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2008年国际金融危机之后,美联储两次实施量化宽松货币政策以推动经济复苏,其规模巨大和持续时间都属少见。有鉴于此,本文首先介绍了美联储量化宽松货币政策的出台背景以及传导机制,随后,本文根据政策传导效果和市场表现分析指出,美国量化宽松货币政策的短期效果比较明显,但对美国经济的长期刺激作用有限,且给美联储及其他各国央行的政策操作带来了不利影响。  相似文献   

美国爆发次贷危机后,为应对危机,美联储实施了以"信贷宽松"为特征的货币政策,并创新了一系列政策工具。审视2007年至2009年美联储的货币政策实际效果,应该说是成功的。美国金融市场已经趋于稳定,美国经济正在走出衰退,美联储已开始酝酿宽松货币政策的退出战略。  相似文献   

金融危机后,出于稳定经济和金融市场的目的,美联储先后实施了两轮量化宽松的货币政策。针对美联储量化宽松货币政策效果的争论在学界并没有取得一致的结论。鉴于美元的国际储备货币地位,美联储"不负责任"的货币政策必然通过多种渠道对其他国家的资产价格和实体经济产生影响。本文通过事件法分析法对美联储货币政策的公告效应进行了检验,结论表明美联储量化宽松的货币政策通过公告效应对我国股票市场产生了影响。  相似文献   

本文在回顾美国历次量化宽松货币政策的实施情况及未来可能的退出步骤的基础上,研究发现我国外汇资金净流入受美国量化宽松货币政策影响较大。针对美联储量化宽松货币政策退出产生的影响,本文提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

次贷危机以来,美联储连续四次采取量化宽松货币政策来刺激经济,以求实现经济复苏。虽然量化宽松货币政策实施的效果并没有预期的那样明显,但该政策依然被持续推进,美国逐步将国内经济危机向世界转嫁,给世界经济带来了更多的不确定性。因此,本文通过对比四次美国量化宽松货币政策的主要内容、实施原因,分析其效果。  相似文献   

2012年12月12日,美联储推出了第四轮非常规货币政策,以期通过继续采取超宽松的货币政策来重振就业市场的活力,并促进美国经济的复苏。而此时距第三轮非常规货币政策不过短短三个月的时间。由于非常规货币政策作为非常时期的应对之举,其背后往往隐藏着高额的成本和潜在的风险,同时这些政策也存在着以何种方式实施、维持多长时间等一系列技术性难题,所以第四轮非常规货币  相似文献   

2007年次贷危机发生后,美联储采取了以利率调控、量化宽松(QE)和扭转操作(OT)为内容的宽松货币政策。实施宽松政策的目的在于通过调低短期名义利率、增加货币供应降低长期利率和金融产品风险溢价,以增加经济金融体系流动性和信贷可获得性,进而推动美国经济走出危机。本文分析了美联储宽松货币政策的理论基础、调控逻辑与操作实践,反思了货币政策在应对危机中的效应、调控框架构建、超额流动性传导等问题,以期为我国央行政策操作提供一些参照与借鉴。  相似文献   

危机状态下美联储货币政策的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年9月以来,美联储在应对金融危机和经济衰退中采取了一系列政策措施,其中有些是定制的创新工具,有些是对传统工具的应用范围进行了扩展。这段时间中,美联储货币政策工具组合总体特征为:针对性、超常规和高度宽松。随着美国金融和经济在2009年进入复苏周期,市场越来越关注这些政策工具的实施效果以及美联储超常规、高度宽松政策的退出时机。  相似文献   

2008年金融危机以来,以美联储、日本央行、英格兰银行为代表的发达经济体中央银行纷纷启用量化宽松货币政策,通过购买国债等中长期证券来刺激经济复苏。在本次量化宽松货币政策的实施过程中,灵活主动的资产负债表管理成为各主要经济体央行重要的货币政策工具。本文对美联储、日本央行和英格兰银行所实施的量化宽松货币政策进行了梳理和回顾,简单总结了量化宽松货币政策对央行资产负债表产生的影响,并对退出量化宽松货币政策对央行资产负债表的影响进行了探索性分析,以期为人民银行进一步加强资产负债表的主动管理,前瞻性地做好应对措施提供有益参考。  相似文献   

全球经济危机袭来,美联储、英格兰银行等各大央行纷纷采取了购买长期国债的非常规手段,即所谓的量化宽松货币政策。量化宽松政策乃迫不得己而为之,但也可能带来负面影响和构成潜在风险,做好量化宽松的退出准备,对于政策生效和控制风险具有非常重要的意义。为此,本文在分析量化宽松理论依据的基础上,探讨了退出策略的重要性,并对美联储量化宽松的退出策略进行了分析,表明其需要进一步完善量化宽松的退出策略。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the impact of the Federal Reserve’s monetary policy on the economy of South Africa, particularly during the period of quantitative easing and thereafter from 2009 to 2018. A VAR model, including South Africa’s inflation, output, a stock market index, exchange rate, and South Africa’s policy rate is examined to determine the impact of the Federal Reserve’s actions. Our results show that the Federal Reserve’s quantitative easing programs had only slight overall effects on South Africa’s economy. However, the way monetary policy is measured appears to have important effects for studies of international monetary spillovers as the results differ depending on the type of monetary policy measure used.  相似文献   

