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丁曼华 《财政监督》2011,(11):42-43
高职院校预算能力建设是学校内部管理的基本方面,治理即预算。在编制预算的过程中。要把人员预算放在更加突出的位置,和收入预算一起作为预算编制的基本起点,这也是能够实现全员预算的基本环节。同时,高职院校预算和外部制度的不协调也只能通过预算编制的细化加以解决。  相似文献   

一、政府采购预算管理存在的问题 (一)预算编制改革滞后于财政改革,而且政府采购预算与部门预算没有同步。虽然目前财政部门规定了预算单位必须制定滚动预算和部门预算,但预算的编制仍未得到细化,预算编制中还存在不同程度争盘子抢资金的现象,由于政府采购预算的编制建立在总的预算编制之上,所以也是粗放型的,  相似文献   

以预算编审分离、细化预算编制为主要内容的预算改革,经过五年的不断完善,基本完成了从传统的功能预算到部门预算、从单纯的一般预算到综合预算、从“基数加增长”的预算方法到零基预算、从粗放预算到细化预算的转变。本文着重谈谈进一步深化改革的思路。一、进一步强化部门的预算观念,增强预算的约束力。一方面,通过规范预算编制管理和延长预算编制时间等方式,使预算编报和安排尽可能满足部门基本需求和事业发展的刚性支出需求。2006年度预算编制布置工作提前,给预算编制各环节都留下了充分的  相似文献   

零基预算是部门预算的主要编制模式,它从真实需求出发来确定支出预算。预算编制松弛是在编制支出预算时,有意高估支出,将支出预算确定在真实需求之上。本文基于部门预算的实证研究,从零基预算对预算编制松弛是否有显著影响这个角度,检验零基预算方法是否真正发挥作用。根据样本数据分析发现,零基预算对预算编制松弛无显著抑制作用,这个结果表明,我国的零基预算并未发挥其预期作用,部门预算改革还任重道远。  相似文献   

郭洁  熊嫦华  李兰芝 《会计师》2019,(16):61-62
财务预算是高校财务管理工作的重点,近年来,高校不断加强预算改革力度,但目前,高校的财务预算编制仍然存在一定的问题,并未在真正意义上解决"两张皮"的问题。本文认为,提高高校的财务预算编制质量,重点是落实好部门预算与校内预算之间的衔接工作。通过分析高校部门预算与校内预算衔接存在的问题,本文探讨了提高高校财务预算编制质量的对策,即改进高校的预算编制程序,切实做到财务资金的合理调配、编制进程的有条不紊;加强预算执行的管理力度,强化财政预算刚性约束;积极推进预算编制信息化建设,提高预算编制效率,以期对高校的财务管理提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

本文主要谈论了全面预算编制的相关内容.本文在阐明全面预算涵义的基础上,重点说明了全面预算的编制流程.本文通过国有企业M公司的预算编制案例,阐明了全面预算的编制程序;进而对案例进行了分析,阐明了全面预算编制过程中的注意事项及解决方法  相似文献   

近年来,湖北省武汉市财政局加快推进预算管理改革,以预算编制和执行为突破口,力求破解编制细化难、零基预算难、刚性约束难、预算执行难,以提高财政管理的针对性、规范性和准确性。1.实行预算分类管理,破解预算细化难,提高年初预算到位率。改变原来收入按类别、支出按功能编制预算为主的单一预算编制方式,将各类财政资金逐步纳入预算编制体系,编制财政总预算和财  相似文献   

预算编制的时间过短,影响了编制质量,给人大监督带来难度。我国的预算编制实际上只有两、三个月的时间,为保证在规定的时间内上报总预算,各级政府不得不走过场,粗略编制本级预算,甚至层层代编,造成预算草案编制不科学、甚至脱离实际。这给人大监督带来困难。  相似文献   

