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教练型领导能够影响新员工角色社会化,在此过程中领导-成员交换关系以及自我效能感分别发挥着中介和调节作用。笔者基于社会交换和组织认同理论,剖析了教练型领导影响新员工角色社会化的机理。通过对6家大型企业进行问卷调研,并采用层次回归方法,实证检验了教练型领导与新员工角色社会化的关系。实证检验结果显示:教练型领导对新员工角色社会化有显著的促进作用,领导-成员交换关系在其中发挥着中介效应;自我效能感在教练型领导与新员工角色社会化的关系中起正向调节作用,当新员工处于高自我效能感状态时,可以强化领导-成员交换关系的中介效应。基于此,笔者建议企业应注重对新员工的指导和帮助,为其提供便捷有效的沟通渠道,从而提高领导-成员交换关系的水平;管理者还可根据新员工情况进行适度授权,增强新员工的自我效能感。本研究通过揭示教练型领导影响新员工角色社会化机理,从角色社会化层次拓展了组织认同方面的学术性探讨,可为企业激发新员工潜能并增强其组织归属感提供借鉴。  相似文献   

企业员工由于遭遇领导冒犯所引发的反生产行为因领导道歉改变其负面预期而有所减少。笔者基于资源保存理论,在构建了一个企业领导道歉影响员工反生产行为机制模型的基础上,以分别在两个时间点收集的388份有效追踪数据,运用Mplus软件实证检验了企业领导道歉与员工反生产行为的关系及其变化。检验结果证实:企业领导道歉对员工反生产行为具有显著的负向影响;领导认同和情感承诺分别在领导道歉与员工反生产行为关系间发挥中介作用;领导虚伪感知既负向调节领导道歉对领导认同的影响,也负向调节领导认同在领导道歉与员工反生产行为间的中介作用。本文通过将领导认同、情感承诺和领导虚伪感知等变量尝试性地引入到企业领导道歉影响员工反生产行为模型之中并付诸实证检验,拓展了资源保存理论的应用边际,揭示了企业经营中领导道歉与员工反生产行为二者之间的内在关联,丰富了有关企业管理中领导行为方面的现有文献,研究结论可以为企业领导处理内部人际关系和提高企业治理水平提供理论依据。  相似文献   

在知识经济条件下,时代背景、企业长远发展与领导的本质属性,都要求领导工作必须以变革为一切活动的宗旨与核心.理念的变革影响到企业战略的成败,领导者理念的变革至关重要.领导者进行理念变革的路径有:领导者对关系组织生存与发展的政治、经济、文化等变量要有较高的敏感度;要确立组织的远景目标;要坚定改革的信念;要变革组织的系统和结构;要说服与影响员工适应变革,向既定目标前进.  相似文献   

基于权威关系模型和自我归类理论,考量自恋型领导对员工组织忠诚的影响,以及内部人身份感知的中介作用和权力距离导向的调节作用。结果发现:自恋型领导的自主特征正向影响员工组织忠诚,自恋型领导的任性、过度敏感特征负向影响员工组织忠诚;内部人身份感知在自恋型领导与组织忠诚之间发挥部分中介作用;权力距离导向强化了自恋型领导的自主、过度敏感特征对内部人身份感知的影响。  相似文献   

依据企业员工调查问卷数据,基于自我决定理论,考量悖论式领导对员工工作绩效的作用机制和边界条件。结果表明:悖论式领导与员工角色内绩效、角色外绩效均显著正相关,和谐型工作激情在其中发挥中介作用,强迫型工作激情仅中介悖论式领导与角色内绩效之间的关系;角色认同削弱了悖论式领导与和谐型工作激情的正向关系,但会强化悖论式领导对强迫型工作激情的负向影响。  相似文献   

变革型领导与工作满意度相关关系的中介变量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
变革型领导对员工相关工作态度、工作绩效及行为等方面的影响效果及机制问题受到了越来越多学者的关注。工作满意度对企业的发展至关重要,已有研究表明变革型领导风格显著影响员工工作满意度,但它们之间有时并不表现为必然的直接关系,还可能受到中介变量的影响,已被证实具有中介作用的变量包括效能感、心理授权、信任和工作特征等。  相似文献   

基于社会角色理论,依据问卷调研数据,考量服务型领导行为对于员工建言影响机制与边界条件。结果显示:服务型领导行为通过改善领导-员工关系,有助于促进员工产生建言行为,女性领导影响更强。因此,管理者应采取服务型领导行为,促进企业在复杂的竞争中依靠全员智慧得到更好的发展。  相似文献   

史磊 《金卡工程》2009,13(12):233-234
本文介绍一种新的领导理论--变革型领导理论的概念、结构和测量及其实证研究,揭示了该理论在激发员工斗志、提升工作效率方面存在的优势。最后将变革型领导理论与中国传统管理思想结合,给以中国管理实践新启示。  相似文献   

组织中领导行为有效性的新启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
领导行为有效性研究一直是组织行为研究中的一个重点内容。影响领导行为有效性的因素以及如何提高领导的有效性是领导理论研究和实践研究的核心。领导理论的研究成果可分为三个方面,即领导特性理论、领导行为理论和领导权变理论。本文在回顾各类领导理论的基础上,主要以变革型领导理论作为指导依据,进行组织中领导行为有效性的实践研究,主要从领导者如何使用权力,运用权术,如何用人,如何授权,如何控制以及如何创建组织文化以及领导文化方面进行阐述和分析。本文力图从微观和操作层面入手,通过大量的古今中外的领导人物实际案例来分析哪些领导行为是有效的,分析哪种领导行为方式会对领导者及所在团队或组织产生积极的影响。  相似文献   