Asset purchases have become an important monetary policy tool of the Federal Reserve in recent years. To date, most studies of the Federal Reserve’s asset purchases have tried to measure the interest rate effects of the purchases, and several provide evidence that these purchases do have important effects on longer-term market interest rates. The theory of how asset purchases work, however, is less well developed. Some of the empirical studies point to “preferred habitat” models in which investors do not have the same objectives, and therefore prefer to hold different types and maturities of securities. To study this more closely, we exploit Flow of Funds data to assess the types of investors that are selling to the Federal Reserve and their portfolio adjustment after these sales, which could provide a view to the plausibility of preferred habitat models and the transmission of unconventional monetary policy across asset markets. We find that the Federal Reserve is ultimately buying from only a handful of investor types, primarily households (which includes hedge funds), with a different reaction to changes in Federal Reserve holdings of longer-term versus shorter-term assets. Although not evident for all investors, the key participants are shown to rebalance their portfolios toward more risky assets during this period. These results can be interpreted as supporting, at least in part, the preferred habit theory and the view that the monetary policy transmission is working across asset markets.  相似文献   

美联储第二轮量化宽松的货币政策出台前后,国际社会争议不断。文章从量化宽松货币政策与国际货币体系的关系着手分析,指出本次国际金融危机再次暴露出现行国际货币体系内在缺陷,量化宽松货币政策有可能加剧国际金融风险,并提出了改革国际货币体系的对策建议。  相似文献   

全球金融危机与美国货币政策的变化密不可分,从低利率货币信贷扩张的流动性过剩到高利率的流动性紧缩,使宏观经济产生剧烈波动,前期低利率带来过剩的流动性,后期利率的提高造成巨量房地产泡沫的破灭。让美联储无视资产泡沫的原因是美联储货币政策一贯秉持的"泰勒规则"指导原则没有纳入资产价格因子,致使美联储货币政策调控失误。  相似文献   

美联储应对金融危机的货币政策:效果、特点与问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年以来,美联储为了应对金融危机,实施了扩张性货币政策,并根据市场需要,创设了一系列非常规货币政策工具.在货币政策的调控下,市场信心得以恢复,金融机构倒闭现象得到遏制,并阻止了经济深度衰退.但极度扩张的货币政策也带来了后续的通货膨胀、债务风险等问题,需要采取有效措施加以解决.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how changes in Federal Reserve policy impact international stock returns, with the three objectives of measuring the reaction of international stock markets, understanding the transmission channels of that reaction, and explaining the economic sources of that reaction. We find that unanticipated Federal Reserve policy actions exert a significant and robust influence on international stock prices. However, the influence of unanticipated monetary policy actions is not strong enough to change the correlation structure of international equity returns. We also find that international stock return co-movements play an important role in the transmission of monetary policy. Finally, the variance decomposition analysis indicates that the effects of monetary policy surprises on future excess returns or dividend returns account for the largest portion of the equity price response.  相似文献   

The paper provides a systematic comparison of the Eurosystem, the U.S. Federal Reserve, and the Bank of Japan. These monetary authorities exhibit somewhat different status and tasks, which reflect different historical conditions and national characteristics. However, widespread changes in central banking practices in the direction of greater independence and increased transparency, as well as changes in the economic and financial environment over the past 15–20 years, have contributed to reduce the differences among these three world's principal monetary authorities. A comparison based on simple "over-the-counter" policy reaction functions shows no striking differences in terms of monetary policy implementation.  相似文献   

The recent credit crisis has raised a number of interesting questions regarding the role of the Federal Reserve Bank and the effectiveness of its expected and unexpected interventions in financial markets, especially during the crisis, given its mandate. This paper reviews and evaluates the impact of expected and unexpected changes in the federal funds rate target on credit risk premia. The paper's main innovation is the use of an ACH-VAR (autoregressive conditional hazard VAR) model to generate the Fed's expected and unexpected monetary policy shocks which are then used to determine the effects of a Federal Reserve policy change on counterparty credit risk and more importantly short-term firm debt financing. The findings answer a longstanding question sought by researchers on the effect of policy makers' announcements on firm debt financing. The results clearly show that the Federal Reserve influences short-term debt financing through the credit channel for both expansionary and contractionary monetary policies. In particular, we find that the growth in counterparty risk appears less responsive to anticipated responses in the Fed funds rate that fail to materialize than to an unanticipated increase in the federal funds rate. Finally, we also document that the results appear to validate the Feds interventions in financial markets to stem counterparty risk and to make liquidity more readily available to firms.  相似文献   

Using the government׳s intertemporal budget constraint, we quantify the contribution of returns paid on the U.S. government׳s debt portfolio to the evolution of the debt-to-GDP ratio. We show that announcements of unconventional monetary policy measures by the Federal Reserve between 2008.IV and 2012, as a part of macroeconomic stabilization, were associated with a sizable increase in returns and debt-to-GDP ratios and contributed to fiscal imbalances. We use the Federal Reserve׳s portfolio composition as a proxy for unconventional monetary policy measures and show that it is significantly related to future bond returns and fiscal balances.  相似文献   

The Federal Reserve has been assigned the goal of fostering financial stability along with its monetary policy goals of maximum employment and stable prices. This paper considers whether the financial stability and monetary policy goals have consistent policy implications both in theory and in practice. It also considers how the implementation of monetary policy might conflict with financial stability and vice versa.  相似文献   

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