求经济效益的同时也要兼顾社会利益.为了使企业相关利益者了解企业是否履行了社会责任,企业必须披露有关社会责任信息.我国企业社会责任信息披露还处于初级阶段,缺乏企业社会责任信息披露的意识.因此,在进行企业社会责任信息披露时,应披露能源利用、环境保护、职工利益等方面的内容,并在年报附注中披露社会责任信息,编制企业社会责任白皮书等.  相似文献   

随着全球经济一体化进程的加快,发源于西方的企业社会责任运动在我国悄然兴起.我国目前企业社会责任信息披露理论还不完善.应当强制上市企业披露社会责任报告,鼓励其他企业自愿披露社会责任报告.企业社会责任报告应当全面地反映企业各方面的信息,以利于利益相关者根据报告做出决策.文章最后通过介绍德国企业的做法,给我们以启示.  相似文献   

本文以能源行业上市企业为研究对象,借鉴国外能源行业社会责任信息披露经验,分析我国能源行业上市企业中存在的问题.尽管我国能源行业大部分上市企业已初步有履行社会责任和进行信息披露的意识,但披露的信息并不完整,披露的水平参差不齐,尚未形成系统的信息披露体系,本文提出了相关对策建议.  相似文献   

海外企业社会责任披露制度及借鉴   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
与传统信息披露制度要求公司披露财务方面的信息不同,社会责任信息披露要求公司从经济、环境和社会业绩三个方面揭示公司政策和经营活动对社会的影响。联合国以及经合组织在其制定的有关跨国公司的行为准则中均要求企业披露其社会责任方面的信息。美国、欧盟等也有关于企业社会责任信息披露方面的专门立法。我国在企业社会责任信息披露方面尚处于摸索阶段,需借鉴国外的经验以完善我国的企业社会责任信息披露制度。  相似文献   

本文以2016-2021年制造业数据为样本,分析企业社会责任信息披露强度对审计收费的影响,并进一步探讨会计信息透明度的中介效应及会计稳健性的调节作用。研究发现,企业社会责任信息披露强度会显著降低审计收费;同时企业信息披露强度通过会计信息透明度影响审计收费。进一步研究发现,会计稳健性在企业信息透明度对审计收费的影响中发挥调节作用。本文提出企业应积极承担社会责任并披露相关信息;审计师要保持职业怀疑,坚持质量导向原则;政府等监管层积极完善社会责任信息披露框架,激发企业进行信息披露的自主性等建议。  相似文献   

运用理论分析和实证检验的方法从权益资本成本的角度研究我国上市公司企业社会责任信息披露的经济动机.研究发现:上市公司上期权益资本成本越高,本期披露社会责任报告的可能性越大,说明降低权益资本成本是上市公司决定是否披露社会责任报告的重要经济动机;对于首次披露企业社会责任报告的公司,上期权益资本成本越高,本期社会责任信息披露质量越高;但对非首次披露企业社会责任报告的公司来说,披露企业社会责任报告的资本成本动机不显著.  相似文献   

近年来,对企业社会责任信息披露的研究已成为会计研究的主要课题之一,国内外学者围绕这一主题的研究成果甚丰。但是,我国缺乏一套系统和完整的企业社会责任信息披露框架,以指导社会责任信息的披露。本文围绕社会责任信息披露问题,在借鉴西方先进经验的基础上,结合我国实际情况,提出了一些对推进我国社会责任信息披露有用的建议。  相似文献   

余晓峰 《财政监督》2014,(12):29-30
近年来,对企业社会责任信息披露的研究已成为会计研究的主要课题之一,国内外学者围绕这一主题的研究成果甚丰。但是.我国缺乏一套系统和完整的企业社会责任信息披露框架,以指导社会责任信息的披露。本文围绕社会责任信息披露问题,在借鉴西方先进经验的基础上,结合我国实际情况,提出了一些对推进我国社会责任信息披露有用的建议。  相似文献   

