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公允价值与当代会计理论反思   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
公允价值计量产生的真正根源是物价变动对会计计量的持续冲击。公允价值会计的核心是按照各个报告时点上的现行市价调整账面记录,通过动态反映使账面价值与真实价值始终保持一致,目标是追求真正意义上的真实反映,是"会计的重心是计量"的回归。它与按"目标导向"路径构建的当代会计理论在会计本质(信息系统)、会计目标(决策有用)、会计信息质量特征(相关和可靠)等各个方面是冲突、矛盾的。构建于信息系统论和历史成本原则之上的当代会计理论,与公允价值会计着眼于真实反映的思想相悖。公允价值会计的出现是对传统会计理论的颠覆,因此必须系统反思和重构当代会计理论。  相似文献   

Visual images are integral elements within corporate annual reports. Yet, these visual images have been largely ignored in accounting research. We begin to explore the significance of selected visual images appearing in U.S. annual reports during the late 1980s and early 1990s. Our intent is not to produce a general survey of images, but rather to offer different “ways of seeing” images and through these “ways of seeing” to encourage a critical dialogue that focuses upon the representational, ideological and constitutive role of images in annual reports. Our first way of seeing views the image as transparently conveying an intended corporate message. The second way of seeing draws upon neo-Marxist aesthetic literature and considers the ways in which images in annual reports may be mined for their ideological content and may also reveal society's deep structures of social classification, institutional forms and relationships. Finally, we employ critical postmodernist art theory to see images in terms of their constitutive role in creating different types of human subjectivities and realities. We argue that this way of seeing creates the potential for new voices to be heard and the possibility to subvert the dualisms typical of the totalizing theories of modernity.  相似文献   

This paper reviews alternative management accounting research in AOS from 1976 until 1999. We highlight seven different research perspectives that have flourished under this label: a non-rational design school; naturalistic research; the radical alternative; institutional theory; structuration theory; a Foucauldian approach; and a Latourian approach. It is contended that these different approaches have assumed an important role in raising a number of significant and interesting disciplinary insights. As a form of collective non-positivist enterprise, alternative management accounting research has demonstrated: the many different rationalities of management accounting practice; the variety of ways in which management accounting practice is enacted and given meaning; the potency of management accounting technologies; the unpredictable, non-linear and socially-embedded nature of management accounting change; and the ways in which management accounting practice is both constrained and enabled by the bodily habitudes of its exponents. In conclusion, we consider how alternative management accounting research may sustain its distinct contributions in the future.  相似文献   

论价值链会计管理框架   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
于富生  张敏 《会计研究》2005,(11):45-49
本文从价值链理论与会计管理理论出发,分析了一个基于价值链分析的会计管理框架,该框架以时间序列为基础,并结合了不同价值链的特点,具体包括事前的预测、决策和预算,事中的实时管理与控制,事后的分析与考评。与已有文献不同的是,本文对该框架的分析深入到了具体的组成部分与运行机制。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to show the importance of the business contexts of individual countries to understand corporate accounting practices in international settings. Using data from five countries, we show that while agency theory constructs are effective in explaining accounting practices in corporate settings that have a strong agency orientation, such as that of the United States, it is necessary to go beyond such constructs to understand accounting practices in other corporate settings. Given the variety of international business settings, we use a generic theory, institutional theory. To conduct this examination into cross-country accounting practices, we focus on an earnings quality measure based on accrual accounting practices, the abnormal accruals component of accounting earnings. We provide evidence to support the view that with varying business settings we are likely to see diversity in accounting practices that result in different levels of accruals or accruals based earnings quality.  相似文献   

会计准则具有经济后果,产生于不同会计准则的不同会计信息,会因此影响各利益集团的利益分配。因此会计准则的制定不是一种纯技术过程,而是各利益集团多次博弈达成的均衡结果。本文基于博弈论的视角,深入分析了会计准则制定中的政府间博弈,并就我国会计准则的国际趋同提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

本文对美国第 5 2号会计准则提出的功能货币观念进行了分析和讨论 ,并将功能货币的货币计量观念、折算理念、核心观点等进行了深入分析和探讨 ,其目的是为了展示功能货币较深刻的内涵 ,并就我们的观点与我国现有文献中对功能货币观点之间的差异进行分析。同时本文还就功能货币理论与合并报表理论、历史成本原则、会计假设、记帐货币理论等方面的冲突和融合的问题进行了探索 ,提出了我们在研究中的一些见解。  相似文献   

