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“助推”是行为经济学研究领域中的一个热点词汇,其含义是指在不强迫的情况下巧妙地引导个体做出更理性的决策。现有研究表明,助推行为可以提高人们的储蓄、投资、采取保护环境和纳税遵从等多种行为。然而,助推的效果和时效是否因目标群体不同而存在差异仍然需要进一步研究。本文以行为经济学为理论基础,分别设计基于现状偏好与心理账户的助推,通过一个商业养老保险多期投保决策的经济学实验探究“助推”对提高保险需求的异质性影响。实验结果表明,基于现状偏好的助推对提高有保险购买经历或对保险行业认可程度较高群体投保率的影响显著;基于心理账户的助推对提高消费水平较高群体投保率的影响显著。根据本文的研究结果,建议保险公司在经营过程中合理设计、实行有效的助推方案,依据客户自身特征和个人情况实行不同的“助推”。此外,保险公司应认识到客户对保险行业认可程度的重要性,为提高必要保险产品普及率及客户对行业的满意度而在宣传、销售等环节做出相应的努力和改进。  相似文献   

笔者运用已有的行为金融学方法研究证券市场监管者的非理性问题,通过采用有情境元素的问卷调查法,向监管部门及其他市场参与者发放问卷并根据问卷的数据,对监管者和市场参与者的非理性行为进行了实证分析。结果表明:我国证券市场的市场参与者,普遍存在着代表性偏见、锚定和调整效应、证实性偏差、框定陷阱、过度自信、损失厌恶、后悔厌恶、处置效应、沉没成本偏差、心理账户、模糊厌恶等偏差,这些偏差影响并制约着他们的决策行为。其中,监管者的后悔厌恶最明显,其他依次为锚定和调整效应,损失厌恶,处理效应,框架效应,心理账户,代表性偏见,模糊厌恶,过度自信等。分析表明:从总体上看,监管者与被监管者的非理性程度没有显著差异。由此,笔者提出了监管者处理自身和其他市场参与者非理性行为的思路和对策:对自己的非理性要警觉与预防;对其他市场参与者的非理性在监管过程中要予以重视。  相似文献   

马万里  王婷 《财政科学》2021,67(7):42-50
理解地方政府税债失衡困境需要从制度到心理的逻辑转向.文章基于沉没成本偏误、标签效应、得与失编码规则三个方面,分析在心理账户影响下,地方官员产生了此钱非彼钱的认知错觉与机会主义动机,进而导致非理性举债的决策异化行为.本文的扩展意义在于,与转移支付对地方政府支出非理性扩张的效应相比,地方债对地方政府支出非理性扩张的刺激作用拓展了传统粘蝇纸效应的内涵,心理账户效应揭示了地方政府收入为何总是被"粘"在转移支付、地方债等"意外之财"上,从而为粘蝇纸效应提供了新解.本文可能的创新在于,从地方官员心理角度为地方政府财政行为提供新解,基于行为财政学视角为分析地方债非理性扩张进而规范地方政府举债行为提供新的思路,有利于建构新的政府行为研究框架.  相似文献   

随着日趋掀起基础设施建设和房地产开发热潮,非理性的财务行为成为影响房地产企业营运资金管理的关键因素.本文通过分析代表性原则偏误、心理账户效应以及羊群效应着三类典型的非理性行为分别如何作用于三项营运资金主要构成项目,研究了行为财务对房地产企业营运资金管理的影响机理.  相似文献   

广告的“卖点”是以保证满足消费者的现实需求和心理需求为基础的。影视广告与消费者心理关系密切,其在采用明星效应、情感效应、重复效应、大事件效应、反思维效应等手法时,无不是利用消费者的某种心理因素以达到吸引其注意并最终实现产品销售的目的的。  相似文献   

本文运用实验研究方法和Logistic回归,对我国银行小微贷款决策者的三种非理性行为及其影响因素进行了分析。实验结果表明:(1)就"损失厌恶"效应而言,受试者的性别对损失厌恶效应出现概率的影响最大,其次的影响因素是性格、决策方式、受试者的工作年限与年龄。(2)对"框架效应",被试认知需求的影响最大,认知需求得分高的被试不容易出现框架效应,此外被试的性别、受教育程度、决策方式等对其也有影响。(3)对"心理账户"效应,受试者所在银行的所有制性质对心理账户效应出现概率的影响最大,国有银行的受试者表现出更高的"心理账户"效应的倾向,其他的影响因素依次为:受试者的职务、性格特点、工作年限。  相似文献   

