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Lin Zexu,a patriot,thinker and national hero,who served as Governor for Hu Guang and Governor for Liang Guang and in other positions in Qing Dynasty,composed a couplet for self-motivation."Vast is the sea which embraces flows from millions of rivers;and upright is the precipice which rises single-mindedly to the zenith."He encouraged himself by this couplet to be magnanimous,receptive,and upright and to be a man of unbending principle.This is a motto which Jin Liqun has followed the first day he took office in Asian Development Bank (ADB),to guide his work and the way he conducts himself in this community.He practices in accordance with this principle as he carries out the mandate of this multilateral financial institution.Jin Liqun has won the accolade that he is  相似文献   

Michael and Derek are good friends, but they like to pull each other's leg sometimes. One day during the holidays they decided to go to London together. They went to the station and bought their tickets. When the train came in, Michael boarded it first and, without knowing it, dropped his ticket on the platform as he got into the carriage. Derek, who was and quickly picked it up Derek put it in his pocket. close behind, saw the ticket fal Without a word to his friend.  相似文献   

There are a lot of people went abroad to find the magic wand which can turn stone into gold, but few of them could succeed as WuFu Chen. Mr Chen established his career in U.S. Originally, he opened the gate of Boston of America by venturing. There is no fail in his career of venturing; consequently he got the title of ‘venturing god'. Immediately, Chen became very famous in American.  相似文献   

CY Tung was the pioneer of innovation and the practioner of innovative theories in modern shipping, regardless of his huge oil tanker building, container transport, institutional management or resource integration. Tung, the shipping industry have called the pioneer of innovation, Tung's road to success is a story and history of continuous innovation. In his shipping career, adhering to the innovative concept, multi-use new shipping technology, and management practice, Tung had built a team with the ability to innovate. Tung’s group, by integrating its human resources, contacts and production resources ultimately established himself in the highly competitive international shipping market and achieved his legendary of the world shipping tycoon.  相似文献   

殷炜键 《中国外资》2012,(20):18-20
CY Tung was the pioneer of innovation and the practioner of innovative theories in modern shipping, regardless of his huge oil tanker building, container transport, institutional management or resource integration. Tung, the shipping industry have called the pioneer of innovation, Tung's road to success is a story and history of continuous innovation. In his shipping career, adhering to the innovative concept, multi-use new shipping technology, and management practice, Tung had built a team with the ability to innovate. Tung's group, by integrating its human resources, contacts and production resources ultimately established himself in the highly competitive international shipping market and achieved his legendary of the world shipping tycoon.  相似文献   

翁旻 《中国外资》2012,(14):211-213
This essay would analyse the key points of the entrepreneurial behaviour and explain why these factors become the import ones and how we should apply with them to become the successful entrepreneurial. Wickham (2004) declaimed that the roles of the personality factor, the resources and the marketing strategy are all the factors that influenced the entrepreneurial process and there are three factors that are the most important ones than others which influenced entrepreneurial behaviour. The essay would base on his theories and use a lot of actual examples to support his views and assay the actions offered by the entrepreneurial and discuss some different views of the opinion.  相似文献   

刘倩文 《中国外资》2013,(24):235-235
Arthur Andersen LLP is formerly one of the Big Five accounting firms in the world. However, in 2002, it voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States, and was out of the 89 years career in the audit profession. Meanwhile the global branches of the firm is revoked and acquisition. This thesis analyses this event from a leadership and organizational culture perspective. It will elaborate from three aspects, including the organizational culture, internal integration, external environment and changing.  相似文献   

My uncle claims that if hefiles his income tax wrong he′llgo to jail,and if he files it righthe′ll go to the poor house. 我叔叔扬言说他要是填错了纳税申报表就得去坐牢,可要是填对了就得去住贫民窟。  相似文献   

When George was thirty-five,he bought a small plane and learned to fly it.He soon could made his plane do all kinds of tricks.George had a friend.His name was Mark.One day George  相似文献   

