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基于分整自回归条件异方差模型(FIGARCH),本文研究了考虑金融因素情况下量化宽松政策对国际大宗商品市场的直接影响,以及量化宽松通过金融市场对国际大宗商品市场的溢出效应。实证结果表明:量化宽松政策对国际大宗商品市场的影响主要表现为溢出性、非对称性和长记忆性,即金融市场的溢出效应在政策实施后得到加强,量化宽松政策对大宗商品市场有显著影响,且呈现行业性差异,大宗商品市场的典型长记忆特征得到显著增强,冲击造成的市场波动将持续较长时间。  相似文献   

本次经济危机主要大宗商品期货价格波动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在分析本次次债危机以来主要大宗商品价格变动情况的基础上,建立了ARMA和E-GARCH模型及ARMA和TARCH模型来描述本轮经济周期中石油、铜、铝、黄金、大豆和玉米等大宗商品的期货价格收益序列的波动性特征。自相关分析发现不同商品期货市场的有效性略有差异,原油和铜市场更为有效;ARMA和非对称GARCH模型表明,主要商品收益波动均具有积聚效应,原油和铝收益波动具有杠杆效应,坏消息对原油收益波动的冲击大于好消息,好消息对铝收益波动的冲击大于坏消息。  相似文献   

错综复杂的国际局势下,经济政策不确定性越来越高,给金融市场带来难以估量的冲击.本文基于高频数据,运用向量自相关(VAR)模型研究经济政策不确定性对美国黄金期货市场收益和波动率的传导路径和影响程度.我们的研究结果表明:(1)经济政策不确定性主要通过供需渠道、金融渠道、市场间波动率溢出效应三种传导路径影响黄金市场.(2)经济政策不确定性对黄金收益有持续平稳的负向作用,对黄金波动率有持续的正向影响但影响较小,且具有滞后性.(3)经济政策不确定性冲击主要是通过跳跃波动影响黄金市场波动率.  相似文献   

2011以来,国际大宗商品价格轮番上演“过山车”行情,而国内众多上市企业受原材料成本上升影响,利润明显下降,因而导致季报收益不及预期,股价下挫.另外受外围国际环境因素影响,截止2012年3月底,A股市场跌声一片,由此来看,国际大宗商品价格的波动对国内A股市场的冲击效应非常显著.目前国内关于这方面的研究课题很多,但大部分是选择个例来研究,而本文采用局部分析与整体分析相结合的方法,最终站在整个大宗商品市场的角度来分析,通过实证计量方法,建立模型来深入研究国际大宗商品价格波动给我国A股市场带来的冲击,并得出结论以及提出相关针对性建议  相似文献   

双循环背景下防范全球大宗商品价格波动所产生的风险传染和价格传导是维护国内物价稳定的重要环节。本文以国内外大宗商品为研究对象,采用基于广义方差分解的动态溢出指数方法来测度全球大宗商品对我国物价水平(CPI、PPI)的波动(收益)溢出效应。研究结果表明:国内外大宗商品之间均存在时变波动(收益)溢出效应,其主要受到外部波动(收益)的驱动;国内外大宗商品在波动溢出和收益溢出层面上对我国物价(CPI、PPI)产生冲击并形成差异化的连通网络。在波动溢出连通网络上,矿产现货会重点对PPI产生较大的价格波动风险溢入效应;在收益溢出连通网络上,金属期货会重点对PPI产生较大的价格传导效应;国际原油期货均处于全球大宗商品连通网络的中心地位,重点对我国CPI产生较大的正向溢出影响。不同时频下国内外大宗商品对我国物价的溢出效应具有趋同性和持久性。周期频率越长,大宗商品对物价的波动(收益)溢出效应越大。在治理通货膨胀方面,要根据我国CPI、PPI在宏观调控中的不同定位,继续实施稳健货币政策,推动供给侧结构性改革,打造强大的国内统一大市场,畅通国内国际双循环发展格局。  相似文献   