本文运用实验研究方法和Logistic回归,对我国银行小微贷款决策者的三种非理性行为及其影响因素进行了分析。实验结果表明:(1)就"损失厌恶"效应而言,受试者的性别对损失厌恶效应出现概率的影响最大,其次的影响因素是性格、决策方式、受试者的工作年限与年龄。(2)对"框架效应",被试认知需求的影响最大,认知需求得分高的被试不容易出现框架效应,此外被试的性别、受教育程度、决策方式等对其也有影响。(3)对"心理账户"效应,受试者所在银行的所有制性质对心理账户效应出现概率的影响最大,国有银行的受试者表现出更高的"心理账户"效应的倾向,其他的影响因素依次为:受试者的职务、性格特点、工作年限。  相似文献   

安伟青 《财会学习》2018,(1):191-192
营运资金管理直接关系着建筑施工企业的流动性和收益性,影响着企业的可持续发展水平.在众多影响施工企业营运资金管理水平的因素中,非理性行为越来越受到学术界及实务界的重视.本文分析了三种行为财务理论对建筑施工企业营运资金管理的影响:代表性原则偏误越大,企业短期借款水平越高;心理账户效应影响着建筑施工企业集团的货币资金管理;投资羊群效应越重应收账款管理质量越低.  相似文献   

曾振波 《理财》2007,(3):65-65
很多成功的事件营销活动,都跟政治因素有联系。比如,蒙牛借助“神五”升天,提出了“强壮中国人”的广告诉求;2002年海湾战争爆发,统一润滑油借机推出“少一点摩擦,多一点润滑”的广告……诸如此类成功的营销活动,让人留下了深刻印象。因此,能否有效嫁接好政治事件,策划好营销活动,就成了我们必须要关注的问题。  相似文献   

行为经济学是针对传统经济学严格假定和推论的一次革新,在行为和实践方面分别就非理性行为建立了新模型,因其更加贴合实际而具有更强的操作性。依据行为经济学效用理论、参照系理论以及偏好理论三大理论框架可将其观点主要归纳为损失厌恶、参照依赖、框架效应、禀赋效用以及心理账户。本文以此分别对影响税收遵从的因素进行分析,据此对税法及相关法律法规从制定程序、颁布、执行与管理监督的全过程提出了相关的建议,并得到提高纳税遵从度的政策启示。  相似文献   

We analyze a monopolist's optimal advertising strategy when consumers are expectation‐based loss‐averse and uncertain about their individual match value with the product. Advertising provides verifiable match value information. It modifies the consumers' reference point and hence their willingness to pay for the product. We show that the optimal advertising strategy pools different consumer types so that some consumers engage in ex ante unfavorable trade. Incomplete informative advertising thus has a persuasive effect. This provides a rationale for policies that force the monopolist to disclose important product characteristics, not only at the point of sale, but also in all promotional materials.  相似文献   

Prior research documents capital market benefits of increased investor attention to accounting disclosures and media coverage; however, little is known about how investors and markets respond to attention‐grabbing events that reveal little nonpublic information. We use daily firm advertising data to test how advertisements, which are designed to attract consumers' attention, influence investors' attention and financial markets (i.e., spillover effects). Exploiting the fact that firms often advertise at weekly intervals, we use an instrumental variables approach to provide evidence that print ads, especially in business publications, trigger temporary spikes in investor attention. We further find that trading volume and quoted dollar depths increase on days with ads in a business publication. We contribute to research on how management choices influence firms' information environments, determinants and consequences of investor attention, and consequences of advertising for financial markets.  相似文献   

绿色产品与广告诉求之间的匹配关系成为当前绿色营销课题中的核心问题。理论分析得出,对于自利型绿色产品,理性诉求对消费者的广告态度和购买意愿的影响更为积极,而对于利他型绿色产品,情感诉求表现的更为积极。实验结果充分证明了两个理论假设。  相似文献   