A saying like that, investment is buying with low price and selling with high price. It is easy to say. but difficult to control in practice; the investor has to grasp the economic transition and industry's undulation accurately. T. J. Huang, the trailblazer of Taiwan financial reformation, he is the founder and managing partner of the AsiaVest Partners, TCW/YFY Lid, Huaug is the person who is aware of the trend of industry's startap and decline in advance, and make decision at right time. Someone said that T. J.  相似文献   

袁璐 《中国外资》2009,(14):279-279
As the growth of people, the brain will be mature gradually, so the teenagers' immature actions can be attribute to some areas of their brain which hasn't developed completely.As an English teacher, understanding this stage of psychological and phvsiological characteristics of students and then using some teaching means and adopting corresponding measures for classroom teaching would inject more energy and obtain a better teaching effect.  相似文献   

2013年9月,国际清算银行发布了《三年一度中央银行调查报告——2013年4月全球外汇交易统计初步结果》。通过与历年报告比较分析发现,近年来,全球外汇交易量显著增加:主要贷币交易量变化各异;外汇交易向主要金融中心汇浆趋势明显;人民币离岸外汇交易量激增,虽已成为全球第九大外汇交易贷币,但与其他主要贷币相比,交易量仍然较小。上述变化与特点,对中国积极推进人民币跨境使用和建设上海国际金融中心具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

初保驹  林舒嫄 《中国外资》2013,(20):235-236
This study tests the order of firms’ financing choices based on a sample consists of 150 Chinese listed companies. And it indicates that China’s listed companies did not follow the theoretical ‘Pecking Order’ (Myers,1984), but a ‘new order’— internal fund, equity, and debt — to make their financial choices. This is because firm’s gearing ratio and solvency did not show a high degree of correlation in China’s capital market, which leads to the preference of using equity. Besides, there are some other reasons: low cost of issuing equity, ineffective financial management, immaturity of capital market, not well developed bond market, and lack of an effective credit rating system.  相似文献   

我国银行间市场的做市商制度脱胎于双边报价商制度,2007年1月9日中国人民银行发布2007年第1号公告,即全国银行间债券市场做市商管理规定,标志着我国银行间债券市场中正式引入做市商制度。中国银行自成为首批现券双边报价机构以来,积极响应中国人民银行的号召,始终活跃在银行间市场之中。  相似文献   

中国农业银行资金交易中心作为银行间市场第一个资金交易中心,多年来始终是银行间市场上交易最活跃、最有实力、最具影响力的机构之一,2002年至2006年连续五年实现银行间市场交易量排名第一。作为银行间市场的首批双边报价商,农行已经连续6年多坚持每个交易日多券种、小价差报价,在发现市场价格和活跃市场交易方面发挥了积极作用,  相似文献   

杨然 《投资与合作》2014,(2):327-327
Cooperative Language Learning ( hereafter CLL ) is one of the most widely used pedagogical theories, both m China and abroad. It emphasizes on the learnercentered teaching principle and makes maximum use of cooperative activities. Under the guidelines of the Cooperative Language Learning, this paper explores the application of cooperative language learning in the spoken English class of the university  相似文献   

针对本次国际金融危机中大型外资银行经营造成的金融体系风险,本文强调进一步加强母国与东道国监管当局协调合作具有重要意义。文章系统阐述了美国和欧洲关于外资银行机构监管的新规定。和相关思路,指出需加倍努力推动真正的监管合作,完善对大型外资银行机构监管的国际合作机制,这将有利于增强全球金鬲虫系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

Nowadays, business letter is one of the most important means of communication. The phrpose of this paper is to study how vague language is exploited in writing business letters, focusing on the application of vague language in Business English writing, and elaborate upon the realization of vagueness.  相似文献   

2008年2月26日,中国外汇交易中心发布2007年度银行间外汇市场优秀做市商、优秀会员和优秀交易员名单。根据此次评选,花旗银行荣获交易优秀奖、衍生产品交易优秀奖、外币对优秀做市商三个奖项,该行交易员姚振华被评为优秀交易员。该行在衍生产品交易和外币对的做市交易中表现尤其突出,本刊特此采访了花旗银行(中国)有限公司副行长、司库莫兆鸿先生、资金交易总监尤炯先生。  相似文献   

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