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我国自2007年1月1日起实施的新会计准则,扩大了合并报表净利润与母公司报表净利润之间的差异。本文研究新旧准则下该差异相对于合并报表净利润的增量信息含量的变化。实证结果显示,上述差异在旧准则下并没有为母公司投资者的股票定价决策带来额外的信息;而在新准则下,该差异的决策相关性显著提高,并能提供合并报表净利润之外的增量信息含量。这就意味着,合并报表净利润中已包括但母公司报表净利润中未包括的子公司已实现而未分配盈余,能够在合并报表净利润基础上提供增量信息含量。  相似文献   

合并报表是反映企业集团财务状况、经营成果和现金流量的重要信息,对于母公司及母公司股东如何利用合并报表进行管理来说尤为重要.本文旨在从合并报表的编制出发,研究合并报表对财务、税务的影响,希望在利用合并报表进行管理上有所启示.  相似文献   

本文选择了2009年至2014年的ST企业,及因欠款未还被提起诉讼、因债务重组低价出售资产、资不抵债和因虚构利润被违规处理的企业作为财务危机样本,运用Logistic回归建立财务危机预警模型,实证对比了合并报表与母公司报表的财务危机预警效果差异。研究结论显示,合并报表的总体预警效果略优于母公司报表;但当母公司采用经营主导型战略时,母公司报表数据的财务预警效果优于合并报表;当母公司采用投资主导型战略时,随着合并报表包含的增量信息增多,其财务危机预警效果较明显的优于母公司报表。论文进一步拓展了合并报表与母公司报表信息有用性的比较研究,丰富了债权人视角下财务危机预警有效性的研究。  相似文献   

本文考察了新、旧准则下合并报表净利润对银行信贷决策有用性的变化,以及新、旧准则下合并—母公司净利润差异对银行信贷决策有用性的变化。研究发现,合并报表净利润是银行信贷决策的重要依据,新准则下合并报表净利润与债务契约的相关性减弱,且公允价值变动损益高的公司更明显。论文还发现,新准则实施后,合并—母公司净利润差异与企业获得银行借款的相关性减弱,说明新准则下的合并母公司净利润差异为银行信贷决策提供了新的信息含量。  相似文献   

本文选择了2009年至2014年的ST企业,及因欠款未还被提起诉讼、因债务重组低价出售资产、资不抵债和因虚构利润被违规处理的企业作为财务危机样本,运用Logistic回归建立财务危机预警模型,实证对比了合并报表与母公司报表的财务危机预警效果差异。研究结论显示,合并报表的总体预警效果略优于母公司报表;但当母公司采用经营主导型战略时,母公司报表数据的财务预警效果优于合并报表;当母公司采用投资主导型战略时,随着合并报表包含的增量信息增多,其财务危机预警效果较明显的优于母公司报表。论文进一步拓展了合并报表与母公司报表信息有用性的比较研究,丰富了债权人视角下财务危机预警有效性的研究。  相似文献   

会计利润作为权责发生制会计程序的最终产品,作为利润表的“底线数字”,是否能够或在多大程度上如实反映企业的经营成果?2003年有7家沪市上市公司年度报告显示利润总额为负而净利润为正,如果这7家公司的利润总额和净利润都是“以实际发生的交易或事项为依据”的会计确认和计量结果,那么究竟哪个数字与投资者决策更为相关?本文拟就此类现象进行探讨。扣除少数股权所承担的损失合并会计报表是将上市公司(母公司)及其控制的企业(子公司)视为单一实体来提供财务信息。因此在编制合并报表时,将子公司的全部资产、负债、权益以及收入、费用等逐项…  相似文献   

会计报表信息是财务决策、控制分析和业绩评价的主要依据.但是现行财务管理技术和分析指标都是对单个企业的普通财务报表而言的.然而集团企业的普及和发展使合并报表成为报表的主体类型.由于合并会计报表编制基础、过程处理、方法使用、程序繁琐等诸多方面的特殊性,合并报表的财务决策也就有其不同之处.本文旨在分析基于合并会计报表的财务决策与控制的几个特殊问题,旨在引起大家的特别关注.  相似文献   

