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慈善捐赠是国民收入的第三次分配,对于解决收入分配不公、增进全社会福利、促进和谐社会发展具有重要作用.税收激励政策是推动慈善捐赠事业发展的重要手段.近年来,我国慈善事业的法治化、专业化和体系化程度不断提高,但个人慈善捐赠的发展程度落后于发达国家,税收激励政策体系存在着税收扣除比例较低、一刀切式的税收扣除方式不科学、公益慈善组织取得税收优惠资格的门槛较高、捐赠非货币性财产的税收激励政策不明确等问题.未来个人慈善捐赠税收激励政策体系的优化应围绕尊重捐赠者意愿和降低捐赠成本进行,不断扩大税收优惠的范围,使个人捐赠成为我国慈善捐赠事业发展的推动力量.  相似文献   

李慧 《税务研究》2020,(4):123-126
本文通过梳理我国现存公益性捐赠的基本税收优惠政策、突发事件及特别事项税收优惠政策、新冠肺炎疫情下新出台的公益性捐赠税收优惠政策,发现现有公益性捐赠税收优惠政策体系存在缺乏稳定性和系统性、符合税前扣除资格的公益性组织偏少、限额扣除比例低且超额捐赠结转年限短等问题。有鉴于此,本文结合我国国情提出了完善公益性捐赠法律法规及配套的税收激励政策、建立科学的公益性捐赠税前扣除制度等促进公益性捐赠的建议。  相似文献   

当今,通过鼓励企业捐赠来促进慈善事业的发展已成为众多国家积极采用的方法。本文通过对我国慈善事业的现行的税收激励政策和存在的不足进行分析,对税前可扣除比例、税收激励政策的程序简化等方面进行深入研究,提出了相应的改进措施,为我国慈善事业的税收激励政策评估与体制健全提供参考。  相似文献   

收入分配差距的迅速扩大是我国面临的一个严重社会问题,作为第三次收入分配的重要组成,我国的个人慈善捐赠水平较低,没有起到公平收入分配的作用。本文对我国有关个人慈善捐赠的税收激励政策存在的问题进行了分析,并提出完善对策。  相似文献   

个人捐赠具有正外部性属性,相关税收法律制度存在税收优惠程序较严、税收优惠比例较低、税收优惠专门立法缺失等问题。根据正外部性内部化的基本原理,应该在制定实物抵扣具体办法、提高捐赠优惠比例、允许递延抵扣、简化税收优惠手续等方面完善个人捐赠税收优惠制度;同时从建立纳税人编码制度和信用等级制度、遗产税和赠与税制度及个人捐赠税收优惠权利保障制度等方面建立个人捐赠的税收优惠辅助制度,从而最大限度地激励个人捐赠的积极性。  相似文献   

新冠肺炎疫情从武汉向全国的蔓延,对宏观经济、相关行业和经济活动主体都产生了严重影响.既有财税政策主要作用于鼓励防护救治、增加物资供应、促进公益捐赠和激励复工复产等方面,但在税收优惠政策的适用范围、政府与社会成员在税收领域的协商互动以及政府间事权与支出责任的划分等方面仍存在局限.未来的改革应进一步调整财政支出结构,提高财政资金使用效率,完善税收优惠政策,明确社会成员个体的权利以及各级政府的财政事权与支出责任.  相似文献   

诸子 《湖南地税》2008,(3):10-12
公益、救济性质的捐赠的直接受惠者是社会上的弱势群体或科研、文化等社会公益事业。因此,如何在税收上进行扶持,备受社会各界关注。国家税收在对待公益捐赠问题上经过多年的发展,已有一系列的税收优惠政策,特别是近年来,又对相关政策进一步进行了调整,进一步扩大了捐赠的税收优惠范围和额度,应该说,起到了很好的导向作用。在“5·12”四川汶川大地震后,引发了一轮爱心捐赠的热潮,公益捐赠的税收优惠政策也因此引人注目。本刊编辑部组织一组文章时此表示关注。  相似文献   

