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沈剑楠 《中国外资》2011,(16):235-235
供应商是每个生产性企业的基础,也是企业核心管理的重点。回顾和评析了国内汽车零部件供应商评价的研究情况,发现国内大多数专家学者仅对企业供应商总体绩效评价进行打分评估,用加权平均的结果来辅助供应商的选择。但是对于供应商的决策问题,这种方法很难做到很好的辅助决策分析。本文引入模糊聚类方法,确定了以产品合格率、准时交货率、订货满足率、产品性价比、总资产收益率、总资产周转率、资产负债率、库存周转率、成本费用利润率、基本运输费用率、技术人员比例、研发资金投入比率、顾客满意率作为汽车零部件供应商绩效的评价指标体系,通过针对于一般评价问题运用的模糊综合评价方法,来仔细、深入的研究发现,模糊聚类分析的方法,更适合于企业供应商选择一类的问题。参考有关的汽车零部件供应商评价指标,建立了新的评价指标体系,然后遵循基于模糊聚类算法,按照系统的编程思想来构建模型的仿真系统。  相似文献   

供应商是每个生产性企业的基础,也是企业核心管理的重点.回顾和评析了国内汽车零部件供应商评价的研究情况,发现国内大多数专家学者仅对企业供应商总体绩效评价进行打分评估,用加权平均的结果来辅助供应商的选择.但是对于供应商的决策问题,这种方法很难做到很好的辅助决策分析.本文引入模糊聚类方法,确定了以产品合格率、准时交货率、订货满足率、产品性价比、总资产收益率、总资产周转率、资产负债率、库存周转率、成本费用利润率、基本运输费用率、技术人员比例、研发资金投入比率、顾客满意率作为汽车零部件供应商绩效的评价指标体系,通过针对于一般评价问题运用的模糊综合评价方法,来仔细、深入的研究发现,模糊聚类分析的方法,更适合于企业供应商选择一类的问题.参考有关的汽车零部件供应商评价指标,建立了新的评价指标体系,然后遵循基于模糊聚类算法,按照系统的编程思想来构建模型的仿真系统.  相似文献   

基于模糊粗糙集的供应商绿色评价体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着可持续发展战略意识的深入人心,对供应商进行绿色评价将成为绿色供应链管理的核心之一.文章运用模糊粗糙集理论构建了一个三维供应商绿色评价体系,在该理论指导下对贯穿于供应商评价与选择全过程的评价指标进行"绿化",从中进行数据挖掘,实现了对供应商的科学评价和正确选择.  相似文献   

肖科  夏婷 《武汉金融》2006,(7):42-44
本文运用模糊综合评判的方法,建立了企业融资效率评价的数学模型;结合湖北省中小企业融资的实际情况,选取六个因素(融资期限、融资成本、融资风险、资金使用的自由度、资金的到位率、融资主体自由度)对五种典型的湖北省中小企业融资方式(企业积累、股票融资、债券融资、银行借款、民间借贷)进行单因素比较分析。在此基础上,对这五种融资方式的融资效率进行模糊综合评价,并对它们的融资效率进行排序,最后,得出结论,提出相应的政策建议。  相似文献   

对于个人和企业来说,选择一家合适的第三方物流公司是十分必要的。由于现有的第三方物流供应商选择方法存在许多不足之处,所以研究第三方物流供应商的选择方法对于协调企业和第三方物流供应商之间的关系具有十分重要的理论和现实意义。本文将针对如何选用第三方物流供应商的问题展开深入研究,运用了模糊综合评价方法对进行了分析,通过评价指标体系的建立和选择模型的构造来为企业评价选择恰当的第三方物流供应商。  相似文献   

碳排放权交易政策是促进制造业企业绿色创新的重要内容。选取2010—2021年碳排放权交易试点地区A股上市公司数据,运用双重差分模型考察碳排放权交易政策对先进制造业企业绿色技术创新的影响。研究发现:碳排放权交易政策对先进制造业企业的绿色技术创新具有显著促进作用,但是当企业债务融资成本更高时,碳交易政策对先进制造业企业绿色技术创新的促进作用有所降低;企业无形资产越多,碳交易政策对其绿色技术创新的促进作用越明显。相较于小型企业、低竞争度市场中企业,碳交易政策对大型企业、高竞争度市场中企业的绿色技术创新具有更明显的促进作用。  相似文献   

