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电销发展已成大势所趋 自2007年平安产险公司开办电话销售车险(简称“电话车险”)业务以来,电话销售车险业务发展可谓如火如荼,速度之快令业界震惊。据平安公布的数据,平安电话车险2009年完成保费42.5亿元,电话呼人量达138万次。今年一季度,保费收入已逾20亿元,同比增长超过200%。电话车险以其“便捷”、“省钱”两大优点,深受客户尤其是年轻客户群体的青睐。  相似文献   

客户数据已成为一种具有巨大价值的资源,如何对客户数据进行管理和使用将直接决定能否挖掘出资源的价值。在使用前对客户数据的分类和过滤,可以有效的保证客户的品质以及优化数据资源利用率。本文以车险电话销售中的数据管理作为案例进行阐述。  相似文献   

殷越丹 《上海保险》2013,(5):31-32,47
车商渠道是财产保险企业以汽车销售商为市场开拓目标而建立的面向单位和个人车辆客户的专业销售车辆保险的渠道。这一渠道一般采用汽车销售商兼业代理模式,在满足保险消费者服务需求的同时挖掘车险保费市场潜力,是目前我国财产保险企业车险销售的主要业务渠道。车险作为汽车售后服务体系。  相似文献   

许雷 《上海保险》2018,(8):58-60
车险电话营销简称车险电销,是经营车险业务的保险公司同客户接触最为直接的渠道,凭借其快捷、成本低的特点,近年来受到各保险公司的青睐,带动了车险的发展。本文研究以商业车险条款费率管理制度改革(以下简称"商车费改")为背景,分析了车险电话营销的优势及存在意义,以及商车费改对电话营销造成的影响,针对性地提出了未来电销转型的建议,对电话营销将来的发展方向与营销策略进行了探讨,进而期望可有效助力国内电销业务的未来发展。  相似文献   

随着信息技术发展,网络购物以其便捷快速和价格低廉等优势被年轻的新生代广泛接受和运用。各行各业越来越重视网络销售渠道的建设和发展,保险行业也不例外。本文在分析车险网络销售现状和发展模式的基础上,就推进车险网络销售的规范、快速发展提出政策建议。一、车险网络销售已具备独立存在和迅速发展的条件。  相似文献   

徐明 《中国保险》2011,(8):30-31
电话车险竞争的本质是电话销售模式与传统模式的竞争。近两年来,电话车险发展之快业界震惊,备受关注。电销迅速在国内掀起波澜,处在保险最前沿的长三角、珠三角地区,车险"电销大战"全面升级,竞争之激烈前所未有。  相似文献   

大数据可以帮助企业从海量数据中迅速发掘高价值的信息,以提升其决策的效率和精准度。本文从平安财险营销策略角度解读平安财险近年来从搜索轨迹分析客户需求,梳理车主生态圈勾勒车主问题蓝图并逐步构筑车险生态圈。一、营销策略在大数据时代的变革从一个产品设计概念化之初到上市销售,传统营销方法一般进行数次的消费者调研和典型样本的测试性调研,以及产品品牌定位和创意、营销传播和销售策略等,  相似文献   

陈亮 《中国保险》2011,(4):19-21
保险定价问题从保险业诞生的那一刻起就一直是保险的核心问题。传统精算学的车险费率是从保险供给出发,而保险业发展到今天,保险定价特别是车险定价在实际销售中面临着市场竞争和客户需求的挑战。相比于车险费率的相对固定,车险的销售定价更多着眼于整个保险市场、经济环境、金融环境,直接反映竞争策略和客户接受程度。  相似文献   

在车险产品基本同质及保险监管对车险实施“限折令”的背景下,车险销售渠道成为财产保险公司竞争的焦点。各家公司将渠道建设作为提高销售能力、实施策略转变的重点工作,即以客户细分为基础,在巩固和深化与传统渠道合作的前提下,不断推进渠道创新,努力构多元化渠道结构,保持各渠道均衡发展,满足客户需求多样化。  相似文献   