合并报表与母公司报表的有用性:理论分析与经验检验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
本文从我国要求母公司同时编制和提供合并报表和母公司报表这一制度安排出发,检验了合并报表和母公司报表的有用性。研究得出,按照现行会计制度编制的合并报表在预测集团经营成果和现金流量方面并没有显著优于母公司报表。在分析上市公司的综合财务状况和偿债能力方面,母公司报表可以提供显著的增量信息。  相似文献   

关于母公司对子公司长期投资的核算方式,旧会计准则、新会计准则、国际会计准则的规定各不相同.旧准则规定:母公司对子公司的长期投资采用权益法核算;新会计准则规定:母公司对子公司长期投资日会计实务应采用成本法核算,编制合并报表时调整为权益法;而国际会计准则规定:母公司对子公司日常会计实务采用成本法核算,编制合并报表时不要求调整为权益法.  相似文献   

现金股利政策与会计稳健性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以沪深两市2007年-2010年A股上市公司为样本,实证检验了现金股利政策与会计稳健性之间的关系。经验证据表明:实施新会计准则后,我国上市公司财务报告具有显著的会计稳健性;相比未分配现金股利的上市公司,分配了现金股利的上市公司的会计稳健性要低;受短期借款的刚性约束,上市公司并不能大肆分配现金股利,其现金股利支付水平与会计稳健性正相关,并且不受控股权性质的影响。通过充分发挥债务尤其长期借款的治理功能以提高会计稳健性,能有效缓解大股东与中小股东、债权人之间的利益冲突。  相似文献   

Because investors and creditors often compare the financial statements of similar or competing firms when deciding how to allocate their funds, it is likely that a firm's financial well-being depends on how well it performs relative to its rivals. In this paper, we consider the problem of earnings management as a non-cooperative game among several firms, in which each firm seeks a comparison advantage through its financial statement numbers. Our model indicates that firms may exaggerate their earnings in a world driven by multi-firm-comparisons simply because they expect other firms to do so. Thus, very little may be needed for earnings management to emerge in the Nash equilibrium. Our results hold under the following conditions. First, investors and creditors are not able to unravel the earnings management, thus ensuring that some information asymmetry remains. Second, investors and creditors make inter-firm comparisons when assessing firm value. Third, firms care about their own fundamental value as well as the market's perception about firm value. We also show that the equilibrium amount of earnings management depends on the characteristics of the earnings management technique itself and on the proportion of stockholders who are long-term investors in the firm.  相似文献   

以沪深上市公司为样本,检验盈余信息和股利政策在不同收益上的解释作用,并深入研究盈余信息分别与现金股利、股票股利和多种分配方案等三个层面的股利政策的交互关系。结果表明:在大多数收益水平上,盈余信息和股利政策显著影响市场收益水平,而且二者之间存在显著的交互关系。具体而言,现金股利变化与盈余变化在不同收益水平上具有不同的交互影响;而股票股利与盈余信息的交互影响在各收益水平上均不十分突出;多种分配方案中的"综合政策"与盈余变动在各收益水平上表现出较大的正向交互影响。  相似文献   

基于债务契约假说的分析框架,探讨企业地理分布对盈余确认稳健性的影响,研究发现:当企业地理分布相对更加偏远时,在信息不对称加剧的影响下,融资约束会刺激企业选择更加激进的盈余确认政策;城市高铁开通有助于缩减时空距离,从而弱化企业地理分布在盈余政策选择中的影响。进一步研究发现,企业地理分布对盈余稳健性的负向影响在非国有企业、高负债企业和低股利企业中更为明显,地理偏远企业采用激进的盈余政策主要是为了向资本市场释放利好信息,以缓解企业的外部融资约束。  相似文献   

Building on the work of Lev and Thiagarajan (1993) and Abarbanell and Bushee (1997 and 1998) this paper tests whether market-based information including dividend yield (Fama and French, 1998), firm size (Reinganum, 1981), and the ratio of book value to market value (Fama and French, 1992) add explanatory power to accounting data for predicting future earnings. The paper also tests whether earnings changes and the predictability of those changes are conditioned on monetary policy. It is found that the ratio of book value to market value is significantly related to earnings changes. Analyst forecast accuracy differs depending on monetary policy regime, but this difference is not due to differing interpretation of fundamental signals on financial statements appearing under differing monetary policy regimes. It is also found that there is a significant relation between monetary policy, earnings changes, and the level of signals concerning earnings changes.  相似文献   

