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会计准则的制定者不同会产生不同的经济后果,本文对会计准则为什么会被提供以及会计准则由谁提供更有效等问题进行了探讨,并从交易费用这一视角对会计准则如何制定提出了一些设想,希望能为会计准则制定提供一些有益的建议。  相似文献   

在新制度经济学中,科斯的交易费用理论是最为重要的基础性概念,是分析制度起源和变迁的基本工具。在新制度经济学的企业理论中,交易费用的节约得到了特别的强调。可以说企业存在的原因之一就是相对市场调节机制而言,更能够节约经济活动中的交易费用。制度变迁的基本动因是对新的盈利机会的追求。相对经济发展来说,制度变迁具有一定程度的滞后性。之所以如此,是因为制度的变迁具有较高的成本。只有当变迁的收益足够大,这种变迁才能实现。当新会计准则出台之后,从企业层面上看,执行具体会计准则的企业不再执行《企业会计制度》与《金融企业会计制度》,这意味着这两项制度将逐步退出中国企业会计核算的历史舞台。因此在企业层面上来说,我国的会计规范体系将由企业会计准则与《小企业会计制度》构成。基于科斯的交易费用理论分析,笔者认为在新会计准则体系中保留原有的《小企业会计制度》,是对我国新会计准则体系的有益补充,不仅有利于降低小企业会计活动的交易费用,而且还有利于降低新会计准则制定、实施的交易费用,增强新会计准则体系的经济效用。  相似文献   

在新制度经济学中,科斯的交易费用理论是最为重要的基础性概念,是分析制度起源和变迁的基本工具。在新制度经济学的企业理论中,交易费用的节约得到了特别的强调。可以说企业存在的原因之一就是相对市场调节机制而言,更能够节约经济活动中的交易费用。制度变迁的基本动因是对新的盈利机会的追求。相对经济发展来说,制度变迁具有一定程度的滞后性。之所以如此,是因为制度的变迁具有较高的成本。只有当变迁的收益足够大,这种变迁才能实现。当新会计准则出台之后,从企业层面上看,执行具体会计准则的企业不再执行《企业会计制度》与《金融企业会计制度》,这意味着这两项制度将逐步退出中国企业会计核算的历史舞台。因此在企业层面上来说,我国的会计规范体系将由企业会计准则与《小企业会计制度》构成。基于科斯的交易费用理论分析,笔者认为在新会计准则体系中保留原有的《小企业会计制度》,是对我国新会计准则体系的有益补充,不仅有利于降低小企业会计活动的交易费用,而且还有利于降低新会计准则制定、实施的交易费用,增强新会计准则体系的经济效用。  相似文献   

从会计准则制定权归属来看,会计准则制定模式主要有:政府主导型和民间主导型。从会计准则制定内容的详简程度来看,会计准则制定模式主要有:规则基础模式和原则基础模式。会计准则制定模式的选择目标应该是以高质量会计准则的制定为导向,制定出的会计准则具有可操作性和权威性。我国会计准则制定模式有待创新,执行环境亟待完善。  相似文献   

随着新制度经济学的发展,交易费用在经济研究中得到广泛应用。交易内部化以降低加以费用进而产生了规模巨大的集团公司。然而大的集团公司需要很高的管理成本,而产业集群本身不需要很高的管理成本又可以降低交易费用,产业集群是一种能够有效降低交易费用的制度形式。最后在对虚拟企业的概念进行界定的基础上,从交易费用理论的角度对虚拟企业进行分析,从而得出虚拟企业这种组织形式的优势所在以及发展的前景。  相似文献   

自会计准则产生以来,学术界对其的研究一直不断,出于涉及到许多会计中的基本问题与矛盾,关于会计准则的研究也是各家观点见仁见智。近年来,用交易费用、契约理论、制度变迁等制度经济学理论来解释和重构会计理论成果颇丰,本文也试图以此思路和方法来分析会计准则的产生与发展。  相似文献   

与国际趋同的中国会计准则体系已经初步建立,但从会计信息的生产者角度,新的会计标准如何被普通会计工作者完整掌握并有效运用,还值得深入研究。本文从隐性知识及其传递理论出发,指出会计准则从规则导向走向原则导向,在更好地适应复杂经济交易的同时,也使会计准则中隐性知识的比重上升——原则性描述大量替代量化标准,这使新准则的执行更加困难。在考察了欧盟和俄罗斯首次执行IFRS的经验后,基于隐性知识理论,本文提出会计准则被有效掌握需要三方面的配合:准则制定机构提供应用指南的思路变革、审计师执业中对客户实务的指导以及会计教育改革的深化,而这三者的最终目标就是确保新会计准则中的隐性知识被有效传递。  相似文献   

会计准则全球化从总体上讲是一种降低交易费用的制度安排。在经济全球化进程中,国际贸易迅速发展,资本全球流动,而会计作为一种通用的国际商用语言,会计准则全球化是必然趋势。本文试用制度变迁理论分析会计准则全球化以及我国如何面对会计准则全球化的未来。  相似文献   