涂玉玲 《新会计》2022,(2):22-25
在目前我国税收体系下,非货币性资产捐赠机制存在弊端,致使其未能充分发挥应有的税收激励作用.针对这些问题,本文从立法层面提出了相关建议,统一公益性捐赠税收优惠立法规范,扩大受赠主体和受赠方式,以进一步激励非货币性资产捐赠,并重点在实践操作层面借鉴美国的经验,提出具体完善非货币性资产价值认定制度的主张,从捐赠价值的计量方式...  相似文献   

我国现行企业所得税对企业公益性捐赠执行税前限额扣除,很大程度上发挥了激励企业公益捐赠的效应。但随着公益事业的发展,对企业公益捐赠的税收优惠力度还需加大。本文建议:调整非货币性捐赠企业所得税应纳税所得额税前扣除计税基数;在企业将货物等用于公益性捐赠时应执行税收优惠政策,免征增值税、消费税、营业税。  相似文献   

本文基于企业慈善捐赠动机以及慈善捐赠企业所得税收优惠激励机理分析,针对企业所得税制度影响我国企业慈善捐赠规模和倾向的问题,提出扩大享受税前扣除的捐赠范围、适当扩展结转年度限制、试行差异扣除比例、扩大享受税前扣除资格的慈善组织范围等促进我国企业慈善捐赠的所得税税收优惠政策。  相似文献   

姚凤民  陆帆 《财政科学》2021,(3):36-43,72
公益性捐赠税前扣除对于促进重大突发公共卫生事件中的公益性捐赠有着重要作用.新冠疫情期间,国家从扣除比例、捐款程序、发票等方面放宽了公益性捐赠税前扣除的限制,有效激励了疫情期间的公益性捐赠.但仍然存在捐赠品界定不合理、不清晰,税收优惠集中于疫中支持,税收优惠缺乏稳定法律法规体系等问题.本文通过借鉴美国相关经验,提出了我国重大突发公共卫生事件中公益性捐赠个税扣除体系构建思路.  相似文献   

企业慈善捐赠能促进社会财富的第三次分配,弥补政府职能的缺位,是企业承担社会责任的主要形式。慈善事业的蓬勃发展,需要完善的捐赠税收优惠制度予以支持和引导。《中共中央关于全面深化改革若干重大问题的决定》提出“完善慈善捐助减免税制度”,应当从捐赠税收优惠制度的形式优化,实行据实扣除和限额扣除相搭配的税前扣除方式,构建非货币性财产捐赠评估规则,扩大捐赠税前扣除资格保有组织数量等方面完善激励性制度安排,同时从企业捐赠税收优惠监督机制的重构方面完善约束性制度安排。  相似文献   

In this paper, we study by means of a framed field experiment on a representative sample of the population the effect on people’s charitable giving of three, substantial and procedural, elements: information provision, belief elicitation and threshold on distribution. We frame this investigation within the 5X1000 tax scheme, a mechanism through which Italian taxpayers may choose to give a small proportion (0.5%) of their income tax to a voluntary organization to fund its activities. We find two main results: (i) providing information or eliciting beliefs about previous donations increases the likelihood of a donation, while thresholds have no effect; (ii) information about previous funding increases donations to organizations that received fewer donations in the past, while belief elicitation also increases donations to organizations that received most donations in the past, since individuals are more likely to donate to the organizations they rank first.  相似文献   

企业所得税优惠政策分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
税收优惠作为一把双刃剑,在一国宏观调控体系中占有重要地位。本文分析主要优惠方法,进而就企业所得税收优惠政策的几个问题进行了较深入的讨论,使我们对税收优惠的认识更加清晰明确。  相似文献   

以我国2014 ~2020年A股上市公司为样本,利用手工搜集整理的独特数据,获取了上市公司实际享受的税率优惠、加计扣除、加速折旧摊销的金额,并以此为基础检验不同税收优惠方式对企业研发投入的激励效应.实证结果表明,税率优惠、加计扣除、加速折旧摊销这三种税收优惠方式都能激励企业加大研发投入,三种税收优惠方式对研发投入的激励...  相似文献   