This study investigates a contest of ideas that took place between public sector accrual accounting (PSAA) and Government Finance Statistics (GFS) in the Australian state of New South Wales. The debate, its context and its course is historically analysed from a neo‐institutional theory perspective, employing both documentary and oral history sources. Important in PSAA's win over GFS were: phantom images of PSAA success; a dominant politician; discourse control directing attention to the balance sheet; and, normative isomorphism from professionally qualified public sector accountants. Understanding public sector accounting change requires analysis beyond technical change; in this case the actors and their motives overwhelmed the technical.  相似文献   

This paper, following McGoun's (1997) seminal article comparing the economy of financial securities to a hyperreal poker game, argues that finance and accounting researchers should take the “linguistic turn” that has rejuvenated theory and research in many, if not most, of the social science and humanities in recent decades. In general terms, this means following Ludwig Wittgenstein's language game paradigm rather than Karl Popper's scientific deductive hypothesis testing methodology. The paper illustrates this by drawing on some of Jean Baudrillard's' ideas, particularly his concept of hyperreality and his phases of the image theoretic.The paper presents a poststructuralist genealogical analysis of the radical ruptures and reformulation of the meaning attributed to the accounting sign of earnings over the feudal, counterfeit, production, and simulation eras. It concludes that, as with many other signs in contemporary society, the earnings sign no longer has any relationship with, nor does it any longer refer to, any real or intrinsic profit but instead floats ungrounded in today's financial economy.The paper recommends that researchers in finance and accounting adopt paradigms from literary theory, semiotics, linguistics, and semiology rather than continue to rely on economics-based theory, which has lost its power for explaining and predicting happenings in today's financial economy of self-referencing models and images.  相似文献   

S. J. GRAY 《Abacus》1988,24(1):1-15
Research has shown that accounting follows different patterns in different parts of the world. There have been claims that national systems are determined by environmental factors. In this context, cultural factors have not been fully considered. This paper proposes four hypotheses on the relationship between identified cultural characteristics and the development of accounting systems, the regulation of the accounting profession and attitudes towards financial management and disclosure. The hypotheses are not operationalized, and empirical tests have not been carried out. They are proposed here as a first step in the development of a theory of cultural influence on the development of accounting systems.  相似文献   

当代会计研究方法:检讨和反思   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
自二十世纪九十年代起,中国会计理论研究中越来越重视实证方法,这可能与参照英美国家的实证会计研究趋势有关。但回顾西方国家几十年来的会计研究历史,却发现西方会计学者本身也有很多对实证研究方法的质疑。到了二十一世纪,西方会计研究界也尝试寻求超越实证研究方法的其它研究方法,比如人文诠释研究方法等。从西方国家近几十年的会计研究经验来看,是一个从规范性研究方法到实证研究方法,又从实证研究方法到人文诠释研究方法的过程。西方国家对会计研究方法不同观点反省的经验和教训,对中国也很有参考价值。  相似文献   

再谈会计等式的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
会计恒等式完整地反映了企业财务状况和经营成果及其形成过程,是会计核算的理论依据,由于受会计计量模式、会计核算范围的影响,会计等式亦发生不同的变化,对企业资产价值产生结果,并且决定其提供的会计信息是否有用,本文对这一问题进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

财务会计理论:演进、继承与可能的研究问题   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
本文划分为"早期学者的努力"、"会计准则导向的会计理论研究"、"会计基本假设时期和实证会计理论的崛起"、"财务会计概念框架的研究与实证会计理论的迅速发展"以及"改进企业财务报告与实证会计研究日益盛行"等五个阶段,扼要回顾了财务会计理论自从Sprague(1908)以来百余年的发展,坚持继承和发展的思路,在此基础上简要概括了财务会计理论领域内未来一些可能的研究问题。  相似文献   