以财富最大化为目标的企业在高速发展过程中产生了一系列社会问题,自2006年起我国证券交易所和国资委相继颁布法规鼓励企业披露社会责任信息,企业的社会责任信息披露日益成为研究热点。本文结合已有的研究结论,从国家宏观、利益相关者、企业微观三个层面分析了社会责任信息披露的影响因素,并深入探讨这些影响产生的根源和作用机制。最后提出提高企业社会责任信息披露积极性的建议。  相似文献   

上市公司社会责任信息披露影响因素研究   总被引:36,自引:1,他引:36  
本文以在深圳证券交易所上市的公司为样本,对上市公司社会责任信息披露程度及其影响因素进行了实证研究。研究发现,我国上市公司社会责任信息披露的总体状况较差,公司绩效、行业属性及规模是影响我国上市公司社会责任信息披露的重要因素,而独立董事比例及董事长与总经理是否二职合一两个公司治理结构变量均末表现出对社会责任信息披露的显著影响.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the attempts to explain the disclosure of social and environmental information in the annual reports of large companies by reference to observable characteristics of those companies. An extensive literature has sought to establish whether variables such as corporate size, profit and industry segments can explain corporations' disclosure practices. The results from that predominantly North American and Australasian literature are largely inconclusive. This paper provides an extension of that literature by considering a more disaggregated specification of social and environmental disclosure and by employing a detailed time-series data set. By so doing, the paper tests two possible explanations for the inconclusiveness of prior research: namely that any relationships between corporate characteristics and disclosure are dependent upon the type of disclosure and that any such relationships are not stable through time. The results provide support for these explanations as sufficient, if not necessary, conditions for explaining the inconsistency in prior results.  相似文献   

黎文靖 《会计研究》2012,(1):81-88,97
本文综述了西方社会责任报告的理论基础,结合中国转轨经济的制度特征,利用新政治经济学中的寻租理论,构建我国公司社会责任报告的分析性框架。本文认为,我国的公司社会责任报告与信息披露,可以看作是新兴市场中政府的政治干预下企业进行政治寻租的行为,企业的所有权结构对其有影响作用。在此基础上,文章分析了我国现行社会责任报告模式的缺陷,并提出构建以需求为导向的社会责任报告体系。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study voluntary political spending disclosure, a widespread yet relatively unexplored corporate voluntary disclosure practice. Using an index created by the CPA-Zicklin Center that measures the level of voluntary political spending disclosure for S&P 500 firms, we examine firm-level characteristics associated with such disclosures, and their importance. We find that firms with greater political expenditures, direct political connections, higher investor activism, better corporate social responsibility performance and governance, and more industry competition tend to have a higher level of political spending disclosure. We also find that a higher level of political spending disclosure is positively associated with both the number of institutional investors and the proportion of shares owned by institutional investors, particularly socially responsible institutional investors, after controlling for the quality of other disclosures. The level of political spending disclosure is also associated with a higher analyst following, lower forecast error, and smaller forecast dispersion. Finally, we find that political spending disclosure enhances the positive relationship between annual corporate political spending and firm financial performance. Together, these results are consistent with the view that voluntary political spending disclosure helps align managers’ interests with those of shareholders.  相似文献   

利用情景实验法公布正负两类信息,分析企业公开信息对消费者购买意向的影响。研究发现:两类公开信息变量具有完全中介作用的效果,企业能力对产品评价的影响,高于企业社会责任对产品评价的影响,企业社会责任对企业形象的影响,要高于企业能力对企业形象的影响。  相似文献   

