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全球经常项目失衡影响因素的实证研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,全球经常项目失衡问题成为经济研究者、国际机构和各国中央银行经济学家以及商务经济研究报告竞相研究的热点问题。本文利用全球范围内56个国家或地区1980年至2005年的数据,针对影响经常项目的多种因素进行实证研究,结果表明经常项目与政府财政收支、资本形成率以及开放程度等因素密切相关。在当前全球经济增速放缓的形势下,只有通过有效的国际经济政策协调才能促进全球经常项目失衡问题的有序解决。  相似文献   

本文利用1980年至2005年全球范围内106个国家或地区的相关经济数据,确定了经常项目失衡调整的事后标准,进而识别出经常项目失衡的不同调整期间。借助于调整期间的界定,本文针对宏观经济因素与经常项目失衡的调整问题进行了实证研究。基于跨国数据的实证研究结果表明了一些宏观经济变量对经常项目失衡的调整具有显著的影响作用,例如固定资本形成、贸易条件变化以及官方储备等。本文合理借鉴了经常项目失衡调整的跨国经验,并且结合中国经济实际情况针对中国经常项目的盈余调整给出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

盛洁萍 《金卡工程》2010,14(5):257-258
经常项目是国际收支中的重要内容,近年来,经常项目失衡问题成为了经济研究者、国际机构和各国中央银行经济学家以及商务经济研究报告竞相研究的热点问题。本文分别以贸易流量和跨时期分析为出发点,回顾了经常项目研究的发展过程,并以对美国经常逆差的研究文献为重心,最后进行了简单的评述并提出了几个相关问题。  相似文献   

匡可可 《福建金融》2013,(11):16-21
本文基于经常项目失衡的跨时期分析框架,从经常账户平稳性的视角出发,运用递归式单位根检验分析美国经常项目失衡的可持续性,运用递归式面板单位根检验分析美国、西班牙和希腊经常项目失衡的可持续性,得出的结论与美国次贷危机和欧债危机的现实状况基本一致,从而为全球经济失衡能否持续和金融危机能否生成提供了一种合理解释。  相似文献   

殷波 《南方金融》2013,(1):18-27
当前我国正在稳步推进人民币汇率形成机制改革,逐步增强人民币汇率弹性,让市场在汇率形成中发挥越来越大的作用.本文运用多国面板VAR模型系数因子化的方法,研究人民币汇率弹性对全球经常账户失衡的影响.研究结果表明:增强人民币汇率弹性不能显著改善全球经常账户失衡,而中国经济增长对改善全球经常账户失衡有积极的贡献,因此发达国家特别是美国经常账户赤字的调整不应以牺牲中国经济增长为代价,人民币汇率形成机制的改革和汇率弹性的增强也应以不牺牲中国经济增长为底线.  相似文献   

中美经常项目持续失衡是中美两国贸易的矛盾焦点。本文先分析了中美两国经常项目失衡的现状,然后从国际分工、经济增长方式和贸易转移三方面入手,对中美经常项目失衡的根源进行深层次探讨,最后提出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

张明 《金融博览》2005,(7):47-47
当今世界经济的显著特征是全球国际收支严重失衡,这集中表现为美国的巨额经常项目逆差和东亚国家的巨额经常项目顺差。2004年美国经常项目逆差已经达到了6659亿美元,经常项目逆差占GDP的比重超过6%;2004年亚洲地区的经常项目顺差为3132亿美元,外汇储备资产累积已经超过2万亿美元。各种分析均表明,这种全球国际收支严重失衡的格局是不可持续的。  相似文献   

朱超  张林杰 《上海金融》2012,(1):3-12,116
全球外部经济失衡呈现越来越严重的态势,关于全球经常账户均衡决定、可持续性与失衡调整的研究成果也有了快速发展。传统的局部均衡分析方法主要集中在收入、相对价格、支出、结构等方面,而跨期方法与叠代模型的引入使研究有了更合理的分析框架。对经常账户均衡决定因素的挖掘深入到了财政收支、储蓄和投资、生产率冲击、实际汇率、金融制度发展、经济增长与收入变动、人口结构变迁以及由此组成的综合因素。但外部失衡的理论框架解释现实的能力仍不够强,政治思维的进入将使问题复杂化。失衡调整偏重经常账户逆差调整也不适应当前的情况。未来研究中,放松一个小国开放经济的假设,更多地引入不确定性,以及经常账户逆转的临界点、预警指标及逆转的冲击效应将会被高度重视。  相似文献   

评美元贬值对纠正美国经常项目赤字的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管涛 《南方金融》2004,(4):7-11
国际货币基金组织2004年4月中旬发布的《世界经济展望》对于美国经常项目赤字不断扩大对国际外汇市场波动造成的影响表示了担忧。本文就美元贬值对美国纠正经常项目收支失衡的作用进行探讨,指出美国经常项目收支失衡是美国经济结构性问题的反映,与人民币汇率水平无关。  相似文献   

国际收支平衡问题对于一国经济健康、平稳发展具有十分重要的作用。本文针对我国目前国际收支的经常项目于资本项目"双顺差"现象的原因进行探析,从国际收支的基本概念入手,对国际收支失衡从经常账户和资本账户两个方面进行理论分析,最后从国内与国际两个方面总结出我国国际收支失衡的原因。探究国际收支失衡原因对进一步认识我国当前"双顺差"的收支失衡现状具有重要意义。  相似文献   