在竞争愈趋激烈的钢材贸易市场,企业经营的目的无非是优化资源配置,以较低的成本支出,获取最大经济效益。本文针对钢材贸易企业的经营特点,结合中铁大桥局物资公司经营现状,引入模糊综合评价方法,旨在各种约束条件下,建立一套适用的销售订单评价指标体系,以削弱决策主观性,实现有限资源的优化配置。  相似文献   

企业的反倾销诉讼实际上在反倾销法律的框架下对产品成本资料的申诉。良好的企业成本控制对保障产品成本资料有效性、完整性、准确性具有不可替代的作用。笔者分析了反倾销成本控制中各个关键的控制点,借鉴模糊综合评价法对企业应对反倾销成本控制有效性评价指标体系进行构建,并基于案例对评价指标体系进行了实践运用,以期对企业应对反倾销成本控制体系的完善和发展做出一点贡献。  相似文献   

企业在经营管理中出现很多的不确定因素,导致会计信息具有模糊性的特点,而模糊数学是在形式化思维与复杂系统之间的一座桥梁,运用模糊集合论的方法,建立起模糊数学模型,可以比较客观地反映会计对象这个复杂总体的不确定性,进行多目标财务投资方案模糊决策过程,反映企业的实际财务状况,揭示企业的发展趋势、机会和风险。  相似文献   

本文基于低碳经济视角,分析并借鉴了国内外碳排放权的会计处理,基于我国环境发展的特点,将碳排放权确认为无形资产,初始计量以公允价值或取得的实际成本入账,后续计量按照成本计量模式。将计量方法具体运用到火电企业,分析了碳排放权对其成本管理的影响,通过引入环境成本改进了火电企业的成本管理,给火电企业的成本计量提供参考意义。  相似文献   

基于三网融合背景下通信运营商合作伙伴选择影响因素的多样性和差异性,建立备选企业的共性指标和特性指标,结合BP神经网络、模糊评价和组合赋权的方法,提出基于BP神经网络的动态模糊综合评价模型,从现状和未来发展趋势两个方面对合作伙伴进行综合评价选择。以湖南移动推进城市光网建设为例,展示了合作伙伴选择的原理和过程。模型可以为通信运营商企业客观、全面、动态地评价和选择合作伙伴提供有效的决策支持。  相似文献   

全球变暖日益加剧,为实现低碳理念,政府根据碳排放量征收碳税.为响应国家的低碳号召与节省缴税,供应商将进行碳减排投资,而我国中小企业居多的现状使得其必须进行碳减排融资.针对供应商向零售商进行内部融资的情形,在分散决策和集中决策下,运用两阶段Stackelberg博弈理论,根据供应链利润最大化条件进行优化.结果表明:分散决策下,低碳税率和供应商超额收益率的升高以及零售商净机会成本率的降低均会导致供应链总利润升高,单位碳减排量成本的升高会导致供应链总利润的降低,且集中决策的供应链总利润高于分散决策.  相似文献   

公司间的关系给管理会计带来了新的课题,如何提供信息以达到协调和优化供应链上的企业之间的活动就成为其中一个挑战.价值链分析就是解决这个问题的一种方法.但是,在实际运用中利用价值链分析来解决这个问题还鲜有报道.本文拟以介绍英国零售企业森伯利公司及其36家供应商为例,以作业成本法来支持价值链管理的运用,以期对我国进一步研究价值链会计有所启示.  相似文献   

In a 1991–2013 sample of bonds issued by US public firms, we find that the cost of debt (yield spread relative to comparable Treasuries) of suppliers to government agencies is contingent on the strategic importance of the supplier's industry. The yield spreads for strategically unimportant government suppliers are higher than for firms that are not government suppliers. If government contracts serve as tangible evidence of political connections, these higher yield spreads indicate that weaker corporate governance as a cost of political connections outweighs the benefits of said connections. For the subsample of government suppliers from strategically important industries, where the benefits of implicit bailout guarantees and revenue stability outweigh the corporate governance problems, the cost of debt is lower than for firms that are not government suppliers. The higher (lower) cost of debt for strategically unimportant (strategically important) suppliers is confined to contracting with the federal government. Our findings are robust to alternative variable and sample specifications, and to endogeneity concerns.  相似文献   