选取2008年3月—2020年6月月度数据,运用TVP-SVAR-SV模型和MS-VAR模型研究货币政策立场与大宗商品价格的非线性关系。结果显示:货币政策立场对大宗商品价格具有显著的时变影响,短期效应明显大于长期效应;当金融化程度高时,货币政策立场对大宗商品价格的影响更强、持续时间更久;相比于预期到的货币政策,未预期到的货币政策冲击对大宗商品价格的影响更显著,表明货币政策立场的重要性。  相似文献   

张浩  李仲飞  邓柏峻 《金融研究》2015,424(10):32-47
本文利用Baker等人提供的中国政策不确定性指数,结合1999年1月-2014年3月我国宏观经济数据,在构建我国房价短期波动模型的基础上,采用LSTVAR模型以及广义脉冲响应函数实证分析了不同政策不确定性环境下宏观变量冲击对于房价波动的影响。理论模型表明,宏观环境向好会引起房价的正向波动,而且这种波动会随着政策不确定性的增加而加大;不同的政策不确定性背景下,宏观冲击对于房价波动的影响存在差异性。实证结果表明,在政策不确定程度较高和较低两种不同的状态下,宏观变量的冲击对于房价波动的影响具有明显的非对称性;较高的政策不确定性程度会延缓个人的购房消费和投资以及房地产企业的供给,甚至引起市场失灵,从而引起房价的无谓波动;政策不确定程度较高时,房屋买卖双方的预期也会引起房价的“超调”,进而加剧了房价的波动。  相似文献   

首先基于Beveridge-Nelson分解(B-N)从油价序列中提取原油市场不确定性风险和油价周期成分,进而构建二者与中国金融周期的时变参数向量自回归模型以及动态溢出指数予以分析。研究发现,三者间交互脉冲响应具有显著的时变特征;不确定性风险引致油价周期性波动中有很大的投机因素;金融周期在不确定性风险和油价周期性波动增强情况下更容易趋于紧缩,具体影响特征与中国石油对外依存度、金融开放度和市场运行状况以及投机因素相关。就三者构成的交互系统内部而言,不确定性风险是主要的冲击发动者,金融周期在2008年之前是主要的冲击接收者,之后金融周期对油价周期具有正的净溢出效应,而油价周期成为系统冲击的接收对象,这源于中国经济实力的增强和原油市场竞争格局的改变。  相似文献   

构建分位数分位数回归模型,依据1987年6月至2020年10月数据,考量经济政策不确定性对原油市场收益的异质性影响.结果表明:经济政策不确定性对原油市场收益在大多数分位点具有抑制效应,且这种影响在原油市场低迷时更加明显.在三类细分经济政策不确定性冲击中,货币政策不确定性和贸易政策不确定性对原油收益的影响在原油市场繁荣时占主导地位,而原油市场处于低迷状态时对财政政策不确定性的变化更加敏感.此外,经济政策不确定性对原油市场收益的影响程度在金融危机爆发后明显增强.鉴此,原油市场利益相关者在金融危机期间应对经济政策不确定的变化应更加谨慎.  相似文献   

本文通过构造含有资产价格泡沫的经济系统,使用结构向量自回归模型与脉冲响应函数分析了我国货币政策对资产泡沫的影响和资产价格泡沫与其它变量之间的关系。结果表明,我国货币政策的资产价格传导渠道效应显著存在,但货币政策的资产价格效应对于不同资产类型具有非对称性,货币政策对股票市场的影响要远远大于对房地产市场的影响;资产价格泡沫的正向冲击对通货膨胀呈现出倒U型影响,并且不同资产类型对通货膨胀具有非对称性,股票市场对通货膨胀的影响要远远大于房地产市场;资产价格泡沫对产出具有正向效应,但不同资产价格类型对于产出冲击也存在非对称性,股票资产价格对产出的影响要小于房地产对产出的影响。  相似文献   