《预算法》的修订对编制部门预算工作的科学性、规范性、有效性以及完整性都提出了更高的要求,按照新《预算法》的要求进行工作,有助于促进编制部门预算的改进与规范化。本文以南宁市为例,分析了修订后《预算法》的工作重点,并对新《预算法》下,编制部门预算工作中所呈现出来的亮点进行了分析,希望能为预算编制相关工作人员提供参考。  相似文献   

丁曼华 《财政监督》2011,(32):42-43
高职院校预算能力建设是学校内部管理的基本方面,治理即预算。在编制预算的过程中,要把人员预算放在更加突出的位置,和收入预算一起作为预算编制的基本起点,这也是能够实现全员预算的基本环节。同时,高职院校预算和外部制度的不协调也只能通过预算编制的细化加以解决。  相似文献   

We examine whether investors can exploit financial statement information to identify companies with a greater likelihood of future earnings increases and whether stocks of those companies generate 1-year abnormal returns that exceed the abnormal returns from following analysts’ consensus recommendations. Our approach summarizes financial statement information into a “predicted earnings increase score,” which captures the likelihood of 1-year-ahead earnings increases. We find that, within our sample of consensus recommendations, stocks with high scores are much more likely to experience future earnings increases than stocks with low scores. A hedge portfolio strategy that utilizes our approach within each consensus recommendation level generates average annual abnormal returns of 10.9 percent over our 12-year sample period, after controlling for previously identified risk factors. These abnormal returns exceed those available from following analysts’ consensus recommendations. Our results show that share prices and consensus recommendations fail to impound financial statement information that helps predict future earnings changes.  相似文献   

This paper explores the role of budgeting in the context of the more flexible modes of management required in conditions of uncertainty. It contributes to the growing literature on the tensions between the need to meet specified financial targets, as expressed in budgets, and the need for more flexible and innovative forms of managing prompted by heightened market volatility and rapid rates of technological change. Drawing on case study evidence, the paper introduces the notion of “continuous budgeting” to highlight the ways in which one organization sought to reconcile these potentially conflicting objectives. By integrating different uses of budgeting with other management controls, the processes of “continuous budgeting” encouraged managers to use their discretion in operational matters when confronted by unexpected events. Consequently, it enabled managers to prioritise, as necessary, the revision of plans and reallocation of resources in order to meet wider strategic organizational objectives. As well as empowering managers, “continuous budgeting” also imposed strict accountabilities to ensure that managers remained committed to achieving their own and the organization’s financial targets. Thus far from being an obstacle, budgeting contributed effectively to both the flexibility and the financial discipline required for effective strategy implementation.  相似文献   

Despite recent regulatory concerns regarding off-balance sheet financing, and concerns about lease accounting in particular, relatively little is known about how financial statement users view lease transaction structuring compared to other forms of earnings management. We examine sell-side financial statement analysts’ views on lease transaction structuring and its impact on their assessments of management credibility. Although operating leases often act as the prototypical example of transaction structuring, survey responses suggest that lease structuring and related voluntary reconciliations do not raise the same concerns for analysts as do other earnings management activities (which lower analysts’ perceptions of management credibility). Our findings are consistent with prior research demonstrating that, with precise accounting standards, managers are more likely to attempt earnings management by structuring transactions, but auditors are also less likely to adjust such attempts, and suggest that financial statement users may also be less concerned with transaction structuring than with other forms of earnings management.  相似文献   

We build an articulating financial statements model in which the beginning and ending balance sheet amounts are explicitly linked to accruals. We distinguish accruals based on the source financial statement of the accruals, either the cash flow statement, balance sheet, or statement of owners’ equity. We then examine how the accrual-generating source affects the relations between accruals and future earnings and stock returns. While prior studies document a negative association between accruals and future earnings and returns, we find accruals relating to the current operating section of the balance sheet are positively associated with future earnings. Further, accruals originating from net financial asset via the statement of owners’ equity are positively associated with future returns. We also show that equity investment and discontinued asset accruals differ from operating asset accruals in their association with future earnings.  相似文献   