随着人们物质生活水平的提升,私人拥有的闲置资源不断增多,加之互联网信息技术的高速发展,出现了一种新的经济形态——共享经济。共享经济的出现降低了交易主体的交易费用,带来了其规模的迅速扩大,也因此引起了社会各方的广泛关注。学术界的研究大多聚焦在共享经济的表现形式上,而较少的探究其背后的经济学原理,本文在归纳总结共享经济特征的基础上,从经济学原理的角度探究了共享经济中交易双方的交易成本下降后供需双方的变化规律,揭示了共享经济强大的生命力,最后提出了政府对待共享经济的管理策略。  相似文献   

经理融资收购的理论分析与操作实务   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
经理融资收购(MBO)在某种程度上是对现代企业制度的一种反叛,因为其追求的是一种所有权和经营权的集中。通过经理对公司的收购,实现经理人对决策控制权、剩余控制权和剩余索取权的接管,从而降低代理成本,减少对经理人权力的约束。因此,MBO实际上是对过度分权导致代理成本过大的一种矫正。我国拥有廉价的企业家和昂贵的企业制度,作为优化企业治理结构的途径之一,MBO在推动国企改革与国有经济从一般竞争领域退出中有广阔的市场前景。  相似文献   

Islamic banks have to abide by the revealed doctrines in Islam in conducting their business and financial transactions. They employ in-house religious advisers—often referred to as Shari'a Supervisory Board (SSB)—who issue a special report to inform users of financial statements whether or not the bank has adhered to the Islamic principles. Recently, a private standard-setting body—the Financial Accounting Organization for Islamic Banks and Financial Institutions (FAOIBFI)—has been set up to externally regulate the financial reporting by Islamic banks. The FAOIBFI has published two statements on the objectives and concepts of financial reporting to act as a framework in setting accounting standards for Islamic banks. This paper examines the FAOIBFI's approach for developing objectives and concepts of financial accounting and investigates its need for such a theoretical framework. It is argued that the FAOIBFI's objectives and concepts would not be useful in mandating accounting standards on issues that are affected by religious ruling. This does not necessarily mean that such a framework may not be useful in legitimating the FAOIBFI's role and in setting accounting standards for issues that are not governed by revealed moral doctrines although it will be subject to similar limitations to those found by other standard-setting bodies in utilising and applying their framework. However, it implies that the more the FAOIBFI sets accounting standards that incorporate religious ruling, the less it would tend to find its own objectives and concepts useful. The ambiguities that may arise from different interpretations of the religious rules will require resolutions primarily by reference to religious rather than accounting authority.  相似文献   


In recent decades, as the use of derivatives by financial institutions has expanded, the shortcomings of historical cost accounting approaches have become increasingly apparent. Since derivatives can create large exposures to risk that go unnoticed under historical standards, the accounting industry has focused on how to change the standards so that these risks are reflected appropriately in a company’s accounting statements. New standards such as SFAS 115 and SFAS 133 have been adopted in part to achieve this goal. However, both of these standards use a piecemeal approach to risk measurement that may be adding to the problem rather than creating a solution. This paper will use a simple equity-indexed annuity to illustrate the problem with historical cost accounting and with the standards that have been adopted to correct it. The paper then argues that the only legitimate means of reflecting risk properly on a company’s accounting statements is to adopt full fair value accounting for all assets and liabilities on the company’s books.  相似文献   

寻求政府会计改革的稳定形式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成小云 《会计研究》2012,(3):39-43,94
中国目前的制度环境使得政府会计改革刻不容缓。政府会计在公共产权的界定和保护中处于最基础、最重要和最具操作性的地位,其改革涉及政府部门既得产权利益的调整,改革成本与改革收益并存,须稳步推进。政府会计改革的稳定形式即为改革成本最低的改革方案,它决定了改革的过渡性与渐进性;最优政府会计改革速度取决于改革实施成本与摩擦成本的权衡。据此,本文从政府预算会计与财务会计的协调、改革过程和"二元"结构准则体系维度探寻了政府会计改革稳定形式的实施方案。  相似文献   

Accounting standards have been suggested as a means of requiring reporting by corporations that would enhance managers' concern for their shareholders and/or society. The analysis presented in this paper, however, leads to the conclusion that this role for accounting standards is not likely to be beneficial. The conclusion is based on the fact that the required measurements for useful standards cannot generally be made. This inherent limitation is absolute with respect to social responsibility concerns. With respect to corporate governance, accounting standards might be useful, primarily for reporting potentially fraudulent dealings and similar misuses of shareholder's assets by corporate managers. But even then, the cost of an accounting standard, ex ante, is likely to exceed its benefits to shareholders.  相似文献   

2007年是我国财政部2006年颁布的新会计准则体系实施的第一年,其中债务重组准则的实施运用备受关注。本文在分析债务重组准则变革的基础上,以沪市96家ST公司①2007年年报资料为依据,重点对新债务重组准则的实施效果及其产生的影响进行了相关的探讨。  相似文献   