The problems of accounting policy formulation are approached using the methods of formal language theory. The use of a formal grammar makes it possible to provide a clearer logical basis for the arguments for and against particular pronouncements of the FASB in three areas: possibility, consistency and resolution of accounting principles. Two examples are presented that suggest ways in which many different questions of accounting policy can be raised and answered. A linguistic framework for classifying accounting pronouncements is presented. Accounting as a formal language is evaluated together with speculation on the implications for accounting policy development.  相似文献   

社会环境是构建会计计量理论结构的逻辑起点。会计计量理论包括会计计量基础理论和会计计量应用理论。探索会计理论结构,能够促进我国会计理论的发展,为会计工作者理解和掌握会计准则、会计制度提供帮助,从而使会计理论更好地为我国经济服务。  相似文献   

Some of Chambers' earliest works concerned the need for intellectual rigour in accounting research. Drawing from his reading in philosophy, science, organizational behaviour and economics, he determined the principles of scientific theory, enunciated these and consciously followed these precepts in developing his own theory. His 1950s and 1960s theoretical works were seminal contributions to methodological inquiry in accounting. They sought to rectify the lack of theoretical foundation in accounting thought and the observed ad hoc rules of accounting practice. While annoying many, including the doyen of U.S. accounting academe, A. C. Littleton, he practised what he preached and the theory he later developed followed closely precepts that were set out in those early methodological inquiries. He was attacked by a new wave of positive researchers in the 1970s, but a closer examination reveals they share the same ontology and epistemological proclivities. Differences arise from the different assumptions and aims of their theorizing. Their methodology is hypothetico-deductivism derived from logical empiricism. This has been shown to be a defective and moribund method for developing acceptable reliable knowledge. Despite the claims of its adherents it ignores the ideological, political and social elements that make objective, value-free theorizing impossible.  相似文献   

Two approaches taken to the embodiment question are compared and discussed: quantitative theory and traditional growth accounting. The two approaches give very different estimates for the contribution of investment-specific technological advance to economic growth. Therefore, the approach taken matters. It is argued that the measures used in traditional growth accounting to gauge the importance of investment-specific technological progress have little economic content, unlike the measure obtained from quantitative theory.  相似文献   

企业内部报告框架构建研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
随着会计学的发展和人们对会计信息需求的日益增长,内部报告问题成为会计相关性理论研究和会计信息需求实践中亟待解决的问题。研究现状表明,内部报告理论与体系框架研究的不足或空白,严重制约着会计学及相关学科理论发展,影响企业经营决策与管理控制。本文从基于会计相关性的内部报告理论出发,构建了企业内部报告框架与体系,并探讨了内部报告体系建立的学术影响,目的在于创新与完善内部报告理论体系,创建内部报告整体框架与分类体系,完善与发展会计学及相关学科理论,为企业决策与控制提供有用信息。内部报告理论与体系构建不仅对会计理论及相关学科理论创新具有重要学术价值,同时由于会计相关性本身的应用学科属性,其应用价值也十分明显。  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study of management accounting in a company that had been a highly diversified conglomerate but was implementing a new strategy of product market focus combined with a more multinational scope. Formerly subject to a simple but rigorous form of financial control, the new organizational identity of becoming a high-growth, high-technology company posed fresh challenges for its control style and, in particular, for the role of management accounting. The paper draws on self-referential systems theory in order to analyse the paradox that while an organization can become more focused on particular markets and technologies, its management accounting seems to become more diffuse and differentiated. As the company sought to develop a different corporate epistemology through the reproduction of a fresh identity, it established new forms of corporate communication through its quality and performance management systems. Autopoietic theory would acknowledge that management accounting should provide some system guidance but would warn against the possible danger that some forms of performance control may damage company self-production.  相似文献   

会计控制新论——会计实时控制研究   总被引:67,自引:1,他引:67  
随着信息技术 (IT)的广泛应用和价值链管理新理念的形成 ,企业管理从传统管理转向了信息化和价值化管理。这种变革 ,一方面对传统会计控制提出了挑战 ,另一方面 ,也为会计控制理论的发展提供了机遇 :一种新的会计控制观 -会计实时控制观越来越受到企业的关注 ,并推动着会计控制理论和实践向纵深发展。本文从IT的视角来诠释会计实时控制的概念、探讨会计实时控制的框架体系 ,以期丰富会计理论并使会计实时控制在企业管理中特别是在价值链管理中发挥作用。  相似文献   

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