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物料流量成本会计——环境管理会计概念的深化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
肖序 《财会学习》2009,(9):15-17
PREFACE/前言在环境管理会计发展的进程中,出现了一种新的方法一物料流量成本会计。本文讨论了MFCA与传统环境成本会计核算内容的不同,探讨其架构和计算,接着用带数据的物料流量模型和流量成本矩阵进一步深化,运用MFCA产生的新信息,它促使管理部门去降低成本,通过降低废弃物成本就可以达到降低企业总成本这个目的。  相似文献   

环境成本是指本着对环境负责的原则,为管理企业活动对环境造成的影响而采取的措施的成本。以及因企业执行环境目标和要求所付出的其他成本,环境成本会计作为环境会计的一个重要分支,在整个环境会计体系中有着举足轻重的作用,本文拟就环境成本会计的有关问题作一初步探讨。  相似文献   

通过对现代制造环境及管理理论与方法的变化的分析,面对现代成本会计的发展趋势,针对性地提出适应我国企业发展的成本会计的对策.完善成本会计的组织,成本会计人员,除具备会计职业道德之外,还要懂经营管理,特别是要熟悉生产技术,熟悉并掌握现代成本会计的理论与方法,学会预测、决策和控制,充分发挥成本会计在企业管理中的职能作用.  相似文献   

传统成本会计与现代成本会计的比较分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
现代成本会计根据环境的变化大量采用了会计主体假设、持续经营假设、会计分期假设、货币计量假设 历史成本原则是传统成本会计理论的基础之一。在物价不变或基本稳定的社会经济环境下,历史成本的会计计量模式因其可验证性和有利于反映资产经营管理责任的履行情况,而被各国所广泛采用。.在世界经济迅猛发展的大环境下,大规模企业购并的出现,高新信息技术的开发和运用,人力资源概念的兴起,  相似文献   

唐燕 《投资与合作》2011,(9):101-101
随着我国经济的快速发展,成本会计日益成为会计中重要的组成部分。成本会计作为一种经济管理活动,在企业的生产经营过程中发挥着重要作用,由于产业结构的变化,全面质量化管理的要求使得原有会计的生存基础发生了变化,成本会计也正经历着前所未有的变化,本文从成本会计的现状出发,分析了成本会计面临的问题,并提出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

冯圆 《财会学习》2013,(8):27-30
随着资本市场不断推进,信息技术迅猛发展,以及经济全球化步伐加快,企业面临的制造环境、经营环境,以及管理理论与方法都发生了深刻的变化。成本管理在现代企业管理中的地位与日俱增,而过去强调成本核算的传统成本会计已经无法适应当前企业财务管理的要求。如何适应企业的变化和新环境,对企业成本核算和管理提出了更高的要求。一、成本会计融合化的过程:历史的视角成本会计发展大致可分为以下几个阶段:(一)19世纪以前的成本会计这一时期成本会计的特点是成本核算与会计账户体系处于分离状态,难以全面地  相似文献   

时代的变革和经济环境的改变,现代成本会计逐步参与到企业内部管理层面,涉及到成本预测、成本计划、成本控制、成本核算、成本考核成本决策等诸多管理职能,其管理理念与方法有了更新更深的定义,在现代企业管理中的地位与日俱增,是生产经营与成本核算的有机结合.本文就介绍现代成本会计的发展趋势和对策分析,为我国的成本会计发展提供参考.  相似文献   

在企业经营中,生态环境影响的重要性日益凸显,立足于企业文化特征,探究文化因素对环境经营与企业价值观体系形成的具体影响及作用路径,是当前环境管理会计研究的一个重要课题。本文根据Edgar H·Scheinr提出的组织文化模型,构建了基于企业文化的环境经营价值体系,同时依据该价值体系提出了环境经营的具体框架结构,并将企业文化建设嵌入于环境经营的战略之中。文章对于促进环境管理会计理论与方法体系的建设具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