Valuation theory, investment managers, financial analysts, and textbooks advocating horizontal financial statement analysis suggest that the change in earnings growth (earnings acceleration) conveys value relevant information. We test this assertion using a large sample of U.S. firms. Results from cross-sectional short-window (around earnings announcements) and long-window (annual) returns-earnings regressions reveal a strong association between contemporaneous returns and earnings acceleration after controlling for earnings levels and changes. Moreover, earnings acceleration is useful in predicting future earnings, and financial analysts appear to use the information in earnings acceleration in addition to earnings levels and changes in revising their forecasts. Furthermore, earnings acceleration conveys information incremental to that provided by changes in analysts’ forecasts of long-term earnings growth. This study extends the empirical returns-earnings model that includes only earnings levels and changes and shows that more useful information can be extracted from reported earnings numbers than has been previously documented.  相似文献   

This study examines the empirical relation between a three-way classification of corporate ownership structure and earnings management through the use of extraordinary item (EI) reporting. The EI reporting decisions examined are those made during 1960-1966, a time period when US reporting standards allowed considerable management discretion with respect to both the classification of EIs and their placement in the financial statements (i.e., income. versus retained earnings statement). Overall, the results provide strong support for income-increasing behavior by non-owner managers. Importantly, the results also suggest that the three-way ownership classification scheme used in this study is superior to the dichotomous owner-controlled/managercontrolled classification typically used in accounting studies.  相似文献   

We investigate the manager’s earnings forecasting strategy when financial statement complexity becomes a significant issue in capital markets. We suppose that complexity in financial statements arises from complexity of firm’s business transactions (business complexity) or complexity of associated reporting standards (reporting complexity) as mentioned in Guay et al. (2016). We find that a manager’s forecasting strategy depends on whether financial statement complexity stems from business or reporting complexity. Specifically, we indicate, among other observations, that managers who initially announced optimistic earnings forecasts will revise and release pessimistic earnings forecasts when financial statement complexity stems from reporting complexity.  相似文献   

This study examines the relation between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm behavior to misclassify core expenses as special items in the income statement to inflate core earnings (i.e., classification shifting). We find that firms with good CSR performance (high-CSR firms) are less likely to engage in classification shifting than firms with poor CSR performance (low-CSR firms). We also find that high-CSR firms engage in less classification shifting even when they have greater incentives to meet earnings benchmarks. Overall, our results are consistent with the notion that socially responsible firms behave ethically in financial reporting.  相似文献   

Because investors and creditors often compare the financial statements of similar or competing firms when deciding how to allocate their funds, it is likely that a firm's financial well-being depends on how well it performs relative to its rivals. In this paper, we consider the problem of earnings management as a non-cooperative game among several firms, in which each firm seeks a comparison advantage through its financial statement numbers. Our model indicates that firms may exaggerate their earnings in a world driven by multi-firm-comparisons simply because they expect other firms to do so. Thus, very little may be needed for earnings management to emerge in the Nash equilibrium. Our results hold under the following conditions. First, investors and creditors are not able to unravel the earnings management, thus ensuring that some information asymmetry remains. Second, investors and creditors make inter-firm comparisons when assessing firm value. Third, firms care about their own fundamental value as well as the market's perception about firm value. We also show that the equilibrium amount of earnings management depends on the characteristics of the earnings management technique itself and on the proportion of stockholders who are long-term investors in the firm.  相似文献   

This study benefits by a special feature of the UK information environment which allows UK firms to disclose non-GAAP earnings on the face of the income statement to examine two interrelated questions. First, we ask whether the decision to disclose non-GAAP earnings on the face of the income statement is related to the firm's financial performance and corporate governance characteristics, and second, we investigate the effect of this disclosure decision on market liquidity. Using a dataset of 1227 hand-collected firm-year observations during the period 2006–2013, we show that better governed firms and firms with weaker financial performance are more likely to disclose non-GAAP earnings. Our evidence also suggests that this disclosure is associated with increased levels of market liquidity and the results hold after controlling for self-selection bias. We conclude that firms' decision to disclose non-GAAP earnings on the face of the income statement is more consistent with the incentive to provide information than to mislead the market.  相似文献   

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