Traditional accounting histories date the advent of sophisticated cost accounting to the mid-1880s. Research in recent years, however, has provided evidence of purposeful cost management during the British Industrial Revolution. Given the advances in capital accumulation techniques, market structure development, and technology, it might have been expected that British entrepreneurs would have appreciated the advantages that effective costing could provide. This article is a case study of the Carron Company, the huge Scottish ironworks, whose cost accounting methods were notably innovative during the period for which plentiful archival records exist: 1759–1786. Carron's utilisation and practice of cost management is examined in the areas of expenditure control; responsibility and departmental cost management; overhead allocation; cost comparisons and transfers; costs for decision-making; budgets, forecasts, and standards; and inventory control. The positive findings in all these activity areas contribute to the growing rehabilitation of British Industrial Revolution cost accounting as a precursor of ‘the costing renaissance’ a century later.  相似文献   

In accounting history, authors who have adopted a ‘Foucauldian’ approach have recently debated with those representing the ‘Neoclassical’ school of thought the relative sophistication and significance of cost accounting developments in the UK and US respectively during the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This paper argues that the differences between the two schools' understandings are important for comprehending the genesis and scope of modern cost and management accounting systems. It re-examines the historical case of Boulton & Watt, an engineering firm believed to have been in the vanguard of British Industrial Revolution accounting practice (Roll, 1930; Pollard, 1965 and 1990; Fleischman and Parker, 1991), in an attempt to clarify some of the key points of difference in the debate. It proposes that the historical crux for deciding where a modern managerial approach to accounting began lies in distinguishing between the development of engineering standards for materials and machine efficiency and the transfer of such performance measurements to human behaviour. A pressing task for historians is to establish when, where, how and why ‘labour standards’ were first articulated on the grounds that such forms of human accounting, by constructing norms of managerial performance, form the basis for modern management control. The paper reviews the primary sources on the history of cost accounting at Boulton & Watt, including the previously-acclaimed development of labour and engine standards. Its findings are that, while the latter were highly sophisticated as measures of engineering performance, they were less so on the economic dimension of cost measurement. Meanwhile, the evidence for labour standards is unconvincing; there was, around 1800, an intense period of investigating labour time and cost, but no subsequent long-term systematic control exercised over them analogous to the modern managerial approach found slightly later in US contexts. The paper suggests that one priority for further research is the detailed examination of early industrial enterprises on both sides of the Atlantic, in order to establish more definitively when, where, how and why this crucial development occurred.  相似文献   

论产权会计观与产权会计变革   总被引:48,自引:9,他引:48  
郭道扬 《会计研究》2004,26(2):8-15
本文根据党的十六届三中全会关于建立现代产权制度的精神,结合对产权经济学中相关基本理论问题的研究,首先阐明了市场经济是产权经济这一本质问题,并较系统地研究了产权经济与产权经济学的发展对会计理论、会计法制与会计方法所产生的重要影响及会计的发展在对产权经济进行管理控制方面的重要历史贡献。在此基础上,本文把研究的重点放在确立产权会计观和全方位进行会计变革方面,其内容包括:(1)关于建立产权会计的主体理论——产权价值运动论问题;(2)关于产权会计对象研究问题;(3)关于会计从企业契约联结方位对产权价值运动过程与结果的控制问题;(4)关于从产权控制方面建立企业内部控制制度的问题;(5)关于产权会计法律制度体系建设问题等。上述问题的研究对于今后会计学的改革、会计实务的改革,以及对于我国今后建立以产权规范为核心的会计法律制度体系均具有一定意义。  相似文献   

This paper intends to explain the genesis of accounting profit from the viewpoint of dialectical materialism. Here accounting profit means the expression-form of value-change or surplus which is produced by human beings’ activities. In other words, it is a form of alienation.One of the characteristics of this paper is to try to criticize accounting from the viewpoint of accounting, not economics nor sociology. The meaning of criticize here is to explain the rationality of the existence of accounting profit, i.e. make clear the reason for the birth and development of accounting profit, because the affirmation by the explanation of rationality means the negative explanation at the same time.Accounting profit is a balance concept and, therefore, it must be computed according to a computation structure, i.e. bookkeeping, single or double. Some writers assert that accounting is so subjective as to change profit as accounting likes. However, what is asserted in this paper is that one cannot help using the computation-structure of bookkeeping, in book or in brain and single or double form, to measure income and it is difficult to change accounting arbitrarily.The reason why transaction cost cannot help becoming the basis of valuation in double bookkeeping is explained. Needless to say, holding gain or money-value change should not be ignored. However, these problems should be discussed more as a development of accounting profit, based upon the part which is dealt with in this paper.  相似文献   

会计准则具有经济后果,产生于不同会计准则的不同会计信息,会因此影响各利益集团的利益分配。因此会计准则的制定不是一种纯技术过程,而是各利益集团多次博弈达成的均衡结果。本文基于博弈论的视角,深入分析了会计准则制定中的政府间博弈,并就我国会计准则的国际趋同提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

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