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在资本市场企业并购重组活跃环境下,内幕交易这一资本市场"痼疾"不断呈现出新动向,如行为加剧化、主体多元化等.内幕交易新动向的法律成因主要在于现行法律法规对内幕交易规制的缺陷,即内幕交易法律责任的不力、内幕信息认定标准的不足、内幕交易取证的不易以及上市公司内部控制信息披露机制的不健全.因此,应立足于这些缺陷,完善内幕交易的法律规制,以维护资本市场的健康发展.  相似文献   

内部人交易一直是资本市场监管的重点和难点,如何有效实施内部人监管,保护投资者利益不受侵害,维护资本市场"三公"原则,已成为现阶段亟待解决的重要问题。本文采用我国沪深两市A股上市公司2008~2013年间内部人交易数据检验了分析师跟踪对内部人交易收益的影响,实证结果表明:(1)内部人交易获利能力随着分析师跟踪数量的增加有所下降;(2)股权结构会影响分析师外部治理功能的发挥,国有控股和机构投资者持股显著削弱了分析师跟踪与内部人交易收益之间的负相关关系。本文的研究对于充分认识分析师跟踪的外部治理效应、强化内部人交易监管具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

内部人交易一直是资本市场监管的重点和难点,如何有效实施内部人监管,保护投资者利益不受侵害,维护资本市场"三公"原则,已成为现阶段亟待解决的重要问题。本文采用我国沪深两市A股上市公司2008~2013年间内部人交易数据检验了分析师跟踪对内部人交易收益的影响,实证结果表明:(1)内部人交易获利能力随着分析师跟踪数量的增加有所下降;(2)股权结构会影响分析师外部治理功能的发挥,国有控股和机构投资者持股显著削弱了分析师跟踪与内部人交易收益之间的负相关关系。本文的研究对于充分认识分析师跟踪的外部治理效应、强化内部人交易监管具有重要的理论价值与现实意义。  相似文献   

上市公司内部人亲属股票交易行为研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国的《证券法》等法律法规禁止内部人短线交易,并设置了内部人禁止股票买卖的敏感期,但内部人亲属不受此限制。本文对深圳证券交易所2007年5月至2010年5月的内部人亲属股票交易数据分析发现:(1)上市公司的内部人亲属对内部人任职企业的股票交易次数已经远远多于内部人自身的交易次数;(2)内部人亲属的交易存在很多的短线交易行为与敏感期交易行为;(3)内部人亲属股票交易整体而言能够获得超额收益;(4)短线交易与敏感期交易有助于内部人亲属获得超额收益;(5)董事长或总经理的亲属获得的收益比其他内部人亲属更高。据此,本文认为证券交易监管机构需要关注内部人亲属股票交易行为,尤其警惕内部人亲属交易可能成为规避内部人交易管制的替代方式。  相似文献   

国务院办公厅于转发《关于依法打击和防控资本市场内幕交易的意见》至证监会、公安部、监察部、国资委、预防腐败局,要求多部委联合出手依法打击和防控资本市场内幕交易,维护市场秩序,保护投资者合法权益,促进我国资本市场稳定健康发展。证监会也将抓紧出台《上市公司监督管理条例》,推动改进完善相关司法制度,完善内幕交易行为认定和举证规则,积极探索内幕交易举报奖励制度。严打内幕交易又将掀起新一轮高潮。  相似文献   

在证券交易活动中,内幕交易行为时有出现,而且在资本市场企业并购重组活跃环境下,内幕交易不断呈现出新的态势.该行为不仅损害广大投资者的正当利益,而且严重违背证券市场公开、公平、公正的原则,破坏了证券市场的正常交易秩序.故而,我们必须要认清内幕交易的现状,发现并立足于现有防范措施存在的缺陷,完善内幕交易的法律规制,以维护资本市场的健康发展.  相似文献   

维农 《时代金融》2012,(4):46-49
<正>随着我国资本市场快速发展,证券期货交易活动日趋活跃,内幕交易、泄露内幕信息等违法犯罪活动呈易发多发态势,严重扰乱资本和证券市场运行秩序,损害广大投资者和上市公司的合法权益,成为人民群众反映强烈的热点问题。近来,自证监会表示了对内幕交易和证券期货犯罪坚持零容  相似文献   

李善民  杨楠  黄志宏 《金融研究》2023,511(1):169-187
并购重组中基于内幕信息的知情交易行为既是监管重点,也是学术界关注的热点问题。本文以2006—2020年我国上市公司并购重组事件为样本,考察并购重组前的知情交易行为对并购公告收益的影响。研究发现:并购重组前的知情交易行为引发了主并公司股价的提前反应,从而降低了并购公告时的市场反应,这一现象是由内幕信息泄露引起,且内幕信息主要来源于包括员工在内的公司内部人,而非机构投资者。进一步分析表明,改善信息环境可以有效缓解并购重组的信息泄露问题,体现为知情购买交易的信息泄露效应受到分析师跟踪、审计质量和问询函制度的有效制约。本文研究深化了现有的并购重组内幕交易行为研究,为实施精准监管和防范内幕交易等政策提供了一定参考和依据。  相似文献   

谭磊 《新疆金融》2004,(2):22-26
内幕交易(Inside Trading).又称内部人交易或知情交易,是指掌握公开发行有价证券企业未公开的,可以影响证券价格的重要信息的人,直接或间接地利用该信息进行证券交易,以获取利益或减少损失的行为。内幕交易行为严重破坏证券市场的秩序,动摇投资者的信心,必须用法律加以规制。  相似文献   

