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In the context of an insurance portfolio which provides dividend income for the insurance company’s shareholders, an important problem in risk theory is how the premium income will be paid to the shareholders as dividends according to a barrier strategy until the next claim occurs whenever the surplus attains the level of ‘barrier’. In this paper, we are concerned with the estimation of optimal dividend barrier, defined as the level of the barrier that maximizes the expected discounted dividends until ruin, under the widely used compound Poisson model as the aggregate claims process. We propose a semi-parametric statistical procedure for estimation of the optimal dividend barrier, which is critically needed in applications. We first construct a consistent estimator of the objective function that is complexly related to the expected discounted dividends and then the estimated optimal dividend barrier as the minimizer of the estimated objective function. In theory, we show that the constructed estimator of the optimal dividend barrier is statistically consistent. Numerical experiments by both simulated and real data analyses demonstrate that the proposed estimators work reasonably well with an appropriate size of samples.  相似文献   


We consider a compound Poisson risk model in which part of the premium is paid to the shareholders as dividends when the surplus exceeds a specified threshold level. In this model we are interested in computing the moments of the total discounted dividends paid until ruin occurs. However, instead of employing the traditional argument, which involves conditioning on the time and amount of the first claim, we provide an alternative probabilistic approach that makes use of the (defective) joint probability density function of the time of ruin and the deficit at ruin in a classical model without a threshold. We arrive at a general formula that allows us to evaluate the moments of the total discounted dividends recursively in terms of the lower-order moments. Assuming the claim size distribution is exponential or, more generally, a finite shape and scale mixture of Erlangs, we are able to solve for all necessary components in the general recursive formula. In addition to determining the optimal threshold level to maximize the expected value of discounted dividends, we also consider finding the optimal threshold level that minimizes the coefficient of variation of discounted dividends. We present several numerical examples that illustrate the effects of the choice of optimality criterion on quantities such as the ruin probability.  相似文献   

We study an optimal investment control problem for an insurance company. The surplus process follows the Cramer-Lundberg process with perturbation of a Brownian motion. The company can invest its surplus into a risk-free asset and a Black-Scholes risky asset. The optimization objective is to minimize the probability of ruin. We show by new operators that the minimal ruin probability function is a classical solution to the corresponding HJB equation. Asymptotic behaviors of the optimal investment control policy and the minimal ruin probability function are studied for low surplus levels with a general claim size distribution. Some new asymptotic results for large surplus levels in the case with exponential claim distributions are obtained. We consider two cases of investment control: unconstrained investment and investment with a limited amount.  相似文献   


The probability of ruin is investigated under the influence of a premium rate which varies with the level of free reserves. Section 4 develops a number of inequalities for the ruin probability, establishing upper and lower bounds for it in Theorem 4. Theorem 5 gives an expression for the ruin probability, and it is seen in Section 5 that this amounts to a generalization of the ruin probability given by Gerber for the special case of a negative exponential claim size distribution. In that same section it is shown the Lundberg's inequality is not derivable from the generalized theory of Section 4, and this is seen as a drawback of the methods used there. Sections 6 and 7 deal with some special cases, including claim size distributions with monotone failure rates. Section 8 shows that, in contrast with the result for a constant premium that the probability of ruin for zero initial reserve is independent of the claim size distribution, the same result does not hold when the premium rate is allowed to vary. Section 9 gives some comments on the possible effect of “dangerousness” of a claim size distribution on ruin probability.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the optimal proportional reinsurance strategy in a risk model with two dependent classes of insurance business, where the two claim number processes are correlated through a common shock component. Under the criterion of maximizing the expected exponential utility with the variance premium principle, we adopt a nonstandard approach to examining the existence and uniqueness of the optimal reinsurance strategy. Using the technique of stochastic control theory, closed-form expressions for the optimal strategy and the value function are derived for the compound Poisson risk model as well as for the Brownian motion risk model. From the numerical examples, we see that the optimal results for the compound Poisson risk model are very different from those for the diffusion model. The former depends not only on the safety loading, time, and the interest rate, but also on the claim size distributions and the claim number processes, while the latter depends only on the safety loading, time, and the interest rate.  相似文献   


In this paper asset and liability values are modeled by geometric Brownian motions. In the first part of the paper we consider a pension plan sponsor with the funding objective that the pension asset value is to be within a band that is proportional to the pension liability value. Whenever the asset value is about to fall below the lower barrier or boundary of the band, the sponsor will provide sufficient funds to prevent this from happening. If, on the other hand, the asset value is about to exceed the upper barrier of the band, the assets are reduced by the potential overflow and returned to the sponsor. This paper calculates the expected present value of the payments to be made by the sponsor as well as that of the refunds to the sponsor. In particular we are interested in situations where these two expected values are equal. In the second part of the paper the refunds at the upper barrier are interpreted as the dividends paid to the shareholders of a company according to a barrier strategy. However, if the (modified) asset value ever falls to the liability value, which is the lower barrier, “ruin” takes place, and no more dividends can be paid. We derive an explicit expression for the expected discounted dividends before ruin. From this we find an explicit expression for the proportionality constant of the upper barrier that maximizes the expected discounted dividends. If the initial asset value is the optimal upper barrier, there is a particularly simple and intriguing expression for the expected discounted dividends, which can be interpreted as the present value of a deterministic perpetuity with exponentially growing payments.  相似文献   