Prior research has pointed to the need to subdivide aspects of voluntary disclosure rather than treat this as an amorphous mix. However, questions about the relative reasons for the variations observed across categories of voluntary disclosure remain open to investigation. This paper contributes to that investigation in the context of a European emerging capital market. Three categories of voluntary disclosure are developed (namely, corporate environment, social responsibility and finance-related disclosures) and each category is tested for association with seven company-specific variables (corporate size, gearing, profitability, liquidity, industry, share return and listing status) in the annual reports of 87 companies listed on the Athens Stock Exchange (ASE). The extent of voluntary disclosure is relatively low. Using linear regression analysis, different explanations are found for the separate categories of disclosure based on prior evidence. Interpretation and analysis are offered in the context of the operation of the ASE.  相似文献   

We explore the potential firm and industry characteristics that determine the corporate social responsibility (CSR) disclosure practises by Bangladeshi listed firms. We use a CSR disclosure checklist to measure the extent of CSR disclosure in the annual reports and a multiple regression analysis to examine the determinants of CSR disclosure. Our study finds that CSR disclosure has positive and significant relationships with export-oriented sector, firm size and types of industries. We also find a negative relationship between CSR disclosure and family ownership. The overall findings of our study provide empirical evidence which suggests that a number of firm and industry characteristics are important determinants of the extent of CSR disclosures in a developing country like Bangladesh. Our findings can help the policy makers to adopt necessary regulatory reform to improve the CSR practises and enhance organisational legitimacy.  相似文献   

Mining activities generate significant social concerns in terms of employee safety and stakeholder scrutiny has increased considerably in recent years. Social and environmental accounting research is largely dedicated to environmental issues and the study of other components of social accounting is limited. This study examines safety disclosures in the annual reports, sustainability reports, and reactive corporate press releases of South African mining organisations following two major mining accidents occurring at Harmony Gold and Gold Fields’ mines. Results show that organisations react to perceived legitimacy threats through increased safety disclosures. The entire mining industry evidences an increase in disclosure levels after the incidents, suggesting that organisations do respond to increased stakeholder scrutiny threatening their legitimacy. Furthermore, our results provide evidence of an association between safety disclosure levels and firm size, social performance, risk, and number of fatalities, while the media attention devoted to mining accidents appears to be unrelated to safety disclosure levels. It is possible that stakeholder pressure, which motivates corporate social disclosures according to legitimacy and stakeholder theories, consists of various factors, which combined form the motivation to report. Media attention, therefore, cannot be considered in isolation as a driver of disclosure. Rather, a combination of variables such as size, social responsibility performance, number of fatalities, risk, and media attention could serve as a proxy for social pressure.  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to explore how ESG disclosure effectively promotes technological innovation capabilities (TIC) and also in different industries (green vs. high-tech). Further, examine the role of financing constraint (FC) in the relationship between the ESG disclosure and TIC. We employed the panel regression model, Causal step approach, Bootstrap mediation effect test, 2SLS, and GMM model. We used Bloomberg’s ESG disclosure score of China’s A-share listed companies from 2011 to 2019 (1); we found that the ESG disclosure has a significant relationship with corporate innovation indicators (OTI, STI, NSTI) and play a significant role in promoting TIC at different levels of corporate innovation (2) ESG disclosure of non-green (high-tech) industry is more effectively promote TIC than green (non-high tech) industry (3) ESG disclosure can promote corporate innovation by reducing the level of corporate financing constraints, and FC has a partial intermediary role between ESG and TIC.  相似文献   

We investigate the social performance of Chinese listed non-financial companies in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. We design a comprehensive social, environment and ethics disclosure index (CSPDI) and assess the bi-directional relationship between corporate social performance and financial performance using the three-stage least squares (3SLS). We find that the mean value of CSPDI is 53% and high social disclosure is associated more with environmentally sensitive industries. Moreover, the index results show that little attention has been paid to ethical issues. Interestingly, we find that the better the financial performance, the worse the corporate social performance disclosure. This result is consistent with the managerial opportunism hypothesis. Finally, the results of the 3SLS estimation show that the causality between the two endogenous variables runs from financial performance to the corporate social performance. This suggests that the corporate social performance is determined by financial performance.  相似文献   

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