史欣媛 《南方金融》2015,(3):82-89,102
投资者保护是维护证券市场健康、稳健运行的重要基础,然而世界各国频发的"乌龙指"事件令投资者屡受重创。"光大8?16事件"作为我国"乌龙指"事件的典型案例,暴露出我国对于"乌龙指"事件的投资者保护机制存在严重不足,内幕交易法律规制、证券机构内控机制、投资者补偿机制以及投资者救济制度等均存在诸多弊端。域外立法对于"乌龙指"事件大多确立了较为完善的投资者保护体系,其实践经验值得我国借鉴。我国应重点加强包括内幕交易法律规制、证券机构内控机制、多项基金并存的补偿机制和多元化纠纷解决机制在内的投资者保护制度建设,为"乌龙指"事件中的投资者合法权益提供保障。  相似文献   

Many previous studies on insider trading are based ondata in the U.S. capital market and conclude thatinsiders can earn abnormal profits. This paperexamines abnormal price performance associated withinsider trading in the Hong Kong stock market. We findthat abnormal profits associated with insider tradingare all concentrated on small firms. Trading volumedoes matter in determining the magnitude of thoseabnormal profits. Our results show that insiders ofmedium-sized and large firms do not earn abnormalprofits. Finally, it is found that outsiders who mimicthe information of insider trades associated withmedium-sized and large firms cannot earn abnormalprofits.  相似文献   

This study systematically examines the ability of aggregate insider trading to predict future market returns in the Chinese A-share market. After controlling for the contrarian investment strategy, aggregate executive(large shareholder)trading conducted over the past six months can predict 66%(72.7%) of market returns twelve months in advance. Aggregate insider trading predicts future market returns very accurately and is stronger for insiders who have a greater information advantage(e.g., executives and controlling shareholders).Corporate governance also affects the predictability of insider trading. The predictability of executive trading is weakest in central state-owned companies,probably because the "quasi-official" status of the executives in those companies effectively curbs their incentives to benefit from insider trading.The predictive power of large shareholder trading in private-owned companies is higher than that in state-owned companies, probably due to their stronger profit motivation and higher involvement in business operations. This study complements the literature by examining an emerging market and investigating how the institutional context and corporate governance affect insider trading.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Until October 2004, corporate insiders in Germany were required to report trades in the shares of their firm 'without delay'. Yet in practice, substantial reporting delays were common. We show that the delays are related systematically to the characteristics of the firm. Delays are longer in firms with dispersed ownership and in firms using German accounting standards. This suggests that managers of these firms are less responsive to the informational requirements of the capital market. We further find that abnormal returns after the reporting date of an insider trade are independent of the reporting delay. This implies that prices are distorted in the period between the insider trading and the reporting date. This is a strong point in favour of regulations that require and enforce the immediate disclosure of insider trades.  相似文献   

Our study examines the relation between insider trading and corporate information transparency. We find a negative relation between firms’ information transparency and the economic significance of insider trading, including the amount of insider purchase and sale and the profitability of insider transactions. We also find a negative relation between information transparency and stock price reaction to news of insider trading, which suggests that increases in information transparency preempt insiders’ private information. Our study provides evidence consistent with firms’ transparency-enhancing activities decreasing information asymmetry between insiders and investors by revealing insiders’ private information to investors in a timely manner.  相似文献   

This paper examines the behaviour and information content of insiders’ trades before and after the credit crunch and, in particular, examines the extent to which some insiders anticipated the market crash and took action to protect their positions. In part, the market crash was brought about by the excessive borrowing of financial institutions. Our results point to the view that a number of insiders, primarily directors, were aware that the excessive use of leverage by financial institutions would ultimately have a detrimental impact on the economy. These insiders acted by selling their shares prior to the market collapse and subsequently buying them back at a lower price. Supportive evidence for the above view is provided through both graphical evidence and regression analysis. In particular, we demonstrate a link between insider behaviour and the rapid decline in share values. Further evidence is also provided of a link between insider behaviour and future risk as measured by the CDS premium. In short, we argue that this selling was not motivated by liquidity or other contrarian strategies but was a result of understanding how higher levels of leverage and excessive trading in new risky derivatives could lead to higher levels of risk, an insight possessed only by a subset of insiders.  相似文献   

We investigate the role of internal corporate governance in limiting opportunities for ASX company ‘insiders’ to extract abnormal returns from trading ‘own shares’. We show that stronger governance translates into more restrictive insider trading policies and, while not resulting in lower insider purchase volumes, values or profits, it does reduce insider selling profitability. Firm size and increasing trading policy restrictiveness is associated with reduced insider purchase profitability while insider sale profitability is reduced by aggregate governance, trading restrictions and increasing trading policy restrictiveness. We conclude that internal firm governance constrains insider sales but not purchases, providing contrarian trading signals.  相似文献   

In this paper we test whether a secondary dissemination of information affects stock prices. We examine stock price reactions to the publication of the “Insider Trading Spotlight”(ITS) column in the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). Since insider trades reported in the ITS column are initially disclosed to the public when insiders’ reports are filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the information contained in the WSJ is a secondary dissemination. Around the WSJ publication day, we find significant abnormal stock performance accompanied by a significant increase in trading volume. Our evidence suggests that a secondary dissemination of information can affect stock prices if the initial public disclosure attracts only limited attention by the market. In addition, we document how insider trading information is conveyed to the market.  相似文献   

近年来内幕交易案件频发,无论是"杭萧钢构案",还是"上海祖龙内幕交易案"都在司法认定方面引起了理论和实务界的较大争议。这充分表明,在认定内幕交易罪的司法实践中仍然存在很多待解的难题。只有在对这些司法难题进行深入剖析的基础上,重构内幕信息的认定标准、改善内幕交易行为的取证路径、强化内幕交易的执法力度、完善机制设计,才能破解司法难题,维护证券市场的公平公正,保障证券法律法规得以遵守和执行。  相似文献   

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