大量的客户信息数据给客户管理带来一定的困难,有效地借助数据挖掘工具,深入分析现有客户的个性化需求,维持重要客户并开展更广泛的交叉销售业务,对我国财险公司的发展具有重大意义。结合模糊集理论,探讨模糊关联规则在财险客户交叉销售中的应用,将模糊C均值算法引入到关联规则挖掘中,提出改进的Apriori算法—FARMA算法。借助SPSS、Clementine、R语言数据挖掘工具对算例数据进行挖掘,建立交叉销售模型,并进行算例分析,验证新算法的有效性。  相似文献   

Digitization’s increasing influence on the Germans’ everyday lives leads to changes in their buying behavior. In the internet age, customer orientation means, inter alia, to actually understand the changes in the consumers’ expectations. This raises the question how the shift of customer activity from the analogue to the digital world changes the effect of certain exogenous, convenience exploiting attributes on a supplier’s predefined response variables (e.?g. customer acquisition). This article focuses on the insurance industry and, theoretically, deals with the question, whether doing business online can be considered as moderating effect of the relationship between convenience attributes (controllable by insurers) and customer acquisition as target figure in insurance business. Based on the example of contracting a new motor insurance policy it can be derived hypothetically that “digital customers” have different expectations in terms of speed of processing (as convenience attribute) than those signing a policy together with their agent.  相似文献   

Insurance customers increasingly choose between conventional flat-rate car insurance tariffs and innovative usage-based car insurance tariffs such as a pay-per-mile tariff. Usage-based car insurance tariffs require traffic telematics. In this paper, we analyze the decision-making behavior of insurance customers concerning tariff choices as well as the psychological effects. In other service areas, it can be observed that customers often prefer a flat-rate tariff even if their billing rate would be lower on a pay-per-use tariff for a given amount of usage. In study?1, we show that the purchase intention of car insurance tariffs is influenced by psychological effects as well as the customer’s personal experience with the insurance provider and that it is higher for a flat-rate car insurance tariff compared to a pay-per-mile tariff. Customers who have had positive experiences with an insurance provider induce a higher purchase intention for car insurance than customers who have had no experience with an insurance provider. In study?2, we show that the probability of choosing a flat-rate car insurance tariff is higher with increasing monthly kilometers.  相似文献   

Amid intense changing competitive environments in the insurance industry, insurance manufacturers and intermediaries are preparing themselves to be closer than ever to their customers. But are they collaborating to serve the customer or are they still playing ‘tug of war’ over who owns the customer, while their customers seek greener pastures with the competition? In this paper the authors discuss six realities of customers and the insurance industry today and finish with suggestions on how collaboration between manufacturer and intermediaries will help serve the common interest of building stronger customer relationships.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how the customer equity concept can be transformed to fit to insurance policy holders. The finding is that the equity of a policyholder can not be calculated in line with concepts of other classes of business, because the insurance industry shows special features in its core business. The stochastic characteristics of such a business must be integrated into the concept. These include its service nature and specific supervisory regulations for the capital investments as well as the distribution of profit. In terms of the insurance company, the following equity-determiners of a policyholder are important and should be part of the customer equity model: Firstly the equity of the customer with regard to the past, his future potential and his cross-selling equity as the monetary determiners. Secondly the equity which can be generated through word-of-mouth and customer information. The remaining determiners of the concept used in other branches of business, notably the equity of synergy, cooperation and loyality of a customer are already incorporated in the mentioned components.  相似文献   

A division of a major UK insurance company manufactures insurance products for wholesale clients to retail into their banking and building society customer bases. This paper discusses the CRM challenges of leveraging insurance business from existing partnership relationships, including issues of confidentiality between client portfolios, the strategic use of data marts rather than data warehouses and the sharing of information. It describes the issues involved in implementing CRM, such as rolling out customer contact management and call centre systems. The study concludes with an appraisal of lessons learned, which include a better understanding of who the customers are and which of them are profitable, together with the characteristics that contribute to them becoming profitable or unprofitable.  相似文献   


