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赵鹏 《中国证券期货》2013,(2X):214-214
中国对于网络上版权的保护,自《信息网络传播权保护条例》引入避风港规则后,达到了一个新的高度。然而在适用中,具有保护性和衡平性的免责条款却更多的成了网络服务商逃避责任和义务的保护伞。网络服务商义务体系的缺失,正是最为核心的要素,也是目前最需健全的内容。  相似文献   

近年来网络存储服务商著作权侵权案件持续高发,这对网络存储服务业的发展以及著作权人的合法权益均造成了消极影响。因此,要认定什么是网络存储服务商,其侵权的种类和处理的法律依据。  相似文献   

网络货币是网络服务商为解决网上小额支付而推出的一种具有准货币性质的电子支付工具。网络货币的产生和发展对现行金融体系形成了一定的影响和冲击。为此,应加大对网络货币的监管,防范和消除其可能带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

在互联网快速发展和高度开放的时代,我国网络融资服务市场如疾风劲草.网络融资平台层出不穷,其大致可分为三种模式。一是信息平台模式。此类服务商主要为双方构建信息平台.企业用户可以在线向银行递交融资申请。二是直接授信模式。此类服务的主要特点是银行对电子商务服务商授信.在授信额度内服务商对企业用户进行直接授信,银行对企业用户放款.银行与服务商共同分担风险。三是仓单杠杆模式。  相似文献   

李思思  张陈帅 《金卡工程》2010,14(7):186-187
网络服务提供者向社会公众直接提供信息,或给网络用户提供信息发布和传播的平台,均可能损害他人合法权益。与网络用户一样,网络服务提供者对其直接提供信息而产生的侵害应承担侵权责任。网络服务提供者在提供信息平台时无义务事前审查网络用户提交的信息是否存在侵权,但需配合消除网络用户侵权行为造成的影响,否则仍将构成侵权。考虑到权利人和网络服务提供者的利益平衡,以及开放网络言论自由与加强网络监管的博弈,《侵权责任法》第三十六对网络服务提供者提出更高的责任要求,虽然并未确立其事前审查的义务,但网络服务提供者仍需谨慎处理。  相似文献   

充分评估外包风险。在业务外包风险评估过程中要充分评估、全面管理各类外包风险。首先要选择好外包服务商,对服务商的财务及技术能力进行充分评估。其次是制定详细的外包合同,明确外包服务的范围、双方的权利义务,以及突发事件的应急方案等。严格监控并及时反馈外包风险。银行外包风险管理小组应定期和不定期地对服务商的财务状况、技术能力及  相似文献   

陈慧 《时代金融》2011,(26):35-36,45
近年来,网络交易平台越来越受到广大消费者的青睐,然其新颖的交易方式却为商标侵权产品提供了更为隐蔽的销售渠道。鉴于此,网络交易平台在为网络交易提供服务时,须承担一定的事前审查义务和事后补救义务。若网络交易平台未尽事前审查义务或事后补救义务,主观上存在过错,客观上帮助了网络卖方实施直接商标侵权行为,则其须承担间接商标侵权责任。  相似文献   

陈慧 《云南金融》2011,(9Z):35-36
近年来,网络交易平台越来越受到广大消费者的青睐,然其新颖的交易方式却为商标侵权产品提供了更为隐蔽的销售渠道。鉴于此,网络交易平台在为网络交易提供服务时,须承担一定的事前审查义务和事后补救义务。若网络交易平台未尽事前审查义务或事后补救义务,主观上存在过错,客观上帮助了网络卖方实施直接商标侵权行为,则其须承担间接商标侵权责任。  相似文献   

数字债权凭证服务平台在保理融资中的应用,加大了保理融资业务的风险。数字债权凭证服务平台在本质上属于“新型综合网络服务提供者”。《民法典》中网络服务提供者侵权责任规则以及平台模式下防范保理融资业务风险的现实需求是确立数字债权凭证服务平台承担注意义务的逻辑基础;利益风险共担论、交易成本论、危险控制论等为确立数字债权凭证服务平台承担注意义务提供了理论支撑。根据数字债权凭证服务平台的运行模式以及本质属性可在“注意义务群”影响范围确定其应承担融资前的审核义务、融资中的安全保障义务以及融资完成后的合同附随义务。平台基于保护平台内各主体需要承担的相关义务是合作治理模式下对监管职责的分散,故注意义务的设定应以比例原则为指导,将其控制在合理的限度之内,并根据平台模式不同而有所区分。  相似文献   

张雪冬 《南方金融》2012,(12):55-58,54
本文分析了银行业服务外包业务的系统失控风险、战略风险、获得信息风险、退出策略风险、对手风险、信誉风险、信息安全风险、操作风险和合同风险,借鉴美国银行业服务外包监管体系的运作经验,从监管法规和监管标准、业务范围、管理责任、银行告知义务、内控机制监管、外包服务商选择标准、外包审计、信息安全、合同规范等方面提出加强我国银行业服务外包监管的对策建议。  相似文献   

Development of advanced mobile Internet services requires flexible service platforms. Every service offering needs generic functionalities like security, billing and customer data management. Such functionalities used to be integrated in the mobile network infrastructure but are now offered by competing service platforms. Future service platforms might be offered by operators but can also be embedded in the mobile phone or at the systems of the service providers. Studying flexibility of service platforms requires technological as well as strategic analysis, and should take into account the perspective of multiple stakeholders. Where to locate service platforms is not just a technological matter as it greatly influences flexibility of both service providers and end-users. This paper analyzes how various service platform technologies that are located at operators, mobile phone and service providers influence flexibility. We find that no single service platform offers superior flexibility to both service providers and end-users.  相似文献   