企业绿色经营系统与环境会计   总被引:43,自引:1,他引:42  
本文讨论企业绿色经营系统与环境会计问题。绿色经营是一种新的企业经营理念 ,是在可持续发展战略与ISO140 0 0系列的指导下发展起来的 ,它贯穿于企业整体经营系统之中 ,如“为环境而设计”、“绿色融资”、“绿色采购”等。环境会计是企业绿色经营系统的一个有机组成部分 ,绿色经营理念与企业绿色经营系统的发展是 2 0世纪 90年代以来环境会计取得较大发展的微观背景。环境会计目前至少可以分成三个领域 ,即环境财务会计、环境管理会计与环境审计。环境会计的发展为财务会计与管理会计的融合提供了适宜的条件。  相似文献   

油气的开采不可避免地产生环境负荷,社会为此需要支付巨大的生态成本.阐述了油气企业环境成本会计确认、计量方法,并提出了在油气企业实行环境会计的措施,可以促使油气企业注重环境成本的预算与控制,推动油气企业环境会计建设的进程,实现油气企业经济持续发展.可为油气企业环境会计实践提供理论依据和方法  相似文献   

物质流成本会计(MFCA)方法由德国IMU首次提出。该方法一经提出就引起世界范围内的关注,它从物质流的“实物”与“货币”流转角度,根据输入输出模型,核算企业的合格产品成本与废弃物成本,找到企业资源损失的改善点。但所有文献都未提及物质流成本会计的理论基础。论文就字面解释、重要恒等式、学科集成三方面就其理论基础进行深入的研究,以探究其理论渊源。  相似文献   

The teaching of management accounting at tertiary institutions drew criticism in the mid-to-late 1980s on the grounds that course content and teaching methods were not keeping pace with changes in manufacturing technologies and the business environment. A study of management accounting programs in 30 Australian universities shows that the criticisms are largely being addressed, with most programs being well up-to-date in their coverage of many of the new topics and practices that have emerged in management accounting in recent years. Nonetheless, management accounting educators continue to see a number of constraints on effective teaching in this area.  相似文献   

完善公司治理与管理会计创新   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
本文认为 ,会计信息系统在公司治理中的作用还有待进一步全面认识。财务会计信息由于受多种因素的限制 ,不能完全满足公司治理的要求 ;而管理会计也需要重新构造其目标和方法体系 ,才能有助于公司治理。管理会计与财务会计都是为公司的内外部服务 ,两者的差异从根本上说源自信息披露是否具有强制性。为推进管理会计的改革和发展 ,应重视会计系统的环境因素、管理制度创新与规范的结合和会计信息的内在性质。  相似文献   

Having regained independence in 1991, Estonia has undergone fundamental political and structural changes over the last decade, which have also affected the operation of its companies. This paper examines the management accounting practices of Estonian manufacturing companies, exploring the main impacts on them within a contingency theory framework. The methodology comprises an analysis of 62 responses to a postal questionnaire survey carried out among the largest Estonian manufacturing companies. It is comparatively infrequently that Estonian manufacturing companies have made improvements in their cost accounting methods, although the majority of respondents appear to acknowledge the importance of these practices in finding and lowering real product costs and modernizing the cost accounting systems. The effectiveness of an accounting systems’ design depends on its ability to adapt to changes both in external circumstances and internal factors. We have found some evidence that changes in cost and management accounting practices are associated with shifts in the business and accounting environment as external contingencies, and with those in technology and organizational aspects as internal contingencies. This research aims on the one hand to confirm earlier findings related to the ‘contingent factors’ that influence management accounting and on the other, to identify possible new factors, such as, for example, the legal accounting environment and shortage of properly qualified accountants.  相似文献   