This paper studies the solvency of an insurance firm in the presence of underwriting cycles. A small or medium-size insurance company with a price-taker position in the market is considered. Its premium income is assumed to obey an autoregressive process with cycles. Specifically, the premium income for a specific calendar year is influenced by the market experience for the last couple years. Under this classical AR(2) dynamics governing the premium income, an explicit expression for the ultimate ruin probability is derived, using a martingale approach, in the lighttailed claims case. Furthermore, the logarithmic asymptotic behavior of the ultimate ruin probability as well as the typical path to ruin are investigated. Then a comparison is made with the classical case where the same company operates on a market without such cycles. Asymptotically, the presence of market cycles is shown to increase the risk for the company. Numerical illustrations are performed on Canadian motor insurance market data and support the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

Moneynet, launched in 1997, is the first UK website to provide an interactive, comprehensive and independent guide to products available in the personal finance market. The paper indicates how organisations such as Moneynet are now able to use a unique, patented technology enabling them to see, in real-time if required, just how well their website is performing and what kind of experience visitors (120,000 monthly in this case) to their site are having so that continuous improvements, based upon visitors actual experiences, can be made. Also outlined is how this technology enables Moneynet accurately to determine click-through fees owed and not rely upon questionable or conflicting data via third parties; this facility also results in significant reduction of click-through fees. The paper describes the provision of additional data and statistics including new versus repeat visitors, and reports on both visitors and campaign analysis. The conclusion indicates enhanced customer experience, increased online sales and increased revenues.  相似文献   

Customer‐side influences on insurance have been relatively ignored in the literature. Using the household as the unit of analysis, this article focuses on the behavior of households having multiple policies of different types with the same insurance company, and who cancel their first policy. How long after the household's cancellation of the first policy does the insurer have to retain the customer and avoid customer defection on all policies to the competition? And, what customer characteristics are associated with customer loyalty? Using logistic regression and survival analysis techniques, an assessment is made of the probability of total customer withdrawal, and the length of time between first cancellation and subsequent customer withdrawal. Using a European database spanning 54 months of household multiple policyholder behavior, the results show that cancellation of one policy is a very strong indicator that other household policies will be canceled. Further, the insurer can have time to react to retain the customer after the first cancellation, however, this time is significantly dependent on the method used to contact the company, household demographics, and the nature of the household's insurance policy portfolio. Surprisingly, core customers having three or more policies in addition to the canceled policy are more vulnerable to total defection on all policies than noncore customers. Further, the potential customer repelling effects of premium increases seem to wear out after 12 months. Strategic implications of the results are presented.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the Job satisfaction of exclusive agents focusing on its connection with customer loyalty. Although a relationship between these two components is quite feasible, there is a lack of explicit research eviden-ce. Therefore the study examines the direct and indirect relationships between the two components differentiated. First of all, it is examined, why and how exclusive agents contribute to competitive advantages of an insurance Company. Additionally, the determinants of customer loyalty in the insurance industry and the dimensions of exclusive agents job satisfaction are worked out. On this basis, a framework is proposed which integrates approaches from organizational psychology and marketing to job/dealer satisfaction as well as to customer loyalty. The empirical results of a study measuring exclusive agent job satisfaction complete the findings of the analysis, which provide evidence that exclusive agent satisfaction and customer loyalty have to be regarded as complementary aims of an insurance Company due to the certain interactions between them. Lastly, management implications are shown.  相似文献   

桂萍  胡庆为 《保险研究》2011,(6):121-127
由于车险市场中的信息不对称,道德风险对车险经营构成了重大威胁。因此,车险道德风险已成为国内外学者研究的热点问题。本文在对车险道德风险的内涵、风险因素、博弈分析、风险防范等进行详细综述的基础上,探讨了研究中存在的不足及未来的研究趋势。  相似文献   

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