Under the current regime for Internet access, “network neutrality,” parties are billed only by the Internet service provider (ISP) through which they connect to the Internet; pricing is not contingent on the content being transmitted. Recently, ISPs have proposed that content and applications providers pay them additional fees for accessing the ISPs’ residential clients, as well as fees to prioritize certain content. We analyze the private and social implications of such fees when the network is congested and more traffic implies greater delays. We derive conditions under which network neutrality would be welfare superior to any feasible scheme for prioritizing service.  相似文献   

Intense competition and extensive customer needs are motivating companies to develop so-called ‘solution’ offerings in service industries. Building on service transition strategy literature, this article outlines the practical activities that broad-based financial service providers take in transitioning towards ‘all finance’ solutions and accentuates the inhibitors that their business customers perceive in this process. The empirical data consists of 40 semi-structured interviews among two service providers and 17 of their small- and medium-sized enterprise (SME) customers. The results show that the service transition strategies of service extension and relationship focus are increasingly utilized in the financial industry. However, the integration of various components within a comprehensive bank and insurance offering is still in its early stages, suggesting providers rely mainly on a pure component strategy. SME customers, who seem to have taken the role of independent value creators, fail to perceive the benefits of purchasing comprehensive offerings from a single provider. Thereby, they tend to follow price-based purchase behaviour and negotiate their service offering with many different providers.  相似文献   

This paper provides a theoretical analysis of the benefits for an insurance company to develop its own network of service providers when insurance fraud is characterized by collusion between policyholders and providers. In a static framework without collusion, exclusive affiliation of providers allows insurance companies to recover some market power and to lessen competition on the insurance market. This entails a decrease in the insured’s welfare. However, exclusive affiliation of providers may entail a positive effect on customers’ surplus when insurers and providers are engaged in a repeated relationship. In particular, while insurers must cooperate to retaliate against a fraudulent provider under non-exclusive affiliation, no cooperation is needed under exclusive affiliation. In that case, an insurer is indeed able to reduce the profit of a malevolent provider by moving to collusion-proof contracts when collusion is detected, and this threat may act as a deterrent for fraudulent activities. This possibility may supplement an inefficient judicial system: it is thus a second-best optimal anti-fraud policy.  相似文献   

短信银行服务是商业银行借助现代信息技术,向客户提供信息和金融交易的新型金融服务方式,是当代金融发展的新趋势.商业银行在为客户提供服务的同时,必须关注新业务带来的法律风险,并采取有效措施加以防范.具体来讲,对于付费类短信服务,银行应严格按照合同约定履行义务;对于营销类免费信息,银行在发送之前要取得客户口头或者书面的同意,并应保留相应的证据;对于非营销类免费短信,虽然这类信息极大地方便了客户办理银行业务,但如果客户对银行发送该类信息存在异议,银行应当立即停止向该客户发送,避免因此出现纠纷.  相似文献   

洗钱风险分类与管理是货币服务商反洗钱工作的重要内容。本文从国家地域风险、客户风险、产品风险等方面对货币服务商洗钱风险作了理论上的分类,并从内部控制、客户尽职调查、监测可疑交易、对代理的尽职调查与监测、教育培训等方面对货币服务商洗钱风险管理予以政策分析。  相似文献   

商业健康保险在医疗保障体系中的角色探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
商业健康保险绝不仅仅是社会基本医疗保险有限的、简单的补充,而应该成为我国医疗保障体系中必不可少的重要组成部分。在这样的制度定位下,本文分别探讨了商业健康保险主要承担的三种角色,即补充保障的主要提供者、基本保障的主要竞争者、医疗保险机构与卫生服务提供者关系的探索者。  相似文献   

Laddering data collected from 95 individuals and network analysis were used to reveal and identify 747 linkages among 33 content-analysed goals as reasons for investing in individual stocks, mutual funds and/or voluntary pension plans. The results suggest that consumers’ goals associated with investments are: (i) besides economic, also functional, emotional and symbolic; and (ii) influenced by the type of investment product under evaluation rather than being independent of the investment alternatives. The article presents guidelines for investment service providers on: (i) how to provide facilities that support consumers’ investment-related goals; and (ii) how to encourage consumers to take an active role in customising and personalising their investment practices when using these facilities. Thus, economic and functional but also – and especially – emotional and symbolic goals of investing give insight into these strategic decisions that enable investment service providers to deliver value to consumers. While economic, functional, emotional and symbolic goals are well established in consumer research literature, these elements contribute to a novel understanding of the drivers underlying investment in general and the differences in distinct product categories in particular.  相似文献   

Financial service providers are facing a major paradigm shift. The understanding of what eventually constitutes customer value is being extended; economic value as the sole core of exchange is a far too limited perspective in contemporary competition. To address this emerging shift, the purpose of this study is to reframe the logic of value creation in financial services. As a result, a tentative framework for value creation logic in financial services is developed and discussed. On the basis of the framework, financial service providers should not limit their attention and resources to the exchange process, but identify innovative value-creating mechanisms through which they could contribute to the customer value actualization process. Our tentative framework (i) offers financial service providers guidance on which innovative value-creating mechanisms would enable them to participate in their customers’ value actualization process; (ii) shows how a product becomes a channel for a service, specifically a solution possessing value in the customer’s routine processes; (iii) illustrates that researchers and service providers should develop their understanding of customers beyond the traditional loan, insurance and/or investment product orientation.  相似文献   

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