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It is a planners’ common argument that one of the main sources of vacant land is developers’ speculation. Consequently, in order to reduce vacant land, it is also a common policy to charge extra taxes to this kind of lots as a way to force development. Using a rich data base from Santiago, Chile, this paper investigates on the determinants of urban vacant land. We find that amongst the most important elements driving unused sites in Santiago are public regulations. Hence, practitioners must be aware about this issue before implement a policy to reduce vacant land because it could have the opposite result.  相似文献   

会计作为一种微观计量机制,在维护产权权能、实现产权利益和内部化外部性过程中处于最基础、最重要和最具操作性的地位。外部性内部化的"结果"产生了"产权",而外部性内部化的"过程"则催生了"会计"。会计对外部性内部化的贡献与生俱来:会计的本质是外部性内部化,会计的目标是内部化外部性,会计的职能是界定财权和保护财权,会计的对象是财权流。会计是以货币为主要量度,依据公认标准来界定财权(产权)和保护财权(产权)以内部化外部性的微观计量系统。  相似文献   

This article reveals aspects of lakefront property pricing especially with respect to lot frontage and depth. A clearer understanding of how these lot dimensions affect price should be of interest to those engaged in lake development, land use control, valuation, and marketing. A data set with eighty observations of vacant Lake Michigan residential properties sales is used. The unique geography of northwest Michigan provides an opportunity to tackle empirical issues associated with zoning when zoning is correlated with lot attributes, such as lot topography.  相似文献   

Driving luxury cars creates negative externalities. Driving a luxury car increases property damage liability insurance costs for all drivers due to the striking differences in repair costs of luxury cars and nonluxury cars in Korea. In this study, we estimate the externalities related to auto accidents involving luxury cars by running a two‐part model using unbalanced individual‐level panel data on insurance claims and characteristics of the insured party. We find evidence of negative externalities in all of our results. To be specific, a 1 percent increase in luxury cars raises the property damage liability costs by 1.9–2.6 percent per claim. The estimated nationwide increase in the cost of liability due to driving of luxury cars in Korea is USD 139–196 million per year. This cost is shared by all drivers nationwide.  相似文献   

Investment patterns often associated with agency and information problems can emerge as rational responses to product-market rivalry. We illustrate this result when industry players make simultaneous or sequential investment decisions in the face of two negative externalities. One externality arises when all competing firms invest, thus eroding the gains to investment accruing to any one firm. Another externality arises when some firms do not invest and lose out to rivals who do invest. The value of investment therefore depends on the investment’s intrinsic merits and the actions of all competitors. Our analysis can rationalize investment patterns that might appear suboptimal when such externalities are ignored. For instance, our simultaneous model can justify investment levels that might otherwise be interpreted as under- or over-investment. Our sequential model shows that value-maximizing firms might optimally herd in their investment decisions. We present evidence supporting key aspects of both the simultaneous and sequential models.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the impact of remuneration practices on banks’ risk-taking in a model with fire sales externalities. When these externalities are not internalized by a bank's shareholders and executives, borrowing and fire sales are higher than the socially optimal level. Our analysis shows that plain-vanilla equity fails to internalize fire sales externalities. Deferred equity and long-term bonuses unrelated to short-term profits can restore social efficiency. Bail-in bonds can achieve efficiency at a smaller cost since they allow for state-contingent payments. It is not the level but the composition of variable compensation that determines the inefficiency. Excessive regulation may lead to suboptimal levels of risk-taking. Government guarantees reinforce the fire sales externalities and the need for regulation.  相似文献   

Designation of historic properties and historic districts is increasingly used as a means to revive central-city neighborhoods and to promote urban economic development. While preservation activities are thought to generate positive externalities for surrounding neighborhoods, these external effects have been difficult to quantify. Using a database of tax-appraisal records for residential properties in Abilene, Texas, this study demonstrates that there are significant, positive externalities associated with historic designation. We perform simple cost-benefit calculations and find that the internal and external benefits more than outweigh the (nonzero) costs associated with historical designation. Moreover, from the city of Abilene's perspective the property-tax incentives provided to historic reinvestment are outweighed by the added property-tax revenue created by the increased value.  相似文献   

We analyze a model of mortgage markets, housing tenure choice, heterogeneous agents, and default with closed form solutions. We uncover new insights which may inspire empirical work, and we ground already established insights in a series of tractable expressions. Then we study optimal loan‐to‐value (LTV) regulation and show that the choice of an LTV cap should balance the opposing forces of access to homeownership and the negative externalities associated with default. Homeownership affordability concerns induce procyclical elements into optimal regulation which attenuate the countercyclical regulation justified by the negative default externalities.  相似文献   

基于珠三角城市群面板数据,运用全面FGLS方法考量生产性服务业集聚对工业竞争力提升的影响。结果表明:生产性服务业集聚对工业企业竞争力提升具有显著的促进作用,反映为对工业企业获利能力的贡献。其中,物流业、金融业、技术服务业和商务服务业对工业企业利润率的贡献依次递减,表明现阶段传统生产性服务业的支撑作用更大。鉴此,应构建国家价值链,减少对外资的依赖,加大科学和教育的投入,推进基础设施建设等,以助于工业竞争力的提升。  相似文献   

This article considers the use of legal liability as a tool for internalizing environmental externalities, considering specifically the implications for land markets. The discussion focuses on liability under CERCLA. A simple model of land markets is used to evaluate alternative assignments of liability in terms of their impacts on decisions to buy and sell property and to invest in pollution abatement. The results suggest that the existence of a land market can alter the effect of the liability rule. In some cases the land market can eliminate an inefficiency that would otherwise exist, while in other cases it can create one.  相似文献   

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