The problem of maximal stop-loss premium under prescribed constraints on claim size distribution is taken up again. The methods of linear programming are used to show that the recent results of others are intuitively obvious. These results are then extended by the linear programming technique to cases of more general constraints, e.g. prescribed claim size variance, or prescribed minimum frequency of excess claims. In particular it is shown that, typically, the upper bound on stop-loss premiums is generated by a claim size distribution which has all its mass concentrated at very few points. In contrast with the results obtained by others recently, it is seen that the claim size distribution which produces the maximal stop-loss premium is not generally independent of the excess. Some numerical examples are given showing that the methods used here can sometimes improve considerably the recent results of others. The case of a compound Poisson distribution is treated briefly.  相似文献   


In classical risk theory often stationary premium and claim processes are considered. In some cases it is more convenient to model non-stationary processes which describe a movement from environmental conditions, for which the premiums were calculated, to less favorable circumstances. This is done by a Markov-modulated Poisson claim process. Moreover the insurance company is allowed to stop the process at some random time, if the situation seems unfavorable, in order to calculate new premiums. This leads to an optimal stopping problem which is solved explicitly to some extent.  相似文献   

This article presents a new credibility estimation of the probability distributions of risks under Bayes settings in a completely nonparametric framework. In contrast to the Ferguson's Bayesian nonparametric method, it does not need to specify a mathematical form of the prior distribution (such as a Dirichlet process). We then show the applications of the method in general insurance premium pricing, a procedure commonly known as experience rating, which utilizes the insured's claim experience to calculate a proper premium under a given premium principle (referred to as a risk measure). As this method estimates the probability distributions of losses, not just the means and variances, it provides a unified nonparametric framework to experience rating for arbitrary premium principles. This encompasses the advantages of the well-known Bühlmann's and Ferguson's approaches, while it overcomes their drawbacks. We first establish a linear Bayes method and prove its strong consistency in nonparametric settings that require only knowledge of the first two moments of the loss distributions considered as a stochastic process. Then an empirical Bayes method is developed for the more general situation where a portfolio of risks is observed but no knowledge is available or assumed on their loss and prior distributions, including their moments. It is shown to be asymptotically optimal. The performance of our estimates in comparison with traditional methods is also evaluated through theoretical analysis and numerical studies, which show that our approach produces premium estimates close to the optima.  相似文献   


We consider a renewal risk model with generalized Erlang distributed interarrival times. We assume that the phases of the interarrival time can be observed. In order to solve de Finetti's dividend problem, we first consider phasewise barrier strategies and look for the optimal barriers when the initial capital is 0. For exponentially distributed claim sizes, we show that the barrier strategy is optimal among all admissible strategies. For the special case of Erlang(2) interarrival times, we calculate the value function and the optimal barriers.  相似文献   


In this paper, we consider the optimal proportional reinsurance problem in a risk model with the thinning-dependence structure, and the criterion is to minimize the probability that the value of the surplus process drops below some fixed proportion of its maximum value to date which is known as the probability of drawdown. The thinning dependence assumes that stochastic sources related to claim occurrence are classified into different groups, and that each group may cause a claim in each insurance class with a certain probability. By the technique of stochastic control theory and the corresponding Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman equation, the optimal reinsurance strategy and the corresponding minimum probability of drawdown are derived not only for the expected value principle but also for the variance premium principle. Finally, some numerical examples are presented to show the impact of model parameters on the optimal results.  相似文献   

Reinsurance is available for a reinsurance premium that is determined according to a convex premium principle H. The first insurer selects the reinsurance coverage that maximizes its expected utility. No conditions are imposed on the reinsurer's payment. The optimality condition involves the gradient of H. For several combinations of H and the first insurer's utility function, closed-form formulas for the optimal reinsurance are given. If H is a zero utility principle (for example, an exponential principle or an expectile principle), it is shown, by means of Borch's Theorem, that the optimal reinsurer's payment is a function of the total claim amount and that this function satisfies the so-called 1-Lipschitz condition. Frequently, authors impose these two conclusions as hypotheses at the outset.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the optimal dividend problem with transaction costs when the incomes of a company can be described by an upward jump model. Both fixed and proportional costs are considered in the problem. The value function is defined as the expected total discounted dividends up to the time of ruin. Although the same problem has already been studied in the pure diffusion model and the spectrally negative Lévy process, the optimal dividend problem in an upward jump model has two different aspects in determining the optimal dividends barrier and in the property of the value function. First, the value function is twice continuous differentiable in the diffusion case, but it is not in the jump model. Second, under the spectrally negative Lévy process, downward jumps will not cause any payment actions; however, it might trigger dividend payments when there are upward jumps. In deriving the optimal barriers, we show that the value function is bounded by a linear function. Using this property, we establish the verification theorem for the value function. By solving the quasi-variational inequalities associated with this problem, we obtain the closed-form solution to the value function and hence the optimal dividend strategy when the income sizes follow a common exponential distribution. In the presence of a fixed transaction cost, it is shown that the optimal strategy is a two-barrier policy, and the optimal barriers are only dependent on the fixed cost and not the proportional cost. A numerical example is used to illustrate how the fixed cost plays a significant role in the optimal dividend strategy and also the value function. Moreover, an increased fixed cost results in larger but less frequent dividend payments.  相似文献   