In this paper we examine the impact of oil price shocks on twelve countries American Depositary Receipt (ADR) returns using monthly data from 1999.01 to 2014.12. The results show that oil price shocks have a positive and statistically significant impact on ADR return in all twelve countries. These results are robust to the inclusion of other explanatory variables such as oil price volatility and the spillover of the United States stock market. Further analysis shows that this effect is stronger in the post financial crisis time period compared to the pre-financial crisis time period.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of oil price shocks and economic policy uncertainty on the stock returns of oil and gas companies. We find that an oil demand-side shock has a positive effect on the return of oil and gas companies on average, whereas shocks to policy uncertainty have a negative effect on the return. Historical decomposition shows that the effects of oil shocks on the stock return are amplified by the endogenous policy uncertainty responses. These results are consistent with those for major integrated oil and gas companies. The return responses, however, show heterogeneous effects of structural shocks on upstream, midstream, and downstream oil and gas companies, suggesting that a well-diversified portfolio is obtainable.  相似文献   

Containing various information, economic policy uncertainty reflects significant rises and declines when facing shocks like financial crisis, oil-price change, and other specific economic or policy events. This paper empirically studies the interaction between oil prices and the newly formulated economic policy uncertainty indices using a time-varying parameter vector autoregression framework. Generally, the results of this study suggest that economic policy uncertainty reveals fluctuating responses to oil price shocks, while the oil price has a negative response to the uncertainty. The findings also reveal that the economic policy uncertainty indices for oil-importers and oil-exporters respond to oil price shocks differently. The oil price shock has a larger fluctuation to the economic policy uncertainty of oil-exporters than that of importers. Moreover, for the oil-exporters, the negative response to the oil price shock is greater than that of the oil-importing countries. This paper also discusses the impact of asymmetric shocks of oil price on economic policy uncertainty. In particular, after two financial crises, positive shocks decrease the uncertainty and vice versa. These findings are robustly verified.  相似文献   

Under the modern corporate governance structure, there is a knowledge gap in how companies' financial reporting practices respond to oil price shocks in China. To fill this gap, we employ China's A-share listed companies and follow Kilian (2009) study to investigate how the three types of classical oil shocks affect corporate earnings management heterogeneously. We also consider the role of oil implied volatility in this relationship and further examine the possible heterogeneity between energy-related and non-energy-related subsamples. The empirical results show that there are variant effects among the heterogeneous oil price shocks on earnings management. Specifically, oil supply shocks stimulate firms to manipulate more accrual and real earnings, and firms are more likely to carry out accrual earnings management downward. Oil aggregate demand shocks weaken the degree of accrual earnings manipulation and mainly reduce the negative accrual earnings manipulation. Oil-specific demand shocks constrain the earnings management behavior of companies and improve their accounting quality. Besides, the increased uncertainty of oil price weakens the promotion effect of oil supply shocks on earnings manipulation, and the moderating effect occurs mainly in downward earnings management. Furthermore, the subsample estimated results reveal that oil price shocks do not affect the degree of accrual earnings management of energy-related companies. Instead, they impact the non-energy-related companies. Overall, our findings provide a series of targeted policy recommendations to mitigate the principal-agent problems and cope with energy price volatility risks.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of oil market uncertainty on currency carry trade payoffs. We find that oil market uncertainty can impact currency carry trade excess returns. When oil market uncertainty rises, expected currency excess returns will increase. Our findings are robust to alternative measures of oil market uncertainty and, after controlling for traditional uncertainties, different types of oil shocks. The results also hold well in both developed and emerging markets, as well as for oil-related currencies, non-oil currencies, commodity currencies, and non-commodity currencies. Additionally, oil market uncertainty can be priced in the cross section of currency carry trade excess returns. This effect can be explained by investors becoming more risk averse under high oil market uncertainty and requiring greater compensation for bearing such risk. Moreover, our measure of oil market uncertainty, the downside risk from the oil market, is quite different from that of traditional aggregate measures.  相似文献   

