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本文认为,上市公司资本结构、股利分配及管理股权比例三者之间存在着显著的相互作用关系。现有文献往往将资本结构和股利分配作为被解释变量,资本结构与股利分配互为解释变量,管理股权比例仅被视为解释变量,采用单方程模型方法进行独立研究,参数估计难免有偏和不一致。基于此,本文通过建立资本结构、股利分配及管理股权比例之间关系的结构方程模型扩展了以往研究结果。实证结果表明,资本结构、股利分配及管理股权比例三者之间存在相互作用关系,管理股权比例是影响公司的资本结构政策和股利分配政策的重要因素;处于成长阶段、资产规模逐渐扩大的绩优公司善于发挥财务杠杆效应,以降低权益代理成本,资产负债率与公司绩效正相关;盈利能力和公司股本规模是影响公司股利分配政策的共同因素,这与本人有关股利政策的以往研究结果一致。  相似文献   

本文以2010年底之前在深圳证券交易所上市的152家创业板上市公司为样本,参考已有的研究文献,选取企业规模、成长性、盈利能力、偿债能力、营运能力和资产的担保价值作为主要解释变量,运用多元线性回归分析方法来研究资本结构的影响因素。实证结果表明,企业规模、成长性、偿债能力和资产的担保价值均与资本结构正相关,而盈利能力与营运能力则与资本结构负相关。  相似文献   

自从市场时机资本结构理论提出以来,国内外学者从理论的解释能力和实用性等方面对这一新兴融资决策理论进行了大量研究,并得出许多有意义的结论。然而目前的实证检验主要基于市值账面比(M/B)指标作为市场时机代理变量,这一指标引起学者们很大争议,研究结论缺乏可靠性。本文根据我国资本市场实际特征选择股票换手率作为市场时机代理变量,实证检验了市场时机与外部融资方式选择的关系,同时引入股票收益变量检验市场时机对资本结构动态变动的综合影响。研究结论显示,换手率在企业权益融资中具有重要作用,换手率较高时企业选择发行更多的股权融资,股票换手率和股票收益均对资本结构变动具有显著的负向影响。这表明我国上市公司确实存在着融资选择的市场时机效应。  相似文献   

本文基于信息不对称理论和委托代理理论,以投资绩效为被解释变量,审计质量为解释变量,盈余管理为中介变量,选取2018-2020年沪深A股上市公司财务数据为研究样本对审计质量、盈余管理与投资绩效的关系进行实证研究。研究结果表明:审计质量与投资绩效在1%的水平上显著正相关;审计质量与盈余管理在10%的水平上显著负相关;盈余管理在审计质量与投资绩效的关系中起部分中介效应。本文的研究为提高上市公司投资绩效,完善资本市场投资环境提供借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,会计政策选择成为实证会计研究的重心,以解释和预测企业”为什么会选择这种会计政策,而不采取那种会计政策”。例如:会计政策选择与企业规模、地区分布、资本结构、分红计划、债务契约的关系,企业的外部利益关系人对会计信息的反应等。如果将上述问题给予抽象,它们都涉及”变量间的相互关系”这样一个可以归结为数学的问题。所以,在研究随时间变化、  相似文献   

一、文献综述 国内有许多学者都对资本结构与公司绩效的关系进行了研究.北京理工大学人文社会科学学院的贾利军、彭明雪在<我国电力行业上市公司资本结构与公司绩效的实证分析>中,对我国沪深两市电力板块上市公司资本结构与公司绩效进行了统计分析和实证研究.  相似文献   

本文通过理论分析和实证检验发现净资产收益率与资本结构之间的关系依赖于整体宏观经济环境和公司特征变量,当公司治理水平上升、增长机会增大、赢利能力增强、行业竞争程度下降时,净资产收益率与资本结构之间的相关系数上升。这表明净资产收益率与资本结构之间的关系并非绝对的正相关或负相关关系,有助于解释为什么学者在研究两者之间的关系时结论大相径庭。因此,提升经济发展水平、加强对投资者的保护、建立基于资本供求关系的利率体系有助于优化资本市场资本配置的基础性功能。  相似文献   

近年来,权益资本成本的相关研究成为会计领域乃至经济金融领域的热点。然而,关于上市公司权益资本成本的科学估计问题却一直是相关实证研究的难题。在此背景下,论文对权益资本成本的概念及其估计方法的发展过程进行了系统梳理,并在此基础上对目前学者们最为认可和广泛应用的三种内涵权益资本成本估计模型进行了具体介绍,最后基于中国资本市场2007-2008年上市公司数据,利用两种通用的检验方法对估计得到的权益资本成本变量进行了可靠性检验。结果表明,基于Easton(2004)的以内涵报酬率作为权益资本成本代理变量的估计方法具有最好的可靠性。  相似文献   

资本账户开放对通货膨胀的影响在国际经济领域一直存在争论.本文在梳理现有文献的基础上,对1990-2008年中国数据进行实证分析.通过建立我国通货膨胀与中美利率差异、资本账户开放阶段性政策变化虚拟变量之间的计量模型,发现以中美利率差异为代表的国际资本流动与通货膨胀之间正相关,即国际资本流入越多,国内通货膨胀越高;以经常项目开放和加入WTO为标志的资本账户开放阶段性变化的虚拟变量与通货膨胀负相关,说明资本账户开放本身能够降低我国的通货膨胀.  相似文献   