One of the important challenges for manufacturers and distributors of autoparts is the coordination of multiple sourcing areas where their international suppliers are located. The objective of this research is the design of a service transportation network that takes into account the time shipments are held at customs and transshipment terminals, as well as the possible delays due to the use of different transportation modes. To assure the best performance of the whole transportation network, a bi-criteria optimization model was formulated, the two criteria considered were cost and time. The solution to the model was the structure of the transportation network to be used by a manufacturer of auto parts located in the Toluca industrial zone; this firm imports auto parts produced by suppliers located in the United States (E.E.U.U.) and commercializes them among multiple automakers. The structure of the optimization problem was analyzed to obtain a convenient separable arrangement and then the problem was solved by using Lagrangian relaxation. A set of possible efficient solutions for the structure of the transportation network was generated by using the weighting method and the ε-constraint method; the resulting solutions represent the set of best alternatives from which the logistics managers may choose the service network that best attends the needs and logistics performance goals of the firm.  相似文献   

In the microstructure literature, information asymmetry is an important determinant of market liquidity. The classic setting is that uninformed dedicated liquidity suppliers charge price concessions when incoming market orders are likely to be informationally motivated. In limit order book (LOB) markets, however, this relationship is less clear, as market participants can switch roles, and freely choose to immediately demand or patiently supply liquidity by submitting either market or limit orders. We study the importance of information asymmetry in LOBs based on a recent sample of 30 German Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX) stocks. We find that Hasbrouck's (1991) measure of trade informativeness Granger causes book liquidity, in particular that required to fill large market orders. Picking-off risk due to public news-induced volatility is more important for top-of-the book liquidity supply. In our multivariate analysis, we control for volatility, trading volume, trading intensity and order imbalance to isolate the effect of trade informativeness on book liquidity.  相似文献   

Facing increased competition over the last decade, many stock exchanges changed their trading fees to maker‐taker pricing, an incentive scheme that rewards liquidity suppliers and charges liquidity demanders. Using a change in trading fees on the Toronto Stock Exchange, we study whether and why the breakdown of trading fees between liquidity demanders and suppliers matters. Posted quotes adjust after the change in fee composition, but the transaction costs for liquidity demanders remain unaffected once fees are taken into account. However, as posted bid‐ask spreads decline, traders (particularly retail) use aggressive orders more frequently, and adverse selection costs decrease.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the difference between market makersand limit orders in their role as suppliers of liquidity. Forboth sources of liquidity I analyze the price behavior of stocksand options around large option trades and I estimate the premiumpaid by the initiator of the large trade. My findings suggestthat limit orders for options are 'picked off' after adversechanges in the underlying stock price. Furthermore, I find thatfor these transactions there is a permanent change in quotationsin the direction of the transaction. After transactions wheremarket makers supply liquidity, quotes tend to return to theirpretrade level.  相似文献   

All things equal, interest rates should increase with the borrower's risk. And yet, Klapper, Laeven, and Rajan (2012) cannot find such a positive relation in a broad sample of trade credit contracts. We shed some light on this puzzle by arguing that competition between informed and uninformed suppliers weakens the link between the trade credit cost and the borrower's creditworthiness. Our model implies that trade credit rates are more likely to increase with the borrower's risk if suppliers are less profitable, have high cost of funds, or sell inputs to firms plagued by moral hazard and financial distress.  相似文献   

Criticism of the shareholder model of corporate governance stems in part from misunderstanding about what shareholder wealth maximization means for the other stakeholders of public companies. The corporate goal of shareholder wealth maximization does not imply that such stakeholders “do not matter.” Managers maximize shareholder value by maximizing the total expected cash flows available to distribute to all of their stakeholders. To maximize such cash flows, managers must provide their customers with desirable goods and services at attractive prices—which in turn requires that managers attract the employees, suppliers, and financial capital needed to conduct their businesses by providing each of these groups with market‐determined returns on their contributions to firm value. In this way, successful corporations benefit all of their stakeholders, and what is good for the corporation is generally good for society. External forces such as the media and government exert considerable influence on corporate actions and, in so doing, they play a role in helping to limit negative corporate “externalities” such as pollution and climate change. But direct regulation of productive activities should be used sparingly, and subjected to ongoing cost‐benefit analysis. Government regulation replaces the collective decisions of a broad marketplace of stakeholders using their own resources to act in their own interests with decisions made by government officials with complicated incentives and using resources generated by others. More generally, government should seek to regulate corporate actions only in the limited situations in which there are no market solutions for reducing the effects of externalities. For example, government plays a critically important role in identifying and deterring corporate fraud, and in ensuring competition and a level playing field for companies and all their stakeholders.  相似文献   

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