This paper compares the properties of dividend announcements and management earnings forecasts as predictors of earnings and firm value. First, the two predictors are compared on the basis of their ability to predict earnings. Then the information they convey about firm value is assessed by comparison of the performance of investment strategies based on values of the two predictors. Finally, the effects of dividend announcements on stock prices are considered.  相似文献   

This study pursues two objectives: first, to provide evidence on the information content of dividend policy, conditional on past earnings and dividend patterns prior to an annual earnings decline; second, to examine the effect of the magnitude of low earnings realizations on dividend policy when firms have more‐or‐less established dividend payouts. The information content of dividend policy for firms that incur earnings reductions following long patterns of positive earnings and dividends has been examined ( DeAngelo et al., 1992, 1996 ; Charitou, 2000 ). No research has examined the association between the informativeness of dividend policy changes in the event of an earnings drop, relative to varying patterns of past earnings and dividends. Our dataset consists of 4,873 U.S. firm‐year observations over the period 1986–2005. Our evidence supports the hypotheses that, among earnings‐reducing or loss firms, longer patterns of past earnings and dividends: (a) strengthen the information conveyed by dividends regarding future earnings, and (b) enhance the role of the magnitude of low earnings realizations in explaining dividend policy decisions, in that earnings hold more information content that explains the likelihood of dividend cuts the longer the past earnings and dividend patterns. Both results stem from the stylized facts that managers aim to maintain consistency with respect to historic payout policy, being reluctant to proceed with dividend reductions, and that this reluctance is higher the more established is the historic payout policy.  相似文献   

This study provides empirical evidence on the economic effects of Statement of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) No. 14 segment disclosures. Required disclosures under this standard subsume those of the Securities and Exchange Commission' (SEC) 1970 line-of-business disclosure rule both in terms of the variables to be disclosed and the degree of decomposition of the consolidated information. Consequently, this study hypothesizes that stock price variability will be greater at the time of, and security analysts' earnings forecasts more accurate following, release of these disclosures. The results of the empirical analysis support these hypotheses. They indicate that SFAS No. 14 segment disclosures convey incremental information over previously reported SEC line-of-business information that is relevant to stockholders and to security analysts.  相似文献   

In a seminal paper. Ball and Brown (1968) documented a positive statistical association between earnings surprises and stock returns around an earnings announcement. They concluded that accounting earnings conveyed ‘useful’ information to the market. However, the question of how accounting earnings convey useful information is still being understood. Recent work on this topic has found that current accounting earnings aid investors and analysts in predicting future accounting earnings. Few studies, however, have examined the usefulness of current earnings for predicting other value-relevant attributes. A model by Ohlson (1989a) suggests that investors are also interested in the relationship between current earnings and future dividends. Ohlson's model is supported by empirical tests in this paper which show that the relationship between current earnings and future dividends is significant in explaining cross-sectional variation in earnings response coefficients (ERCs). A second result of interest is that information in dividends substitutes for that in accounting earnings. We find that dividend policy parameters reflect information contained in current earnings. These results add new insights on the information revealed through the analysis of ERCs. Consistent with logic presented here, a symmetrically opposite result is found with respect to dividend response coefficients. The informativeness of earnings (dividends) is found to be negatively (positively) related to the information content of dividends.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the relationship between loan-loss provisions (LLPs) and earnings management in the context of the capital adequacy of Euro Area (EA) banks versus non-EA credit institutions. This paper also examines whether LLPs signal managements’ expectations concerning future bank profits to investors. Additionally, this paper traces the role of bank regulations and creditor protection systems in explaining income smoothing. Evidence drawn from the 1996 to 2006 period indicates that LLPs do reflect changes in the expected quality of a bank's loan portfolio for both groups of banks, and that earnings management is an important determinant of LLPs for EA intermediaries, whereas non-EA credit institutions use LLPs to signal private information to outsiders. The paper also finds that higher protection of creditors’ rights significantly reduces the incentives to smooth earnings for EA banks. During the recent financial crisis, EA bank managers are much more concerned with their credit portfolio quality and do not use LLPs for discretionary purposes, whereas LLPs at non-EA banks are used to smooth income more than for the purposes of managing capital ratios or conveying private information about future performance to the market.  相似文献   

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