薛薇 《涉外税务》2007,(8):22-27
不同税制模式和个人所得税征税方式对养老金计划的影响不同,而养老金计划的个人所得税政策如何定位又主要取决于公共政策对储蓄以及不同储蓄形式的态度。比较国际实践,从税制模式、储蓄传统和长期资产管理来看,我国公共政策不需要鼓励养老金储蓄,但从金融体系的稳定和长远发展来看,又需要对养老金储蓄形式给予一定的鼓励。因此,我国个人所得税政策应该对其给予适当税收激励,但不需要很大力度。考虑到我国分类征收的个人所得税制,本文认为,我国个人所得税对养老金计划应该采取TEE模式(养老金缴款不允许税前扣除、对未支付的资本收益或资本利得不征税、对领取的全部养老金收入不征税)。  相似文献   

We study the impact of public good spillovers on tax competition between two imperfectly integrated countries with different levels of productivity. We show that international public good spillovers, by reducing the tax gap between countries, strengthen the agglomeration of firms in the most productive country. Then we carry on a welfare analysis. We first assume that governments are engaged in a redistributive tax policy. At the non-cooperative equilibrium, the tax level in the high-productivity country is inefficiently high while it is inefficiently low in the other country. A different conclusion emerges when tax revenues are recycled in a public good provision: taxes are inefficiently low in both countries and public good spillovers increase the global welfare. Finally, for a given amount of total tax revenues, public good provision in the high-productivity country is inefficiently high compared to its level in the low-productivity country.  相似文献   

妥当定位公司慈善捐赠中董事的行为规则,是解决公司慈善捐赠活动中各种利益冲突的关键.客观上公司慈善捐赠会增进社会公共利益,但董事决策公司慈善捐赠的行为目标却应该与董事在公司治理中的职责相一致,即促进公司利益最大化.公司慈善捐赠中董事需对公司承担忠实义务和勤勉义务,以公司利益为自己的行为准则,竭力通过捐赠促进公司长期与短期利益的最大化.  相似文献   

This paper examines optimal cooperative and non-cooperative environmental taxes for the case in which a polluting input is used to produce an internationally-traded finished product. The model allows for terms-of-trade effects under oligopoly and employs a general specification of the environmental damage function that encompasses special cases of local, global, and transboundary externalities. The model has several implications for public finance. For example, inefficiently high environmental taxes may be optimal for a net exporting country in non-cooperative circumstances, as the motive to shift rent by selecting an inefficiently low tax rate is countervailed by the incentive to shift the burden of the tax to foreign consumers. The findings identify the important role of asymmetric trade flows (denominated in both goods and pollution exchange) in determining optimal cooperative and non-cooperative tax policy under oligopoly.  相似文献   

We examine the effects that two accounting measures of nonprofit organization (NPO) inefficiency, administrative inefficiency and donation price, have on donations to US NPOs using a better-specified model and industry-specific samples. Although numerous studies examine the effect that donation price has on donations (e.g., Marudas and Jacobs, 2006 ; Marudas, 2004 ; Khanna and Sandler, 2000 ; and Tinkelman, 1999 ), only three studies examine the effect of administrative inefficiency on donations ( Tinkelman and Mankaney, 2007 ; Frumkin and Kim, 2001 ; and Greenlee and Brown, 1999 ). However, none of these studies tests donation price and administrative inefficiency in one model and only two test industry-specific samples of NPOs. We find that misspecifying the model by including only one of these two inefficiency measures creates substantial bias and the effect of administrative inefficiency on donations varies substantially across industries. Administrative inefficiency has a significantly negative effect on donations to NPOs in the full sample and the philanthropy sample, but no significant effect on donations to NPOs in the arts, education, health, or human services samples. Furthermore, donation price has a significantly negative effect on donations to NPOs in the full sample and the education, health and human services samples, but not in the arts or philanthropy samples. Results are also reported for the other variables in the model – government support, program service revenue, fundraising and organizational age, wealth and size.  相似文献   

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