It is basic actuarial knowledge that the pure premium of an insurance contract can be written as the product of the expected claim number and the expected claim amount. Actuaries use credibility theory to incorporate the contract’s individual experience into this calculation in a statistically optimal way. For many years, however, the use of credibility was limited to the frequency component. Starting with the paper by Hewitt (1971), there have been various suggestions as to how credibility theory also can be applied to the severity component of the pure premium. The latest such suggestion, Frees (2003), revived the interest in the problem.

In this paper, we review four different formulas incorporating frequency and severity into credibility calculations. We then compare by simulation which one is most accurate at predicting a contract’s next-year outcome. It is found that the classical formula of Bühlmann (1967) is as good as the other ones in many cases. Alternatives, however, may offer easier analysis of the separate effects of frequency and severity on the premium.

We also show that all the formulas reviewed in this paper stem from the same minimization problem, and we present a general, integrated, solution. At the same time, we complete Gerber (1972) by providing a proof to the main result of this paper and by stating required additional assumptions.  相似文献   


This paper deals with the problem of designing experience rating systems of the bonus type, commonly used in automobile insurance. On the basis of a simple model the mean squared deviation between a policy's expected claim amount and its premium in the nth insurance period as n→∞, is taken as a measure of the efficiency of a bonus system. It is shown that to any set of bonus rules (which determines the bonus class transitions of the policies), there is an optimal premium scale, which coincides with the one proposed by Pesonen in 1963. Thus the problem of choosing an efficient bonus system reduces to choosing efficient bonus rules. Examples are given of comparison between different bonus rules. In one example the present Norwegian bonus system is compared to alternative systems. Comments are made on earlier papers on bonus systems. The credibility theoretic foundation is laid in a separate section.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of finding an optimal dividend policy for a class of jump-diffusion processes. The jump component is a compound Poisson process with negative jumps, and the drift and diffusion components are assumed to satisfy some regularity and growth restrictions. Each dividend payment is changed by a fixed and a proportional cost, meaning that if ?? is paid out by the company, the shareholders receive k???K, where k and K are positive. The aim is to maximize expected discounted dividends until ruin. It is proved that when the jumps belong to a certain class of light-tailed distributions, the optimal policy is a simple lump sum policy, that is, when assets are equal to or larger than an upper barrier $\bar{u}^{*}$ , they are immediately reduced to a lower barrier $\underline{u}^{*}$ through a dividend payment. The case with K=0 is also investigated briefly, and the optimal policy is shown to be a reflecting barrier policy for the same light-tailed class. Methods to numerically verify whether a simple lump sum barrier strategy is optimal for any jump distribution are provided at the end of the paper, and some numerical examples are given.  相似文献   

A group of distinguished finance academics and practitioners discuss a number of topical issues in corporate financial management: Is there such a thing as an optimal, or value‐maximizing, capital structure for a given company? What proportion of a firm's current earnings should be distributed to the firm's shareholders? And under what circumstances should such distributions take the form of stock repurchases rather than dividends? The consensus that emerges is that a company's financing and payout policies should be designed to support its business strategy. For growth companies, the emphasis is on preserving financial flexibility to carry out the business plan, which means heavy reliance on equity financing and limited payouts. But for companies in mature industries with few major investment opportunities, more aggressive use of debt and higher payouts can add value both by reducing taxes and controlling the corporate free cash flow problem. In such cases, both leveraged financing and cash distributions through dividends and stock buybacks signal management's commitment to its shareholders that the firm's excess cash will not be wasted on projects that produce low‐return growth that comes at the expense of profitability. As for the choice between dividends and stock repurchases, dividends provide a stronger commitment to pay out excess cash than open market repurchase programs. Stock buybacks, at least of the open market variety, preserve more flexibility for companies that want to be able to capitalize on unpredictable investment opportunities. But, as with the debt‐equity decision, there is an optimal level of financial flexibility: too little can mean lost investment opportunities, but too much can lead to overinvestment.  相似文献   


An explicit solution for the probability of ruin in the presence of an absorbing upper barrier was developed by Segerdahl (1970) for the particular case in which both the interoccurrence times between successive claims and the single claim amounts follow an exponential distribution with unit mean. In this paper we show that his method of solution may be extended to produce explicit solutions for two more general types of single claim amount distribution. These are the gamma distribution, denoted γ(a), where a is an integer, and the mixed exponential distribution. Comparisons are drawn between this approach when the upper barrier tends to infinity, and the classical solution for ruin probability in these particular cases given in Cramér (1955).  相似文献   

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