本文基于全球生产分解模型,实证检验了全球价值链分工对全球失衡的影响。研究发现,参与全球价值链分工会对经常账户产生影响,最终导致全球失衡,且采用上游供给的前向参与对全球失衡存在正向作用,而采取下游需求的后向参与对全球失衡具有负向作用,即不同参与方式对全球失衡具有差异化影响。本文还发现,全球价值链分工参与深浅复杂程度差异、产业类型参与差别对全球失衡均具有差别化影响。本研究为缓解中美贸易摩擦等国家间不必要贸易争端提供有益的理论探索。  相似文献   

The global financial crisis has led to a revival of the empirical literature on current account imbalances. This paper contributes to that literature by investigating the importance of evaluating model and parameter uncertainty prior to reaching any firm conclusion. We explore three alternative econometric strategies: examining all models, selecting a few, and combining them all. Out of thousands (or indeed millions) of models a story emerges. The chance that current accounts were aligned with fundamentals prior to the financial crisis appears to be minimal.  相似文献   

The paper offers an empirical taxonomy of the factors driving China's current account. A simple present-value model with non-tradeable goods explains more than 70 percent of current account variability over the period 1982–2007, including the persistent surpluses since 2001. It also correctly predicts the decline of China's current account since 2008. Expected increases in the prices of non-tradeables (e.g. housing and medical care) and expected declines in net output (GDP less investment and government spending) are the main channels of external adjustment. Much of China's current account surplus seems driven by shocks that have global effects by persistently depressing the world real interest rate. This is consistent with recent theoretical models that suggest that factors related to China's domestic financial development are key in understanding global imbalances.  相似文献   

本文探讨与整合了导致全球失衡的两种重要微观机制:恒久收入-生命周期假说与国际分工理论,并采用最小二乘虚拟变量计量模型(LSDV),利用31个国家1980~2008年相关指标的年度数据进行实证分析,研究结果肯定了借贷约束、股市发展、人口年龄结构、医疗福利以及工业增加值等因素对经常账户不同方向与力度的影响。这意味着,全球失衡一方面依旧可用传统的恒久收入-生命周期假说视角来解释,缓解全球储蓄过剩与全球失衡的治理措施应该从相关微观机制着手;另一方面,该结论说明全球失衡也是国际产业转移和国际分工的结果,各国工业化的差异和演进体现了比较优势原则,全球失衡是全球化时代不可规避的必然现象。  相似文献   

This paper examines whether the international role of the dollar as main global reserve currency has contributed to persistent current account imbalances. To this end, we analyse how central banks' accumulation of reserve assets affects the current account balance of both reserve-accumulating and reserve-providing countries.Based on a simple portfolio balance model we show theoretically that the global demand for reserve assets by central banks may lower the current account balance of the reserve-issuing country. Our panel data analysis over the period 1970–2009 confirms this hypothesis: Any dollar of provided reserve assets decreases the US current account by more than one dollar. On average, the demand for dollar reserves has lowered the US current account by 1–2 percentage points relative to GDP. The flip side of this effect is a higher current account balance in reserve-accumulating countries. These novel findings show that the worldwide demand for international reserves has contributed to the buildup of global imbalances.  相似文献   

Large US current account deficits, financed mainly by East Asian countries and some OPEC members, gave rise to significant global imbalances in recent years. This paper argues that such imbalances are unsustainable going forward. Faced with lower asset valuations and tighter credit access, Americans are likely to curtail consumption and increase personal saving. The resulting decline in US imports will significantly impact export-driven Asian countries. Diminished foreign desire to finance excessive American borrowing, along with rising concerns over dollar's reserve status, will also affect global imbalances. The paper highlights the relevance of the evolving global economic landscape to India.  相似文献   

This paper explores the connection between the much-debated global current account imbalances of the past decade and the U.S. financial collapse. It argues that the connection is an intimate one, although nothing so simple as cause and effect. Instead, the imbalances were a primary symptom of forces that led directly to the financial crash. The paper goes on to examine lessons for reforming the global financial architecture. A major lesson is the need to take a systemic view of global financial stability – a view that analyzes the global economy much as one would analyze an integrated domestic economy.  相似文献   

The euro-area crisis is often linked to the emergence of current account imbalances. As most of the deficit countries experienced pronounced credit booms at the same time that these imbalances were building up, this paper investigates the link between domestic credit developments and the current account balance. Using a panel error correction specification, the estimation results show that flows of bank loans to the non-financial private sector are a significant determinant of the current account and that they – together with changes in competitiveness – constituted the most important factor driving the build-up of current account imbalances in the deficit countries. Accordingly, impeding an increase in private sector indebtedness seems to be a promising way to dampen the formation of unsustainable current account imbalances.  相似文献   

In this lecture I document the proliferation of gross international asset and liability positions and discuss some consequences for individual countries’ external adjustment processes and for global financial stability. In light of the rapid growth of gross global financial flows and the serious risks associated with them, one might wonder about the continuing relevance of the net financial flow measured by the current account balance. I argue that global current account imbalances remain an essential target for policy scrutiny, for financial as well as macroeconomic reasons. Nonetheless, it is critically important for policymakers to monitor as well the rapidly evolving structure of global gross assets and liabilities.  相似文献   

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