This article investigates how uncertainty impacts the effect of monetary policy surprises on stock returns. Using high-frequency US data, we demonstrate that stock markets respond more aggressively to monetary policy surprises during periods of high uncertainty. We also show that uncertainty asymmetrically influences the transmission of positive and negative monetary policy surprises to stock market prices. The amplifying effect of uncertainty is found to be stronger for expansionary shocks than for contractionary shocks. Our robustness analysis confirms that financial uncertainty has a significant role in shaping the influence of monetary policy on the stock market.  相似文献   


This paper aims to examine short- and long-run asymmetries in the impacts of disaggregated oil price shocks on economic policy uncertainty, stock market uncertainty, treasury rates, and investor (bullish and bearish) sentiment in the US. To this end, we use a nonlinear auto-regressive distributed lag cointegration approach, which allows us to capture both positive and negative disaggregated oil shocks. We find that oil demand shocks are the main drivers of both measures of uncertainty, while oil supply shocks affect treasury rates. However, both oil demand shocks and oil supply shocks affect investor sentiment, with certain differences in the effects of positive and negative shocks. The overall effects of both oil demand and supply shocks—whether positive or negative—are stronger in the long-run than in the short-run. Additionally, we apply rolling causality and reveal evidence of a rather homogenous causal flow from disaggregated oil shocks to the variables studied, particularly around global stress periods. Our findings have implications for asset pricing and portfolio risk management and suggest policy formulations that differentiate between disaggregated positive and negative oil price shocks.


In this paper, we analyze the connectedness between the recent spread of COVID-19, oil price volatility shock, the stock market, geopolitical risk and economic policy uncertainty in the US within a time-frequency framework. The coherence wavelet method and the wavelet-based Granger causality tests applied to US recent daily data unveil the unprecedented impact of COVID-19 and oil price shocks on the geopolitical risk levels, economic policy uncertainty and stock market volatility over the low frequency bands. The effect of the COVID-19 on the geopolitical risk substantially higher than on the US economic uncertainty. The COVID-19 risk is perceived differently over the short and the long-run and may be firstly viewed as an economic crisis. Our study offers several urgent prominent implications and endorsements for policymakers and asset managers.  相似文献   

This paper is motivated by Bali, Brown, and Tang (2017) who find U.S. economic policy uncertainty (EPU) is priced in the cross-section of U.S. stock returns, and uses weekly data from March 2006 to April 2016 to study whether shocks in U.S. EPU also influence prices of China's A-shares from a market, industry, and individual stock perspective. Our methodology relies on an ARMA (1,1) model to extract shocks in the U.S. EPU series and a GARCH (1,1) model to examine how returns of China's A-shares respond to these shocks after controlling for business conditions proxied by term and credit spread in China. Generally, we find that shocks in U.S. EPU significantly and negatively explain returns of Chinese A-shares with a lag of one week. In addition, the market index containing small and growth stocks is more sensitive to shocks in U.S. EPU than the index containing big and value stocks. Furthermore, we find that firms in manufacturing, information technology, and media industries in China are more sensitive to shocks in U.S. EPU, while firms in agriculture and real estate industries respond less to shocks in U.S. EPU. Finally, China's A-shares which decline more in response to shocks in U.S. EPU have higher returns, smaller market capitalization, weaker operating profitability, higher asset growth, and better past year's cumulative returns. Overall, our findings show that investors in the Chinese A-shares market require a premium to hold stocks that are sensitive to shocks in U.S. economic policy uncertainty.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of changes in monetary policy on US equity real estate investment trust (EREIT) returns in lower and higher return ranges during bull, bear, and volatile stock market states using quantile regression. Results show that EREIT returns are sensitive to changes in monetary policy at different EREIT return ranges in different market states. During bull markets, changes in monetary policy have a significant negative impact on EREIT when investors have lower expectations of real estate price increases, but are not effective when investors have higher expectations of real estate price increases. During volatile and bear markets, EREIT returns are not sensitive to changes in monetary policy stance. Results also show that EREIT returns respond positively to stock returns in various states and conditions.  相似文献   

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