以沪深两市29家煤炭行业上市公司为研究样本,采用因子分析和多元回归方法对煤炭行业上市公司资本结构的影响因素进行了实证研究,分析结果显示:资产流动性、成长性和盈利能力对资本结构的影响比较显著,企业规模、非债务税盾以及资产担保价值对上市公司资本结构的影响并不显著。并且成长性、非债务税盾、资产担保价值与公司的资本结构成正相关关系,其余变量则呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

Abstract:  The purpose of this paper is to provide some new evidence on the relationship between disclosure and the cost of equity capital. We propose a new specification for the empirical test based on the idea that in the previous models one crucial variable was missing: accounting policy choice. We test our theoretical hypothesis using a sample of Spanish firms quoted on the Spanish continuous market from 1999 to 2002. We adopt the ex-ante approach to measure the cost of equity capital, taking analysts predictions as a proxy for expected earnings. As an explanatory variable we use an index measuring annual report disclosure quality. This measure of disclosure is combined with a proxy for the accounting policy choice of the firm. We measure firms' conservatism using the modified Jones model of Dechow et al. (1995) to estimate discretionary accruals. Our results confirm that the relationship between disclosure and cost of capital is affected by the choice of accounting policy.  相似文献   

The cross-sectional distribution of corporate capital structure and its macroeconomic implications are underexplored research areas. This paper embeds a dynamic trade-off theory of firm financing into a general equilibrium model with firm dynamics. I find that the stationary equilibrium replicates fairly well the distribution of leverage as well as the relationship between leverage, size and profitability. The counterfactual experiment points out relatively small effects of tax benefits on corporate capital structure. It also implies that the effects of the default cost on macroeconomic variables are almost negligible under endogenous capital structure choice.  相似文献   

基于税收视角的上市公司资本结构选择分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
优化的上市公司资本结构有助于资本要素的合理配置和充分利用,规避投资风险,增加公司资本收益。据此,公司资本结构理论研究的重点应放在各种融资方式之间选择的动机和适当的比例等问题上。但是,以往的研究往往忽′略了税收这个极其重要的因素对于公司资本结构选择的影响。通过对影响资本结构选择的税收因素的理论和实证分析,可以证实税收的重大影响作用,并借以提出促进债务融资发展和资本市场建设的政策建议。  相似文献   

论文在前人研究成果的基础上,对智力资本的内涵、构成要素等进行梳理和总结,对已有测度方法进行分析和评述,最后对智力资本的研究中存在的问题及未来研究方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

陆珩瑱  吕睿 《投资研究》2012,(3):114-124
本文通过基于不同资本结构选择偏好和成长性分类对上市公司资本结构和绩效的关系进行研究,研究发现:我国上市公司资本结构与绩效整体呈负相关;考虑内生性基础上,资本结构对绩效的负面影响提高了;不同负债水平下,资本结构对绩效的影响存在显著差异,且负债水平越高,资本结构对公司绩效的影响越大;在不同成长性水平下,资本结构与绩效都是负相关的,且成长性越低负面影响越大。  相似文献   

Recent Nobel Prizes to Akerlof, Spence, and Stiglitz motivate this review of basic concepts and empirical evidence on information asymmetry and the choice of debt vs. equity. We first review the literature that holds investment fixed. Then we review capital structure issues related to the adverse investment selection problem of Myers–Majluf. Finally, we discuss the timing hypothesis of capital structure. Empirical studies do not consistently support one theory of capital structure under information asymmetry over the others. Thus, the review suggests that additional theoretical contributions are needed to help understand and explain findings in the empirical literature.  相似文献   

This paper shows that the choice of a capital structure by a firm affects the bargaining posture of its shareholders vis-a-vis its suppliers of specialized production factors. The pricing of the firm's securities and the choice of a capital structure are analyzed in light of this effect of debt financing.  相似文献   

This paper is designed to provide additional evidence on the positive theory of accounting policy choice by combining individual accounting principles into firm income strategies. These strategies were the dependent variable in a probit analysis where the independent variables were size, management compensation, industry concentration ratio, systematic risk, capital intensity and the total debt to total asset ratio. The results indicate that four of these factors (size, management compensation, concentration ratio, and the total debt to total asset ratio) have a significant association with the choice of a firm's income strategy. This test provides strong evidence consistent with the positive theory of accounting standard setting/choice. We also present evidence that smaller firms and/or firms in less concentrated industries do not appear to make accounting policy choice decisions that are consistent with this theory.  相似文献   

This paper synthesizes the theoretical underpinnings of tournament models, reviews the extant empirical literature on the determinants and consequences of tournament incentives, critiques the findings and offers suggestions for future research. We synthesize findings from 63 empirical papers and find that several firm-level fundamental and corporate governance variables affect the structure of corporate tournaments. Our review of the consequences of tournament structure reveals that tournaments affect financial reporting and auditing as well as firm-level operational and capital market-based outcomes. This review reveals that the existing accounting and finance literature lacks a strong justification for why one theory rather than another is favored. Moreover, based on potential problems that may exist in empirical models, this review also offers some methodological implications for empirical tournament studies.  相似文献   

This paper advances expressions for the firm's valuation and cost of capital as a function of leverage. The framework is arrived at by introducing leverage in Dempsey's (1996 and 1998) cost of capital framework and is applicable in the context of both classical and imputation tax systems. The framework reveals that both the historical stability of corporate leverage and the firm's choice of financing structure as revealed by the Pecking Order hypothesis are consistent with a tax-based explanation.  相似文献   

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