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We demonstrate that legislation has a simple, yet previously undetected, impact on stock prices. Exploiting the voting record of legislators whose constituents are the affected industries, we show that the votes of these “interested” legislators capture important information seemingly ignored by the market. A long-short portfolio based on these legislators' views earns abnormal returns of over 90 basis points per month following the passage of legislation. Industries that we classify as beneficiaries of legislation experience significantly more positive earnings surprises and positive analyst revisions in the months following passage of the bill, as well as significantly higher future sales and profitability. We show that the more complex the legislation, the more difficulty the market has in assessing the impact of these bills. Further, the more concentrated the legislator's interest in the industry, the more informative are her votes for future returns.  相似文献   

In this paper we re-examine the theoretical foundations and empirical estimation of models which incorporate a CES utility function to study the nearness of money substitutes. We show that previous studies using these models have been subject to a number of theoretical and empirical flaws. The result of these flaws has been to overestimate the degree of substitutability between money and near money assets. We show that when these errors are corrected, estimates of substitution elasticities are several times smaller than even those of the most recent studies and therefore are more in line with estimates from more traditional demand for money studies.  相似文献   

Recent studies have implied that the capital market has become more efficient with respect to the announcements of stock splits and corporate earnings. This study calculated residual returns associated with these announcements and then tested, by time period (early and late years), for a between period difference. The results suggest that for certain earnings and split announcements the market is no more efficient than it has been in the past.  相似文献   

本文采用"因子分析法"合成2000-2009浙江市场化指数,结果显示浙江省市场化程度总体呈平稳上升态势,2009年已经达到79.55%,说明浙江正逐步向现代化市场经济转型。但是,在浙江市场化改革快速推进的同时,政府管理体制、非国有经济、要素市场、金融市场和中介组织等领域存在的问题也日渐显现,需要采取多种举措着力推进这些重要领域的改革。  相似文献   

随着国家“十二五”规划的出台,经济结构调整、经济发展方式转变、进一步提高综合国力和抵御风险能力已经是我国经济改革过程当中的重要任务。在此情况下,各家商业银行根据自身的经营状况纷纷推出一系列经营举措,以适应经济发展要求,提高持续发展能力。本文通过考察中国工商银行驻一汽支行近三年来的经营发展状况总结了国有商业银行在经营发展方式转变中取得的成绩和存在的差距,着力分析在市场变化的前提下基层商业银行经营中应对变化的敏感性和前瞻性,以切实提高基层国有商业银行的行业竞争力,使其在激烈的竞争中保持稳步、健康、可持续发展。  相似文献   

In many countries consolidation in the banking industry has reduced the number of small banks and led to significant shifts in market shares; deregulation has fostered entry in local credit markets and the expansion of branch networks, increasing competition in local markets. Small businesses are believed to be more vulnerable to these changes, since they are more dependent on credit from local banks. In this paper we investigate the consequences of consolidation and entry for these borrowers compared with those for large firms. We employ a data set for Italy, which provides information on volumes of loans and bad loans by size of borrower with a detailed geographical partition. We find that mergers are followed by a temporary reduction in outstanding credit to all sizes of borrowers and by an increase in bad loans, most likely due to the reassessment of banks portfolios. Entry has a relatively persistent negative impact on credit supply to small and medium-sized firms. Our results also show that concentration, branch density and the share of branches of small banks affect the volumes of credit and bad loans of small borrowers.  相似文献   

2013年,山东省深入贯彻落实中央各项决策部署,积极应对复杂严峻的国内外环境,全省经济呈现稳中有进、稳中向好发展态势。金融业继续保持快速健康发展势头,社会融资总量稳定增长,金融生态环境和基础设施不断改善,地方金融业发展活力进一步释放,有力地支持了全省经济转型升级和持续健康发展。但区域经济稳中向好发展的基础尚不够稳固,受宏观经济环境影响,各类金融风险因素明显增多,部分区域、行业和重点企业风险暴露呈多发态势,金融机构稳健性经营面临较大压力。  相似文献   

现阶段,社会各界人士对"健康"这一词给予高度评价,尤其是"健康第一"的指导思想被大众所接受。从教育这个角度出发,高校学生身心健康问题越来越受到社会的关注。学校体育文化酝酿着丰富的内容和崇高的文化价值,对高校学生的身心健康有积极的影响。通过对内蒙古财经学院学生课外体育活动现状的调查与分析,探讨了新形势下以学校现有的条件如何进一步推动体育工作,以及培养学生对体育的兴趣和开展好课外体育活动的新途径。根据这些内容具体提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

The last two decades have seen a stream of innovation in financial markets, especially in corporate bonds. Some of these innovations—notably, hybrid debt—have provided firms with more flexibility in designing cash flows on borrowings, allowing them to match cash flows on financing more closely to cash flows on assets. In so doing, the use of such innovative securities has increased corporate debt capacity and hence firm value.
But if such changes have been mostly good news for corporate treasurers, the relentless torrent of innovation has sometimes resulted in firms issuing these new securities for the wrong reasons. Some have done so to take advantage of loopholes in the way ratings agencies and regulatory agencies define debt and equity—and others to exploit perceived pricing anomalies—without considering the effect of such securities on the firm's overall risk profile. In this context, it is worth noting that as corporate bonds have become more complex, investment bankers have made themselves indispensable to the process by providing pricing as well as selling support. This article aims to help managers distinguish when financing with complex securities serves their company's interests, and when it can end up hurting them.  相似文献   

杜娟 《时代金融》2012,(27):70+72
在新时期下,随着市场竞争的不断发展,越来越多的行业采用非法手段进行竞争,在每一个工程项目中都涉及到工程经济管理内容,工程企业从投入到完成质量各方面都存在着风险,因此,必须对这些存在的风险进行分析,以更好地对不同的风险进行分析和控制,来确保工程经济管理的科学性。  相似文献   

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