Although many scholars and researchers have contributed to the sizeable literature on the relationship between advertising and society, few have examined economic circumstances as a meaningful force shaping advertising. This study provides the empirical evidence that changes in economic conditions, the recession in particular, can transform advertising appeals. The analysis of 1488 financial services ads placed in two popular US magazines showed that the patterns of appeals have turned to direct assertive styles in the wake of the economic crisis of the period 2008–2009. At the same time, however, ads during this recession period have used a far wider variety of strategic and tactical appeals than those in pre-recession era.  相似文献   

Although many scholars and researchers have contributed to the sizeable literature on the relationship between advertising and society, few have examined economic circumstances as a meaningful force shaping advertising. This study provides the empirical evidence that changes in economic conditions, the recession in particular, can transform advertising appeals. The analysis of 1488 financial services ads placed in two popular US magazines showed that the patterns of appeals have turned to direct assertive styles in the wake of the economic crisis of the period 2008–2009. At the same time, however, ads during this recession period have used a far wider variety of strategic and tactical appeals than those in pre-recession era.  相似文献   

The financial services industry has undergone what can only be called a ‘transformation’ over the last 25 years. Deregulation has increased competition in all sectors. Thus, firms must understand the needs of their customers. The number of women as financial services decision makers has been rapidly growing, and it is estimated that within 15 years women will represent over 65 per cent of top wealth-holders. This study looks at how the financial services industry communicates with potential women customers through print advertising. The most frequently used appeals when advertising in women's magazines are similar to those used in men's magazines, but they differ from those used in general magazines. Surprisingly, advertisers, however, do not seem to tailor their ads differently to women than to men, despite evidence that women respond to different approaches.  相似文献   

This research investigates the relationship between the utilization of various appeals in mutual fund advertisements and prevailing market, and regulatory conditions during the period 2000—2009. Mutual fund firms promote their investment products utilizing an array of advertising appeals, including those that highlight performance, product and consistency. We hypothesize that the application of these appeals varies over time and according to market conditions. In addition, the research considers the 2007 regulatory efforts mandating the inclusion of mutual fund expense information in advertisements that promote fund performance. A longitudinal content analysis is utilized to survey the presence and prevalence of various advertising appeals by mutual fund providers in Money magazine from 2000 to 2009. Results reveal that appeal usage varies over time and by market performance. Appeals focusing on performance and product are strongly correlated with market performance, whereas appeals relating to trust are correlated with subpar market performance. In addition, the use of cost information, broadly defined, has become more important over the 2000–2009 period independent of market performance. The implications of these findings and their relationship to government regulation are also discussed.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网的发展,新媒体平台的出现和传统媒体的经营模式转型正在改变媒体市场结构。考虑传统媒体转型和新媒体内容外包,引入新媒体平台建立三方双边市场结构模型,考察竞争型市场结构中传统媒体平台的定价策略。研究发现:针对消费者和广告商进行差异性定价可以给传统媒体平台带来最佳收益,因此对消费者的低收费和补贴是合理的,并不构成非正当竞争;平台间差异化程度直接影响到其议价能力和利润水平;此外,消费者对广告的容忍程度也会影响媒体平台对广告商的定价,容忍程度越低,广告费用越高。  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to empirically investigate the factors that influence US consumers' attitudes toward and use of electronic banking (e-banking) and to explore the reasons that a magnitude discrepancy exists between the impact of the specific factors on consumers' attitudes and the impact on their actual behaviours. Using the data from the 2003 Survey of Consumers commissioned by the Survey Research Center at the University of Michigan, the current study found that consumers' perceptions of the characteristics of e-banking, namely the perceived advantages and problems, had different impacts on consumers' attitudes toward and their use of such service. While the perceived problems were more important in forming consumers' attitudes toward e-banking, the perceived advantages had the greatest impact on consumers' use of such service. The conclusions and discussions section also includes theoretical and practical implications drawn from the results.  相似文献   

基于"经济人"假设和外部性原理,建立政府、农户及消费者之间的三方博弈模型,考量地方政府检查策略下的生态补贴与惩罚措施以及质量标签策略对农户种植行为的影响行为.结果表明:地方政府的生态补贴政策与农药超标罚款政策对农户的生态种植行为具有促进作用,其监管效率受上级政府检查力度以及社会舆论的影响;而实施质量标签策略可以提升农户选择生态种植行为的收益,促使农户种植行为的选择转变;消费者对质量安全的敏感性会提高其进行生态产品购买的动因,倒逼农户进行生态种植.  相似文献   

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