方宇 《中国外资》2011,(18):132-132
<正>引言领导能力是一种通过一种非强迫的影响力去形成企业的目标,定义企业的文化,激励员工的行为。领导的方式有三种,即专制式的领导,民主式的领导和放任式的领导。企业在管理的过程之中总会遇到一些危机的时刻,然而一种管理的变革是否必要,是一个需要综合分析的问题了。Toyota是在世  相似文献   

银行柜员情绪表现规则和情绪劳动的实证表明:表达积极情绪的表现规则对浅层行为、深层行为具有正向影响;抑制消极情绪的表现规则对浅层行为具有正向影响,对深层行为具有负向影响,深层行为和表达积极情绪的表现规则相关性较高,浅层行为和抑制消极情绪的表现规则相关性较高。  相似文献   

The aim of this paper was to study the structural relationship on an path analysis between 13 se-lected variables, explaining a model of occupational health and labor climate: variables of culture (leadership and organizational support), climate (communication and cohesion), burnout (wear emo-tional, depersonalization and dissatisfaction achievement) commitment (affective, normative and continuity) and psychosomatic manifestations (sleep, gastrointestinal and pain). A sample of 1629 subjects of a multinational telecommunications company was used. Two structural models were performed in path analysis using AMOS-IBM version 19, program using the maximum likelihood method, after appropriate testing setting, a path model with 12 significant variables was obtained, eliminating organizational support perceived, a satisfactory reliability was obtained by Cronbach's alfa, the model can be compared and improved in subsequent studies. The burnout explained by route analysis, the importance of a good organizational climate and culture to increase affective commitment, and decrease psychosomatic manifestations. As a model of occupational health, the findings are important for the diagnosis, prevention or intervention in occupational health through studies of organizational climate.  相似文献   

Research has not yet provided conclusive confirmation or disconfirmation of any model that discusses the relationship between job satisfaction (JS) and job performance (JP). This article reviews the relationship in the financial services industry setting and examines in line with the precedents (perceived organizational support, role ambiguity, role conflict (RC), work-family conflict (WFC), emotional exhaustion (EE)) and the consequences (organizational commitment). Findings suggest that, in the financial services industry, JP causes JS and has a positive effect on organizational commitment. This study also finds that WFC serves as an antecedent to RC, EE and JS. Most importantly, the finding that WFC is significantly related to RC is new and thus needs to be confirmed in different industry settings.  相似文献   


Financial authorities basically regard low financial literacy rate and poor information and communication technology as the major challenges facing financial inclusion drive, particularly among rural dwellers in Nigeria. No study has assessed the cause of low financial inclusion from the financial services marketers’ emotional labor perspective. This quantitative study attempted to close this gap by exploring how emotional labor variables relate to financial services sales performance and job satisfaction among bank marketers. Primary data were collected from 417 bank marketers operating in Edo and Delta States. Partial least squares structural equation modeling was used to test the formulated hypotheses. The outcomes show that surface acting has a significant negative effect on financial service sales outcomes and job satisfaction, while deep acting was found to have a significant positive effect on financial service sales outcomes and job satisfaction among bank marketers.


This study explores the causes or antecedents of budget participation to understand more fully the role of participation in the workplace. The study focuses on the reasons why superiors encourage the budget participation of their subordinates and draws upon several theoretical perspectives including leadership theory, agency theory and organizational justice. To examine the issues, a survey was administered to managers and supervisors in several companies. Results of path analysis suggest that superiors encourage subordinate participation when the superior's leadership style is considerate. This implies that budget participation may mediate the relation between leadership style and work outcomes. Results also suggest that superiors encourage participation when budget goals are used in the performance evaluation of subordinates, in which case, the study argues, the superiors encourage participation because of concerns about organizational justice. This finding implies that budget participation may mediate the relation between the evaluative use of budget and those work outcomes that prior research has linked to organizational justice. The proposed relation between information asymmetry and budget participation is not supported.  相似文献   

This paper aimed to evaluate how transformational leadership behaviour is associated with patient safety culture in a hospital context. In line with findings from other high-hazard industries, we predicted that in hospitals, executives’ perceived emphasis on transformational behaviour would positively influence the frequency of events reported by staff on the front line of service provision. Our hypothesis was confirmed by fitting a multivariable regression model to a sample of 507 medical directors of German acute-care hospitals. Results revealed transformational leadership in hospitals was a significant predictor of the reporting frequency of safety events, as perceived by medical directors. Our findings highlighted the critical role that executive behaviour plays in staff participation in patient safety initiatives. Preventing patients from unintended harm can then be traced back to the organisational level that is the farthest away from direct patient interaction. Consequently, these findings may provide guidance for hospitals aiming to raise employees’ awareness of patient safety and prevent unintended patient harm prospectively.  相似文献   

Literature shows that female (male) managers are more likely to adopt a transformational (transactional) leadership style, as well as make greater (lesser) use of information for decision-making. We draw on this research to investigate whether gender is related to a manager's use of management control systems (MCS) and performance measures. We surveyed the head of school of all schools across all Australian public universities. Our results indicate that females use MCS in an interactive manner to a greater extent than their male counterparts and make greater use of non-financial performance measures. We conclude with contributions to theory and practice.  相似文献   

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