This paper reports on a survey of manufacturing companies, and uses structural equation modeling to examine the relationships between the changing competitive environment, and a range of organizational variables as antecedents to management accounting change. The results indicate that an increasingly competitive environment has resulted in an increased focus on differentiation strategies. This, in turn, has influenced changes in organizational design, advanced manufacturing technology and advanced management accounting practices. These three changes have led to a greater reliance on non-financial accounting information which has led to improved organizational performance.  相似文献   

通过问卷调查,从企业环境管理决策的主体出发,对我国企业环境管理会计的关注度进行了描述性统计分析和因子分析,得出结论:(1)我国企业对于可持续发展和科学的环境管理方法等方面的认识还较薄弱;(2)大部分企业实施环境管理是一种策略性行为;(3)目前我国企业财会人员还未能真正参与到企业的环境管理决策工作当中来。  相似文献   

商业银行财务集中有效解决了财务核算主体分散、监控管理不到位的问题,使财务信息核算质量提高,但是,其仍然存在以下隐忧:受管理环境的制约,财务集中的基础性定位、单一的核算职能与商业银行价值管理的发展要求存在差距,财务信息与商业银行预算管理、绩效评价等管理会计的相关性较弱。财务集中的创新应通过全面的成本控制来发挥财务资源配置...  相似文献   

This paper introduces the responsibility cost control system installed at Han Dan Iron and Steel Company in the People’s Republic of China. The Company has adopted a series of management accounting techniques or procedures in its cost control system, including target costing, responsibility accounting, standard costing, flexible budgeting, internal transfer pricing, behavior motivation, performance evaluation, variance analysis, and so on. In particular, the system has integrated responsibility accounting and cost control by introducing market mechanisms to substantially reduce production costs and raise profitability. The successful experiment reveals that the responsibility cost control system is an effective tool for cost control under the changing Chinese business environment. The Han Dan experience demonstrates that management accounting can play a positive role in improving business management and profitability in China or other developing countries. In addition, this study casts light on effective diffusion of management accounting practices under different social and economic systems.  相似文献   

A lean strategy is rapidly becoming the dominant paradigm in manufacturing. Kennedy and Widener (2008) use a case study to develop a theoretical framework of management accounting and control practices for firms following a lean manufacturing strategy. We build on Kennedy and Widener (2008) by examining a structural equation model that provides evidence on the extent to which a lean manufacturing implementation is related to five management accounting and control practices. Using survey data from 244 US companies with an interest in lean manufacturing, we find a direct positive relation between the extent of a lean manufacturing implementation and a simplified strategic reporting system, value stream costing, visual performance measurement information, and employee empowerment. We find a direct negative relation with inventory tracking; however, we find it is conditional on the extent of top management support for change in production strategies such that firms decrease reliance on inventory tracking in the presence of strong management support. We also conclude that the management accounting and control practices work together as a package in a lean manufacturing environment as evidenced by the many direct associations among the five management accounting and control practices.  相似文献   

An organization needs a proper managerial tone to maintain a sound control environment. However, managers cannot support a control environment they do not understand. This misunderstanding generates a perception gap between corporate managers and auditors concerning internal control responsibilities, which may extend to academia as well. This research examines the perceptions of accounting and management professors concerning the understanding of who is ultimately responsible for establishing and maintaining internal controls over financial reporting and finds a statistically significant difference of opinion between the two groups. A large number of management professors surveyed relegate this role to internal auditors instead of management. These findings indicate management professors may not be fully aware of the responsibilities placed on managers of publicly traded companies for internal controls over financial reporting by the Sarbanes–Oxley (SOX) Act of 2002. The survey also finds a statistically significant difference in the perceptions of accounting and management professors concerning where the topic of internal controls should be taught and who is most qualified to teach internal controls to non-accounting business majors. This disconnect between management and accounting professors could potentially generate a business curriculum that leaves non-accounting business majors with little or no exposure to the roles and responsibilities of managers concerning internal controls over financial reporting. This research highlights the important role of accounting professors to help minimize this disconnect and provides specific recommendations to improve the exposure necessary for non-accounting business majors.  相似文献   

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